闽教版五年级上册Unit 6 Asking the Way-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f0850).zip

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Unit 6 Chong Wen Primary School Luo Waiying Chant Left ,left, right, right . Go ,Turn around. Go, go, go. Lets say A B behind A is B. A is B. A A A B B BC A is B C. A B A is B. next to across from in front of between and A is B. Read maps The zoo is on your left. Go straight to the corner. Turn right. Cross the street Go straight to the corner Turn left Cross the street . It is in front of you. Read maps KFC Hospital park MAP New street Bridge street School Bank Post office supermarket Zoo go straight turn left turn right Where is the zoo? KFC Hospital park Go straight to the corner and turn left.Then go along the Bridge Street,The zoo is on your right. MAP New street Bridge street School Bank Post office supermarket Zoo go straight turn left turn right KFC Hospital park Go straight to _ and turn right ,then go straight. The gate is across from _,Its on your right . MAP New street Bridge street School Bank Post office supermarket Zoo go straight turn left turn right Where is the hospial ? the hospital the school KFC Hospital park MAP New street Bridge street School Bank Post office supermarket Zoo Wheres the bank? go straight turn left turn right KFC Hospital park MAP New street Bridge street School Bank Post office supermarket Zoo go straight turn left turn right Go straight to _and _ ,go straight to _ , cross _ and _ ,then go straight ,its _. Wheres the bank? the hospitalturn rightthe corner the streetturn lefton your right GivingGiving directionsdirections 指路指路 How to get to my house? (怎样回家?) Hello ,My name is _.Welcome to my home. First _. Then_. Then_. At last_. You help yourself when you help others. (帮助别人就是帮助自己) DoDo exerciseexercise onon P26-27.P26-27. ReciteRecite thethe dialoguesdialogues onon P18.P18. HomeworkHomework 1 Unit6 Asking the Way 教学设计教学设计 设计思路:设计思路: 本单元主要是围绕“问路”这一话题展开各项语言活动,重点 学习问路中常涉及的相关用语 Excuse me,where is the?及其答语, 同时学习与问路相关的一些词汇。在教学中,我为学生创设情景, 利用民办小学现有的教学资源及自制的教学用具,为学生开展任务 型的教学途径。内容与学生生活紧密结合,以提高学生的阅读和实 际运用语言的能力。Step1 中,我通过 Greetings 为学生课堂的表现 做好了准备。歌曲的运用则不仅活跃了课堂氛围,提高了学生的积 极性,而且还替课文中的方位词语做好了复习。Step2 是课文学习 的重点,我把知识点的学习贯穿于我们和 Peter 一起去参观历史博物 馆做为主线,分层引入练习相关的单词句型,在阅读、谈话和讨论 中学习了新知,且重点训练了学生的阅读能了。 教学目标:教学目标: 1、知识目标: A.、听得懂,会读,会说单词 hospital, train station, way, get, along, street, take, stop, road, 及句型 Excuse me,where is the? B、三会掌握词汇及日常交际用语:turn right/turn left, go straight to, across from, behind, next to. 2、技能目标: A、提高学生整体理解语篇的能力,为他们今后的对话学习打 2 下良好的基础。 B、通过本课的学习,让学生学会如何向他人问路及指路。 3、情感态度目标: A、设置与日常生活类似的情景,让学生在熟悉的语境中感受 英语,从而达到激发学生学习的兴趣德的目的 。 B、引导学生做一个乐于助人的好少年。 教学重点:教学重点: 1、熟练掌握三会内容; 2、能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读及初步表演课文 。 教学难点:对课文的理解和新单词的认读。 课前准备: 1、教师准备:录音机。历史博物馆和邮局的图片。地图。 2、板书准备:课前写好课题。 教学过程:教学过程: Step1 1. Greetings (T): Hello, boys and girls. (S): Hello, Miss Luo. (T):Its time for class!Boys and girls, are you ready? (Ss): Yes! (T): Ok ! Lets begin our class! 2.Warming up: 3 (T): First, do some exercise with me. Ok? (兔子舞) (Ss):Ok! (T): Stand up, please! 学生全体起立,播放音乐,师生一同按节奏运动 【与学 生的交谈,给了学生调整状态的时间,为学生进入课堂活动打下了 基础。歌曲 do some exercise with me 则不仅活跃了课堂的氛围,而 且歌曲内容也帮助学生复习了方位词组。为下面的问路作好了铺垫。 】 Step 2Presentation 1、导入(引出、导入(引出 Peter 及及 Guangzhou):): (T):Well done! Sit down, please! Today I want to introduce a new friend to you, who is he? Please look here. (T):He is Peter. Lets say “Hello” to him. (Ss):Hello! (T):Peter comes from Australia , he is living in Guangzhou now. We know Guangzhou is a famous for the zoo, so do you want to visit there? (Ss):Yes! (T):Ok, lets go together! 【这样的设计在介绍 Peter 时引入了他到广州后对广州不熟悉, 自然而然的为下面的问路做了铺垫。安排学生和他打招呼,则拉近 了学生与主人公的距离,创造了真实的情景。为学生快速的进入角 4 色打下了良好的基础。 】 2. Teach: hospital, bank, train station, supermarket, movie theater , 1. (T):Here is a map of Guangzhou. Can you read it? Lets try “go straight ,turn left ,turn right” (贴卡片到黑板) (T):What can you see in the picture? (S1Sn):I can see a hospital a supermarket. (T) I can see a history museum and a post office. (T)1. Excellent! Now, follow me, please ! 2. read them one by one. (T):Read the words together. 3. Teach Excuse me, where is the_? (zoo 引出) (T):I want to visit the zoo, (T):Who wants to go to the zoo? Please put up your hand! Ok, but do you know the way? (Ss):No! (T):I know the way! If you want to go there, you can ask me the way. (通过手势比划,让学生理解 way 的意义。) (T):You can say: Excuse me, Where is the zoo? (Ss): Excuse me, Where is the zoo? (师相机板书 Excuse me, Where is the zoo? ) 5 (T):Er. Go along this street , and then turn left at the third crossing, the zoo is on your left. (S1):Thank you! (T):Thats all right! Anybody else ? I can tell you the way. (S2Sn) Excuse me, Where is the zoo? (T):Now ask me together! (Ss):Excuse me, Where is the zoo? (T):Go along this street, and then turn left at the third crossing, the zoo is on your left. (Ss):Thank you! (T):Thats all right! (T):Can you find the zoo now? (Ss):Yes! (hospital 操练) (T):Ok, Here is a hospital. If you want to go there, please ask your partner the way! Ask and answer in pairs. 学生同位练习句型问答 (T):Now stop here. Can you find the way? (Ss):Yes! (T):Ok. Now I ask some pairs to make dialogues. (T):Ok! Tell me the way together! Excuse me, where is the hospital? (Ss):Go along this street , and then turn left at the third crossing, the 6 post office is on your left. (T):Thank you very much! 学生整体操练 (T):Well done class! 【这样设计,大约用 7 到 8 分钟。可以弱化学生学习 Part A 的难度, 让学生在谈话,问答,操练的过程中不知不觉得学习了新知识。等 引入课文时,学生会感觉轻松很多。 】 4Chant a song and do some exercise. (T):Ok, we have visited so many places, a zoo ,hospital and bank .Now open your book and turn to P24, listen to the text for twice and do some exercise. 5. play a game T: Now the classroom is a Guangzhou city. He wants to go to somewhere, but he doesnt know the way .Who can help him? T: Hello, Im Peter. I want to go to the _ ,but I dont know the way.(走过去)Excuse me ,where is the_ (34 人表演) Step3Summary : (T):Well done! Sit down, please! Now Im afraid times up. So much for this lesson, and after class, you should do the exercise on page23. Class is over. Lets say “goodbye” to all the teachers.
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