广东版三年级上册Unit 3 Animals-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e0ad8).zip

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a monkey a bird a lion an elephant a tiger a rabbit Animals A: What can you see in the story? B: I can see . a doga liona monkey a rabbita birda cat Task1: Watch and Think A: What can you see in the story? B: I can see . a doga liona monkey a rabbita birda cat Task1: Watch and Think A: Whats this ? B: Its a .bird B: No, it isnt. A: Is this a bird? B: Yes, it is. B: No, it isnt. A: Is this a bird? B: Yes, it is. Its a .dog B: No, it isnt. A: Is this a dog? B: Yes, it is. His names .Boomer B: No, it isnt. A: Is this a dog? B: Yes, it is. Its a .cat Task3: Try to find out the answers 123 4 5 Task2: Read the story Wonderful: Good : So- so: Task2: Role play(角色扮演角色扮演) Task4: Role play I can fly in the sky. I can sing a song “ Zizizi ”. Do you know what am I? bird I like eating bananas. I can climb the trees. Is this a ?monkey I like eating carrots. I can jump, jump, jump. Do you know what am I? rabbit I like eating fish. I can catch the mice. Is this a ?dog Im black and white. I like bamboos. Is this a ?cat 1.Read the story 2 times. 2.Act out the story with your friends. Homework 1 UnitUnit 3 3 AnimalsAnimals (Story)(Story) 教材版本教材版本:广东人民出版社英语三年级上册 课型:故事教学课型:故事教学 教学设计:教学设计: 一、一、 教学目标教学目标 1. 知识及技能目标知识及技能目标 a) 能在图片的帮助下,能读懂文本的内容,理解故事大意。 b) 能正确模仿人物的语气和情感朗读故事对话,能进行角色表演。 c) 能在教师的指导下阅读关于动物谜语并猜出相关的谜底。 重点重点:1. 能理解故事对话的大意。 2. 能模仿、朗读和表演故事。 难点难点:能阅读关于动物的谜语并猜出相关的谜底。 一一二二. . 教学策略:教学策略: 二二1.教学方法:本节课采用 TPR、情景教学法、任务型教学法、交际法、游戏法 和多媒体教学法。 三2. 辅助手段:(1)制作多媒体课件来辅助教学,CAI 能够使教学内容更为直 观的效果,给学生带来图,文,音三合一的感觉。(2)动物头饰。 四四三三. . 情感情感/ /文化目标:文化目标: 1.培养学生小组合作的精神。 2.培养学生热爱动物,懂得与身边的人和物和谐相处。 四教学过程四教学过程 TeachingTeaching ProcedureProcedureTeachingTeaching aimsaims 2 StepStep 1 1 Pre-reading 1.Sing a song. 2.Brain storm: Say out the animals. 3.Lead in the topic: Go to the zoo. 以歌曲、头脑风暴的 方式复习以前接触过 的动物单词;猜一猜 形式激活本课主题。 StepStep 2 2 WhileWhile readingreading 1.Read the story and think about: What can you see in the story? 2.Check the answer. 3.Learn the story and try to answer: A:Is this a/an.? B:Yes, it is. 或 No, it isnt. Its a 带着问题去阅读故事, 让学生对故事大意有 一个整体的了解;接 着学习如何去询问和 回答关于某种动物。 StepStep 3 3 PostPost readingreading 1.Watch the video. 2.Read and match. 3.Read the story after the teacher. 4.Role play. 5.Read the riddles and guess the animals. 先观看图片再通过连 线检测学生掌握情况, 接着跟读后表演故事, 然后猜谜语,再一次 检测学生单词和重点 句型的掌握程度。 StepStep 4 4 ExtensionExtension 1. Sing a song: 2.Emotional education: Make friends with animals. 学以致用,提升情感 因素,培养学生热爱 动物,懂得与身边的 人和物和谐相处, 3 StepStep 5 5 Summary&Summary& HomeworkHomework 1.Summary: 2.Homework: 1)Read the story 2 times. 2)Act out the story with your friends. 总结本课所学,让孩 子朗读故事和表演故 事。 五教学检测安排:五教学检测安排: 1. 给出故事里的图片和问题,让学生找出相应的答句。 2分角色表演故事对话。 3阅读关于动物谜语,联想学习过的动物单词或猜测没知的动物单词, 检测学生学习的效果。 六板书安排:六板书安排: U3 Animals A:Whats this? B: Its a/an . A: Is this a/an ? B: Yes, it is. 或 No, it isnt. Its a/an . 班级: 姓名: 一 根据图片和对话找到相关的答句:(连线) 4 2Guess the riddles:(猜谜语) 1.I can fly in the skysky. 2.I like eating bananasbananas. I can sing a song “Zi-zi-zi”. I can climb the trees. Do you know what am I ? Is this a a monkeymonkey ? Its a . Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 5 3. I like eating carrotscarrots. 4.I like eating fish. I can jump, jump, jump. I can catch the micemice. Do you know what am I ? Is this a a dogdog ? Its a . Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 5. Im black and white. I like eating bamboosbamboos. Is this a a catcat ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. U3 Animals Story Sing a song Brain Storm a monkey a bird a lion an elephant a tiger a rabbit Animals A: What can you see in the story? B: I can see . a doga liona monkey a rabbita birda cat Task1: Watch and Think A: What can you see in the story? B: I can see . a doga liona monkey a rabbita birda cat Task1: Watch and Think ZOO A: Whats this ? B: Its a .bird B: No, it isnt. A: Is this a bird? B: Yes, it is. B: No, it isnt. A: Is this a bird? B: Yes, it is. Its a .dog B: No, it isnt. A: Is this a dog? B: Yes, it is. His names .Boomer B: No, it isnt. A: Is this a dog? B: Yes, it is. Its a .cat Task3: Try to find out the answers ? Whats this?Is this a bird? ? Is this a bird? ? Is this a dog?Is this a dog?Its a cat. ? ? No, it isnt.Yes, it is.Its a bird. 123 4 5 Task2: Read the story Wonderful: Good : So- so: Task2: Role play(角色扮演角色扮演) Task4: Role play Riddles I can fly in the sky. I can sing a song “ Zizizi ”. Do you know what am I? Its a .bird I like eating bananas. I can climb the trees. Is this a ?monkey Yes, it is.No, it isnt. Riddles I like eating carrots. I can jump, jump, jump. Do you know what am I? Its a .rabbit Riddles I like eating fish. I can catch the mice. Is this a ?dog Yes, it is.No, it isnt. Riddles Im black and white. I like bamboos. Is this a ?cat Yes, it is.No, it isnt. Riddles Sing a song Lets make friends with animals. 1.Read the story 2 times. 2.Act out the story with your friends. Homework
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