(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第二册Unit 2 Let’s celebrate Language points1ppt课件.ppt

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1、 1. As parents, they try to keep that magic alive for their children for as long as they can. 为人父母,他们也想让自己的孩子尽可能长为人父母,他们也想让自己的孩子尽可能长 久地相信这份魔力的存在。久地相信这份魔力的存在。 alive adj. 活着的;活泼的,有生气的活着的;活泼的,有生气的 We dont know whether hes alive or dead. 我们不知道他是我们不知道他是生生是死。是死。 In the afternoon, the students came back to

2、 school, the silent campus became alive again. 今天下午学生们返校了,寂静的校园又今天下午学生们返校了,寂静的校园又有了生有了生 气气。 alive多用于表语、后多用于表语、后 置定语,可用于人或置定语,可用于人或 物物 live adj. 活的;活的; 现场直播的;现场演出的现场直播的;现场演出的 We saw a real live snake! 我们看见了一条我们看见了一条活的活的蛇!蛇! The club has live music most nights. 该俱乐部大多数晚上有该俱乐部大多数晚上有现场演奏的现场演奏的音乐。音乐。 liv

3、ing adj. 活着的;活的;现存的,在使用的活着的;活的;现存的,在使用的 live多用于多用于前置定语前置定语,可可 用于动物或者植物,不用于动物或者植物,不 用于人。用于人。 He is the finest living pianist. 他是他是在世的在世的最好的钢琴家。最好的钢琴家。 Sanskrit(梵语梵语) is not a living language. 梵语不是一种梵语不是一种现存的现存的语言。语言。 living多用于多用于前置定语前置定语 和表语,可用于人或和表语,可用于人或 物。物。 1. He is a great _ writer in China. 2.

4、Dont cry. The little dog is still _. 3. There was a _ show of the popular singer last week. 请用请用alive, live, living填空。填空。 live alive living 2. That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. 有些人把圣诞视为每年的特别时光,对于他们,有些人把圣诞视为每年

5、的特别时光,对于他们, 圣诞老人的来信是再合适不过的书了。圣诞老人的来信是再合适不过的书了。 表语从句 定语从句 Never regard study as a duty. 绝绝不要不要把把学习学习视视作作一种一种任务任务。 The novel is regarded as one of the classic work. 这篇小说这篇小说被认为是被认为是最最经典经典的作品之一。的作品之一。 regard . as. 把把视作视作,认为,认为是是 3. It was addressed to Tolkiens children. 收信人是托尔金的孩子们。收信人是托尔金的孩子们。 address

6、 sth (to sb/sth) 写写(收信人收信人)姓名地址;致函姓名地址;致函 The letter was correctly addressed, but delivered (递送递送) to the wrong house. 信上的信上的姓名地址写得姓名地址写得都对,但被错投到另都对,但被错投到另 一家去了。一家去了。 This letter is addressed to my mother. 这封信是这封信是写给写给我母亲的。我母亲的。 address v. 1)1)演说;演讲演说;演讲 He is going to address the meeting tomorrow.

7、他明天要在会议上他明天要在会议上发表演讲发表演讲。 He hesitated before going forward to address the multitude(群众)(群众). 他犹豫了一下,才走上前向群众他犹豫了一下,才走上前向群众发表演说发表演说。 2)2)设法解决;论证;对付设法解决;论证;对付 Your essay does not address the real issues. 你的论文没有你的论文没有论证论证实质问题。实质问题。 We must address the problem of environmental pollution. 我们必须我们必须解决解决环境污

8、染问题。环境污染问题。 1. 他被公认为城里最好的医生他被公认为城里最好的医生。 He is regarded as the best doctor in town. 2. 请把全部信件寄往这个办公室。请把全部信件寄往这个办公室。 Please address all letters to this office. 翻译句子。翻译句子。 4. The letter did, however, change as Tolkiens children got older. 然而,随着孩子们长大,信的内容的确然而,随着孩子们长大,信的内容的确 也会跟着改变。也会跟着改变。 I always do a

9、rrive in time! 我总是及时到达的我总是及时到达的! He does speak well! 他他的确的确讲得很精彩讲得很精彩! He did come but soon went back. 他他的确的确来过来过,但很快就回去了。但很快就回去了。 do/does/did +动词原形动词原形, 表强调表强调 As time goes by, you become more mature and work harder in English. 随着随着时间的流逝,你们越来越努力学习时间的流逝,你们越来越努力学习 英语了。英语了。 As Tony listened to those w

10、ords, smile appeared on his face. ( (随着随着) )托尼听到这些话,微笑出现在他托尼听到这些话,微笑出现在他 的脸上。的脸上。 as conj. 引导时间状语从句,表示引导时间状语从句,表示“随着随着” 5. By expressing love for his children in such a special way, Tolkien may indeed have been the real Father Christmas. 托尔金用这样一种特殊的方式来表达对儿女的托尔金用这样一种特殊的方式来表达对儿女的 爱,他可以算得上是真正的圣诞老人。爱,他可

11、以算得上是真正的圣诞老人。 indeed adv. 强调肯定的陈述或答复,真正地强调肯定的陈述或答复,真正地 Later, he admitted that the payments had indeed been made. 后来后来,他承认他承认确实确实付过款了付过款了。 We have nothing against diversity; indeed, we want more of it. 我们一点都不抵触多样化;我们一点都不抵触多样化;实际上实际上,我们需要,我们需要 多样性更丰富一些。多样性更丰富一些。 keep . alive regard . as. address sth

12、(to sb/sth) as . got older 使使存在存在 把把视作视作, 认为认为是是 写写(收信人收信人)姓名地址;致函姓名地址;致函 随着随着长大长大 Self-evaluationSelf-evaluation Do you know the meanings of the following words and expressions? Can you use them correctly? 各个击破各个击破 alive live living as indeed regard . as. address to do/does/did +动词原形动词原形 indeed add

13、ress to alive as living 1. I found a _ fish among those dead ones. 2. This is _ the question we should be wary of (担心担心)! 3. _ the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. 4.The tiger is still _. 5. This package is not _ me. indeed living alive addressed to I. Fi

14、ll in the blanks with the right forms of the words and phrases given. As II. Translate the following sentences into English. 患难见真情患难见真情。(indeed) _ 2.你不能把他看作朋友你不能把他看作朋友,只是个生意合伙人。只是个生意合伙人。 (regard . as.) _ _ 3. 不管相信不相信,他确实获得了一等奖不管相信不相信,他确实获得了一等奖。 (do/does/did +动词原形动词原形) _ A friend in need is a friend indeed. You cant regard him as a friend but a business associate. Believe it or not, he did won first prize. Try to memorize these useful expressions.


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