广东版五上Unit 4 School Things-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:00207).doc

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1、1 开心英语 五年级上册 Unit4 School Things(Reading and writing) 教学设计 一、教材内容一、教材内容 本节课是开心英语五年级上册的 Unit4 School Things 第三课时,教学内 容为 Reading and writing 部分。 二、学生分析二、学生分析 本课时的授课对象是小学五年级的学生。 这些学生已经有了两年多的英语学 习经验,有一定的英语基础。儿童的特性使得他们活泼好动,对新事物有着强烈 的好奇心,探索知识的欲望很强烈,并且有着很强的表现欲。由于我所教的这个 班学生英语基础不是很好,两极分化的现象比较严重,所以本节课我将采用小组 合

2、作形式进行教学,用歌曲导入,通过头脑风暴复习单词,采用听、说、读,写 的方式,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,同时在小组成员间互帮互学的过程中提高学 生间的团队协作意识。 三、教材分析三、教材分析 本单元围绕学习用品展开教学,通过询问“你有吗?”,使学生学会运 用基本句型“Do you have? 体会一般疑问句的用法,并会进行肯定和否定回 答。通过本单元的教学,能掌握相关的单词和句型。 四、四、教学目标:教学目标: 1、知识与技能: (1)通过听力和阅读,结合图片猜测出文章的基本意思。结合所学 知识进一步理解文章的含义。 (2)能流利的朗读课文。 2、过程与方法:通过听课文录音和朗读课文掌握相关背景

3、和句型。 懂得单词的读音,通过小组合作学习进一步提高课文知识的掌握程 度。通过全班展示和教师点拨熟练掌握课文知识并能在实际中运用。 2 3、情感、态度与价值观:培养学生联系上下文理解故事大意的能力, 进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣。 五、五、教学重难点:教学重难点: 教学重点:通过听力和阅读,结合图片猜测出文章的基本意思结合所 学知识进一步理解文章的含义。 教学难点:能流利的朗读课文 六、教学准备六、教学准备 PPT,板书设计,卡片,头饰 七、教学过程七、教学过程 Warm up: 1Greeting. Good morning, boys and girls, What day is it t

4、oday? Whats the date today? Whats the weather like today? 设计意图:通过问答,让学生热身,进入英语的语境。 2Sing a song.Do you have any crayons? 设计意图: 歌曲导入, 这首歌用到了本节课的只要句型: Do you have? 让学生更好地理解和运用相关句型。 3.Presentation (1)Lead in: “Golden eyes” to review the words: bag, map, pencil case, picture, blackboard, paper, crayons,

5、 glue 设计意图:复习相关的单词 Use the pictures to review the sentences. Do you have any? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 3 What do you have?I have some 设计意图:复习和操练相关句型 (2) Before reading T: Well done. You remember all the words and the sentences. Today , Im so happy! I have a bag. Can you guess what is in the bag? Now

6、Gogo, Tony and Jenny are at home .Look at the picture, can you guess What are Tony and Jenny doing? What is Gogo doing? (Tony and Jenny are doing homework. Gogo is making something.) 设计意图:用 a paper bag 和 a card,结合课文的图画,理解课 文的大意。 (3)The first reading Gogo is making something. What is he making? Do yo

7、u know? Listen carefully and answer it. (Gogo is making a paper bag and a card.) 设计意图:通过听一次录音,明白 Gogo 在做什么 (4)The second reading Read silently and do Ex.2 on P51 Its quite difficult for the students. So in this part,let 4 the students learn the reading tips. And teach them to underline the key point

8、s. 设计意图:这一部分是阅读理解,让学生学会找关键词 (5)The third reading Read after the tape and finish Exx3 on P51 设计意图:跟读,更好地熟悉课文,完成相关练习 (6)The fourth reading Read loudly together and summary the main idea September 9th Making something Have some crayons A card for Ms. Black Teachers Day, not birthday 设计意图:大声朗读进行巩固,理顺课文的

9、主要意思 (7)Let s think.(拓展训练) What will Ms. Black say when Gogo give the card to her? Think and try to act out. (果果把卡片送给 Ms. Black 时,Ms.Black 会怎么说?思考一下, 并表演出来) 设计意图:让学生发挥想象,运用学过的语言把相关的情景表演 出来。 4.Consolidation 5 LetLets s retellretell Its September 9th. Tony and Jenny are _ at home. Gogo is making a _ a

10、nd a _. Jenny doesnt have any_ , but she has some _ . Gogos card is for _,Gogo writes _ on it. But tomorrow is the _ , not her birthday. 设计意图:通过复述,将课文熟记 5.Extension (Know more) Teachers Day :September 10th National Day :October1st Childrens Day :June1st Womens Day :March8th Mothers Day:The second Su

11、nday in May Fathers Day:The third Sunday in June 设计意图:了解更多相关的节日 6.Homework 1.Retell1.Retell thethe storystory( (复述故事复述故事) ) UsingUsing thethe keykey wordswords ( (用下列的关键词)用下列的关键词) SeptemberSeptember 9 9 thth , ,MakingMaking somethingsomething, ,HaveHave somesome crayonscrayons A A cardcard forfor Ms.Ms. BlackBlack,Teachers,Teachers Day,Day, notnot birthdaybirthday 2.2. MakeMake a a birthdaybirthday cardcard forfor youryour familyfamily oror friend(friend(制一张生制一张生 日卡送给家人或朋友)日卡送给家人或朋友) 6


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