人教版(新起点)六年级上册Unit 4 Feelings-lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-(编号:c03e6).zip

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PPTPPT TemplateTemplate Part A Lets learn * The traditional symbol for the Republican Party first appeared in a cartoon in the 7 November 1874 edition of Harpers Weekly by the artist Thomas Nast. Sarah has a cat. Look, its very lovely.( (可爱的)可爱的) But one day,the cat broke (打碎打碎)her cup. How does Sarah feel ? Sarah is angry. * / * How does Sarah feel ? Sarah is angry. She is angry. How does the cat feel ? The cat is afraid. * The traditional symbol for the Republican Party first appeared in a cartoon in the 7 November 1874 edition of Harpers Weekly by the artist Thomas Nast. /ei/ How does the cat feel ? The cat is afraid. Its afraid. Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid. The cat is ill. Sarah is sad. ill 生病;不舒服生病;不舒服 The boy is ill. s sa ad d 难过的难过的 悲伤的悲伤的 / The cat is ill. Sarah is sad. One day, the cat climbed up(爬上爬上) the tree. How do Sarah and the cat feel ? Sarah and the cat are worried. * The traditional symbol for the Republican Party first appeared in a cartoon in the 7 November 1874 edition of Harpers Weekly by the artist Thomas Nast. / How do Sarah and the cat feel ? Sarah and the cat are worried. They are worried. How do they feel ? They are happy. * The traditional symbol for the Republican Party first appeared in a cartoon in the 7 November 1874 edition of Harpers Weekly by the artist Thomas Nast. / How do they feel ? They are happy. * happy afraid angry sad worried * How does he feel? How does she feel? How do they feel? Hes Shes Theyre How do/ doesfeel? He is /She is / They are * worried How does he feel? * happy How do they feel? * angry How does he feel? * sa d How does she feel? * afraid How do you feel? Words bank finally at last one day the fireman the next day break the cup climb the tree Animals have feelings, just like you and me. When a dog is happy, it will wag(摇摆摇摆) its tail. When a cat is angry, it will move(移动)(移动)its tail slowly. When a bird is happy, it will sing. When a monkey is afraid, it will run away. When a bear is sad, it will sit quietly. When a snake is worried, it will say “sss” and then bite(咬)! AnimalsHow do they feel? What will they do? doghappyIt will wag its tail. What have we learned today? I can say I can use I can write I want to know If you are healthy, youre in the PINK. If you are angry, youre seeing RED. If you are very very sad, youre in a BLACK mood. If you are sad, youre feeling BLUE. * 1. Listen to the tape on P59.Try to imitate. 2. Draw the feeling pictures of “ sad, happy, worried, angry, afraid”, and introduce them to your partner in English. 1. Listen and imitate lets learn 3 times .(必做) 3.Try to write an English composition about you and your friends feelings.(选做) 2. Look up more words about feelings, then put them in your “Words bank” (必做) * 1. Listen to the tape on P59.Try to imitate. 2. Draw the feeling pictures of “ sad, happy, worried, angry, afraid”, and introduce them to your partner in English. PEP 六年级上册 Unit 6 How do you feel? A. Lets learn 教学设计 一、教学目标 1.知识目标: (1)学生能够听、说、读、写表达情感的词汇:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy。 (2)学生能够听懂、会说,读懂 Lets learn 部分的内容。 2.能力目标 (1)学生能够用 They are happy. She / He/ is worried/sad/afraid等描述 他人的情感。 (2)学生能够在真实场景中运用所学表达情感的语言进行真实运用和 交流。 3.情感目标 在真实的情景中正确表达自己的感受,每天保持乐观向上的积极态度, 知道谚语 A smile makes you ten years younger。 二、教学重、难点: 1. 教学重点: (1)学习表示情感的单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy (2)学习句子:Im . He / She is . They are . 2. 教学难点: (1)四会掌握单词 worried、afraid 和 be 动词 am, is, are 的准确运用。 (2)能够根据实际情况描述自己和他人的情感,并在交流中能够灵活 运用。 三、教学过程: Step1:Warm-up 1、Free talk T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its sunny. T: Do you like sunny days? Ss: Yes! T: Me too! I feel so happy on sunny days! 2. Lets sing “If youre happy, clap your hands.” 【设计意图设计意图】通过通过 Free talk 拉近师生距离,通过谈论天气引导到表达拉近师生距离,通过谈论天气引导到表达 自己的情感自己的情感 I feel so happy,使学生初步感知表达情感的本课目标词,使学生初步感知表达情感的本课目标词, 用以情感为主题的歌曲热身,活跃课堂气氛,为本节课的新授内容做铺用以情感为主题的歌曲热身,活跃课堂气氛,为本节课的新授内容做铺 垫。垫。 Step2:Presentation Presentation 部分,我将以讲故事的形式展开本课的词汇教学。 1. Teach “angry” and “afraid” T: Now Ill tell you a story about Sarah and he cat. Sarah has a cat. Look! But one day, the cat broke the cup. 通过课本图片引出单词 angry 和 afraid,同时通过图片巩固练习目标词 汇。通过询问 Sarah 的感受,引出句型结构:How does he/she feel? He s/Shes 2. Teach “ill” and “sad” 教师接着进行故事的讲述,运用课本图片新授单词 ill 和 sad,然后通过 更多的 sad 图片巩固练习目标词。练习句型 The cat is ill. Sarah is sad. 3. Teach “worried” 进入故事情节 3,小猫爬到树上自己不能下来,由 Sarah 和小猫的情感 话题引出 worried 一次词,后通过更多的图片练习巩固 worried 一词。 练习句型 Sarah and the cat are worried. 4. Teach “happy” 故事进入结尾,the fireman 把小猫救下,引出 happy 一词,通过更多 的图片练习巩固 happy。操练句型 They are happy.通过询问 Sarah 和小 猫的感受,引出句型结构 How do you/they feel? Im/Theyre 【设计意图设计意图】运用绘本故事情节讲授目标词,能够吸引学生的注意力,运用绘本故事情节讲授目标词,能够吸引学生的注意力, 使学生对新知识的学习保持高度的兴趣,同时教师出示更多关于情感的使学生对新知识的学习保持高度的兴趣,同时教师出示更多关于情感的 图片和在以句型带动词汇的学习,使学生在不断地输入与输出的语言环图片和在以句型带动词汇的学习,使学生在不断地输入与输出的语言环 境中进一步巩固目标词。境中进一步巩固目标词。 5.情感教育 由 happy 一词引出句型 A smile makes you ten years younger!引导学生每 天应该保持良好的情绪,开心每一天。 【设计意图设计意图】适时的进行情感教育的渗透,自然而然,润物无声。适时的进行情感教育的渗透,自然而然,润物无声。 Step3:Practice 1. Listen, read and imitate. 教师通过学生跟读词汇句子、与录音对比的形式,让学生领悟句子的重 读和连读,培养学生自主学习的能力。 【设计意图设计意图】听辨音并跟读,引导学生学会用耳朵去学英语。在此过程听辨音并跟读,引导学生学会用耳朵去学英语。在此过程 中,学生对中,学生对 Sarah 和小猫的故事文本有更深层次地理解。和小猫的故事文本有更深层次地理解。 2. Sharp eyes 教师快速出示词汇,学生快速读出单词,之后用 Whats missing?形式 闪词,训练学生对目标词音、形的掌握。 3. Whats missing 比第 2 步更深一层次,出示表情图片,学生快速反应并认读。 【设计意图设计意图】第第 2、3 步设计为层层递进环节,从目标词的音、义、形步设计为层层递进环节,从目标词的音、义、形 方面,进一步巩固操练。方面,进一步巩固操练。 4. Lets talk 通过图片进行句型 How do/ doesfeel? He is /She is / They are的练习。 【设计意图设计意图】通过设置情境,让学生在情境中归纳总结,由疑问句通过设置情境,让学生在情境中归纳总结,由疑问句 How do you feel?拓展到拓展到 How does he/she fee? How do they feel? 让学生让学生 在句型中操练词汇,为学生搭建语言结构支架,通过在实际需要中运用在句型中操练词汇,为学生搭建语言结构支架,通过在实际需要中运用 语言,语言, 使学生的归纳总结和拓展能力均得到了锻炼和提升。使学生的归纳总结和拓展能力均得到了锻炼和提升。 5. Lets write and say 根据图片完成句型,用问答的形式展现答案。 【设计意图设计意图】在情境中进一步训练学生对目标词汇和句型运用,锻炼学在情境中进一步训练学生对目标词汇和句型运用,锻炼学 生的读图和语用能力。生的读图和语用能力。 Step4:Consolidation 1. Lets tell the story 这是一个小组活动,四人一组运用所学词汇和教师提供的 words bank, 给 lets learn 部分起一个题目并合作讲出这个故事。 【设计意图设计意图】小组合作讲故事,给予每个学生进行口语表达的机会,既小组合作讲故事,给予每个学生进行口语表达的机会,既 培养学生语言综合运用能力又使学生与人合作沟通的能力得到了锻炼。培养学生语言综合运用能力又使学生与人合作沟通的能力得到了锻炼。 2. Lets read and write 融入绘本教学,完成表格。 【设计意图设计意图】通过绘本教学,训练巩固本课所学知识,拓展学生的知识通过绘本教学,训练巩固本课所学知识,拓展学生的知识 面,在欢快的音乐声中提升学生对英语学习的兴趣。面,在欢快的音乐声中提升学生对英语学习的兴趣。 Step5 Extension 1. Summary 学生从 I can say,I can use,I can write,I want to know方面 总结本节课的收获。 【设计意图设计意图】从多方面入手总结自己的收获,学生会收获更多。从多方面入手总结自己的收获,学生会收获更多。 2. More feelings 展示更多其它情感的图片,让学生提问,回答,拓展情感词汇知识面 【设计意图设计意图】通过展示其它图片,提高学生的课堂关注度,让学生提问,通过展示其它图片,提高学生的课堂关注度,让学生提问, 起到了使学生进一步关注核心句型,真正达到语用的目的。起到了使学生进一步关注核心句型,真正达到语用的目的。 3. Good to know 色彩可以代表我们的心情 【设计意图设计意图】进一步拓展有关情感方面的知识,卷入旧知,新旧知识结进一步拓展有关情感方面的知识,卷入旧知,新旧知识结 合,增强学习的趣味性和愉悦度。教师的总结提问又一次使学生输入本合,增强学习的趣味性和愉悦度。教师的总结提问又一次使学生输入本 课的目标词汇。课的目标词汇。 Step 6 Homework 1. Listen and imitate lets learn 3 times.(必做) 2. Look up more words about feelings, then put them in your “Words bank”. (必做) 3. Try to write an English composition about you and your friends feelings.(选做) 【设计意图设计意图】教师设计听音模仿的作业,引导学生培养良好的语音,与教师设计听音模仿的作业,引导学生培养良好的语音,与 课堂所学紧密结合,把所学延伸到课外,同时课堂所学紧密结合,把所学延伸到课外,同时分分层层作作业业体体现现因因材材施施教教的的 理理念念,有有能能力力的的学学生生可可以以通通过过写写一一写写进进一一步步提提高高自自己己综综合合运运用用语语言言的的 能能力力。
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