北师大版(三起)四上Unit 2 Shopping-lesson 1 How much is it -教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:401e2).doc

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北师大版(三起)四上Unit 2 Shopping-lesson 1 How much is it -教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:401e2).doc_第1页
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1、LessonLesson 22:22: AtAt thethe supermarketsupermarket 教学设计教学设计 一、学情分析: (一)学习者分析: 四年级学生活泼好动,善于模仿,乐于参与活动,喜欢积极表现自 我。思维以形象思维为主,主要是依靠直观的、具体的内容。他们的记忆 强度不大,注意力保持时间短,有一定的观察能力,他们需要的是能够与 他们“玩”到一起的老师,需要在趣中求学。经过一学年的学习,对英语 已有初步认知,少数学生有一些英语基础,因此教师要设计学生喜欢的活 动让每一个学生参与进来,更要充分利用好有基础的学生资源,让他们起 到配合,榜样的作用。 (二)学习内容分析: 本

2、节课 Jenny and Danny 跟随 Jennys mother 来到 supermarket.他 们要买一些蔬菜,tomato and potato,和一些 fruit.Danny 想买 candy, mother 告诉他,candy 对牙齿不好。最后他们使用了专门的 shopping bag. 二、教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读和书写词汇:tomato, potato, candy, bag 2. 能听懂、会说下列句子:Lets buy_. How about some fruit? (二)情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口。 (三)学习策略目标:注意倾听,积

3、极思考。 三、教学重点: 1. 词汇:tomato, potato, candy, bag 2. 句型:Lets buy_. How about some fruit? 四、教学难点:熟练运用所学进行交际交流。 五、教学过程: I.I. WarmWarm upup Greetings and review:How are you? What day is today? 出示图片,复习一些表示场所的单词: What is it? Its a _. Ask and answer: go to the park-fly a kite Go to the supermarket-buy some fo

4、od Go to the cinema-see a film . (此环节要让学生多说,教师只起引导作用即可)。 II.II. NewNew ConceptConcept 1.Whats this? 教师利用图片或卡片介绍四个词汇:tomato, potato, candy, bag 与学生讨论有关话题,将单词教学放入句子中进行。 Do you like tomatoes/ potatoes? Candy is sweet. Dont eat more. Candy isnt good for our teeth. I have a blue bag. Schoolbag, handbag.

5、Play a guessing game: 教师描述,学生以此猜测 what is it? 如: It is red. It is sweet and tastes really good. (tomato) When I buy things at the supermarket I use it. I put the things in it. (bag) Student book: listen to the tape, follow to read. 2. At the supermarket Student book: Look at the pictures. Where are

6、they? What do they want to buy? What does Danny want to buy? What do they use to carry the vegetables? Listen to the tape, try to find these answers. Answer the questions, then follow to read. Role play: 学生分角色读课文。 3. Lets do it! Pair work: Talk and write. III.III. Exercises:Exercises: 1. Say and write: 学生拿出纸和笔,画出自己喜欢和不喜欢的东西,并写下 来。如: I like _.I dont like _. 2. Activity book. V.V. Homework:Homework: 1. What do we learn from this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework:Read the text. Write the words . 板书设计: Lesson 22: At the supermarket Whats this?tomato. Itspotato. candy. bag.


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