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  • 五年级上册英语-期末专项突破卷人教版PEP(含答案)
    • 期末专项突破卷-句子一:图文理解类.doc--点击预览
    • 期末专项突破卷-句子二:连词成句 仿写.doc--点击预览
    • 期末专项突破卷-情景交际一:问答匹配 排序.doc--点击预览
    • 期末专项突破卷-情景交际二:补全对话.doc--点击预览
    • 期末专项突破卷-词汇三:挖空填词(对话、短文).doc--点击预览
    • 期末专项突破卷-词汇二:用所给词的适当形式填空 挖空填词(句子).doc--点击预览
    • 期末专项突破卷-语音.doc--点击预览
    • 期末专项突破卷-阅读三:回答问题.doc--点击预览
    • 期末专项突破卷-阅读二:阅读判断.doc--点击预览


句子一句子一: 图文理解类图文理解类 班级_学号_姓名_得分_ 时间: 40 分钟满分: 60 分 一、安徽省滁州市 请把符合图意的句子的序号写在括号里。(20 分) A. There are lots of houses in front of the mountain. B. There is a photo beside the water bottle. C. He can draw cartoons well. D. My brother often says “Good morning” to his teacher. He is polite. E. Its cold today. Id like to eat spicy hot pot. 1.2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、浙江省杭州市 看图读句子或对话, 判断对()错()。(20 分) 第 1 题图 第 2 题图 第 3 题图 第 4 题图 第 5 题图 ( )1. My cousin is a good boy. He is hard-working and helpful. ( )2. Do you have English class on Mondays? Yes, we do. We can play English games. Thats so much fun! Great! ( )3. I like vegetables. They are fresh and healthy. ( )4. The boy is good at football. He can play it very well. ( )5. Look at my bedroom. There is a small bed and a big desk in it. A clock is near the desk. A plant is on the desk. A football is under the desk. I love my room. 三、给下列句子选择正确的图片。(20 分) A. B. C. D. E. ( )1. We have English on Tuesdays. ( )2. Amy can play ping-pong very well. ( )3. The ball is in front of the dog. ( )4. There is a bridge over the river. ( )5. Id like two hamburgers and a sandwich for lunch. 句子一句子一: 图文理解类图文理解类 一、1. D2. B3. A4. C5. E 二、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、1. C2. E3. A4. D5. B 句子二句子二: 连词成句连词成句/仿写仿写 班级_学号_姓名_得分_ 时间: 40 分钟满分: 60 分 一、广东省佛山市 连词成句。(15 分) 1. watch TV do you on the weekend often ( ? ) _ 2. dont like chicken is but fish OK I ( . ) _ 3. the boy at home helpful is ( ? ) _ 4. with my sister I a computer class on Sundays have ( . ) _ 5. like I but vegetables not carrots ( . ) _ 二、浙江省台州市 连词成句。(15 分) 1. lake in there is park the a ( ? ) _ 2. would to you eat what like ( ? ) _ 3. often I my clothes on wash weekend the ( . ) _ 4. Mr Young is new our teacher music ( . ) _ 5. can I songs English sing the for party ( . ) _ 三、广东省佛山市 根据图片和文字提示, 仿照例句, 完成句子。(30 分) 1. 例: The boy is helpful. _ 2. 例: Fridays A: What do you do on Fridays? B: I often wash my clothes. Mondays A: _ B: _ 3. 例: A: What would you like to drink? B: Id like some tea. A: _ B: _ 句子二句子二: 连词成句连词成句/仿写仿写 一、1. Do you often watch TV on the weekend? 2. I dont like chicken but fish is OK. 3. Is the boy helpful at home? 4. I have a computer class with my sister on Sundays. 5. I like vegetables but not carrots. 二、1. Is there a lake in the park? 2. What would you like to eat? 3. I often wash my clothes on the weekend. 4. Mr Young is our new music teacher. 5. I can sing English songs for the party. 三、1. The boy is hardworking. 2. A: What do you do on Mondays? B: I often do my homework. 3. A: What would you like to eat? B: Id like some salad. 情景交际一情景交际一: 问答匹配问答匹配/排序排序 班级_学号_姓名_得分_ 时间: 40 分钟满分: 60 分 一、给下列问句选择正确的答语。(16 分) ( )1. Can you dance? ( )2. Is there a river in the village? ( )3. Whats your PE teacher like? ( )4. Do you often play basketball? ( )5. I can swim. What about you? ( )6. Is your science teacher funny? ( )7. Whats your favourite food? ( )8. What would you like to drink? 二、浙江省金华市 读一读, 选择方框中的句子完成对话, 只需把字母编号填入 横线。(15 分) 1. What do you have on Fridays? _ 2. Can you see the bananas on the table? _ 3. What would you like to drink? _ 4. Do you often do kung fu in the park? _ 5. Are there any fish in the lake? _ A. No, there arent. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can. D. I have a PE class. E. Id like some apple juice. Its healthy. A. Yes, there is. B. Id like some tea. C. I can dance. D. No, he isnt. E. Yes, I can. F. Beef noodles. G. No, I dont. H. He is tall and strict. 三、给下列句子排序, 使其成为一段完整的对话。(14 分) ( )I like it, too. But we cant eat too much. Its not healthy. ( )Ice cream! Its so sweet and delicious. ( )Wonderful! What can you do for the party? ( )I can sing a song. What about you? ( )Me? Haha. I can eat delicious food at the party! ( )What would you like to eat? ( )Jack, next Monday well have a party. 四、浙江省杭州市 给下列句子排序, 使其成为一段合理的对话。(15 分) A. The living room is big. There are so many pictures here. B. They are my grandmothers plants. C. Great! D. There are so many plants here, too. E. Yes, my father can draw very well. F. My grandparents have a nice garden. G. Welcome! This is the living room. 情景交际一情景交际一: 问答匹配问答匹配/排序排序 一、1. E2. A3. H4. G 5. C6. D7. F8. B 二、1. D2. C3. E4. B5. A 三、7623451 四、GAEDBFC 情景交际二情景交际二: 补全对话补全对话 班级_学号_姓名_得分_ 时间: 40 分钟满分: 60 分 一、浙江省台州市 选句子补全对话, 将其序号写在横线上。(20 分) Sarah: Hi, Mike. 1. _ Mike: We have Chinese, English and music. Sarah: Great! You know, we have a new music teacher. Mike: Really? 2. _ Sarah: Shes tall and pretty. Well have a party with her this Wednesday. Mike: What can you do for the party? Sarah: 3. _ Mike: Wonderful. Sarah: 4. _ Mike: I can sing, too. But I cant dance. Sarah: 5. _ I can help you. A. Whats she like? B. I can sing and dance. C. What do we have on Wednesdays? D. No problem. E. What about you, Mike? 二、河南省济源市 选择恰当的选项将对话补充完整。(20 分) Amy: Your room is really nice. Sarah: Thank you. 1. _ Amy: Wow! You are helpful at home. 2. _ Sarah: Yes, I can. And I can cook. Amy: Really? I like cooking at home, too. Sarah: Thats cool! Im hungry. Lets cook together. Amy: OK! Sarah: 3. _ Amy: Id like some noodles. Whats in your fridge? Sarah: 4. _ Lets make beef noodles. Amy: Great! Are there any carrots in the fridge? Sarah: 5. _ Amy: Wonderful! We can make carrot and beef noodles. A. Yes, there are. B. What would you like to eat? C. There is some beef and noodles. D. Can you wash your clothes? E. I often clean my room on the weekend. 三、补全对话。(20 分) Jane: Where do you live, Mike? Mike: 1. _ I like it and its very beautiful. Jane: Really? 2. _ Mike: Yes, there are. There are rabbits and monkeys. Jane: Cool! I like rabbits. They are very cute. 3. _ Mike: Yes, there is. And there are many fish in the river. Jane: 4. _ Mike: Yes, I can. I often go boating with my friends on the weekend. Jane: Great! Mike: 5. _ Jane: Id like to. Thank you, Mike. A. Is there a river in your village? B. Are there any animals? C. Would you like to come to my house this Saturday? D. I live in a small village. E. Can you go boating on the river? 情景交际二情景交际二: 补全对话补全对话 一、1. C2. A3. B4. E5. D 二、1. E2. D3. B4. C5. A 三、1. D2. B3. A4. E5. C 词汇三词汇三: 挖空填词挖空填词(对话、短文对话、短文) 班级_学号_姓名_得分_ 时间: 40 分钟满分: 60 分 一、广东省佛山市 阅读对话, 根据上下文内容, 从方框内选择合适的单词, 使 对话完整。(10 分) A. cartoons B. have C. dance D. play E. help Mr Liao: Well 1. _ a New Years party next week. What can you do for the party, children? Lily: I can sing and 2. _. Mr Liao: Great. How about you, Jim? Jim: I can draw 3. _. Mr Liao: Cool! Can you 4. _ the pipa, Lucy? Lucy: Just a little. Mr Liao: No problem. I can 5. _ you. 二、选词填空, 补全短文。(注意用其适当形式)(20 分) sing quiet healthy or fresh live tree river swim village My name is John. I live in a small 1. _. The sky is blue and the air (空气) is 2. _. There are many 3. _ and flowers. The birds 4. _ beautiful songs every day. There arent many people 5. _ cars in the village. Its very 6. _. There is a 7. _ in my village. The water is clean. We can 8. _ and go boating. In the village, we can eat fresh and 9. _ vegetables and fruit. I like 10. _ in the village. 三、安徽省合肥市 结合图片和首字母提示, 补全单词, 完成短文。(30 分) Meet Jane! Hello! My name is Jane. Im 11 years old. I am friendly and 1. h . I often help my friends clean our classroom. I can 2. s English songs. I can draw 3. c , too. Look! This is a picture. Its a 4. m . I also like sports. My friends and I often play ping-pong on 5. F . I like 6. s food. My favourite food is ice cream. Yummy! But my mum always asks me not to eat too much. Its not healthy! This is me! 词汇三词汇三: 挖空填词挖空填词(对话、短文对话、短文) 一、1. B2. C3. A4. D5. E 二、1. village2. fresh3. trees4. sing5. or 6. quiet7. river8. swim9. healthy 10. living 三、1. helpful2. sing3. cartoons4. mountain 5. Fridays6. sweet 词汇二词汇二: 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空/挖空填词挖空填词(句子句子) 班级_学号_姓名_得分_ 时间: 40 分钟满分: 60 分 一、根据下列各题句意与汉语提示, 完成括号中所给汉语的单词拼写, 并将答案 填在横线上。(20 分) 1. Our music teacher is _ (年纪大的). 2. I often play _ (足球) on the weekend. 3. I love ice cream. Its _ (甜的). 4. I can _ (游泳). 5. There is a _ (时钟) in my room. 6. We have art and science on _ (星期三). 7. My new teacher is young and _ (慈祥的). 8. There are some houses _ (在后面) the mountain. 9. I can _ (画) cartoons. 10. There is a _ (湖泊) in the nature park. 二、根据句意及首字母提示, 写单词, 补全句子。(10 分) 1. Mr Yang is 23 years old. He is very y . 2. T is the third day of a week in England. 3. We often s English songs in English class. 4. There are lots of t in the forest. 5. They are my grandpa and grandma. They are my g . 三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(15 分) 1. I have a _ (cook) class on the weekend. 2. There are some _ (photo) above the desk. 3. _ (we) teachers are friendly and hardworking. 4. Do you often _ (draw) cartoons? No, I dont. 5. Sam often _ (watch) TV in the evening. 四、浙江省衢州市 读一读, 选出合适的词写在横线上, 注意单词形式的变化。 (有一项为多余选项)(15 分) but hamburger swim working wash strict 1. Id like two _. 2. I cant dance. But I can _. 3. Kate often _ her clothes at the weekend. 4. I like vegetables _ I dont like onions. 5. Whats he like? He is _. 词汇二词汇二: 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空/挖空填词挖空填词(句子句子) 一、1. old2. football3. sweet4. swim 5. clock6. Wednesday(s)7. kind 8. behind9. draw10. lake 二、1. young2. Tuesday3. sing4. trees 5. grandparents 三、1. cooking2. photos3. Our4. draw 5. watches 四、1. hamburgers2. swim3. washes4. but 5. strict 语音语音 班级_学号_姓名_得分_ 时间: 40 分钟满分: 60 分 一、浙江省台州市 读一读, 判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是否相同。相同的 写(S), 不同的写(D)。(10 分) ( )1. A. windyB. sorry ( )2. A. tea B. bread ( )3. A. cow B. snow ( )4. A. book B. food ( )5. A. Sunday B. Monday 二、浙江省绍兴市读一读, 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(10 分) ( )1. A. house B. mouseC. young D. mountain ( )2. A. dirty B. partyC. shy D. thirsty ( )3. A. good B. cartoonC. cook D. football ( )4. A. cow B. knowC. flower D. down ( )5. A. cream B. speakC. tea D. healthy 三、浙江省杭州市 读句子, 选出与句中画线部分发音相同的单词。 (10 分) ( )1. Wow! I see a beautiful flower. A. window B. cow ( )2. Noodles are my favourite food. A. balloon B. good ( )3. Its rainy and windy outside. A. many B. try ( )4. Lets paint a rainbow together. A. draw B. birthday ( )5. There is a bridge over the river. A. hill B. beside 四、河南省新乡市 从方框中选出含有与所给单词画线部分相同发音的词, 并将 单词写在相应横线上。(20 分) sound paint see baby way good how book windy eat 1. foot_ 2. tea _ _ 3. happy _ 4. today _ _ 5. house_ _ 五、河南省三门峡市 下列每组单词中画线部分发音是一种的在括号里填“A”, 两种的填“B”, 三种的填“C”。(10 分) ( )1. sound snow now ( )2. say wait today ( )3. good look noodles ( )4. meat head great ( )5. my shy party 语音语音 一、1. S2. D3. D4. D5. S 二、1. C2. C3. B4. B5. D 三、1. B2. A3. A4. B5. A 四、1. good; book 2. see; eat 3. baby; windy 4. paint; way 5. sound; how 五、1. B2. A3. B4. C5. B 阅读三阅读三: 回答问题回答问题 班级_学号_姓名_得分_ 时间: 40 分钟满分: 60 分 一、浙江省绍兴市 读短文, 回答问题。(30 分) My family Hello! My name is Bill. Im 12 years old. Im funny and hard-working. My favourite day is Wednesday, because we have science on that day. I love science. I can play basketball and play the piano. There are 3 people in my family, my parents and I. My father can draw pictures very well. There are many pictures in our living room. My mother is friendly. And she can cook delicious food. What a happy family! 1. Whats Bill like? He is _. 2. What is Bills favourite class? His favourite class is _. 3. How many people are there in Bills family? There are _. 4. What can Bills father do? He can _. 5. Can Bill play the piano? _, he _. 二、河南省郑州市 根据材料内容回答问题。(30 分) My nice bedroom Dear Jack, Hi! Im Mary. Look! This is my bedroom. There is a bed in my room. Near the bed, there is a desk. On the desk, there is a computer. Sometimes I play computer games. Under the desk, there is a football. I really like playing football. Behind the desk, there is a pink wardrobe (衣橱). The air conditioner (空调) is above the wardrobe. Look! Whats on the bed? Its a teddy bear. My bedroom is not big, but its very clean. I love my room. What about your bedroom? Can you tell me? Yours, Mary 1. Is there a computer on the desk? _ 2. Can Mary play computer games? _ 3. Where is the football? _ 4. Whats on the bed? _ 5. Whats Marys bedroom like? _ 阅读三阅读三: 回答问题回答问题 一、1. funny and hard-working 2. science 3. three/3 4. draw pictures (very well) 5. Yes; can 二、1. Yes, there is. 2. Yes, she can. 3. Its under the desk. 4. A teddy bear. 5. Its small (not big) but clean. 阅读二阅读二: 阅读判断阅读判断 班级_学号_姓名_得分_ 时间: 40 分钟满分: 60 分 一、浙江省台州市 先阅读 email, 然后判断, 和内容相符的写“T”, 不相符的写 “F”。(30 分) Chen Jie has a study tour (研学) in the USA. She is writing an email to her friend Zhang Peng. To: zhangpengqq. com Subject: My study tour in the USA. Dear Zhang Peng, Im happy in the USA. The teachers are very funny and kind. The students are friendly. Now I have two new good friends. They are Alice and Lucy. Alice has big eyes. Lucy is tall and pretty. Her favourite food is hamburgers. Theyre yummy. I live in Lucys house. There is a beautiful garden in front of the house. Every morning I read books with her in the garden. And sometimes I do kung fu in it. My room is nice and clean. A toy is on the bed. Beside the bed there is a desk and a chair. On the desk there is a plant. There are some pictures on the wall. I like my room. How about you in China? Yours, Chen Jie ( )1. The email is from Zhang Peng to Chen Jie. ( )2. Chen Jie is in Canada. ( )3. Alice and Lucy are Chen Jies new friends. ( )4. Chen Jie cant read books or do kung fu in the beautiful garden. ( )5. There is a desk, a plant and some pictures in Chen Jies room. 二、浙江省台州市 读短文, 判断正误, 正确的写“T”, 错误的写“F”。(30 分) Hello, my name is Shelly. Im from New York. Im 12 years old. Im hardworking. I often read books and do my homework on the weekend. Im a polite girl. But sometimes Im a little shy. I have a big family. My father is tall and strong. He is very funny. He likes sports very much. He can play football very well. My mother is tall and thin. She is kind, but sometimes she is strict. She likes music. She can dance and play the piano. I have a sister. She is 14 years old. She is very helpful. She can wash clothes, cook and clean the rooms. My baby brother is very cute. He is only one year old. He cant walk. But he can play with the toys. ( )1. Shelly is from the USA. ( )2. Shellys sister cant cook. ( )3. Sometimes Shellys mother is strict. ( )4. Shellys father can play pingpong very well. ( )5. Shellys baby brother can walk and play with the toys. 阅读二阅读二: 阅读判断阅读判断 一、1. F2. F3. T4. F5. T 二、1. T2. F3. T4. F5. F
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