人教版(新起点)六年级上册Unit 3 Animal World-Fun Time-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:b0460).zip

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Insects (Reading) There are many kinds of insects in the world. They live in the grassyland or in the tree.All insects have six legs. Mother insects lay eggs.Most insects can fly.Most insects have wings.They are important for ourselves.We should protect them. They are peoples friends. 1.All insects have _legs. A.7 B. 4 C. 6 2.Mother insects _. A.feed milk B. lay eggs C. make milk 3.Most insects have _. A. feathers B. scales C. wings Unit 3 Animal World Fun Time Lets sing! Lets talk! How many kinds of animals are there in the passage? Unit 3 Animal World How do mother animals give birth to their babies? Mother _ _to their babies. Mother _ _. feed milk reptiles lay eggs lionsmammals Mammals are covered with hair/fur. Mammals have warm blood hair fur Mammals The tree _. be covered with is covered with flowers. Last night the road _. be covered with was covered with snow scale whale /skeil/ scarf All reptiles have scales. _ have _(warm/cold)blood. Reptiles Reptiles cold Mammals _ have _legs. They can _. 4/0/2 run/swim/walk/ They They have _legs. They can _. Reptiles 4/0crawl/ Lets read! Mammals Mammals have war(m) blood. Mammals are covered with hair or fur. Mother mammals feed milk to their babies. Reptiles Reptiles have col(d) blood. All reptiles have scales. Mother reptiles lay eggs. Most reptiles have four legs. (A snake is a reptile with no legs) Lets be an animal programme host! 1.How many wings do all birds have? 3.How do mother birds give birth to their babies? 2.What are all birds covered with? All birds have two wings. Listen and answer! All birds are covered with feathers. Mother birds lay eggs. Read and choose! There are many kinds of insects in the world. They live in the grassyland or in the tree.All insects have six legs. Mother insects lay eggs.Most insects can fly.Most insects have wings.They are important for ourselves.We should protect them. They are peoples friends. 1.All insects have _legs. A. 7 B. 4 C. 6 2.Mother insects _. A. feed milk B. lay eggs C. make milk 3.Most insects have _. A. feathers B. scales C. wings C B C What is different? reptiles mammals What is different? What is different? Lets act! Hi, _. We are _.(kind) We have_.(characters) We have _.(legs,wings,hair,fur) We can _.(do things) Mothers. _. Hi, we are pandas. We are mammals. I feed milk to babies. We are black and white. We are covered with fur. We eat bamboo. We live in Sichuan Province. Do you like us? Lets act! A:Hi, _. B:Hi_. We are _.(kind) We have_.(characters) We have _.(legs,wings,hair,fur) We can _.(do things) Mothers _. What makes the animals become fewer and fewer? Killing and pollution. These animals are in danger. Do you want to help them? Pandas are mammals They only live in China. They are lovely. They are Covered with fur. Now there are fewer pandas in the world, We shouldnt kill them. We should love them. _in danger Pandas are in danger _ _ _ _ _ _ Try to use the new words . Why should we love them? _in danger Tips: Dont eat wild animals. Say no to animals coat. Dont pollute the water. Dont cut down the trees. Tell people to protect the animals. Lets share our posters! No buying , no killing. Homework 1.Talk about your favourite animals with your families. 2.Tell your friends to love animals. 保护动物办法 1.Put rubbish into rubbish bins. 1. Say no to animals coats. 2. Dont cut down trees. 3. Dont kill wild animals. 4. Dont feed animals bad food. 5. Dont hurt animals in the zoo. 6. Tell other people about animals in danger. 7. Dont pollute water. 8. Dont pollute the sea. 9. Dont pollute the sky. 10.Dont walk on the grass. 11.Dont buy ivories. 12.Dont buy rhinos horns. 13.Dont buy turtles shells. 14.Make friends with animals. 15.Try our best to protect animals. 16.Dont litter. 17.Dont cut down trees. 18.Make friends with animals. 19.Dont walk on the grass. 20.Dont kill wild animals. 21.Dont let our mother buy animals coats. 23.Dont buy goods of wild animals. 24.Tell other people to help animals. 人教社一年级起点六年级上册人教社一年级起点六年级上册 Unit 3 Animal World 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析 本套教材注重学生语言运用能力的培养,教学内容紧密联系学 生的生活实际,本课是第三单元 Fun Time,第一课主要学习了各类 动物的基本词汇,并能使用之前学习过的句型进行对话;第二课是 能听懂会说 kind 这一单词,并学习 What kind of animals are?这一 功能句型,通过学习能使用这样的句型给各种动物归类并做简单描 述。本课是在前两课语言知识储备的基础上,对学生语言运用能力 和学生学习策略的一个巩固和提高。 二、学情分析 六年级学生在英语口语表达、听力等方面有了一定的语言基础, 语言输出能力较强,通过语境能基本回答问题,良好的听说读的习 惯基本形成,但还需要教师在课堂上通过情境创设、言语引导、肢 体动作等形式进行指导,因此在本课教学设计上,我主要采用情境 教学法、任务型教学法等,提升学生语言核心素养。对于他们来说, 本文的文本阅读内容不是很多。但是阅读语篇中会出现一定量的生 词和短语,因此,老师在教学的过程中,可以结合情节的发展,引 导学生全面的思考问题,养成良好的思维习惯,培养并提升学生的 核心素养。 设计思路:综合对教材和学情的分析,将本节课分为了复习谈 话导入、模块式新授、逐级分层次巩固提升三个环节。在 各环节中, 关注学生的学习和思考,引导学生深度思考细节要点,并将所学内 容迁移到生活中对学生进行德育教育。以学生的学为主体,通过小 组合作探究和教师的点拨,体验学习和思考的乐趣。 三、教学目标 1 语言知识目标: A 掌握词汇: be covered with feather,scale,lay eggs,feed milk,warm blood,cold blood. B 能借助图片读懂 Fun Time 的 基本信息。 2 语言技能目标: 学生能运用所学语言,根据具体语境尝试对 某类动物进行小制作,并作出相关介绍。 3语言策略目标: 学生能乐于感知并运用英语,通过竞赛的形 式在游戏中体会学习的乐趣。 4. 文化意识 培养学生保护动物的意识。 5、 情感态度目标:通过学习动物知识和故事,树立人与动物 和谐共处的意识。 四 教学重点、难点: 学生能运用所学语言对相关动物类作出相应 描述。 五 教具准备: CD-ROM, 头饰,卡片,ppt 课件。 六、教学流程 steps 1. Sing a song. Sing the song “Animals,Animals,Animals”. 【设计意图】营造英语 学习氛围,调动学生的学习热情。培养学生“乐学善学”的核心素 养。 2.T: Do you like animals? S: T: look at these different kinds of animals.Lets talk about them.You can choose your favourite animals. 学生之间小组谈论喜欢的动物。【设计意图】复习学过的动物种类。 培养学生“人文积淀”的核心素养,为本课新课的学习做铺垫。之 后引出标题:Today we ll learn Unit 3 Animal world. 3. 教师让学生粗听本课文本,并在听前出示问题:How many kinds of animals are there in the passage?t 任务型教学,让学生带着问 题思考。并让学生对本课内容有所了解。 4. A.教师根据图片让学生说出哺乳动物和爬行动物妈妈们如何 生育后代,讲新词汇,出示图片讲词汇 feed milk 和 lay eggs,并板书 句子。【设计意图】通过对比方式让学生理解本课新授词汇。 B出示猴子和狗哺乳图片,讲解 be covered with hair and hair/fur.同时问学生 How do they feel?讲解 Mammals have warm blood 和 Snakes have cold blood。出示爬行动物图片讲解 scale,并让学生明 白 All reptiles have scales. C.教师分别让学生根据图片问答:这两种动物分别有多少条腿? 它们能做什么?出示大象的图片并问 How many legs do mammals have,?生回答 Four.并出示海豚和人的图片说,people and whales are mammals but they dont have four legs.讲爬行动物解释,大部分爬行 动物有四条服,但蛇没有腿。讲鸟类有二条腿,大部分会飞,但企 鹅不会飞 。 D教师出示这两段两类动物课文,让学生跟读模仿,并能通 过做一名动物节目播讲员来让学生自读本课内容。 E让学生听音回答问题,结合鸟类图片,让生回答问题。其中 可解释 feather 一词。 F老师呈现一篇与第四段昆虫类相关的文本,让学生以阅读的 形式完成习题。 5 巩固活动。 A教师出示三组图片,让学生小组讨论它们的不同点。 B、师生带头饰表演,可以以小组为单位第一人称、第三人称和 学生互相问答表演自己喜欢的类别动物 C、师播放动物视频,并让学生绘制宣传海报。可以将绘制好的 展示,小组汇报。 6作业:请将你喜欢的动物用英文介绍给父母或朋友听。 选 做作业: 如果感兴趣,可以去了解更多种类的动物,下节课与全班 同学分享。 【设计意图】作业分为必做和选做两部分,给不同层次 的学生不同的选择,充分尊重学生的个体差异,给学生提供更广的 自我发展空间。
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