广东版三年级上册Unit 2 My Classroom-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:120dc).zip

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    • chant.mp4
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    • 教案120dc.docx--点击预览
    • 歌曲.mp4
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Unit 2 My Classroom Lesson 2 try to read Whats this? Its a bag. try to red a, a, bag a, a, cat a, a, apple try to read And this? Its an eraser. Phonics e r, er, er , eraser e r, er, er , ruler e r, er, er , teacher Its an apple. Its an eraser. a an try to find apple Its an apple. a an try to find desk Its a desk. a an try to find elephant Its an elephant. a an try to find eraser Its an eraser. And this? And this? Its an eraser. Its an eraser. Whats this? Whats this? Its a book. Its a book. . And this? And this? Its a chair. Its a chair. try to chant. Whats this? Whats this? Its a bag. Its a bag. Whats this? And this? try to guess play the game, find the “red” key (玩游戏,找”红“钥匙) ? who got the the ”red” key (看谁找到了”红“钥匙) ruler eraser deskred red Hello. Im_. This is my classroom. Look, its a _. Its _. Its _. _. _. I like my classroom. Gogo pencil an eraser a book Its a bag Its a desk Introduce my classroom write the classroom you like My clasroom Hello. Im_. This is my classroom. Look, its a _. Its a _. Its _. _. _. I like my classroom. 显示 classroom的图 Study hard , make your dream 努力学习,实现梦想 Unit 2 My Classroom ( Lesson 2 ) 一、教学内容与教材分析一、教学内容与教材分析 本节课的教学内容为粤人教版开心学英语三年级上册 Unit 2 My classroom 的第 2 课时,学习用英语表达询问这是什么。学生在 Unit1 主要学习 了如何用英语打招呼。学生 Unit2 第 1 课时已学习了单词 a table, a desk,a chair, a book, a pencil, a ruler.和句型 Whats this?Its . 。本节课是 Unit2 第 2 课时,主 要学习新词:a bag ,an eraser,,句型:And this?Its. 我将用打招呼以旧带新的方式导入新课。本课教会学生在日常生活中如何 询问物品。 二、学生分析二、学生分析 本节课的教学对象是小学三年级的学生,经过一二年级儿童英语的熏 陶,学生对英语已经有了浓厚的学习兴趣和好奇心,同时有了一定的口语基础。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、知识目标 (1)New words: a bag ,an eraser (2)New sentences: And this? Its . 2、能力目标 (1)通过学习,使学生掌握用英语表达询问物品。 (2)提高学生把所学知识运用到生活中的能力。 (3)培养学习的英语说、唱能力。 3、情感目标 (1)通过学习培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 (2)通过教学活动,培养他们大胆说英语、团结合作的精神。 四、教学策略四、教学策略 1、根据新课标的理念,在新授环节运用故事教学和任务型教学模式,化枯 燥乏味的练习为趣味性强的游戏,使学生对课堂充满兴趣。 2、发挥教师在课堂的主导作用、学生在课堂上的主体作用,让学生积极动 脑、主动学习,主动接受新知识。 3、采用歌谣、游戏、等方法,调动学生的积极性,活动有效、新颖。 4、教具准备:课件、单词卡片、动画视频。 五、教学过程:五、教学过程: Steps: Step 1: Warming up T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you ? Ss: Im fine,thank you! First, Lets sing a song. 1. Sing a song : Hello (复习旧知,热身) T:Good! You can sing well. Do you like to play a game? Ok , Lets play listen and touch 2.Play a game: listen and touch T: Touch your book. Touch your desk. . (设计意图:设计意图:老师根据教室里的实物与学生玩游戏,让学生在课的开 始进行热身活动,同时活动对本单元单词和句型进行复习) 3.A chant : book pen desk chair T: Great.!whats this? (手拿笔) Ss:Its a pen. T: Yes, and this? Ss: Its a book. T:Follow me do it like me. (老师示范:一边动作一边 chant) “ Book, pen, desk, chair, Book, pen, desk, chair. Whats this? Its a book. Whats this? Its a pen.” 播放视频 T: Les chant together. Ss: . T: Well done. (设计意图:设计意图:通过有节奏的诗歌活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣, 进一步复习第一课时所学的单词和句型) Step 2 : Review (创设情境,以旧带新)(创设情境,以旧带新) T: Well, boys and girls. Today,we go on learn Unit2 my classroom. Look, This is our classroom, Do you want to see Gogos classroom? T:Lets go!播放视频 T:Wow! A rocket. Where are they going? They are going to the moon. Look! They are jumping on the moon. So fun! Gogo,Jenny,Tony 去太空,在太空对话,复习旧单词 a pencil,a book, a desk,a chair T:(两个一组)Whats this? Its . And this? . (在黑板上贴图片)T:Googs pencil is so cute. His book is lovely. (设计意图:设计意图:通过 Gogo,Jenny,Tony 在太空讨论文具的形式,进一 步复习单词和句型,同时为学习两个新单词 eraser, bag,和 And this?.作铺垫,以旧带新,丰富学生的词汇量) Step 3: New words: 设计情景要想办法打开 Gogo 的教室门, 引出新单词 a bag, an eraser 和句型 And this?. T: Lets go on. 出现太空 PPT:Gogo: Now, Lets go to the classroom T: Lets go to Gogos classroom. Ohoh, The door is locked. What should we do? Please listen. Gogo: You should learn the new words and try to open the door. T:Ok, Lets learn the new words.(出现:一个遮住新单词的球) 1. 教新词 a bag T: Whats this? (出示句型,朗读并板书)Try to guess: Whats this? Its .(出示句型) S1: Its a pen. T: May be S2: Its a book. T: May be . T: Lets see.(点击 PPT 出现图:bag) Oh, Its a bag. Read after me , a bag 然后语音教学 进行个别、开火车、小组读 a bag 板书: a bag 2.教学 eraser T: (回到太空图片)Whats this?. And this?. (出示新句型,朗读并 板书)Try to guess: Its .(出示句型) S1: Its a pen. T: May be S2: Its a book. T: May be . 同样的方式练习 eraser 3.用比较的手法对“a”和“an”区分。 (设计意图:设计意图:要想进入 Gogo 的教室, 首先要想办法打开 Gogo 的 教室门,通过学生的努力学习新单词练习句型来打开 Gogo 的教室 门。 ) 4. 替换练习 Step 4: A Chant T: Can you red Like this, please listen to me. T: Whats this? Whats this? Its a pencil. Its a pencil. And this? And this? Its a book. Its a book. T: Lets chant together. T&Ss: Whats this? Whats this? Its a bag. Its a bag. And this? And this? Its a eraser. Its a eraser. 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 (设计意图:设计意图:通过 chant 的形式,巩固新单词和句型,在课堂进行到 一半的时候,再一次活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习热情) Step 5: A Guessing game T:Well done! You chant very well . T: 播放 flash, 老师先示范,然后学生再两人练习:Whats this? And this? Play the guessing game in Two. ( 通过动画猜图片,用信息差激发学 生的学习兴趣和好奇心,同时通过 pair work 进一步巩固练习句型, 达到人人会说的效果) T:You did a good job! We can open the door.(门开了) 1.2.3 open! Step 6: Touch game. T: Lets go and see Gogos classroom. Oh, sorry. There is an other door, 来到第二扇门) we should find the “ red key” first, the door will be opened. Lets play a touching game with “ Whats this?” “ And this?” , Try to find the “red key”. The “ red key” is ruler, eraser and desk. Put the each one the first letter together making “red”. Ss: Find the “red key” with the partner around the classroom.(第二扇门 开了) (设计意图:设计意图:通过 touching 的游戏,让学生自己找同伴交流,赢得更 多的实物才能找到“red key”打开 Gogo 教室的第二扇门,再次巩固 新单词和句型,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习热情) Step7:Reading and Writing 1.Gogos classroom T: The second door was opened. Lets go and look. Gogos classroom is funny. T: Lets listen to Gogo introducing his classroom, and try to talk. Read following Gogo. Then read together. 2. Writing T:I know you all like Gogos classroom. Now take out your homework you have designed , the classroom you like. This is my classroom, I like it the best. . Look, this is a pencil. . What about yours? Please take out the paper, write something about your classroom you like. Ss: 展示展示 T: I like all of your classrooms you like. If you want to take your classroom you like to the noon one day, You should “Study hard, and make your dream.”. Lets do it now.
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