辽宁师大版五年级上册Unit 3 What day is today -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:904df).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 What day is today _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:904df)
    • 5s-Unit 3-1-Its Monday ....mp3
    • 5s-Unit 3-1.mp3
    • 5s-Unit 3-Mon..mp3
    • 5s-Unit 3-Tue..mp3
    • 5s-Unit 3-Wed..mp3
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    • Unit 3.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案904df.doc--点击预览
    • 背景音乐.mp3


We have a/an _ class. park What day is today? Monday mndI What day is today? Its _. Monday cute music u ju: Tuesday tjuzdI What day is it? Its _. Tuesday Wednesday wenzdI What day is it? Its Wednesday. Monday Wednesday Tuesday (B) Mon. (C) Tue. (A) Wed. Its _. We have a/an _ class today. Monday art Its _. We have a/an _ class today. Wednesday computer Its _. We have a/an _ class today. Monday art Its _. We have a/an _ class today. Tuesday football Its _. We have a/an _ class today. Monday music Its _. We have a/an _ class today. Wednesday English 1: What day is today? 2: What class do they have? Its Monday. They have an art class. Its Monday afternoon. Miss Lin and her students are talking in the classroom. Miss Lin: What _ is today? Students: Its _. Miss Lin: We have _ today. Line up, please. Students: Why? Miss Lin: Were going to _ in the park. Students: Hooray! day Monday an art class have the class If you have any questions, please put up your hands. Miss Lin: Were going to have the class in the park. Students: Hooray! Miss Lin: What day is today? Students: Its Monday. Miss Lin: We have an art class today. Line up, please. Students: Why? Line up 排排 队队 Miss Lin: Were going to have the class in the park. Students: Hooray! Miss Lin: What day is today? Students: Its Monday. Miss Lin: We have an art class today. Line up, please. Students: Why? A: B: A: What day is today? B: Its A: We have a /an B: A: Were going to have the class B: Sharing is a happy thing. Its one of the best learning. Lets share love, time, mood and the wonderful moment, come on! 分享是一件快乐之事。分享是一件快乐之事。 它是最好的学习。它是最好的学习。 让我让我 们分享爱,们分享爱, 分享时光,分享时光, 分享心情,分享心情, 分享精彩分享精彩 瞬间。瞬间。 加油!加油! Homework: 1. Try to sing the song and share it. 2. Make your favorite timetable in English and talk about it in your group. 教学目标: 1能听、说、读、写,并运用单词和短语 Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, an art class。 2能听懂、会说 Listen and say 中的对话,并能够与同学合作,熟 练说出和表演出对话内容。 3掌握问句 What day is today? 及其回答 Its. 4培养学生热爱学习、乐于分享的积极生活态度。 5通过听、说、读、练,以及对话的合作表演,保持学生学习英语 的兴趣。 教学重点难点: 重点: 1能听懂,会说,并会写 Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,an art class。 2熟练掌握句型 What day is today? 及其回答 Its Tuesday. 3能听懂,并理解及应用句子:We have an art class today. We re going to have the class in the park. 难点: 1.What day is today? 的掌握。 2.Tuesday,Wednesday 的读音:注意 Wednesday 中的字母 d 不发音。 课前准备:PPT 课件、单词卡片、奖励卡片等。 教学过程: StepStep 1:1: WarmWarm upup 1. Greeting. 2. Before the new lesson, lets play a game,OK? Look at this box, you can choose one card, and make a sentence. 复习单词:art PE music science English Chinese 句型:We have a/an _ class.(利用白板的书写功能标注提示 学生注意 a/an 的用法) 复习已有知识,为本课新授做铺垫。以游戏的方式对各种课程类的 单词进行复习,把学生带入轻松愉快的英语学习的氛围中。 StepStep 2:2: PresentationPresentation Today well learn Unit 3 What day is today? (利用白板的 聚 光灯或拉幕功能) Look at this picture. Where is it? Guess. Its a park. Next week, were going to have the class in the park. If you want to go, we have to past four tasks this class, and youll get some tickets like these.邀请学 生完成本课任务,交待本节课的评价方式(获得公园门票) ,让学生 产生竞争意识,激发学生的积极性。 1. Task 1: Do you know? What day is today? 学生回答,引出新 知。大屏幕(圈出 6 月 5 日)M Monday,听音读,生读,拼写读,操练 句型。 (cute-music) u /ju:/ T Tuesday 生读,操练句型。 白板渗透同义句:What day is it? W Wednesday 男、女生读,齐读,操练句型。 2.游戏操练句型:What day is today? Its . 3.小组讨论让学生们找出星期单词的规律(利用白板的书写功能标 注)习题 Do some exercise.(掌握单词的缩写形式) 4. Task 2:Play a game.(学生利用白板,操作转一转) 操练句型:Its _. We have a/an _ class today. StepStep 3:3: PracticePractice Task 3: 1. Listen and answer 听音,回答问题: 1: What day is today? 2: What class do they have? 2. 打开书读并讨论,小组合作读并解决问题(Line up, please.) 教师利用 PPT 动画效果呈现,便于学生理解记忆。 3. 表演对话。 StepStep 4:4: ConsolidationConsolidation Task 4:创编新对话,根据提示写出对话内容,并展示(学生汇报或 投影展示) 。 StepStep 5:5: SummarySummary 1. What have we learned today? 2. 总结性评价本节课学生获得的门票。情感教育:建议学生可以用 门票邀请好朋友等参加下周的活动, 培养学生热爱学习、乐于分享 的积极生活态度。 Sharing is a happy thing. Its one of the best learning. Lets share love, time, mood and the wonderful moment, come on! 分享是一件快乐之事。它是最好的学习。让我们分享爱,分享时光, 分享心情,分享精彩瞬间。加油! 3. Share a song 视频播放 StepStep 6:6: HomeworkHomework 1. Try to sing the song and share it. 2. Make your favorite timetable in English and talk about it in your group.
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