(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第二册 Unit2 Let‘s celebrate 同步练习.docx

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1、U 2lets celebrate!必修二习作 一一. Honour (vt):尊重;给予表扬尊重;给予表扬/(奖励,头衔,称号)(奖励,头衔,称号) (n):尊重,尊重;光荣,荣幸;引起尊敬的人尊重,尊重;光荣,荣幸;引起尊敬的人/事物事物 1.I feel greatly honoured(give) such a chance to express my thanks to those in support of the project all the time. 2. 84-yeal-old Tu Youyou was honoredthe Nobel Prize in Physiol

2、ogy or Medicine on Oct.5,2015. 3. (福建南平期末)被选中参加奥运会不仅要承担巨大的责任,也享有极大的荣誉。 Its great responsibility andto take part in the Olympics. 4. 在印度,教师节于 9 月 5 日庆祝,以纪念印度第二任总统萨瓦帕利.拉达克里希南,那天 是他的生日。 In India, Teachers Day is celebrated on September 5Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second president of India, whose bir

3、thday falls on that day. 二二. Participate(vi):参加,参与参加,参与participant(n):参加者,参与者参加者,参与者participation(n):参与参与 1. I participatedthe Secondary School Program in Harvard last summer. 2. It was my active(participate) that helped me make friends in the new environment. 三三. Vote(v):表决,投票,选举表决,投票,选举 (n):投票,表决;

4、选票,选举权投票,表决;选票,选举权 1. They finally agreed to vote(decide) whether to accept the proposal or not. 2. We called a meeting in order to take a votethe issue. 3. This program is of much significance to students development and I voteit. 四四. As long as:只要;只要;=so long as;一直,整个时间里;一直,整个时间里; 长达,和长达,和.一样长一样长

5、1. 晚饭后,她常常坐在炉火旁,有时候长达一个小时,回忆她幸福的日子。 After supper,she would sit by the fire,sometimes for,thinkingto her happy days. 五五. regard(v):认为,看作;认为,看作;(n):尊敬,敬佩;关注,关心;尊敬,敬佩;关注,关心;(pl):致意,问候致意,问候 1. 如今,与慢跑和游泳 一样,骑自行车被看作最好的综合运动形式之一。 Nowadays, cycling,along with jogging and swimming,one of the best all-round fo

6、rms of exercise. 2. 收到你的邮件,我总是很开心。关于 6 月 1 日的聚会,我很乐意参加。 Im always delighted when I receive an e-mail from you.the party on June 1st, I shall be pleased to attend. 六六. Address(vt):写(收信人)姓名地址,致函写(收信人)姓名地址,致函;演说,演讲;做演讲演说,演讲;做演讲 (n):地址,网址地址,网址, (正式)演讲(正式)演讲 1. 判断 address 含义 (1). I havent received the le

7、tter he addressed to me last week yet. (2). He is to address a meeting on human rights next week. (3). The professor gave an address to the college students. 语法填空(天津模考) 2.The letter was returned because the personwhom the letter was addressed had died three years ago. 七七. Regular(adj):固定的,频繁的,经常的,有规

8、律的固定的,频繁的,经常的,有规律的-(adv):regularly Irregular 1. While(regular) eating out seems to have become common for many young people in recent years, its not without a cost. 2. We should have abedtime. And it is important to stick with it. Havingsleep cycles(睡眠周期)can really affect our concentration and physi

9、cal well-being.(regular) 八八. Character(cn):角色,人物;文字,符号角色,人物;文字,符号(n):特性,品质,性格特性,品质,性格(un):勇气,毅力勇气,毅力 1. By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character. 2. Truly elegant chopsticks might be made of gold and silver with

10、Chinese characters. 3. Princesses are usually very beautiful, but the inner character is the key to being a princess. 九九. Complain(v):抱怨,发牢骚;抱怨,发牢骚;complaint(cn):抱怨不满,投诉抱怨不满,投诉 1. I am fond of Glorias attitude to life; she never complainsanything. 2. As for your(complain) about the shoes,sir, I will

11、 speak to the person in charge and ask him either to give you another pair or give your money back. 3. 我要就这件事向经理投诉。 十十. As well as:除除.之外之外 i;不但;不但.而且;和而且;和.一样好一样好 1. We painted the walls as well as(repair) the roof. 2. Amy, as well as her brothers,(give) a warm welcome when returning to the village

12、last week. 十一十一. Request(n/v):请求,要求;请求,要求; 1. I come herethe request of Mr Smith to help him finish the work. 2. The school requested that all the students(wear) the school uniform on weekdays in school. 3. Whats your opinion of Mr Lis request that we(spend) half an hour reading English aloud every

13、morning? 4. 老师要求学生不要在草地上走。 (1) . The teacher requested the studentson the grass. (2) .The teacher requested the studentson the grass. 十二十二. Check out:(vt)(因某人或某物有趣或吸引人而)察看,观察,看一看;(因某人或某物有趣或吸引人而)察看,观察,看一看; :(vi)结账离开(旅馆等结账离开(旅馆等) 。为不及物动词短语,若后跟宾语,应加上介词。为不及物动词短语,若后跟宾语,应加上介词 of :(vt)调查,核实调查,核实 :(vt):(从图书

14、馆等)借出(书)(从图书馆等)借出(书) 1. I checked out this book form the library in the morning. 2. The boss checked out the bills and found them OK. 3. We headed directly for the airport after we checked out of the hotel. 4. Wow,check this out-someone in the next town won the lottery last week! 5. 我们应当在 11 点之前结账离开

15、旅馆。我们收拾行李吧! We shouldthe hotel by 11 oclock. Lets pack our luggage. 十三十三. Wave(v):挥手;挥手示意;挥舞;飘动,起伏挥手;挥手示意;挥舞;飘动,起伏 (n):海浪,波涛;挥手,招手海浪,波涛;挥手,招手; (情绪或活动的)一阵一阵;波(情绪或活动的)一阵一阵;波 1. A waveloneliness often swept over me while I was far away from home. 2. The singer wavedthe fans as she slowly made her way b

16、ack to the stage. 3. He waved goodbyehis parents when he boarded the train. 十四十四. Attract(vt):吸引,引起吸引,引起.的注意的注意/兴趣兴趣;招引招引 Attractive(adj):有吸引力的,吸引人的有吸引力的,吸引人的 Attraction(n):吸引;吸引力;有吸引力的事吸引;吸引力;有吸引力的事tourist attraction:旅游景点旅游景点 1. As one of the mostplaces, Mount Wuyimillions of tourists each year,and

17、 one of its most famous touristis the Nine-bend River. 2. When you come here, you will be entirely attractedthe natural scenery. 3. The idea of travelling to the moon has no attractionme. 4. Known as one of the four great ancient civilizations,China is attractivemany foreigners. 十五十五. Decorate(v):装饰

18、;布置;美化;装修装饰;布置;美化;装修 Decorator(cn):油漆匠油漆匠 Decoration(n):(房屋内部的)装饰;装饰物(房屋内部的)装饰;装饰物 1. It was also a treasure decoratedgold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make . 十六十六. Compete(vi):比赛比赛, 竞争竞争competition(n):competitor(n):参赛者参赛者; 竞争者竞争者, 对手对手rival Competitive(Adj):竞争

19、的,有竞争力的竞争的,有竞争力的 Competence(n):能力,胜任;技能,本领能力,胜任;技能,本领 1. When the kids are out of school,parents are eager to use the holidays for some quality family time. However, many of us find it hard to competeelectronics. 2. He wanted to join the National Team to competethe Summer Olympic Gameshis country, b

20、ut he failed in the qualifying game. 3. As the youngest(compete), John will competethe annual award of writing. He must be very(compete) so that he could win in the(compete). 十七十七. Formal(adj):适合正式场合的,正规的;正式的适合正式场合的,正规的;正式的(adv):formally Informal:非正式的,不拘礼节的非正式的,不拘礼节的 Incorrect:不正确的不正确的 Incapable:没有能

21、力的没有能力的 Indirect:与会的,间接的与会的,间接的 1. Business letters are usually, while we write a(n)way to family.(formal) 2. The kids are usually(capable)of doing many things by themselves, so their parents always help them. 3. As it turned out to be a small house party, we neednt have dressed up so(formal). 十八十八.

22、 Host(n):主人,东道主;节目主持人主人,东道主;节目主持人(vt):主办,做主办,做.的东道主;主持的东道主;主持 1. London will play hosta series of exhibitions, live concerts and free festivals. 2. During the forum, Dong Qing, a famous(host), share her experience of creating The Readers. 3. 哪个机构将主办这次会议还有待商榷。 The question which organization willrema

23、ins to be discussed. 十九十九. It is not advisable to be early, as the host may not be ready. 1. Its very difficult(finish) the work in two days. 2. Its no use(write) to him, for he never answers letters. 3. Im sureis of great use to keep a diary in English. 4. 成功是每一天做的小小努力的总和,记住一点是很重要的。 success is the

24、sum of small efforts make each day. 二十二十. Keen(adj):渴望,热衷于;喜欢渴望,热衷于;喜欢, (对(对.)着迷,有兴趣)着迷,有兴趣 :强烈的,浓厚的;热情的,热心的:强烈的,浓厚的;热情的,热心的 1. Dolly wants to cycle round the world and she is really keenthe idea. 2. Tome likes sports while Mary is keen on(read) books in the library. 3. After doing the homework for

25、two hours, I was dyingsomething to eat. 4. 约翰告诉我,他不太想去参加明天的聚会。(keen) (1) . John tole me that he wasnt sogoing to tomorrows party. (2) . John tole me that he wasnt sogo to tomorrows party. 二十一二十一. Less than:少于少于not less than:不少于,至少不少于,至少=at least No less than:多达多达=as much as more than:多于;不仅;很多于;不仅;很n

26、ot more than:不超过,不超过, 顶多顶多=at most No more than:不超过,顶多;仅仅不超过,顶多;仅仅=only 1. They have finished(多达) half of the work in such a short time. 2. Minority groups may compose a larger part of the population in(少于)40 years. 3. There was no shade as the trees were(不超过) 3 feet tall. 4. I jumped at (迫不及待地接受) t

27、he idea of taking the class because,after all, who doesnt want to save a few dollars?(不仅) that, I d always wanted to learn chess. 二十二二十二. Admit(v):(常指勉强)承认;承认(过错,罪行(常指勉强)承认;承认(过错,罪行) ,招认,招认 (vt):准许准许.进入;接收(入学进入;接收(入学) ,准许,准许.加入;加入; (场所等)可容纳(场所等)可容纳 Admission(cn):承认,招认承认,招认(un):入场费入场费 (n):准许加入准许加入 1.

28、 I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared. 2. Men will not be admitted to the restaurant without a tie. 3. The theatre admits less than 500 persons. 4. When the(admit) letter from Harvard arrived, Bens parents were ticked pink(非 常高兴) and threw a big party. 5. Tome admitted(cheat) in the exam

29、ination and he was not admittedthe school at last. 二十三二十三. Effort(n):力气,精力;费力的事力气,精力;费力的事(cn):尽力,艰难的尝试尽力,艰难的尝试 1. We should especially recognize our childrens efforts(push) themselves and work hard to achieve a goal. 2. 为了赶上他的同班同学,他学习一直非常努力。 He has been studying very hardcatch up with his classmates

30、. 3. 这位濒死的老人费力地写下了他的遗嘱。 The dying old man wrote down his will. 4. 人生是一个不断奋斗的过程,没有人可以毫不费力地取得成功。 Life is a continuous process of fighting and no one can achieve success. 二十四二十四. Loss(n):失去失去,丧失丧失;亏损亏损,损失损失lose(v):失去失去,丢失丢失;输掉输掉;浪费浪费,错过错过;损失损失 1. 不做好充分准备,你必定会在商业贸易中遭受巨大损失。 Not having prepared well, you

31、are bound toin the commercial trade.(loss) 2. 面对如此大的困难,杰克束手无策。 Faced with such great difficulty, Jack waswhat to do. 3. 他陷入了沉思,根本就没有注意到前面的汽车。 , he didnt notice the car ahead at all.(lost) 二十五二十五. Occasion(n):场合;时刻;时机场合;时刻;时机 Occasional(adj):偶尔的偶尔的occasionally(adv):偶尔,有时候偶尔,有时候 1. 虽然我喜欢偶尔逛逛购物中心,但我不需要

32、经常去。 Although I enjoy visiting shopping centres, I dont need to go very often. 二十六二十六. Exist(vi):存在;实际上有存在;实际上有; (尤指在困境或贫困中)生存(尤指在困境或贫困中)生存 Existence(n):存在,生存存在,生存 1. 这些油脂是人造的,在自然界中是不存在的。 These fats are man-made and do notnature. 2. 他们要靠这一点收入活下去是不可能的。 It was impossible for them tosuch a small income

33、. 二十七二十七. Audience(n):听众,观众,读者(用听众,观众,读者(用 large,small, big,huge 等修饰)等修饰) 1. All the audience(be) moved by his performance last night. 2. The Spring Festival is a special holiday when the whole family(be) supposed to get together. 3. Our school football team(be) to win tomorrows match. 4. 我一看见他,就知道他

34、就是警察要找的那个人。 The instant I saw hem, I knew he was the man. 5. 在一大批观众面前表演是一种很棒的体验。 It is a great experience to perform onstage in front of. 聚焦聚焦 grammar:情态动词情态动词 1. Yoube Carol. You havent changed a bit after all these years. A.mustB.canC.willD.shall 2. (辽宁高考)Harry is feeling uncomfortable . Hetoo muc

35、h at the party last night . A.could drinkB.should drinkC.would have drinkD.must have drink 3. -I spent two weeks in London last summer. -Then you must have visited the British Museum during your stay,you? A.mustntB.haventC.didntD.hadnt 4. Gorgetoo far. His coffee is still warm. A.must have gone B.mi

36、ght have gone C.cant have goneD.neednt have gone 5. I cant find my purse. Iit in the supermarket yesterday, but Im not sure. A.should leaveB.must have leftC.might leaveD.could have left 6. (北京高考)-You neednt take an umbrella. It isnt going to rain. -Well, I dont know. Itdo. A.mightB.needC.wouldD.should 7. - I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official. - How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someoneit. A.will have stolen B.might have stolen C.should have stolenD.must have stolen


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