广东版五上Unit 6 Shopping for a School Party-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:401e2).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Shopping for a School Party_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)__(编号:401e2)
    • Unit6 story 课件.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案401e2.docx--点击预览
    • 课件素材.mp3


为为学校聚会购购物 Unit 6 Shopping for a School Party I can listen,read,and understand the story. (我能听、说、朗读和理解故事内容和情节) I can appreciate the persons emotion and psychology of the story. (我能体会人物情感与心理) I can learn the language and expression of this story and use it. (我能学习故事中的语言和表达并会运用) I can retell the story and act the story. (我能复述并表演故事内容) I can create or continue to write the story . (我能创编或续写故事) Our aims (我们这节课的目标) Pre-story Step1: Warming up Step2:Magic eyes Step3: Presentation Step4: Lead in ¥30 ¥50 $60 ¥80 $90 $100¥1000 Magic eyes: Read the numbers and price quickly. 快速读出数字和价钱。 Whats this? ¥29 How much is the hat? Wow.Thats expensive! Its a hat ? Watch and guess Whatare these? ¥5 How much are these pens ? Hey.Thats cheap! They are pens? Watch and guess Its a Christmas party! From : Gogo Time: 6:00 p.m ,Saturday afternoon, December 25th Place: School Come and have fun! Christmas party I am busy ,because Chrismas is coming,I am planning for the school Christmas party ! Can you help me think about things for the party? (我正在计划学校圣诞晚会,你能帮我想想 这个晚会需要的东西吗?) What does Gogo need(需要)? He needs a /some_. hat socks . Lets make a shopping list for Gogo While-story Step1: Listen the story Step2: Watch the video Step3: Answer the questions Step4:Read and imitate(模仿)the story A.He is shopping for a birthday party. B.He is shopping for a school party C.He is shopping for a New Years party A.In the supermarket(超市) B.At home C.At school A. A blue hat B.A yellow hat C.A magic(魔法) hat Listen the story and choose the best answer. 1.What is Gogo doing? 2.Where is Gogo? 3.What are they talking about? Bingo 抢答(每题一分 ) 1.How much is the hat? 2.How does Gogo think about the price(价 钱)? 3.Does Gogo like the hat? Why? Watch the video and answer the questions. Its one hundred dollers. He thinks thats expensive. Yes, he does.Because he can do magic. Bingo 抢答(每题一分 ) Listen and repeat 跟读对话,注意模仿录音中的语音, 语调和语气哦! 重读符号 一般疑问句常用升调,如Do you have any paper? 而特殊疑问句常用降调, 如How much is the hat? Tips I am the best reader! Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Passing ball game 传球接话游戏:球随音乐而动,当音 乐停止时,球在谁手上,选择一个同 学选择一幅图片表演对话(传球过程 要求中双手递球,不可抛球扔球,如 掉地上,前一个同学负责接话) Post-story Step1:Retell the story Step2:Role play the story Step3:Add an ending of the story Step4:Watch the video Step5:Summary,Homework 0 900018 7 6 5 4 3 2 151004 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 02 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 HoursMinutesSeconds Group work限时操练对话 (选择自己喜欢的方式在四人小组内朗读课文) 小组内齐读 小组内2人任选 一个场景读 小组内 分4人角色读 旁白narrator, Gogo Tony,售货员seller 要求:四人一组分角色朗读,可以表演更佳。 规则:(自信+音量+语调+表演) 1. 如果老师们认为他们表现不错,请举牌打分。 2. 满分4分,一个手牌一分,加油! We are the best actors! Show time Seller: Welcome to socks Shop! Can I help you? Gogo: I want to buy_ . How much is it?/ How much are those? seller: Its _. / Theyre . Gogo: Hey! Thats _. I want to buy it(them). seller: Thank you! Gogo: Wow! Thats _. I dont want to buy it (them). seller: Thats OK! Gogo 想买 ! Gogo 不想 买! $100 expensive cheap a hat / socks 写作二选一: 1.基础题:请你写出故事的结果 ,Gogo 买了帽子没有,补充故事 结尾对话。 2.提升题:请你为Gogo接下来要 买的另外一样东西做一个完整的 场景对话设计。 Add an ending of the story is shopping for a school party can do magic how much a magic hat a chicken a lion Tony $100expensive look at it Summary Needs help Look at the poor (贫困的) kids. N e e d s h e l p They dont have good schools(学校). N e e d s h e l p They dont have pens. N e e d s h e l p They dont have enough food(足够的食物). Needs help They have bad clothes (破烂的衣服). Needs help They want to study. They need our help(帮助 ). Money is not everything,but without money ,everything is nothing. As students,we should learn to Use money in the right way! To buy what you need . We can spend money where its useful and meaningful. 钱不是万能的,但没有钱是万万不 能的,作为小学生我们应该学会合 理消费,可以把钱花在有用和有意 义的地方。 I can listen,read,and understand the story. (我能听、说、朗读和理解故事内容和情节) I can appreciate the persons emotion and psychology of the story. (我能体会人物情感与心理) I can learn the language and expression of this story and use it. (我能学习故事中的语言和表达并会运用) I can retell the story and act the story. (我能复述并表演故事内容) I can create or continue to write the story . (我能创编或续写故事) Ticking timeTicking time ( (自我评价自我评价) ) 评价标准:能大胆、自信、流利运用故事中的语言表达续写故事 能大胆、自信复述并表演故事内容 能自信听、说、朗读和理解故事内容和情 1.Read the story after the tape more than three times. 听录音,模仿朗读至少三遍。 2.Write down the story on your paper. 抄写故事2+1 。 3.背诵story Homework 一、教材内容分析一、教材内容分析 本单元以“Shopping for a School Party”为主题,围绕(school party)这话题展开,要求学生能熟练运用相关购物场景的语言和表 达,如何询问价钱?如何回答并说出想法。 二、教学重点、难点二、教学重点、难点 Important and difficult points : 1. can listen,read,and understand the story.(能听说、朗读和理解故事内容和情节) 2. can can retell the story and act the story.(能复述并表演故事内容) 3.can learn the language and expression of this story and use it.(能学习故事中的语言和表达并会在相关场景运用) 4.can create or continue to write the story .(能创编或续写故事) 三、三、教学目标教学目标 知识与能力目标: 1.can listen,read,and understand the story.(能听说、朗读和理解故事内容和情节) 2.can appreciate the persons emotion and psychology of the story.(能体会故事中的人物情感与心理) 3.can learn the language and expression of this story and use it.(能学习故事中的语言和表达并会在相关场景运用) 4.can retell the story and act the story.(能复述并表演故事内容) 5. can create or continue to write the story .(我能创编或续写故事) 情感态度目标: can know that making money is not easy and have rational consumption(知道赚钱不易,理性消费) 四、教学策略(教学方法)选择与设计四、教学策略(教学方法)选择与设计 1、情境教学法: 创设 Gogo 计划为学校圣诞节购物为背景,让学生在生动的情境中反复操练、理解含义,并学会运用。 2、任务活动型教学法:为引导学生自主探究合作学习,设计了几个任务活动让学生积极观察与思考,整体出发深入理解故事文本与人物情 感。 3、游戏教学法:故事前复习巩固和导入激发学习兴趣,故事中趣味操练,学生寓教于乐,轻松愉快中自然获得知识与技能。 五、教学环境与教学媒体选择五、教学环境与教学媒体选择 PPT 课件,音频,视频,卡片,实物等 六、教学过程六、教学过程 教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Pre- story(故事 前) Step1:Warming up(歌曲热身) Step2:Magic eyes(巩固复习) Step3:Presentation(师生互动) Step4:Lead in(新课导入) Step1:Song a song Step2:Speak the words Step3:Speak the target sentences Step4:Guessing and learn 多元导入,激发兴趣: 1.复习相关知识,丰富故事 2.引入背景信息,营造氛围 3.自然导入,激活思维 While- story(故事 中) Step1:Listen the story(一听感知故事) Step2:Watch the video(一看通读全 文) Step3:Read and answer the questions (精读理解故事大意,体会人物情感) Step4:Read the story and imitate (跟 读模仿) Step1:Listen and choose answers Step2:Watch and answer questions Step3:Read the story and imitate Step4:Passing ball game 整体出发,深入理解: 1.感知预测故事内容 2.通过问题设计观察视频和理解内容与人 物情感心理 3.通过故事情节模仿学习语言意义 4.通过 模仿录音,趣味操练,体验人物情感,增 强语感 Post- story(故 事后 Step1:Retell the story(复述故事) Step2:Group work(个人两人,小组 趣味操练) Step3:Add an ending(续写故事) Step4:Emotional attitude education(情 感教育) Step5:Summary and homework(总结和 作业) Step1:Retell the story Step2:Role play Step3:Make dialogue Step4:Check and review the story Step5:Watch a video and summary 表演创编,综合运用: 1.通过复述,表演故事检测学习情况和提 高语言能力 2.通过创编续写故事提高对故事拓展,延 伸和运用的能力 3.渗透情感教育,复习巩固总结. 班级: 姓名:
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