(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第一册Week15 基础卷 练习(教师版+学生版).zip

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    • Week15 基础卷 2021年上海市高一必修一英语基础强化练习卷(学生版).doc--点击预览
    • Week15 基础卷 2021年上海市高一必修一英语基础强化练习卷(教师版).doc--点击预览


Week 15-基础卷基础卷 (考试时间:50 分钟 试卷满分:76 分) Part 1 单项选择单项选择 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 1Many people expect that credit cards will _ paper money completely in the near future. AtradeBrescueCreplaceDsearch 2As we all know, _ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible. AnormalBcommon CgeneralDregular 3It is your _ to check that all doors and windows are locked. AweightBstyle CresponsibilityDdesign 4The club I _ and their club will work together to _ the competition against the team from Wuhan. Ajoined; take partBjoined in; attend Cjoined; join inDattended; take part in 5Youd better not leave the football club. If you do, most probably you will not be _ back in. AturnedBreceived CadmittedDaccepted 6What does WTO mean? The letters WTO _ the World Trade Organization. Astand forBstands for Cstand outDstand by 7We cant _ other countries in the world if we dont improve our own national economy. Abe againstBcompete against Ccatch upDcatch with 8The house was sold for $60000,which was far more than its real_. Acost Bvalue Cprice Dmoney 9Id like the red silk dress_that black one if you let me choose. Aother than Brather than Cmore or less Dmore than 10You have been painting the house all the morning. _ that you look so tired. AThere is no sense BThere is no need CIts no wonder DIts no doubt 11_his immediate help,I gave him some reward,but he refused. AIn return forBBecause of CThanks toDIn case of 12The reference book,mainly_use in colleges,is a bestseller this year. Adesigned for Bdesigned to Cdesigning of Ddesigning for 13As is known to us all, China is a developing country_ the third world. AbelongingBbelonged Cbelonging toDbelonged to 14_ is known to us all is that London will host the 30th Olympic Games next summer. AAs BWhich CIt DWhat 15The police _ the prisoner to see if he had a gun. Asearched forBsearched Cwas in search ofDwas in their search of 16The suspects fingerprint printed on the gun was the main_against him. AcrimeBinformation CevidenceDconviction 17Youd better not _ the radio, or youll not be able to put it together again. Atake apart Btake away Ctake out Dtake in 18The driver who died in the accident could have_,but he was sent to hospital too late. AcuredBrecovered CsurvivedDrescued 19This kind of cloth_well.I think it is worthy_. Awashes;buyingBis washed;buying Cwashes;to be boughtDis washed;to be bought 20We each took a cup of _ tea after having _ wonderful supper at my aunts yesterday. Aa;/ B/;/ Cthe;the D/;a Part 2 单词拼写单词拼写(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 21He skating. (疯狂,着迷,迷恋) 22She some Japanese words while living with a Japanese.(学会) 23They have the same food every day. (厌倦了) 24What you do what you say. (与联系有联系) 25The dictionary is being printed and it will soon_ _. (出版,发行 ) 26The bridge is of breaking down.(处于危险中) 27What does the mark ?( 代表 ) 28The house Tom but he doesnt live here. (属于) 29 , the plan succeeded. (令我感到惊奇的是) 30The cost of the books 30 dollars.(共计,总计) 31I think we all have made a lot of p (进步)this term. 32People all over the world are a (渴望)to have peace. 33Here is a s (纪念品)for you. I bought it from Beijing. 34Chongqing is one of the most a (有吸引力的)places Ive been to. 35The road was p (部分地)blocked by a fallen tree. 36This machine is d (设计)to work in the deep sea. 37If you e (锻炼)a lot and eat well, then you are probably very healthy. 38The government is thinking about b (禁止)smoking on public transport. 39Users become a (上瘾)to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it. 40P (参加者)try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking. Part 3 完成句子完成句子(共 18 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 36 分) 41参加这次会议的是来自国内外的关于癌症的专家。 _this meeting _on cancer from home and abroad. 42所以,尽管我们不排除这种想法,但是我们也在调查其他的可能性。 So, _ we havent _ the idea, we are _ as well. 43这件事情引起了公众的极大兴趣,原因是有各种关于男孩失踪前后天空出现奇怪亮光和外星人 造访地球的报道。 This incident _ reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy_. 44他认为,这些生物与一个共同的祖先相关联,该动物生活于约 30 万年前的亚洲。 He believes that these _ a common_, an animal that lived in Asia some 300,000 years ago. 45他的看法是这种动物迁徙到了世界上的其他地区,并一直存活至今。 _, this animal _other parts of the world, and continues to _ even today. 46据报道一个名叫哈利波特的男孩子被一些外星人带走了。 It is _ that a boy _ Harry Potter was_ by some aliens. 47不要为你的失败找借口,你应当加紧努力学习了。 Dont _ for your failure, you are supposed to _ your effort to study harder. 48那个科学家一生都在研究麦田怪圈,但是仍为解决这个谜团。 The scientist has _ on crop circles all his life, but he has not _ the mystery yet. 49我怎么样才能说服他戒烟? How can I _him _ smoking? 50他搬到了乡村,想寻找一种平静的生活。 He moved to the countryside _ a peaceful life. 51尽管我有些观点跟他不同,我喜欢与他一起干活。 I enjoy working with him,_. 52你知道恐龙为什么在大约 65 万年前突然灭绝了? Do you know _about 65 million years ago? 53你还知道那些其他濒临灭绝的物种吗? What other _ do you know? 54我们能做些什么来保护麋鹿,使他们不会再次消失? What can we do _ disappearing again? 55人们相信,总有一天会有足够多的动物再次在野外生活。 It _ one day there will be enough animals living in the wild again. 56从现在起,我将更加关注野生动植物的保护。 I will _ wildlife protection _. 57我午饭更喜欢吃蛋糕,不喜欢吃面条。 I _ some cakes for my lunch _ noodles. 58给熊猫造一个新家的项目正在开发中。 The project to make a new home for pandas _. Week 15-基础卷基础卷 (考试时间:50 分钟 试卷满分:76 分) Part 1 单项选择单项选择 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 1Many people expect that credit cards will _ paper money completely in the near future. AtradeBrescueCreplaceDsearch 2As we all know, _ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible. AnormalBcommon CgeneralDregular 3It is your _ to check that all doors and windows are locked. AweightBstyle CresponsibilityDdesign 4The club I _ and their club will work together to _ the competition against the team from Wuhan. Ajoined; take partBjoined in; attend Cjoined; join inDattended; take part in 5Youd better not leave the football club. If you do, most probably you will not be _ back in. AturnedBreceived CadmittedDaccepted 6What does WTO mean? The letters WTO _ the World Trade Organization. Astand forBstands for Cstand outDstand by 7We cant _ other countries in the world if we dont improve our own national economy. Abe againstBcompete against Ccatch upDcatch with 8The house was sold for $60000,which was far more than its real_. Acost Bvalue Cprice Dmoney 9Id like the red silk dress_that black one if you let me choose. Aother than Brather than Cmore or less Dmore than 10You have been painting the house all the morning. _ that you look so tired. AThere is no sense BThere is no need CIts no wonder DIts no doubt 11_his immediate help,I gave him some reward,but he refused. AIn return forBBecause of CThanks toDIn case of 12The reference book,mainly_use in colleges,is a bestseller this year. Adesigned for Bdesigned to Cdesigning of Ddesigning for 13As is known to us all, China is a developing country_ the third world. AbelongingBbelonged Cbelonging toDbelonged to 14_ is known to us all is that London will host the 30th Olympic Games next summer. AAs BWhich CIt DWhat 15The police _ the prisoner to see if he had a gun. Asearched forBsearched Cwas in search ofDwas in their search of 16The suspects fingerprint printed on the gun was the main_against him. AcrimeBinformation CevidenceDconviction 17Youd better not _ the radio, or youll not be able to put it together again. Atake apart Btake away Ctake out Dtake in 18The driver who died in the accident could have_,but he was sent to hospital too late. AcuredBrecovered CsurvivedDrescued 19This kind of cloth_well.I think it is worthy_. Awashes;buyingBis washed;buying Cwashes;to be boughtDis washed;to be bought 20We each took a cup of _ tea after having _ wonderful supper at my aunts yesterday. Aa;/ B/;/ Cthe;the D/;a Part 2 单词拼写单词拼写(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 21He skating. (疯狂,着迷,迷恋) 22She some Japanese words while living with a Japanese.(学会) 23They have the same food every day. (厌倦了) 24What you do what you say. (与联系有联系) 25The dictionary is being printed and it will soon_ _. (出版,发行 ) 26The bridge is of breaking down.(处于危险中) 27What does the mark ?( 代表 ) 28The house Tom but he doesnt live here. (属于) 29 , the plan succeeded. (令我感到惊奇的是) 30The cost of the books 30 dollars.(共计,总计) 31I think we all have made a lot of p (进步)this term. 32People all over the world are a (渴望)to have peace. 33Here is a s (纪念品)for you. I bought it from Beijing. 34Chongqing is one of the most a (有吸引力的)places Ive been to. 35The road was p (部分地)blocked by a fallen tree. 36This machine is d (设计)to work in the deep sea. 37If you e (锻炼)a lot and eat well, then you are probably very healthy. 38The government is thinking about b (禁止)smoking on public transport. 39Users become a (上瘾)to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it. 40P (参加者)try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking. Part 3 完成句子完成句子(共 18 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 36 分) 41参加这次会议的是来自国内外的关于癌症的专家。 _this meeting _on cancer from home and abroad. 42所以,尽管我们不排除这种想法,但是我们也在调查其他的可能性。 So, _ we havent _ the idea, we are _ as well. 43这件事情引起了公众的极大兴趣,原因是有各种关于男孩失踪前后天空出现奇怪亮光和外星人 造访地球的报道。 This incident _ reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy_. 44他认为,这些生物与一个共同的祖先相关联,该动物生活于约 30 万年前的亚洲。 He believes that these _ a common_, an animal that lived in Asia some 300,000 years ago. 45他的看法是这种动物迁徙到了世界上的其他地区,并一直存活至今。 _, this animal _other parts of the world, and continues to _ even today. 46据报道一个名叫哈利波特的男孩子被一些外星人带走了。 It is _ that a boy _ Harry Potter was_ by some aliens. 47不要为你的失败找借口,你应当加紧努力学习了。 Dont _ for your failure, you are supposed to _ your effort to study harder. 48那个科学家一生都在研究麦田怪圈,但是仍为解决这个谜团。 The scientist has _ on crop circles all his life, but he has not _ the mystery yet. 49我怎么样才能说服他戒烟? How can I _him _ smoking? 50他搬到了乡村,想寻找一种平静的生活。 He moved to the countryside _ a peaceful life. 51尽管我有些观点跟他不同,我喜欢与他一起干活。 I enjoy working with him,_. 52你知道恐龙为什么在大约 65 万年前突然灭绝了? Do you know _about 65 million years ago? 53你还知道那些其他濒临灭绝的物种吗? What other _ do you know? 54我们能做些什么来保护麋鹿,使他们不会再次消失? What can we do _ disappearing again? 55人们相信,总有一天会有足够多的动物再次在野外生活。 It _ one day there will be enough animals living in the wild again. 56从现在起,我将更加关注野生动植物的保护。 I will _ wildlife protection _. 57我午饭更喜欢吃蛋糕,不喜欢吃面条。 I _ some cakes for my lunch _ noodles. 58给熊猫造一个新家的项目正在开发中。 The project to make a new home for pandas _. 答案答案 Part 1 单项选择单项选择 1C 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:很多人期望在不久的将来信用卡将完全取代纸币。A. trade 交易;B. rescue 拯救;C. replace 取代,代替;D. search 寻找。这里指纸币将被信用卡所取代。故选 C。 2D 【解析】 句意:众所周知,定期体检有助于尽早发现健康问题。normal 正常的;general 笼统的;common 普 遍的;regular 规律的,定期的。 3C 【解析】 句意:查看所有的门窗是否锁好是你的责任。responsibility责任,符合句意。weight 重量; style 风格;design 设计。 4C 【解析】 句意:我加入的俱乐部和他们的俱乐部将联合起来和来自武汉的队伍进行比赛。join 指加入某个党 派、团体、组织等,成为其成员之一;attend 指参加或出席会议或学术活动等。据此可排除 B、D。join in 表示参加某项活动;take part in 表示参加某些活动和工作,并在其中起了作用 。故选 C。 5C 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你最好不要离开足球俱乐部。如果你离开了,很有可能不会再允许你回 来。A. turn 转动,转弯;B. receive 收到;C. admit 承认,接纳;D. accept 接受。由“If you do ”可知, 如果你离开了,很有可能不会再允许你回来。所以 admit“承认,接纳”符合句意。故选 C 项。 6A 【详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:WTO 是什么意思?字母 WTO 代表世界贸易组织。A. stand for 代表;C. stand out 突出;D. stand by 袖手旁观。该句的主语是 The letters,故谓语动词用复数, stand for 代表,符合语境。若主语是 WTO 时,要看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数。故选 A。 7B 【解析】 句意:如果我们不提高国家的经济水平,我们就不能与其他国家竞争。compete against 同竞争。 8B 【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:这座房子售价 6 万美元,远远超过了它的真正价值。cost 成本; value 价值;price 价格,常表示要出的价钱;money 钱。这里指超过它的真正价值,而不可能是 “成本”、“价格”或“钱”,故选 B。 9B 【解析】考查词组。句意:如果你让我选的话,我更喜欢那件红色的丝裙,不喜欢那件黑色的。 other than 除了;不同于;more or less 或多或少,由此排除 A、C 两项;rather than 可以与 would like 连用,而 more than 却不可,more than 可以与 like 连用。故选。 10C 【解析】考查固定句式。句意:你一个上午都在刷房子,难怪你看起来那么疲劳呢。Its no wonder.难 怪;There is no sense (in) doing 做某事没有意义;There is no need to do.没必要做某事;Its no doubt 不容置疑。故选。 11A 【解析】 考查短语辨析。句意:为了回报他的及时帮助,我给了他一些奖励,但是他拒绝了。A. In return for 作为回报;B. Because of 因为;C. Thanks to 多亏了;D. In case of 万一。根据后文的 some reward 提示,是为了回报帮助,故选。 12A 【解析】考查非谓语动词和介词。The reference book 和 design 之间是被动关系,表示“被设计大学 使用”,故用 designed for use in colleges 作后置定语,修饰 the reference book。句意:这本参考书 销量很好,它主要被设计用于大学。故选。 13C 【解析】 考查 belong to 的用法。belong to 意为“属于”,无被动语态。故这里用 belonging to the third world 为现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰 a developing country。句意:众所周知,中国是一个属于第三世 界的发展中国家。故选。 【名师点睛】 belonged to 抓住 belong to 的三个考点:1. 不用进行时;2. 不用被动语态;3. 作后置定语用 belonging to ., 如:a book belonging to me 一本属于我的书 14D 【解析】考查主语从句。as is known to us 意为“众所周知”,是 as 引导的非限制性定语从句,必须 要用逗号与后面的句子隔开,本句没有,故排除 A 项;B 项表示“哪一项”,与语境不符,排除; C 项如果用 It 的话,it 是做形式主语,句型结构是 It is known to us all that,但根据 all 后 面还有 is 判断排除 C 项;分析句子,空处缺少的是主语从句的引导词,引导词作主句的主语,表 示“的事情”可知,故用 what 引导主语从句。故选 D。 【名师点睛】 . As everyone knows 众所周知。As is known to us 众所周知。它们是 as 引导的非限制性定语从 句,as 指后面的整个句子,并一定要用逗号与后面的句子隔开。如:As is known to us, the Great Wall is in China. 2. What is known to all is that众所周知的是。此句是 what 引导的主语从句,what 起双重作用。 如:What is known to all is that the Great Wall is in China. 3. It is known to us all that,这里 it 作形式主语,that 引导的从句为真正的主语。如:It is known to us all that he is a man everybody believes in. 15B 【解析】 句意:警察对囚犯搜身,看他是否有枪。search sb.搜某人的身。 16C 【解析】 考查名词辨析。句意:那个嫌疑犯在枪上留下的指纹是证明他有罪的主要证据。crime 犯罪活动; 不法行为;information 消息;资料;evidence 证据;证明;conviction 定罪;确信。指纹应该是证 据,故选。 17A 【解析】考查动词词组。A. take apart 拆开; B. take away 带走,拿走;C. take out 取出; D. take in 吸收,欺骗。句意:你最好不要拆开收音机,否则你将不能重新组装在一起。答案为 A。 18C 【解析】 试题分析:动词辨析。A 治愈;B 康复;C 幸存;D 挽救,拯救;句意:在事故中去世的那个司机 本可以幸存下来的,但是他送到医院的时候太晚了,耽误了时间。根据句意说明 C 正确。 考点:考查动词词义辨析 点评:动词的词义辨析要放在上下文的语境中进行,要注意上下文的语义的串联以及逻辑关系的推 理,特别要注意一些动词的固定搭配以及动词的深层次的含义的区别。 19C 【详解】 考查语态。句意:这种布很好洗。我想值得买。表示主语内在品质或性能,wash 是不及物动词, 用主动语态表示被动意义,排除 BD 选项;be worthy to do sth.某事值得做,因 it 代指 cloth,与动词 buy 是被动关系,所以用被动语态 to be bought,故选 C。 20D 【解析】考查冠词。句意:昨天在我姑姑家里一顿美味的晚餐后我们每人喝了一杯茶。a cup of tea 表示“一杯茶”,tea 为物质名词,其前不用冠词;第二空表示“一顿美味的晚餐”,dinner 是可数 名词,用不定冠词。故选。 Part 2 单词拼写单词拼写 21is crazy about 22picked up 23got tired of 24is related to 25come out 26in danger 27stand for 28belongs to 29To my surprise 30added up to 【解析】 21is crazy about 考查词组。句意:他对滑冰很着迷。Be crazy about 意为“对疯狂,着迷“,主 语是第三人称单数,所以 be 动词用 is,故填 is crazy about。 22picked up 考查词组。句意:当她跟一个日本人生活使她学会了一些日本话。Pick up 意为“学会” ,根据语境可知本句是一般过去时,故填 picked up 23got tired of 考查词组。句意:他们厌倦了每天吃同样的食物。Get tired of 意为“对感到厌倦 “,本句式一般过去时,故填 got tired of。 24is related to 考查词组。句意:你说的话跟你做的事情是有关系的。Be related to 意为“与有 关”,这里是疑问句,未知情况下 be 动词用单数形式,故填 is related to。 25come out 考查词组。句意:这个字典已经被修改过了并且将会出版出来。Come out 意为“出版”, 情态动词 will 后面动词用原形,故填 come out。 26in danger 考查词组、句意:这座桥处于坍塌的危险中。In danger 意为“处于危险中”,是固定结 构,符合语境,故填 in danger。 27stand for 考查词组。句意:那个标志代表什么?stand for 意为“代表”,助动词后面动词用原形, 故填 stand for。 28belongs to 考查词组。句意:这座房子属于汤姆但是他从来没有住过。Belong to 意为“属于”, 这里的主语是第三人称单数,本句为一般现在时,所以动词要加-s/-es,故填 belongs to。 29To my surprise 考查词组。句意:令我感到惊讶的是,这个计划成功了。To ones surprise 意为 “令某人惊讶的是”,符合语境,故填 To my surprise。 30added up to 考查词组。句意:这些书总共花了 30 美元。Add up to 意为“总共”,本句为一般过 去时,故填 added up to。 考点:考查短语和时态的运用。 31progress 32anxious 33souvenir 34attractive 35partially 36designed 37exercise 38banning 39addicted 40Participants 【解析】 试题分析: 31progress 考察名词。根据句意和提示词可知用 progress,该词为不可数名词,故用其原形 progress。 32anxious 考察形容词。根据提示词,又接在 be 动词之后做表语,故用形容词 anxious。 33souvenir 考察动词。根据提示词可知填 souvenir。 34attractive 考察形容词。根据提示词可知本词为形容词,故用 attractive。 35partially 考察副词。由于修饰动词,故用副词 partially。 36designed 考察动词。由于在 be 动词之后,故用其被动语态,故用 designed。 37exercise 考察名词。该词在句中作谓语,故用动词原形 exercise。 38banning 考察动词。由于接在介词 about 之后,故用其 ing 形式 banning。 39addicted 考察动词。由于接在系动词之
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