人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit 2 Teachers-Let’s Check-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-(编号:d0121).zip

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Science, English, Chinese and Maths. Music, computer, PE and Art. I have many subjects. We learn a lot every day. We all love the teachers. They are very nice. Teachers from Tina, Tom and Lindas Teachers from Tina, Tom and Lindas schooschool l c curly urly hairhair h hururt t n nurursese s sururf f c cururlyly c curly urly hairhair s short, black, curly hort, black, curly hairhair long, brown, curly long, brown, curly hairhair straight straight hairhair Go straight on.Go straight on. straight straight hairhair long, black, straight long, black, straight hairhair s short, black, straight hort, black, straight hairhair 1.1. Tinas Tinas mathsmaths teacher is _. teacher is _. 2.2. _ is Toms _ is Toms favouritefavourite teacher. teacher. 3.3. _ is Lindas new computer teacher._ is Lindas new computer teacher. Mrs Jin Mr Wu Mrs Brown Teachers from Tina, Tom and Lindas Teachers from Tina, Tom and Lindas schooschool l Tinas Tinas mathsmaths teacher is teacher is MrsMrs JinJin . . She is She is tall and pretty tall and pretty . . She has She has long, black hair long, black hair . . She is She is very kind very kind . . My My MathsMaths teacher is teacher is _._. She She is is _. _. She has _.She has _. She She is is _. _. MrsMrs Wang Wang short, brown, curly hairshort, brown, curly hair n not tallot tall nice and funnynice and funny Say something about your Say something about your Teacher? Teacher? My My ChineseChinese teacher is _. teacher is _. She is _. She is _. She has _.She has _. She is _. She is _. MrsMrs W Wangang n not tallot tall short, brown, curly hairshort, brown, curly hair nice and funnynice and funny MrsMrs Young Young MrMr Cooper John Hart Cooper John Hart Mrs Young teachers English in Alberts school. She is pretty. She had long, brown, curly hair. She is very interesting. She often tells stories in class. They are Alberts teachers. Albert is a They are Alberts teachers. Albert is a primary school student. He likes his school primary school student. He likes his school and teachers very much. and teachers very much. Whos Jacks Whos Jacks favouritefavourite teacher? teacher? A: A: Hi, Hi, I am I am Liza Liza from the School News. from the School News. Hi, Jack!Hi, Jack! B: B: Hi, Liza!Hi, Liza! A: WA: Whos hos your your favouritefavourite teacher? teacher? B: B: Well, I like many teachers, but I like Well, I like many teachers, but I like MrsMrs GuoGuo the best. the best. Shes my Shes my favouritefavourite teacher. teacher. A: What does she teachA: What does she teach? B? B: She teaches : She teaches ArtArt. . A: Is she A: Is she o old or young? ld or young? B: She is not old. B: She is not old. A: A: What does she look like?What does she look like? B: She is B: She is slim and she wears glasses.slim and she wears glasses. A: A: Whats Whats she she likelike? ? B: She is B: She is nice. We all like her.nice. We all like her. A A: What are her hobbies?: What are her hobbies? B: B: I think she I think she likes likes drawing very much. drawing very much. A: A: Ok! Ok! T Thank you, Jack!hank you, Jack! Whos your Whos your favouritefavourite teacher?teacher? What does she teach?What does she teach? What does she look like?What does she look like? Whats she like?Whats she like? What are her hobbies?What are her hobbies? likes draw likes drawinging very much. very much. TeachersTeachers hobbieshobbies Mrs Guo likes painting. Mrs Yang likes reading books. Mr Liu likes tasting the tea. Mr Wang likes doing Taichi. Mrs Li likes playing the piano. My Favourite Teacher You are a special person You are a special person . . No No matter matter (无论)(无论)who who you you are, what youre like, are, what youre like, you you are always are always my my favouritefavourite student.student. 课题:课题:PEPPEP 5 5 上册上册 UnitUnit 2 2 TeachersTeachers LetsLets checkcheck 课时:课时: 第一第一课时课时 教材分析教材分析 本课是人教版小学英语五年级上册第二单元 Lets check 的内容。本单元以谈论老师为主题, 学生要学习介绍教师相关信息,能够听懂会说表示外貌、性格、所教学科、个人爱好等词汇及句 子。学生要听懂会说用来询问教师相关信息的句子功能句并能做出回答;能够读懂介绍老师的小 短文;能够介绍自己喜欢的老师的性格特征、外貌、任教学科多方面信息。 本节课是在学习了描述老师外貌、性格特征、个人爱好之后的阶段性复习课,以话题的形式 复现之前学过的词汇和功能句,重点是考察学生对本单元知识的整体运用,要求学生能够听懂会 说用来询问他人关于老师这个话题的相关内容,借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂本单元的重点语言 现象,即介绍外貌、性格特征等方面信息的句子,并能够产生口头和书面语段的输出。 学情分析学情分析 五年级的学生已有一定的英语学习经历的积累,具有一定的语言基础,在日常交流中具备表 达自己简单想法的能力。本单元的话题,离学生的生活非常近,他们能够积极参与,大胆想象, 不断创新,愿意享受合作与成功带来的喜悦。他们的英语知识储备不是很深厚,但具有一定的自 主学习能力,在教学设计时要充分发挥学生是学习的主体,突出培养学生自主学习的能力。 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1、能够听懂会说并运用以下语言内容:curly hair, straight hair, active, nice, wear glasses, slim, young, teach. What does he/she teach? He/ She teaches What does he/she look like? He/ She is tall and slim. Whats he/she like? He/ She is nice (interesting etc. ). What are his hobbies? He/ She likes reading books (doing Taichi, tasting the tea etc.). 2、能使用上面的语言内容进行问答,询问关于老师的相关信息。 3、能根据围绕自己喜欢的老师这一话题,产生口头和书面文本输出。 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 培养学生借助拼读规律和其他词汇学习策略记忆单词,培养学生通过听力和阅读获取文本 中主要信息的能力;掌握一定的听力和阅读技巧和方法; 促进学生发散思维的培养,能根 据话题展开自由讨论,引导学生综合运用所学语言知识和技能。 情感态度目标情感态度目标: 从多角度认识了解自己的老师。 能够积极参与课堂活动,并能和同伴合作完成活动。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1、能够听懂会说并运用以下语言内容:curly hair, straight hair, active, nice, wear glasses, slim, young, teach. What does he/she teach? He/ She teaches What does he/she look like? He/ She is tall and slim. Whats he/she like? He/ She is nice (interesting etc. ). What are his hobbies? He/ She likes reading books (doing Taichi, tasting the tea etc.). 2、能使用上面的语言内容进行问答,询问关于老师的相关信息。 3、能根据围绕自己喜欢的老师这一话题,产生口头和书面文本输出。 教学难点:教学难点: 能够根据教师出示的段落框架,结合自己老师的实际情况,产生口头及书面文本输出。 教学基本策略及设计思路教学基本策略及设计思路 本节课我设计时注重语言实践,关注学生语言运用能力的培养和训练。在教学中输入相关语 言信息,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,激发他们的求知欲和参与的欲望,有效地提高学生的听、说、 读、写和语言综合运用的整体能力。通过提供接近生活实际的语境和视频录像,采用循序渐进的 语言实践活动,使用强调过程、关注结果的任务型教学方法和体验式教学策略,使学生在个体和 合作的实践活动中发展语言与思维能力,并在展示中感受成功。为学生提供展示学习成果的机会, 整个教学过程中设计运用丰富多样的教学策略来启发、引导学生掌握本节课的学习内容。采 用认知策略认知策略,学生通过听,读所给文本获取信息,进而了解文本大意和关键信息。采用交际策略交际策略, 学生在小组中学习倾听、参与活动,积极表达自己的想法。采用资源策略资源策略,学生根据以往学习经 历描述自己喜爱的老师。采用调控策略调控策略,通过教师对小组评价反馈,学生及时调整自己的学习态 度和学习策略,实现语言综合运用能力可持续发展。 资源的开发及说明 精美视频精美视频 呈现校园电视台小记者采访同学的电视节目视频和任教的科任老师介绍自己爱好的视频,激 发 学生的学习兴趣。 教学课件教学课件 多媒体课件直观展现老师外貌着装等信息,教师借助课件与学生进行互动学习,逐渐加深 语段结构的认知和运用。 再构文本再构文本 增加与本课话题相关的语言知识,供有能力的学生学习使用,为不同学习效率、不同学习 节奏的学生提供外延语言知识。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图 I. Warming-up and lead-in 1. Say a chantSay a chant. Science, English, Chinese and Maths. Music, computer, PE and Art. I have many subjects. We learn a lot every day. We all love the teachers. They are very nice. 用歌谣复习各学科名称, 激发学生学习兴趣,做 好铺垫,引导学生快速 进入学习状态,为本课 学习做准备。 2. Lead-in. T: You have many teachers, whos your favourite one? Lets find out in this class. Well talk about your favourite teacher. 出示课题。激发学习热 情,激活学生已有经验 和知识,为学习新知做 铺垫。 II. Presentation and new learning 1. Show some pictures of teachers and say: Here are some pictures of teachers, Who are they? They are Tina, Tom and Lindas teachers. What do they look like? Who can tell me? 2Emphasize on the words curly and straight. 3. Listen and fill in the blanks Show some introduction about these teachers, listen and fill in the blanks. 4. Show the support language and let the Ss introduce their Chinese or Maths teacher. Pair work. 5. Read and fill in the blanks. T: They are Alberts teachers. Albert is a primary school student. He likes his school They are Miss Wang, Mrs Brown, Mr Wu, Mrs Jin and Mr Liu. Students describe the teachers appearance by using tall and slim, strong, etc. Learn to read and use the words to describe the length and shape of the hair. Students listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Ss talk with their partners about their Chinese or Maths teacher. Read the first paragraph with the teacher and fill in the chart. 创设情境,引导学生在 真实的语境中学习新知。 教师引导学生通过看、 听多种感官记忆并鼓励 他们进行口语表达。教 师引导学生观察图片, 培养获取信息的能力。 讲解字母及其发音之间 的关系,帮助学生练习 语音并归纳整理单词。 学生运用听力技巧,提 取关键词进行听力练习。 通过提供语言支架,让 学生产生运用语言的需 要。进而为后面语篇篇 幅的增长做好铺垫。学 生们在谈论自己老师的 时候都处于一种有话可 说的的状态,正所谓打 有准备之仗。 引导学生预测内容,带 着问题看视频,明晰大 意。 图文小语篇呈现,帮助 and teachers very much. Here is some information about his teachers. Lets read some information about the first one. Then do the second and third paragraphs. 6. Watch a clip How about you, who are your favourite teachers? Lets watch this. Place the reporters questions on the screen to emphasize on them. 7. Another clip The reports also interviewed the teachers, let watch this clip. Learn these phrases: like tasting the tea, like doing Taichi, etc. 8. Vote for him/her. Whos your favourite teacher? Lets vote for your favourite teacher. 9. Tell us about him/her. The class introduce their favourite teachers subject, appearance, character and hobbies. 10.Write about your favourite teacher. 11. Read a poem Watch a clip about students favourite teachers. Watch the clip about teachers hobbies. Learn the new phrases. Practice in pairs. Students vote for their favourite teacher. Ss say: is my favourite teacher. She /He teaches_. She /He is _. She /He is/has _. She /He is _. She /He likes _. Write about their favourite teacher. Ss read a poem about 学生构建语篇学习策略, 提高学生阅读能力。 鼓励学生细读文本,真 正理解文本。 让同学们观看本班同学 当记者的视频,更能引 起学习兴趣,让学生在 同龄人的语音语调中进 行主动学习。 听音模仿,关注语音语 调的模仿。 创设情境,贴近生活, 联系实际,激发学生求 知欲。 小调查的使用能激发学 生热爱老师的心理,培 养尊敬老师的品质,进 而产生热爱学习的积极 心理。 再现本课重点功能句, 强化本课的学习重点, 提高语用能力。 以语篇输出的方式检验 学生对本单元重点内容 的掌握情况,让学生自 Lets read a poem about teachers. We love you too! No matter who you are, what youre like, you are always our favourite students. teachers.由运用所学知识表达思 想,实现学以致用。 借助诗歌对我们生活的 影响,为最后情感教育 做铺垫。扩展练习,语 言积累, 表达老师对学生 的喜爱之情。 III. Practice and consolidation 1. Write and report Write about your favourite teacher and share with the class. 2. Survey Ss vote for their favourite teachers. Write down their favourite teacher and talk with your partner. Ss vote for their favourite teachers. 学生在教师设计的有意 义的情景下进行语言输 出。通过写作练习,培 养语篇输出的能力,注 意单词拼写,字母大小 写等细节。 带给学生介绍更多的活 动类型,开阔学生视野, 激发学生学习兴趣,产 生尊敬老师爱戴老师的 心理。 V. Summary and Home work 1.Summary Ss summarize what they learnt in this class. 2.Homework Read a book about teachers and share the book with your friends. Ss summarize what they learnt in this class, so to have a clear understanding of this class. 总结所学,通过学习本 课,从更多角度了解老 师的优秀品质,激发学 生产生尊师重教、努力 求学的积极心理。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 Teachers Lets check NameSubjectAppearanceCharacter Mrs YoungEnglishlong, brown, curly hairinteresting Mr CooperPEvery tall, strongvery active John HartMathshort, grey hairkind, funny Whats his/her name? What does he/she look like? My Favourite Teacher What does he/she teach? Whats he/she like? Whats his/her hobbies? He/ She likes tasting the tea doing Taichi
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