闽教版三年级上册Unit 5 My Family-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:0010c).zip

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  • 闽教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级上册(2013年6月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 My Family_Part B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:0010c)
    • Chant伴奏.mp3
    • U5 My Family Part B.ppt--点击预览
    • 句子录音.mp3
    • 教案0010c.docx--点击预览
    • 活动材料.docx--点击预览
    • 课文视频.swf
    • 音乐.mp3


Unit 5 My Family Part B 学校:高陂中心小学 任课教师:赖雅艳 Hi, I am Miss Lai. This is my family. This is my sister. I love my sister. This is my brother. I love my brother. They are my mother and father. I love them. They are my grandma and grandpa. I love them. I love my family. heshe Who is_? Can you ask?Can you ask? 你会问吗?你会问吗? heshe Who is_? Can you ask?Can you ask? 你会问吗?你会问吗? He is Liu Jiakai. Can you answer?Can you answer?回答回答 Who is he? Who is she? She is Wang Xinyi. Ask and answer?Ask and answer?回答回答 Who is he? He is Who is she? She is Ask and answer?Ask and answer?问答问答 Who is he? He is my_. brother Do you remember?Do you remember? Who is she? She is my_. sister Do you remember?Do you remember? I brother sister father mother grandpagrandma grandpa grandma I love my father.I love my mother.I love my family. 1、拿出家庭树纸张。 2、根据提示完成家庭成员图。 3、用以下句型尝试介绍: He is my _. She is my _. I love my family. I She is my _. He is my _. I love my family. I Love My Family Father, father, father. I love my father. Mother ,mother, mother. I love my mother. Brother, brother, brother. I love my brother. Sister, sister, sister. I love my sister. He is Yang Ming. Who is he? Q1:What questions had Yang Ming asked? 杨明问了Sally 什么问题? Who are they, Sally?Who are they, Sally?Who are they, Sally? They are my and .father mother They are my mother and father. They are my grandma and grandpa. Ask and answer Ask and answer They are_ and _. Who are they?Who are they?Who are they?Who are they? 个人问,全班答 规则 1、全班同学拍手2次并问: Who are they? 2、快速找到自己的照片,并立刻起 立用They are my 向大家介绍。 Q2: This is _? This is Ben. Q2: This is _? This is Kate. This is This is Lu Han.This is Wang Junkai. This is Zhang Jie. Introduce your deskmates. 互相介绍你的同桌 This is . This is . grandmagrandma mothermother grandpagrandpa fatherfather I brother sister father mother grandpa grandmagrandpa grandma Can you help me? I love my family. I brother sister father mother grandpa grandma grandma grandpa Role play:Role play: 角色扮演(向同桌介绍)角色扮演(向同桌介绍) Hi, I am Sally. This is my family. She is my_ . (He is my_.) They are my _ and _. I love my family. Tips:Tips: Hi, I am_. This is my family. She is my_ . (He is my_.) They are my _ and _. I love my family. Introduce your family:Introduce your family: Tips:Tips: 1. Listen and follow. 2. Finish the Activity book. 3. Introduce your family or friends to others. HomeworkHomework I love my family. Introduce your family:Introduce your family: This is my family. sister She is my_. fathermotherThey are_ and _ . Hi, I am_. Miss Lai They are my father and mother.This is my brother. This is my sister. They are my grandma and grandpa.This is my family. I love my family.Hi, I am Miss Lai. 1 闽教版闽教版英语英语三年级上册三年级上册 Unit 5 My Family Part B 教学设计教学设计 执教年级:三年级 课型:新授课 一、教学内容和学情分析一、教学内容和学情分析 1、教学内容分析 本课讨论的话题是介绍家人、朋友,通过文本的学习,让学生能够正确介 绍自己的家人和朋友,培养学生热爱家庭,热爱伙伴的美好情感,提高学生综 合语言运用能力,提高学生的核心素养。 2、学生情况分析 三年级的孩子具有较强的好奇心和求知欲,喜欢游戏、竞赛等小活动,学 生能够在课堂上积极活跃地参与相关的教学活动。因此,在设计课堂教学活动 时,根据学生的情况,采用灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注意,并且在课 堂上尽量鼓励表扬学生为主,鼓励学生开口说英语。 二、二、教学目标教学目标 1、语言知识目标: (1)学习单词:mother,father,grandpa,grandma. (2)学习句子:Who are they? Theyre 、 This is (3)熟读歌谣I Love My Family 2、语言技能目标: (1)能根据图片说出:mother,father,grandpa,grandma 并能看图识字。 (2)能使用“Who are they?” “Theyre”“This is”等句型向他人介绍自 己的家人和朋友。 3、情感态度 (1)通过向他人介绍自己家人和朋友,培养学生热爱家庭,热爱伙伴的美好 情感。 三、教学准备三、教学准备 1、单词图片和卡片。 2、全家福照片。 3、教学光盘和课件等。 四、教学步骤:四、教学步骤: Step 1 Warm-up/Revision 1、Lead-in 导入 T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Unit 5 My Family Part B, lets read it together. Now, Ill divide you into four groups. Youre group 1 One point, one leaf. after class, well see which group is the winner, OK? In todays family talk show. Well introduce our family members. Now, Id like to introduce my family members. Please listen and watch carefully. After that, 2 well finish the challenge, ok? 2. Play the video 【设计意图】通过播放教师家庭成员介绍,布置任务,让学生初步感知和 理解本课的重点内容,并通过该活动对已学知识进行复习。 3. Revision (1) Review ”he/she”“ Who is he/she? He/ She is” 1) 挑战大冲关 T: Here comes the challenge, are you ready? T: Who is? (he or she?) S: Who is_? a) Quickly response (随机指学生,学生说 who is he/she?) b) Practice Who is he/she? He/ She is(用学生照片) 【设计意图】利用学生照片复习已学句型,并实现生活实际运用。最后一 张图片用教师哥哥,进而引入 brother 和 sister 的复习。 3.复习 brother/sister. Who is he? Do you remember? He is my .(复习 brother) Who is she? She is my (复习 sister) 【设计意图】通过教师家庭介绍,复习上一节单词: brother、 sister 和句 型:Who is he/she?He/she is并对本课内容进行初步感知, 并且与最后让学 生介绍自己家庭的环节相联系。 Step 2 Presentation 3 1. Family tree. T: Whats this? I want to make a family tree for you. Look, this is me. Who is he? He is my_ Who is she? She is my_ (1)Learn “mother/father/brother/sister” T: Do you know who are they? Lets think about it. 【设计意图】通过 Family tree 环节的设置,衔接了新旧知识,并且能够初步 感知家庭成员之间的关系,再让学生观察 family tree 的同时,让学生猜猜剩 余家庭成员,导出: father/mother/grandpa/grandma 4 个新单词的学习。 2. Draw your family tree.(学生在规定时间内填写,用 he/she is my介绍。 ) 【设计意图】:让学生根据新学单词设计自己的 Family tree,并用已学内容介 绍,不仅加强对家庭成员间的了解,还能实现新旧知识的衔接运用。 T: Take out this piece of paper, and try to draw your family tree according to the tips. Then Ill ask you to introduce your family tree by using these sentences. 3.Chant I Love My Family T: Lets take a rest and have a chant. The whole class stand up please, follow me. T: Now, lets chant with the music. 4.Text learning (1)Listen and answer. Q1: What questions had Yang Ming asked?(Who are they, Sally?) T: Who is he? Yang Ming visited Sally. What have they talked about? Lets have a look, after that well finish two questions. 【设计意图】:采用任务型教学法,在观看课文视频后回答问题,通过 Sally 和 Yang Ming 的对话,学习新句型 Who are they? They are. (2) Practice(操练 Who are they? They are) 1)用学生照片(操练全班回答) 2)游戏:快速反应(操练个人回答) T: Lets play a game. Heres the rules. One, The whole class clap your hands and ask: Who are they? Lets do it twice. Two, find out your photos, then stand up quickly, 4 introduce your family members. (3)Learn “This is .” 1)Q2: This is?(This is Ben. This is Kate.) T: Lets come to the question 2. 2)Practice: a. Show the pictures of some famous stars. b. Introduce your deskmates. (4)Text retell 1) Watch and Listen 2) Listen and imitate. Step 3 Consolidation. 1.Magic eyes. T: Lets play a game. Look at the screen. Read the word as soon as possible. 【设计意图】用这个快速反应的游戏,加强对 mother, father, grandma, grandpa 4 个单词和图片的操练,使学生达到教学目标中看图识字的要求。 同时,对课文句型进行加强巩固。 2.Draw Sallys family tree. T: Now , Sally wants to draw her family tree . Can you help her? 3. Role play T: If youre Sally, can you introduce your family members in pairs. Ok lets do it in thirty seconds. 【设计意图】根据 Sallys family tree,在同桌中试着介绍 Sally 的家庭成员, 然后再小组合作讨论介绍自己的家人。各个环节层层递进,环环相扣,使得 最后让学生介绍自己家庭成员的环节进行的更加顺畅。 5 Step4 Extension 1. Students family talk show. T: Boys and girls, time for you to talk about your family. Please take out your photos and introduce your family members in groups. Who wants to join our talk show? 2.Summary T: Lets have a summary. Look at the blackboard. Can you? Which group is the winner? Step5 Homework T:This is our homework. first one 1. Listen and follow. 2. Finish the Activity book. 3. Introduce your family or friends to others. 五、板书设计五、板书设计 教学反思:教学反思: 本节课的重难点是 Who are they ? They are和 This is的句型的教学。 My family 这是一个和学生的实际生活有着密切联系的内容,主要运用家庭成 员 father,mother,brother,sister,grandpa, grandma 等名称展开交流 。 在教学中,为了体现以学生为本的教学理念,使得学生融入生活情境之中,我 注重引导学生主动参与动口、动手、动脑,综合发展多方面能力的各种活动, 注重培养学生语言交际能力和思维发展能力。为此,我设计了以下教学环节: 一、教师介绍自己的家庭成员,引入主题。 通过教师家庭成员的介绍,让学生对本课内容形成初步的感知,并且利用学 生对教师生活感兴趣这点,吸引学生的注意力。并通过这个环节引入对 Part A 已学内容的复习,主要有复习单词:brother, sister 等和句型:Who is he/she? She/he is 二、采用启发式教学,引导学生学习。 6 利用 family tree 这一环节的设置,让学生思考、猜测家庭成员关系,引 入新单词 father, mother, grandpa, grandma 等,并进行情感渗透,说句子: I love my father/mother等句子。 三、采用任务式和情景教学法学习、巩固重点句型。 在教授 Who are they?They are和 This is句型中,让学生观看文本 视频,回答两个问题,引入对句子的教学。并设置了几个情景,让学生操练句 子。如随机放置了学生家庭成员照片,让其快速介绍;让学生介绍明星和同桌 等。 而课堂实践也证明,这一节课还是有许多缺憾: 1.对于学生表现的口头评价较为单一,较多的使用 Good!日后教学中应多注意。 2.课上同学展示的时间不多,没有让更多的同学到台前介绍自己的家庭成员。 而上台展示的学生个别发音不够准确,应加强指导。 总而言之,我尽可能地采用听、说、读、写的方式,通过各个有趣、实用、 轻松、活泼的活动,使每个学生都参与进来,尽可能的调动了学生的积极性和 主动性,通过谈论家庭成员和同学,培养学生热爱家庭,热爱伙伴的美好情感。 2、小组活动 参考词汇: brother sister mother father grandma grandpa 注意事项: 1、根据全家福照片填写,并用以上句子向小组成员 介绍自己家人。 2、姓名可直接用中文书写。 1、Draw your family tree 完成自己的家庭树 参考词汇: brother sister mother father grandma grandpa 1、将以上空格填充完整。 2、用以下句子进行介绍: She is my ? He is my ? I love my family. I
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