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1 M2 Unit1 Cultural Heritage I. II. Expressions 1. give way to 让步 屈服 2. take an active part in = =join in =participate in 积极地参与 3. keep balance 保持平衡 4. lead to doing sth.导致 5. make a proposal 提出建议 6. turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 7. preventfrom 阻止 不准 8. contribute to 为做贡献;有助于;捐赠 9. ask for contributions 寻求捐款 10. raise funds 筹集资金 11. make sure 确保 12. donateto 向捐赠 13. all over the world 在世界各地 14. search for clues 寻找线索 15. the formerthe latter 前者后者 16. promote our friendship 增进友谊 17. be likely to do sth. 很有可能做某事 18. establish a committee 建立一个委员会 19. limit damage to 限制对的破坏 20. at a loss 亏本地;不知所措地 21. within ones reach 在附近的 伸手可及的 22. forgive sb. for sth. 原谅某人某事 23. investigate the issue 调查这个问题 24. conduct several tests 进行多次测试 25. sign a document 签署一份文件 26. take down 拆除 27. be safe from 免受的伤害 28. run over (开车)撞倒并碾过 29. run a programme 启动一个方案 30. attempt to do sth.试图(企图)做某事 31. in detail 详细地 32. identify the link between A and B 发现(辨认出)A 与 B 的联系 33. at the entrance to 在入口处 34. overseas students 海外留学生 35. be in process 在进行中 36. go without 没有而勉强应付;没有也行 37. digital images 数码影像 38. in contrast(to)与此相反;比较起来 39. throughout the worldweek遍布世界一整周 40. control floods 防洪 41. produce electricity 发电 2 42. supply water 供水 43. tell right from wrong 明辨是非 44. take effective measures 采取有效的措施 45. be familiar with 熟悉 46. come up with=put forward 提出 想出 47. be of high quality 高质量的 48. a sheet of paper 一张纸 49. cultural relics 文化遗迹 50. cultural heritage protection 文化遗产保护 51. a natural preserve 自然保护区 52. economic development 经济的发展 III. Important sentences 1.Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today and what we pass on to the future. 遗产是历史的馈赠,今天我们与其共存,未来应该将其传诸子孙。 2.When in Rome, do as Romans do. 入乡随俗。 3.As China develops, Chinese is becoming more and more important. 随着 4.Child as he is, he knows a lot. 尽管他还是个孩子 但是他懂得很多。 5.There comes a time when parents should learn to respect their children. 父母应学会尊重他们自己的孩子的时代已经到来。 6.Out dashed the classmates to the canteen when the bell rang.铃声一响,同学们冲向餐厅。 7.Not only am I interested in spoken English,but I also have a good command of English culture. 我不仅对英语口语感兴趣,而且我对英语文化有很好的掌握。 8.Its saidreported that its a mirror that can tell right from wrong. 据说据报道那是一面能够明辨是非的镜子。 9. Its worthwhile to prevent cultural relics from being destroyed. 保护文物免受破坏是值得的。 IV. Compositions Dear John, 3 Im sorry to see that so much cultural heritage in the world is being destroyed nowadays. As a senior student, I want to offer you some suggestions about how to protect the world cultural heritage effectively. My suggestions are as follows. First of all, it is important to educate people about the importance of protecting cultural heritage by using the modern technology and network. Secondly, tourism has caused much damage to cultural heritage. Therefore, we must call on people to visit the cultural heritage in a friendly way. Finally, we should raise more money to repair and protect the cultural heritage. I hope you can take my suggestions into consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua In order to promote tourism in this area and keep balance between development and protection, the Cultural Heritage Protection Committee has established a special department. The department aims to investigate the condition of local cultural relics, make proposals to the committee and conduct protection activities, making sure that all the cultural relics and well preserved. They attempt to raise funds, call for contributions to the protection of cultural heritage. With major issues, they are likely to turn to local governments for help.To prevent the loss of cultural relics, everyone of us should take part in the preservation activity. For example, there is a temple on the mount, which shows the creative design of ancient people. We must prevent it from disappearing. If possible, we can donate money to the committee. Where there are cultural relics,construction must be limited and give way to them. We make a protest against any conduct of destroying cultural relics and cant forgive it. It is worthwhile for us to do so. It is believed that great changes will take place within a few years. 为了促进促进这一地区的旅游业发展,保持保持发展与保护的 平衡平衡,文化遗产保护委员会成立成立了一个专门的部门部门。该部门旨在调查调查当地文物文物的状况,向委员会提出建议提出建议, 并进行进行保护工作,确保确保所有文物得以妥善保护保护。他们努力努力筹集资金筹集资金,呼吁为保护文化遗产做贡献贡献。面对重 大问题问题,他们可能会向向地方政府寻求帮助寻求帮助。为了防止防止文物流失流失,我们每个人都应该参与参与文物保护活动。例 如,山上山上有一座庙宇庙宇,展示了古代人的创造性创造性设计。我们必须阻止阻止它消失。如果可能的话,我们可以捐捐钱 给给委员会。在有文化遗迹的地方,建筑必须受到限制限制,并给它们让路让路。我们抗议抗议任何破坏文物的行为行为,不 能原谅原谅这种行为。我们这么做是值得的值得的。人们相信在几年内在几年内会发生巨大的变化。 My friend is a professional archaeologist. He often downloads some applications and documents about cultural relics from websites. He was sent overseas to work a few years ago. He studied the pyramids in the Arab Republic of Egypt. Using digital technology, he looked closely at the entrance, exit and roof of the Great Pyramid and finally formed an image of the construction process. Later, he visited some famous historic sites all over the world and further studied the local traditions and customs there. Then he went to a famous mountain to research ancient caves. There are many dragons carved on the cave walls. These sculptures are of good quality and remain there forever throughout the human history. According to various clues and after making comparisons and contrasts, he identified that these caves could date back to the Tang Dynasty. In his opinion, cultural relics must be well preserved. He often quotes this famous saying that history is like a mirror.我朋友是个专业的考古学家专业的考古学家。他经常从网上下载下载一些有关文物的应用程序应用程序和文档文档。他几 4 年前被派去海外海外工作。他利用数字数字技术研究了阿拉伯埃及共和国共和国的金字塔金字塔,他仔细观察了大金字塔的入口,入口, 出口出口和屋顶屋顶,最终形成了一个建造过程过程的图像图像。后来,他又游历了世界各地世界各地的名胜古迹古迹,进一步进一步研究了当 地的风俗习惯。然后他去了一座著名的山上研究古代洞穴洞穴。洞穴的墙壁上雕刻着许多龙龙。这些雕塑品质品质优 良,在在人类历史上一直一直保存至今。根据各种线索线索,经过比较比较和对比对比,他认为认为这些洞穴可以追溯到唐代。在 他看来看来,文物必须保存完好。他经常引用这句名言,历史就像一面镜子镜子。 1 M2 Unit2 Wildlife Protection I. II. Expressions 1. on earth 究竟 到底 2. die out 灭亡 逐渐消失 3. be aware of 意识到 知道 4. on average 平均地 5. make rapid progress 取得快速地进步 6. be concerned about 对关切的 为担忧的 7. adapt to 适应 8. under pressure 在压力下 承受压力 9. make out 看清 听清 分清 10. remind sb.of sth. 使某人想起某事 11. watch over 保护 照管 监督 12. due to=because of 由于 因为 13. search for 寻找 14. stir up 激起 15. be struck by the beauty 被美打动;(迷恋) 16. make profits 获利润 17. in harmony with 与和谐相处 18. a threat to sth.对的一种威胁 19. save endangered wildlife 拯救濒危野生动植物 20. illegal hunting 非法狩猎 21. end up within 以告终 22. make a prediction 进行预测 23. at an alarming rate 以一种惊人的速度 24. mass extinction 大规模的灭绝 25. preserve the natural habitats 保护天然栖息地 26. stand for 代表 支持 27. stressed syllable 重读音节 28. recover from 从中恢复过来 29. reserve a table 预定一张桌子 30. observe doing sth. 观察某事 31. observe the school rules 遵守校规 32. observe the Spring Festival 庆祝春节 33. on the plain 在平原上 34. keep them safe from attacks 让他们免受攻击 35. removefrom 把某物从中移除 36. intend to do sth. 打算做某事 37. day and night 日夜 昼夜 整天 38. come into existence 形成 存在 =come into being 39. under pressure 在压力下 承受压力 2 40. bird field guide 鸟类图鉴 41. primarysecondary stress 主次重音 42. a herd of graceful Tibetan antelopes 一群形体优美的藏羚羊 III. Important sentences 1.When the buying stops, the killing can too. 没有买卖,就没有伤害。 2.Our biology teacher always makes his lesson lively.Thats why he is so popular with his students.我们生物老师一直使他的课堂充满趣味。这就是为什么他很受学生的欢迎。 3.Only by joint efforts can we make a difference in keeping the balance of nature. 只有通过共同的努力,我们才能在保持大自然的平衡方面产生影响。 4.When it comes to wildlife protection, all species-the good, the bad, and the ugly- should be treated equally. 当涉及野生动物保护时, 所有物种-好的、坏的和丑的-都应该被平等对待。 5.The question is being discussed.= The question is under discussion. 这个问题正在在讨论中。 6.Young people prefer to buy things online so that they can save a lot of money. 年轻人更喜欢网上购物以便省下很多钱。 7.Its high time that we should take actionmeasures to protect the endangered animals. 该是我们采取行动措施来保护这些濒危动物了。 IV. Compositions 假如你是李华,想邀清你的朋友 John 在周六晚上去观看科幻电影流浪地球( The Wandering Earth),请用英语给他写一封邮件, 内容包括: 1.发出邀请; 2.介绍电影(主题:保护人类共同的地球家园;观众评价等); 3.请求回复。 Dear John, Knowing that you are interested in science fiction, Id like to invite you to see a film this weekend. The Wandering Earth is being shown these days,whose theme is to save the earth and protect our common home. Viewers describe it as a breakthrough of the Chinese film industry and it has received a wide range of good reviews so far. Shall we go to watch the film if you are available? How about this Saturday evening? Please 3 contact me at your earliest convenience so that I can book the tickets in advance. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua In recent years, creatures such as whales,sharks, dolphins, deer, kangaroos and Tibetan antelopes have faced a threat and its difficult for them to exist. Now their numbers are reducing due to too much hunting. As a result, they have to search for new habitats and try to adapt to new environments. This problem has concerned people very much, and stirred up emotions of alarm. At present, many volunteers join in the protection of wild animals. In the habitats they observe the daily activities of wild animals and watch them over day and night. They remove traps and nets placed by hunters to protect animals and insects like butter flies from attack. In addition, these volunteers help to recover the lost animals. They remind people in the neighbourhood of the importance of harmony between man and nature. 近年来,鲸鱼,鲨鱼,海豚,鹿,袋鼠和藏羚羊等生物生物面临威胁威胁,它们很难生存生存。由于由于 过度捕猎捕猎,它们的数量正在减少。因此,它们不得不寻找寻找新的栖息地栖息地,并努力适应适应新的环 境。这个问题已经引起了人们的极大关注关注,并且激起激起了人们的惊慌情绪惊慌情绪。目前目前,许多志愿者 加入了保护野生动物的行列。在栖息地,他们观察观察野生动物的日常活动,并日夜日夜监视它们。 它们拆除拆除猎人放置的陷阱和网网,以保护动物和昆虫昆虫,如蝴蝶免受攻击攻击。此外,这些志愿者帮 助找回找回失踪的动物。他们提醒提醒邻近地区的人们人与自然和谐和谐相处的重要性。 There is a poster in the nature reserve that says, The authorities demand that all illegal hunting should be stopped immediately to protect the species that are endangered. Recently, some hunters have been illegally hunting wild animals, leading to a mass extinction of them, and their habitats have been threatened, too. According to WWF, an average of 75 species become extinct every day in the world. Some wild animals are dying out at a very fast rate. This is an alarming number. Many people are aware of the problem and are concerned about the endangered wildlife. Some countries have taken effective measures to protect these creatures. Why on earth do the hunters shoot these animals? Some intend to sell them as goods to make a profit, others to make a living. For example, antelopes are hunted for their skin and fur. But, to our delight, we have made great progress in wildlife protection. 在自然保护区自然保护区有一张海报海报上写着:当局当局要求立即停止所有非法狩猎,以保护濒危濒危物种物种。最近, 一些猎人猎人非法捕猎野生动物,导致它们大量灭绝,它们的栖息地栖息地也受到威胁威胁。根据世界自然基金 会的数据,世界上平均平均每天有 75 种物种灭绝。一些野生动物正在以非常快的速度灭绝。这是一个 惊人的惊人的数字。许多人意识到了这个问题,并且担心濒临灭绝的野生动物。一些国家已经采取了有有 效措施效措施来保护这些生物。到底到底为什么猎人要射杀这些动物?有些人打算打算把它们当商品卖掉赚钱赚钱,有 些人则是为了谋生。例如,猎杀羚羊是为了它们的皮毛。但是,令我们高兴的是,我们在野生动 物保护方面取得了巨大的进步取得了巨大的进步。 1 M2 Unit3 The Internet I. II. Expressions 1. blog post 博客帖子 2. a search engine 搜索引擎 3. identity card(ID card) 身份证 4. look up a word 查阅=refer to a dictionary 5. chat with sb.about sth. 与某人聊天 6. by the way 顺便说一下 7. wait in line 排队等候 8. out of work 失业 9. keep sb. company 陪伴某人 10. apply for a job 申请一份工作 11. now that 既然 由于 12. go through tough times 经历困境(度过;浏览 通读) 13. in shape 状况良好 身材好=in good condition 14. keep track of 掌握的最新消息;了解的动态 15. make fun of 取消 戏弄 16. be familiar with sth. 熟悉 17. be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟悉 18. keep sth. in mind 牢记 19. take over 接管 20. content words 实意词 实词 21. function words 功能词 虚词 22. stream movies and music 流播电影和音乐 23. headline news 头条新闻 24. database system 数据库系统 25. download software 下载软件 26. online community 在线社区 27. social networks 社交网络 28. develop a serious illness 患严重的疾病 29. be stuckcaught in 被困在;遭受 30. benefit from 从中受益 31. give out 分发 公布 用尽 32. catch the attention of 引起的注意 33. remove the distance between people 消除人们之间的距离感 34. inspire sb. to do sth.激励(激发)某人做某事 35. bridge the digital divide 消除数字分歧(差异 界限) 36. have access to进入;有权利或机会使用接触 37. in case(of)以防万一 38. cash payment 现金支付 39. the most updated information 最新的信息 40. confirm the Wi-Fi password 确认 Wi-Fi 密码 41. press the button 按下按钮 2 42. perform a very important function 执行很重要的功能 43. a bank account 银行账户 44. a target groupuser 目标群体用户 45. Alipay mobile payment 支付宝手机支付 46. WeChat Pay 微信支付 47. scan to pay 扫码支付 III. Important sentences 1.The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. 因特网正在成为未来地球村的城镇广场。 2.Its my honour for me to give some advice on how to learn English well. 我很荣幸能就如何学好英语提出一些建议。 3.Whenever you have trouble in learning English, you can turn to me for help. 无论何时你在学英语方面有困难,你可以向我求助。 4.At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company. 50 岁时,她发觉自己失业了。困在家里,只有电脑相伴。 5.Toms being late for the class made his teacher very annoyed. 汤姆上课迟到让他的老师很恼火。 6.Its so good a film(=such a good film) that we like to see it a second time. 这部电影如此好看以至于我们还想再看一遍。 7.Will you pay in cash or by credit card? 你用现金支付还是信用卡支付? 8.The total cost is $1,000,plus 14% interest. 全部费用是 1000 美元,外加 14%的利息。 9.Please come at 9 oclock if it is convenient for you. 如果方便的话,你九点钟来。 10. In order to attract more customs, many supermarkets usually sell goods at a discount. 为了吸引更多顾客,很多超市通常打折出售商品。 11.They were prevented from returning home on account of the sudden rain. Besides ,taking safety into account, they decided to stay in the tent for another night. These accounted for their absence from school, so it was accounted an awful day. 因为突然下雨,他们不能回家。而且出 于安全考虑,他们决定在帐篷里再待一晚。这些就是他们缺课的原因,因此他们认为那是糟糕的 一天。 3 IV. Compositions 在我们的高中生活中,发现部分同学崇拜“网红”,模仿网红化妆、穿衣等。请你针对此现 象发表一篇博文。词数 100 左右。参考词汇:1.online celebrity 网红 2.imitate v.模仿 As a senior high school student, Id like to share my thoughts about the online celebrity with you. Some students tend to admire online celebrities by imitating them in the way they make up and dress themselves while some even dream of being an online celebrity and attracting as many followers as possible. However, there is a rising concern that it may distract us students from our studies. Meanwhile, it can also lead to the loss of our characteristics. Personally, we students ought to make the best of our youth and work harder to be a useful and successful person. Just be ourselves. What are your ideas about this phenomenon? Tom is a well-known blogger who often writes blog posts on his blog. He likes to use search engines to find information he needs. He also likes to watch movies streaming online. When chatting with others, he uses different identities and avatars. He has access to free Wi-Fi, which is very convenient for him to download software from the network. His database and file are updated once a week. Surfing the Internet has indeed brought him great benefits. It seems that the computer keeps him company all day. Once he went to a conference held in his province.He didnt bring any cash with him plus he lost his identity card. So he paid online. Tom 是一位著名的博主博主,他经常在自己的博客博客上发布博客文章博客文章。他喜欢用搜索引擎搜索引擎找到 他需要的信息。他还喜欢在网上看流媒体流媒体电影。和别人聊天聊天时,他用不同的身份身份和头像。 他可以使用可以使用免费无线网络,从网络上下载软件下载软件非常方便。他的数据库数据库和文
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