广东版三年级上册Unit 1 Hello!-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:605ed).zip

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Unit 1 Hello! Im Monkey Lesson 5 Lets act (大声说出你所看到的小动物,并请模仿它的动作。 ) birdbird mousemouse Good morning Good afternoon Good evening! Good night! Just talk Lets have a role play a 三人合作,分别扮演爸爸,妈妈和Lisa,练习说Good evening。 b 三人合作,分别扮演爸爸,妈妈和Lisa,练习说Good night。 Lets play a game 同学们站成里外两圈,听音乐转圈,里圈向左转,外圈向右转, 每当音乐停止时,根据老师的提示,里外圈的同学面对面相互问候 Good morning. /Good afternoon. /Good evening./Good night./ 找朋友 当音乐停止时,根据老师的提示,请对你的同桌说Good morning. /Good afternoon. /Good evening./Good night./ Lets chant Good morning , Good morning , Dad , Dad ! Good afternoon , Good afternoon,Mum, Mum! Good evening, Good evening, Bird, Bird! Good night ,Good night ,Mouse, Mouse! 生活中,我们每位同学要尊重自己的师长和 同学。在家里,要对父母有礼貌。在外见到师长 和同学时,应主动问好,努力做一个有礼貌的好 孩子。 Summary Homework(作业): 晚上回到家,请对家人说Good evening!临睡觉前对家人说Good night. Good byeGood bye Unit 1 Hello Part B Lets learn 教案教案 教学目标:教学目标: 1、知识目标:能听、说、读、写单词 bag、pen、pencil box、book,并理解词义。 2、能力目标:学生能按照教师指令做相应动作。 3.情感目标:在活动中习得语言,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,教育 学生爱护文具。 教学重点:教学重点: 通过听听做做活动,让学生学习并应用所学的 bag、pen、pencil box、book 等单词,并按指令做动作。 教学难点:教学难点: 1、能按照教师指令做相应动作。 2、pencil box 的发音。 教具:教具: 实物:书包、钢笔、书本、铅笔盒、铅笔、尺子、蜡笔; CD- ROM。 教学方法:教学方法:语音教学法、游戏法、全身反应法。 教学过程教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sing a song :ABC song. T: Hello! Boys and girls. Lets sing a song. 2.Free talk T:Hello,Im miss Gu. Whats your name? Ss:My name is . Step 2 Revision 1. 复习单词 pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon。 T:Boys and girls,now lets play a guessing game .(PPT 挡住图片的一角 猜测物品)以达到复习上节课所学单词 pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon 的 目的。 2.Title I have a pencil. Ss: Me too.师趁势说 I also have a friend(PPT 出示 Zoom 的图片)引出课题, Look,This is my friend Zoom,Lets say hello to Zoom. Ss:Hello,Zoom. T:Today we are going to learn Unit 1 Hello part B lets learn. Step 3 Presentation 1. Teach the new word“bag”and the sentence“Carry your bag.” T:Zoom is going to school. He is very happy. He has a new bag. Now read after me bag.(语音教学法教授单词 bag)并教学句子 Carry your bag.(边做动作边教读) 2. Teach the new word“pen”and the sentence“Show me your pen.” T:OK,guess whats in his bag?(此时拿出一个书包给学生猜一猜) Look, whats this? Do you know the name? Its a pen.(语音教学法教授 单词 pen) now show me your pen.(边教边做动作,通过肢体语言帮助 学生理解 show 的意思。 3. Teach the new word“pencil box”and the sentence“Open your pencil box.” T: What else is in the bag? Can you guess? Its a pencil box. (语音教学法教授单词 pencil box)并引出句子 Open your pencil box (边教边做动作,通过肢体语言帮助学生理解 open 的意 思) 4. I say you do. (师说学生做) Show me your Open your Carry your 5. Teach the new word“book”and the sentence“Close your book .”T:There is a pen and a pencil box in Zooms bag and he has a book ,too. (语音教学法教授单词 book)并教学句子 “Close your book.” (边教边做动作,通过肢体语言帮助学生理解 close 的意思) Step 4 Practice 1.Play a game(PPT 出示拍手跺脚游戏巩固新学单词) T: Weve learn four words. Now, lets do some exercise. Are you ready? Go. 2. Lets read.(师带读一遍然后让学生齐读一遍) Carry your bag. Show me your pen. Open your pencil box. Close your book. 3.lets chant.(播放 CD 光碟里 lets do 环节的视频让学生跟着节奏 chant 起来。 4. Lets play(work in group) 学生 4 人小组合作,一人发指令,其余 3 人根据指令做出相对应的 动作,比一比看谁反应快。 5. Show time . 请若干小组上台表演出来。 Step 5 Sum up What did we learn in this lesson.(总结本节课所学重点知识) Step 6 Homework 1. Listen and repeat the text five times. 2. Copy the new words five times. 板书: Unit 1 Hello B.Lets learn Carry your bag. Show me your pen. Open your pencil box. Close your book.
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