人教版(新起点)四年级上册Unit 2 On the Weekend-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:93d3a) - 副本.zip

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1 一年级起点人教版 四上英语 Unit2 On the weekend Lesson2 说课 一、说教学内容一、说教学内容 今天我说课的内容是新起点英语四年级上册第二单元第二课的第一 课时,主要巩固:visit ones grandparents 、go to a drawing club、 climb a hill、 pick fruit、 play computer games、 go fishing 、go to the cinema 、on the weekend 8 个短语,以及句型: What do you do on the weekend?并作出回答:I often go to a drawing club. 二、说教材二、说教材 本课时为新起点四年级上册第二单元On the weekend的第二 课时,教学内容为第 15 页。这一课时有三个部分:A Look, listen and repeat;B Lets play;C Lets write.A 部分出示 A 部分图片进 行观察,教师提出问题引导学生读课文找答案。B 部分通过角色扮演活 动,小组合作问与答。C 部分是让学生根据问句写出答语。 三、说教学目标三、说教学目标 英语课程标准指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生 树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展学生自 主学习的能力和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务。在认真分析教材 的基础上,我针对学生实际,将本课时的教学目标及重,难点确定如下: 1.单词卡片,复习 visit ones grandparents 、go to a drawing club、 climb a hill、 pick fruit、 play computer 2 games、 go fishing 、go to the cinema 、on the weekend 等前一课 学过的词组。 2.通过 chant 激发学生兴趣及巩固。 3.出示 A 部分图片进行观察,教师提出问题引导学生读课文找答案。 4小组合作分角色读文。 5.根据提示自编对话,对课文内容进行巩固。 6.You can read,you can say.Lets write. 四、说教学重难点四、说教学重难点 教学重点: 词组:visit ones grandparents 、go to a drawing club、 climb a hill、 pick fruit、 play computer games、 go fishing 、go to the cinema 、on the weekend 8 个短语.句型:What do you do on the weekend?并作出回答:I often go to a drawing club. 教学难点: 能够运用已学功能句操练巩固词汇,熟练运用句型进行问答。 五、说教学准备五、说教学准备 单词卡片、ppt, 六、说教法、学法 为了突破这堂课的重、难点,根据小学生好奇、好胜、好动、模仿 3 力强、表现欲旺盛等生理和心理特点,我主要采取了以任务型教学模式 为主,以活动,合作为主线,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、 实践、参与和合作、游戏感悟等多法并用的方式组织教学。彻底改变传 统的授受的教学模式,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 七、说教学过程七、说教学过程 (一)chant 导入,激发学生学习的兴趣 教育家托尔斯泰说过:成功的教学所必须的不是强制,而是激发 学生的兴趣,兴趣是推动学生学习的强大动力,是学生参与教学活动的 基础。激发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。 精彩的课堂开头,往往给学生带来新意、亲切的感觉,不仅能使学 生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地 进入学习新知的情景。 因此,在热身的时候,首先让学生说 chant,这样的导入能很快吸 引住学生,同时还渲染了学生学习英语的良好气氛。 (二)自由会话,促进语言实际运用能力的提高 学生在一个平等尊重的氛围中,他们的思维是放松的,敢于说、敢 于参与教学。教师要真心诚意地把学生当成学习的主人,从而在教学中 恰到好处地去启发、点拔、尽可能地给学生多一点思考的时间,多一点 活动的余地,多一点表现自己的机会,这样才能使课堂氛围充满活力。 因此,我在这个环节与学生进行了朋友式的会话:What do you do on the weekend?I often .不仅复习了旧知识,还渲染了学习英语的良 好气氛。 4 (三)呈现新知,合作互动。 在小学英语课堂中使学生保持一种积极的紧张感,能够激发他们学 习的外部动机,引发他们一系列的自主活动,促进外部动机向内部动机 的转化。 在呈现新知时,我尤其注意了小学生形象思维优于抽象思维的特点, 通过对比,听音等不同的方式引出新词,给学生以深刻的第一印象。游 戏所带来的乐趣会使每一位参与者保持一种积极的心态。游戏是儿童学 习的一种重要途径,也是激发学生学习兴趣的最佳方法。正如苏霍姆林 斯基指出:如果用思考、情感、创造、游戏的光芒来照亮儿童的学习, 那么学习对于儿童来说是可以成为一件有趣的事情。因此,在操练时, 我首先进行了一些机械的练习,如:Listen,point and repeat.听音、 指词、跟读, 同时,我更注意抓住小学生喜欢谈论自己的特点,让他们从自己实 际出发,谈论自己用的物品。充分激发学生学习的兴趣。同时在学习生 词时感知句型,做到词不离句,句不离词,重视对学生思维,观察能 力的培养,特别是对学生合作学习能力的培养,让学生们们在师生,生 生,小组等不同的合作方式中,学会倾听,学会评价,为学生的终身学 习奠定基础。 (四)课堂总结,及时评价。 通过对知识的小结,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而 明确教学目标、重点和难点;对学生的表现进行总结评价,以评价促发 展,培养小组团队精神,激励学生大胆开口,积极活动,为小组争得荣 誉。 5 八、教学总结八、教学总结 这节课不论是新知识的呈现,还是游戏的设计,都能紧紧地抓住学 生,吸引学生,让学生积极参与到课堂中来。学生在玩中学,学中用, 提高了课堂实效,培养了学生学习的兴趣。我相信通过这样的教学,充 分让学生主体参与、体验感悟、游戏巩固,是一定能圆满实现课堂教学 任务的。 一年级起点人教版 四上英语 Unit2 On the weekend Lesson2 教案 学习目标: 1. 通过 chant 和单词卡片等方式,复习句型:Do you often?并 作出回答:Yes,I do.No,I dont. 2.借助多媒体及录音,通过师生、生生互动,能够在具体情境 中听懂、认读、表演询问某人周末活动的功能句:What do you do on the weekend? 并作出回答: I often. Its fun. 3.借助动画、录音,听懂并理解对话的情境和大意,并在教师 和录音帮助下,以正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 4.结合生活实际,在具体情境中进行问答及运用。 5.能正确书写句型:What do you do on the weekend? I often. Its fun. 教学重点: 掌握句型:What do you do on the weekend?I often . 要 求学生能在真实情景中运用。 教学难点: 正确运用运用 What do you do on the weekend?I often . 在真实情境中谈论周末活动。 教学过程: 一: Warm up 1.Warming up: T:Hello,boys and girls!How are you? 课前三分钟 chant:climb a hill.Do you often climb a hill? read a book.Do you often read a book? do my homework .Do you often do my homework? go to the cinema.Do you often go to the cinema ? pick fruit .Do you often pick fruit ? Yes , I do. 2.Do you often +单词卡片+on the weekend?学生一起回答加手势。 3.Do you like the weekend? Why?师生:Because were happy on the weekend. We can do many things.I often pick fruit on the weekend. 二、课文 1.出示 A 图片观察 大屏:出示问题:Who are they? What are they doing? 找生答:Binbin and Yaoyao.They are picking fruit. 2.大屏出示问题:What do you do on the weekend? 第一遍听录音:找生答:Yao:I often pick fruit on the weekend. Bin:I often go to a drawing club. 第二遍听录音:逐句听两遍,强调红色重点句,跟读。 第三遍听录音:学生自己读时板书:What do you do on the weekend? I often Its fun. (从听力入手,让学生首先从听觉上接触到本课的重点句型。 ) 3.读课文:(1)领读 :好生示范读.(2)男女生读(3)分角色读 (4)小组合作读。 三、大屏六张图片 1、Work in your group,ask and answer.(找两组展示) 2.Practise:自编对话:work in pairs,ask and answer. 四、You can read,you can say.Lets write. 1.找生回答 2.教师补充板书 I often .3.write it by yourself.4.Look.出示几张含有错误的书写:Are there some mistakes? Who can tell us?找生回答。5.check it with your partner.6.师生一起总结书写时应注意的点。 五、Lets play a game. 游戏规则:S1:I often pick fruit. S2: I often pick fruit and read books. S3:I often pick fruit,read books and go to the cinema. 六、拓展阅读 1.read it by yourself (1-2 分) ,边读边做,找出依据并划线。 2.找生说出答案,并说出为什么,在课文中找出来 七、教师小结 八、Homework:1.Lsten to the radio and learn the text by heart. 2. Make a new dialogue with your partner. Hill , hill , climb a hill. Do you often climb a hill? Yes, I do. Book , book, read a book. Do you often read a book? No , I dont . Homework , homework , do my homework . Do you often do my homework? Yes , I do . Cinema , cinema , go to the cinema. Do you often go to the cinema ? No ,I dont . Fruit , fruit , pick fruit . Do you often pick fruit ? Yes , I do . Questions: 1. Who are they? They are Yaoyao and Binbin. Theyre picking fruit. 2. What are they doing? Question : What do they do on the weekend? Yaoyao : Binbin : I often pick fruit on the weekend. I often go to a drawing club. visit ones grandparents go to a drawing club climb a hill play computer games pick fruit go fishing go to the cinema watch TV do my homework go shopping play football sing songs 对话练习:A:Hello. B: Hi. A:What do you do on the weekend? B: I often _ . Its fun. What do you do on the weekend? A:I often _ . 1 5 2 43 12 34 5 My weekend I have a busy and interesting weekend. Now, let me introduce my busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I often go to the bookstore.I buy some books . I like reading books. I find them very interesting. In the evening, I often play the piano at home . Playing the piano is my hobby. On Sunday morning, I often do my homework at home. In the afternoon, I often go shopping with my parents . Im very happy. In the evening ,we often have dinner together. I love my weekend very much. How about you? 判断正误,正确() 错误() 1.I often go to the bookstore on Saturday morning.( ) 2.I dont like reading books.( ) 3.Playing the piano is my hobby.( ) 4.I often go shopping with my parents on Sunday afternoon.( ) 5.I dont love my weekend .( ) Homework: 1.Lsten to the radio and learn the text by heart. 2. Make a new dialogue with your partner.
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