辽宁师大版三年级上册Unit 7 Look at me!-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:b2dea).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_三年级上册(2012年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 7 Look at me!_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:b2dea)
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Do you like watchingDo you like watchingDo you like watchingDo you like watching circus show circus show circus show circus show? ( ( ( (你们喜欢看马戏表演吗?你们喜欢看马戏表演吗?你们喜欢看马戏表演吗?你们喜欢看马戏表演吗?) ) ) ) Animals Animals Animals Animals in the circusin the circusin the circusin the circus Hello ,everyone, Im the hippo.Hello ,everyone, Im the hippo.Hello ,everyone, Im the hippo.Hello ,everyone, Im the hippo. Look at me. I have a Look at me. I have a Look at me. I have a Look at me. I have a bigbigbigbig mouth mouth mouth mouth and two and two and two and two short short short short ears.ears.ears.ears. I like taking photosI like taking photosI like taking photosI like taking photos ( ( ( (照相照相照相照相) ) ) ) very much.very much.very much.very much. The giraffe is my good friend.The giraffe is my good friend. ( (好朋友好朋友) ) It is It is talltall. It has . It has a a longlong neck( neck(脖子脖子) .) . It likes dancing It likes dancing very much. very much. I have I have I have I have a a a a mouth. mouth. mouth. mouth. bigbig pigpig bigbig A big pigA big pig I have I have I have I have a a a a neck.( neck.( neck.( neck.(脖子脖子脖子脖子) ) ) ) longlong I have I have I have I have two _ ears.two _ ears.two _ ears.two _ ears. shortshort I have a _ ruler/pencilI have a _ ruler/pencil Im Im Im Im . . . . talltall allallt t talltall Look at me. I am tall. Look at me. I am short. Look at me. Look at me. I am _. I am _. Look Look Look Look at at at at me! me! me! me! I I I I have have have have a a a a _mouth _mouth _mouth _mouth and and and and earsearsearsears. . . . My names My names My names My names hippohippohippohippo. . . . Look Look Look Look at at at at me! me! me! me! Im Im Im Im . . . . I I I I have have have have a a a a neck(neck(neck(neck(脖子脖子) ) ) ). . . . My My My My names names names names giraffe. giraffe. giraffe. giraffe. longlonglonglong big tall shortshort bigbigbigbig longlonglonglong shortshort tall longlonglonglong shortshort Work in pairs(Work in pairs(小组讨论小组讨论) ) Hello! Im _. Clown Look at me! Im tall. I have a big nose, a big mouth, and eyes. Look at me! Im tall. I have a big nose, a big mouth, and eyes.smallsmall allall smsm t tallall allall The mouse is_The mouse is_ smallsmallsmallsmall I am _. I am_. bigbigbig smallsmallsmall Look at me! Look at me! I have a I have a nose . nose . Look at me! Look at me! I have a I have a _ nose .nose .SmallSmall bigbig Look at me. I have_ eyes. Look at me. I have_ eyes.bigbig smallsmall Look at me! Im tall. I have a big nose, a big mouth and small eyes. What s your name? My names Clown. Ha! Ha! Listen and imitate(Listen and imitate(听音模仿听音模仿) ) Look at me! Im tall. I have a big nose, a big mouth and small eyes. What s your name? My names Clown. Ha! Ha! Look at me! Im tall. I have a big nose, a big mouth and small eyes. What s your name? My names Clown. Ha! Ha! Look at me. I am _. I have a _ , (a)_ and _. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Tips: nose mouth eyes ears big small long short Draw and sayDraw and sayDraw and sayDraw and say Look at me! Im . I have (a).(a). Tips(提示): tall big small long short . nose mouth face hair head eyes ears legs arms . The beauty and ugliness of things The beauty and ugliness of things cannot be judged by appearances, cannot be judged by appearances, inner beauty iinner beauty is the most important.s the most important. 判断事物的美丑不能只看外表,判断事物的美丑不能只看外表,判断事物的美丑不能只看外表,判断事物的美丑不能只看外表, 内在的美才是最重要的。内在的美才是最重要的。内在的美才是最重要的。内在的美才是最重要的。 UnitUnit 7 7 教学设计教学设计 一、 学生分析 : 三年级学生处于小学低年级阶段,他们身上有着小学生活泼好 动,喜欢有趣活动的特点,喜欢将所学的语言运用到具体情境 中去,同时基于对英语这个新鲜事物的好奇心,他们对新知识 的接受能力较强,掌握起来也比较容易。教师应该通过创设生 动有趣的情景让学生们一来学习这样一个关于如何进行自我描 述和对动物特征的描述。通过各种形式的英语学习,让学生持 续保持学习英语的兴趣。同时对其进行正确引导并帮助他们树 立自信心,大胆开口说英语。 二、教学目标: 能听懂、会说 Im tall. I have a big nose, a big mouth and small eyes.并在实际情境中运用。 能听懂、会说、认读单词: big,small,long,short,tall。 运用本单元核心语言进行自我描述和对动物特征的描述。 学会在词语与相应事物之间建立联想,对所学内容能主动复 习和归纳。 三、教学重、难点分析: 1重点:学会用本单元语言描述动物或者人。 2难点:本单元形容词的学习和运用。教师可利用动物的明 显特征,使学生进行对比记忆。 四、课前准备: 小丑头饰和鼻子 Xiao Hui 和 Bob 头饰卡片 多媒体课 件单词卡片 五、教学过程: 1热身(Warm-up) 师生问好 listen and do 根据老师的指令做动作 2新课呈现(Presentation) 观看一场马戏团表演片段(视频呈现),教师说:there are so many animals in the circus ,lets try to know some of them. 呈现其中动物 hippo 的图片并聆听其简短的自我介绍(图片 and 音频) 呈现句子 I have a _ mouth.让学生回忆内容并填空。 讲授 big 单词 ,通过对比 pig 引出 a big pig 并让学生跟读。 同样方式呈现句子,让学生找到长颈鹿的特点,a long neck 和 two short ears,学习单词 long 和 short ,通过让学生对 比学具并用句子 I have a _ pen/pencil/earser/ruler加深对单词和句型的理解和运用。 接着回忆长颈鹿身高特点引出 tall 一词,让学生跟同桌对比 身高并用 I am _ .句型进行巩固和练习。最后的 work in pairs 小组内讨论并填空,完成描述河马和长颈鹿的句子。 Xiao Hui and Bob are going to see a circus show, too. They see a special person at the gate. a. listen and answer :I am _.(引出 clown 一词) b. read silently and answer :I have_ eyes.(引出 small 一词并做相应练习) c. Listen and imitate d. Read after teacher e. Role-play f. Read like this (遮挡读课文) g. Lets act 3.巩固和延伸:(Consolidation and extension) Choose the number and describe them I am _ I have a _ and _. Draw and say 4.总结:(Summary) recite the text tell Ss the beauty and ugliness cannot be judged by appearance ,inner beauty is the most important. Homework 六 板书设计 Unit 7 I have big small long short tall
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