外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 10-Unit 1 We're going to different schools.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:2001a).zip

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M Mo od du ul le e1 10 0U Un ni it t1 1 WeWe areare goinggoing toto differentdifferent schools.schools. 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标:知识目标: 1.1. 学会单词:学会单词:middle,middle, middlemiddle school,school, speech,speech, classmate,classmate, leave,leave, September,September, excited,excited, Geography,Geography, time,time, speak,speak, little,little, keepkeep on,on, practise,practise, sometime,sometime, eacheach other.other. 2 2学会句型学会句型:We:We areare goinggoing toto leaveleave ourour primaryprimary schoolschool soonsoon andand startstart middlemiddle schoolschool thisthis September.September. ImIm veryvery sadsad toto saysay goodbyegoodbye toto you.you. werewere goinggoing toto differentdifferent schools.schools. 能力目标:能力目标: 能运用能运用 bebe goinggoing toto 描述自己的计划和将要发生的事情。描述自己的计划和将要发生的事情。 情感目标:情感目标: 学生毕业离别时要去新学校的感受学生毕业离别时要去新学校的感受, ,通过本课的学习,让同学之间互相通过本课的学习,让同学之间互相 友爱,珍惜友情。友爱,珍惜友情。 教学重点难点:教学重点难点: 1 1、识别单词:、识别单词:middlemiddle school,school, speech,speech, classmate,leave,September,excited,Geography,same,atclassmate,leave,September,excited,Geography,same,at thethe samesame time,speak,little,keeptime,speak,little,keep on,practise,sometime,eachon,practise,sometime,each other.other. 2 2、能运用、能运用 WeWe areare goinggoing toto 句型表达将要发生的事情。句型表达将要发生的事情。 3 3、语法:用一般将来时描述将要发生的事情和自己的计划。、语法:用一般将来时描述将要发生的事情和自己的计划。 教学准备:多媒体教学准备:多媒体 单词卡片单词卡片 自做板书自做板书 教学过程教学过程 Step1.Warm-upStep1.Warm-up 1.Greeting1.Greeting UseUse “Are“Are youyou happy?”happy?” extractextract newnew wordword “excited”“excited” andand teachteach it.it. 2.listen2.listen a a song.song. Step2.LeadStep2.Lead inin 1 1. .S Sh ho ow w a a p pr ri im ma ar ry y s sc ch ho oo ol l p pi ic ct tu ur re e a an nd d e ex xt tr ra ac ct t n ne ew w w wo or rd d “l le ea av ve e” “c cl la as ss sm ma at te e” “m mi id dd dl le e s sc ch ho oo ol l” “S Se ep pt te em mb be er r”. . 2 2. .S Sh ho ow w m mi id dd dl le e s sc ch ho oo ol l p pi ic ct tu ur re es s a an nd d a as sk k t th he e s st tu ud de en nt ts s : :W Wh hi ic ch h m mi id dd dl le e a ar re e y yo ou u g go oi in ng g t to o g go o ? ? T Th hr ro ou ug gh h t th he e s st tu ud de en nt ts s a an ns sw we er r e ex xt tr ra ac ct t t th he e t to op pi ic c“M Mo od du ul le e1 10 0U Un ni it t1 1 W We e a ar re e g go oi in ng g t to o d di if ff fe er re en nt t s sc ch ho oo ol ls s. .” S St te ep p3 3. .P Pr re es se en nt ti io on n WatchWatch thethe videovideo twotwo timestimes andand answeranswer twotwo questionsquestions Q Q 1:1: WhichWhich middlemiddle schoolschool isis SamSam goinggoing toto go?go? Q Q2 2: :W Wh hi ic ch h m mi id dd dl le e s sc ch ho oo ol l i is s D Da am mi in ng g g go oi in ng g t to o g go o? ? S St te ep p4 4. .N Ne ew w s st tr ru uc ct tu ur re es s l le ea ar rn ni in ng g 1.Watch1.Watch thethe videovideo andand answeranswer thethe question:question: WhatWhat isis LinglingLingling doing?doing? LinglingLingling isis makingmaking goodbyegoodbye speech.speech. TeachTeach “s sp pe ee ec ch h” 2.2.ListenListen part1part1 twotwo timestimes andand answeranswer “How“How doesdoes LinglingLingling feel?”feel?” 3.3.ListenListen part2part2 twotwo timestimes andand answeranswer “Why“Why isis LinglingLingling excited?”excited?” 4 4. .ListenListen part3part3 twotwo timestimes andand answer“answer“ WhyWhy isis LinglingLingling sad?”sad?” 5 5. .ListenListen part3part3 againagain andand putput thethe rightright answersanswers intointo thethe pumpkin.pumpkin. 6 6. .ListenListen andand readread thethe lastlast partpart andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks. MyMy deardear friends,friends, IllIll ( ( )you)you all.all. LetsLets ( ( )lots)lots of(of( ) ) toto ( ( ) ) ! ! WellWell always(always( ) ) . . ThankThank youyou .And.And goodbye!goodbye! 7.7.ListenListen toto thethe tapetape andand readread thethe text.text. S St te ep p5 5. .P Pr ra ac ct ti ic ce e 1 1. . L Le et t s st tu ud de en nt ts s l lo oo ok k a at t t th he e b bl la ac ck kb bo oa ar rd d a an nd d d de es sc cr ri ib be e t th he e m ma ai in n c co on nt te en nt t o of f t th hi is s t te ex xt t. .( (全全班班一一起起复复述述,个个别别复复述述) ) 2.2.L Le et t s st tu ud de en nt ts s w wr ri it te e t th he e g go oo od db by ye e s sp pe ee ec ch h b by y t th he em ms se el lv ve es s a an nd d r re ea ad d i it t o on n t th he e b bl la ac ck kb bo oa ar rd d. . T Th hr ro ou ug gh h l le ea ar rn n t th he e t te ex xt t a an nd d g ge et t t th he e s se en nt te en nc ce e: : CherishCherish thethe friendshipfriendship betweenbetween students.students. 珍惜同学之间的友谊。珍惜同学之间的友谊。 StudyStudy hardhard whereverwherever youyou are.are. 不论到哪里都要好好学习。不论到哪里都要好好学习。 S St te ep p6 6. .E Ex xp pl la an nd d UseUse bebe goinggoing toto toto writewrite downdown youryour summersummer holidayholiday plan.plan. Hello,Hello, ImIm . . ThisThis summersummer holiday,holiday, I I havehave a a plan.plan. I I mm goinggoing toto . S St te ep p7 7. .S Su um mm ma ar ry y S St te ep p8 8. .H Ho om me ew wo or rk k 1 1 . .R Re ea ad d t th he e w wo or rd ds s a an nd d t th he e p pa as ss sa ag ge e. . 2 2. .R Re ep pe ea at t t th he e t te ex xt t t to o y yo ou ur r p pa ar re en nt ts s. . B Bl la ac ck kb bo oa ar rd d d de es si ig gn n M Mo od du ul le e1 10 0U Un ni it t1 1 W We e a ar re e g go oi in ng g t to o d di if ff fe er re en nt t s sc ch ho oo ol ls s. . l le ea av ve e m mi id dd dl le e s sc ch ho oo ol l s st tu ud dy y C Ch hi in ne es se e, , E En ng gl li is sh h, , M Ma at th hs s, , H Hi is st to or ry y G Go oo og gr ra ap ph hy y e ex xc ci it te ed d l le ea ar rn n l lo ot ts s o of f n ne ew w t th hi in ng gs s i in n m mi id dd dl le e s sc ch ho oo ol l. . meetmeet newnew friendsfriends saysay goodbyegoodbye differentdifferent schoolsschools sadsad toto thethe UKUK newnew schoolschool happyhappy agoago speakspeak littlelittle ChineseChinese nownow speakspeak moremore practicingpracticing missmiss writewrite emailsemails willwill bebe friendsfriends
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