辽宁师大版五年级上册Unit 9 What's the weaher like today -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:906bd).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 9 Whats the weaher like today _ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:906bd)
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Back Im going to have a trip for the winter vacation (寒假寒假). Harbin by train 哈哈尔尔题 Harbin is a beautiful city. Ill have a wonderful travelling. I enjoy my trip. He is packing for Guangzhou. (收拾行李)(收拾行李) -15 Harbin 31 Guangzhou Weather forecast -15 Whats the weather like in Harbin? Its _.cold -15 Whats the weather like in Harbin? Its cold. headmother w eather -15 Whats the weather like in Harbin? Its _.cold old cold gold-15 hold 31 Whats the weather like in Guangzhou? Its _.hot Whats the weather like in Sanya? Its _. hot 37 _ the weather _ in Daqing? _. -25 _ in Shenyang? _. -15 Work in pairs. (两人一两人一题题题。 。) A:Im going to _. Im packing for the trip. B: Whats the weather like in_? A: Its _. ( (cold / hot) ) B: Enjoy your trip! A: Thank you. Listen and answer. (听并回答听并回答题题 。 。 ) Lindas dad is packing for a trip. Whats the weather like today? Its _. Listen and answer. (听并回答听并回答题题 。 。 ) Lindas dad is packing for a trip. Whats the weather like today? Its _. Listen and answer. (听并回答听并回答题题 。 。 ) Lindas dad is packing for a trip. Whats the weather like today? Its cold. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Dad is packing for Shanghai. Linda is checking the weather for him. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Dad is packing for Shanghai. Linda is checking the weather for him. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Listen and imitate. (听音仿听音仿题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Answer the questions. (回答回答题题 。 。) 1.Where is Dad going? 2.Whats the weather like in Shanghai? Its warm. Shanghai. warm 20 /:/ 23 warmer opposite word (反反题 题 ): : cool 15 Read and answer the question. (题 并回答并回答题题 。 。) How does Linda know about the weather? She checks online. ( (Linda是如何知道天气的?)是如何知道天气的?) Role play. (分角色朗分角色朗题 。 。) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. Fill in the blanks. (填空填空) Dad: Whats the weather like today? Mom:Its cold. Dad: Im going to Shanghai tomorrow. Whats the weather like there? Mom: I think its warmer. Linda: Let me check online. Yes. Its warm in Shanghai. Mom: Thats good. Enjoy your trip! Dad: Thank you. ( ) Dad is packing for Shanghai. ( ) Shanghai is going to be cold tomorrow. ( ) Its hot today. ( ) Linda is checking the weather online. Back Read silently (默读 )and tell T or F Listen and fill in the blanks. (听并填空听并填空。 。) CityTemperatureWeather Xian15cool Shanghai23 Harbin2 Sanya34 Beijing18 Listen and fill in the blanks. (听并填空听并填空。 。) CityTemperatureWeather Xian15cool Shanghai23 Harbin2 Sanya34 Beijing18 CityTemperatureWeather Xian15cool Shanghai23 Harbin2 Sanya34 Beijing18 Listen and fill in the blanks. (听并填空听并填空。 。) warm cold hot cool warm cold hot cool cold hot cool warm Tips: train, plane, car, bus check online, watch TV, call for help hot, cold, warm, cool skirt, T-shirt, sweater, hat My trip plan Im going to Guangzhou by train. Whats the weather like in Guangzhou? Let me check online. Oh, Jinzhou is cold. It is warm in Harbin. I wear less(少的)(少的) clothes. I will enjoy my trip. My trip plan Im going to _. Whats the weather like there? Let me _. Oh, Jinzhou is _. It is _ in _. I wear _. I will enjoy my trip. Tips: train, plane, car, bus check online, watch TV, call for help hot, cold, warm, cool skirt, T-shirt, sweater, hat Write the plan My trip plan Im going to _. Whats the weather like there? Let me _. Oh, Jinzhou is _. It is _ in _. I wear _. I will enjoy my trip. Tips: train, plane, car, bus check online, watch TV, call for help hot, cold, warm, cool skirt, T-shirt, sweater, hat Write the plan Civilized travel(文明出行文明出行) Protect the environment(保保题题 境境) Homework: 1. Recite the dialogue and new words. (必做必做) 2. Talk about your vacation plans ( 假期假期题 划划) with your friends. ( 题 做做) 辽师大快乐英语五上 Unit9 第一课时 教学目标与要求: 1. 能听、说、读、写,并运用单词 weather,cold,warm,hot, cool。 2. 能听懂、会说 Listen and say 中的对话。 3. 能听录音独立完成 Listen, write and say 部分的填空。 4. 掌握问句 Whats the weather like today? 及其回答 Its cold./Its hot./Its warm./Its cool. 5. 培养学生关心天气,热爱环境的好习惯。 6. 通过各种形式的英语学习,让学生持续保持学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点、难点分析 重点:1.能听懂、会说,并会写单词 cold,warm,hot,cool。 熟练掌握问天气的句型 Whats the weather like today?及其回答 Its cold/hot/warm/cool. 2.能根据温度来判断什么是 cold,cool,hot,warm。完成 Listen, write and say 的任务。 难点:1.Whats the weather like today?这一问句需要多多练习, 让学生熟练掌握。 2.cold 的对应词是 hot,warm 的对应词是 cool。 课前准备: PPT 教学过程: TeachingTeaching ProceduresProcedures StepStep 1 1 . . Warming-upWarming-up Greeting (通过师生互动、问候,活跃课堂教学的氛围,拉近师生的距离, 并且使学生尽快的进入英语的语境氛围。) StepStep 2 2 . . PresentationPresentation andand PracticePractice 1. Free talk. a. Boys and girls. Do you like travelling? I like travelling very much. Ive been to many cities. Such as This winter vacation, Im going to have a trip, too. Im going to Harbin by train. Ill enjoy some delicious food. Such as(pictures). I enjoy my trip. (通过教师对自己的介绍,用地方的美食与特色做诱饵吸引学生,逐 渐引出本课的内容,让学生慢慢融入到新课中。反复提到 enjoy,解 决课文中难词。) b. Introduce my son. He is packing for Guangzhou. He loves animals very much. He is going to Changlong Wild Zoo. (介绍孩子的爱好,更加贴近孩子的世界,便于引出南北方强烈天 气的对比。初步理解 packing 含义。) 2. Listen to the weather forecast. Before the trip, lets listen to the weather report. Q: Whats the weather like in Harbin? Ss: Its cold. Ask it again. (通过两次提问,初步感知新句型,强调 weather 及 cold 的发音。 ) 3. Show some pictures. Practice the new sentences and fill the blanks. (出示一些炎热地方的图片,讲解 hot。分层次搭建框架,一步一 步夯实基础。) 4. Pair work A: Im going to _. Im packing for the trip. B: Whats the weather like in_? A: Its _. (cold / hot) B: Enjoy your trip! A: Thank you. (在情景中教学,给出框架,反复操练,小组合作练习。) 5. Dialogue Im going to Harbin. Lindas Dad is packing for a trip. a. Listen and answer Q: Whats the weather like today? A: Its cold. (第一遍听课文,初步感知并回答问题。) b. Listen, imitate and answer 1. Where is Dad going? 2. Whats the weather like in Shanghai? Its warm. (听音仿读,再次回答问题。引出 warm 并通过反义词引出 cool。 ) c. Read and answer How does Linda know about the weather? (再次读课文回答问题,讨论查询天气预报的方式方法。 ) d. Role play (小组合作,角色扮演) e. Fill the blanks (通过前几次的朗读,试着用填空的方式巩固课文。 ) f. Read silently and tell T or F (再次回答问题,巩固课文。 ) 6. We know the weather about Shanghai. Open your books, lets listen to the other citys weather report. (书中第五部分练习,巩固所学知识点。 ) In different places have different weather. Different degrees wear different clothes. StepStep 3 3 . . ConsolidationConsolidation Write your plan. (完成由点线面点的过程,通过前面阶梯的搭建,使学生 能够将新知进一步运用于简单的实际语言交际和表达,形成语篇 的输出,达到学以致用的教学目的。) My trip plan Im going to _. Whats the weather like there? Let me _. Oh, Jinzhou is _. It is _ in Harbin. I wear _. I will enjoy my trip. StepStep 4 4 . . SummarySummary 1. The students talk about what weve learned in this class . 2. The subliming of emotion (学生总结本节课教学重点,提倡文明出行,保护环境。) StepStep 5 5 . . AssignmentAssignment ofof HomeworkHomework 1. Recite the dialogue and new words. (必做) 2.Talk about your vacation plans (假期计划) with your friends. (选做) 板书设计: Unit9 Whats the weather like today? Its cold/hot. warm/cool
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