外研版(一起)三上Module 6-Unit 2 He's got a new shirt.-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频)-部级优课-(编号:a0169).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_三年级上册(2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Module 6_Unit 2 Hes got a new shirt._ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频)_部级优课_(编号:a0169)
    • 《Hes got a new shirt 》微课.flv
    • 《Hes got a new shirt 》课件.pptx--点击预览
    • 教学相关素材.mp4
    • 教案a0169.doc--点击预览


执教:厦门实验小 何敏 外研版新标准英语三年级上册外研版新标准英语三年级上册 Module 6 Module 6 ,Unit 2Unit 2 Hes got a new shirt.Hes got a new shirt.Hes got a new shirt.Hes got a new shirt. Welcome to our beautiful Welcome to our beautiful Welcome to our beautiful world.world.world. Lots of food to eat! Lots of clothes to wear! Lots of toys to play! What have you got?What have you got?What have you got? Ive got _.Ive got _.Ive got _. Ive got a _.Ive got a _.Ive got a _. Non-stop talking Tips: A组和B组分别在30秒内说一说你拥有的物品,看哪 一组同学能接得最快,使谈话不停顿,且内容不重 复,说的句子最多的组获胜。 Ive got _.Ive got _. 01020506030407080910302928272625242322212019181716 1514131211 I ve got I ve got (a/an)_.a/an)_. Non-stop talking (30s) Task Donate Donate for the poor for the poor childrenchildren. 为山区小朋友捐赠物品 What have they got? Cat: Ive got a pear. Dog: Ive got a peach. Watch and find (Who ?) 听音,找一找,谁来参加捐赠会? Watch and find (Who ?) 听音,找一找,谁来参加捐赠会? Zhang JieQiqiJiang FeiXiaoxiao Watch and match (What?) Zhang JieQiqiJiang FeiXiaoxiao a new shirtnew shoesnew trousers a new dress new trousers. Hes got Doraemon wants to donate. He has got some things. Guess Doraemons secret bag (猜一猜神秘礼包) toyfood Maybe hes got. Guess secret people (猜一猜神秘人物) Maybe shes got. Guess(神秘人物)secret people Shes got. Guess(神秘人物) Secret people Shes got. This is _. This is _. Shes got a (big/small) mouth. Shes got (short/long)hair. Shes got (big/small) eyes. Shes _ a new _. _ _ new _. (words: eraser, book, shoes, trousers.) Discuss in pairs. 同桌讨论,完成捐赠记录。 Donation(捐赠) Donate in groups step 1: make a survey step 2: Practice in groups Step 3: Present This is _(揭晓人物) Shes got/ Hes got_(外貌特征) Shes got/ Hes got _(捐赠物品) DonationsDonations ( (捐赠大会捐赠大会) ) Youve got a kind heart! 1. LLearn Micro-lesson after class. 2. Try to ask family members to donate. 3. Make some funny riddles by using Its got. Homework Module 6 模块分析: 题目题目Ive got a new shorts and new shoes. & Hes got a new shirt. 题材题材 (主要)(主要) 内容内容 Sam 有一条新短裤和一双新鞋子,Daming 有一个新足球,Sam 请求和 Daming 一块踢足球,结果 Sam 不小心在踢球中摔倒了弄脏了新衣服, Sam 自我调侃说还好他的衣服还可以洗干净。 教学目标教学目标 语音 除掌握本模块单词语音外,还学习一些元音的发 音,如 oroe/ir 在单词中的发音等。 词汇have got, careful, wash, sorry, has got, pear, peach 功能 谈论自己或他人拥有的东西。 语言语言 知识知识 目标目标 语法 (句子结构) Ive got结构: Ive got 第三人称单数变形: Shes/Hes got 听、说、读、 写 have got,careful, wash, sorry, has got 听、说、读pear, peach 听、说 词汇 听 语言语言 技能技能 目标目标 句子 能够听、说、认读、抄写并运用下列句子: Ive got a new shorts and new shoes. Be careful! I can wash them! 能仿说和运用下列句子: He/Shes got a 学习策略学习策略对所学内容能主动练习和实践; 积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 文化意识文化意识简单了解贫困地区孩子的现状。 情感态度情感态度培养学生学习英语的兴趣; 培养学生与他人分享快乐,在别人失落时给予安慰的人生态度和乐于助 人的高尚品质。 任务任务用 Ive got Shes/Hes got与他人谈论自己拥有的玩具、宠物等或陈 述他人拥有的东西,给贫困地区的孩子们捐赠衣物。 课题课题 Topic Unit 2 Hes got a new shirt. 教学目标教学目标 Teaching Aims 1语言知识与技能目标 1) 能听说读本课的单词 pear, peach,has got,其中 has got 要求正确书写。 2) 学习 have got 第三人称单数形式,用 has got 表示他人拥有物品的情 况。本课运用的是新衣服拥有情况描述,因此本课还应顺带复习衣服 等话题相关单词。 3) 能在完成外贫困地区儿童进行捐赠的大任务中,正确描述自己拥有 和他人拥有的物品,介绍他人的外貌特点,更进一步巩固 have got 的 第三人称单数使用情况。 2学习策略 积极合作,共同完成任务;积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流; 3情感态度 1)培养学生喜欢开口主动学习英语的积极性。 2)培养学生乐于助人的精神。 教学重难点教学重难点 Teaching Difficulty &Focus TeachingTeaching focus:focus: 1. 学习 have got 第三人称单数形式,用 has got 表示他人拥有物品的情 况。 2能在完成外贫困地区儿童进行捐赠的大任务中,正确描述自己拥有 和他人拥有的物品,介绍他人的外貌特点,更进一步巩固 have got 的 第三人称单数使用情况。 TeachingTeaching difficulties:difficulties: 1. 学习 have got 第三人称单数形式,用 has got 表示他人拥有物品的情 况。 教学方法教学方法 Teaching Method 任务型教学法,情景教学法,TPR, 教学准备教学准备 Teaching Preparation 单词卡片,CD-ROM,板书,贫困儿童视频,一个苹果,一个桃子, 还有一个神奇袋子, 教学过程教学过程 Teaching Warmer 1. Chant. Sing chant on page 36 and do according actions. T: Hello, children, welcome to the beautiful and fantastic world. You Proceduresee there are so many things in our world. So many food to eat, so many clothes to wear, so many toys to play and so no. So lets say a chant together , ok? Ive got a dog. Youve got a cat. Hes got a mouse. Look at that. 2. What have you got? As we know, we all have got different things. Would you please tell me what have you got? S1: Ive got a . S2: Ive got . 3. Non-stop talking in 30 seconds. T encourages Ss to describe the things they have got by using “Ive got.” with desk mates without stopping. Then T invites 2 individuals to have a final PK in the front. In this way, Ss review the key sentence pattern learnt last lesson in an exciting way. T: I know in your life, youve got not only these little things. This time, try to think more and say more, lets do non-stopping game in 30 seconds. First, discuss in groups. Then PK between groups. Task setting 1. Watch a video. T: You have got lots of things. You are living so happy life. But just look some other children. They are quite different from you. T plays the video about children life in poor area and then asks Ss to watch carefully. T: The children living in an poor area. They have no food to eat, no clothes to wear, no toys to play, no books to read, and no beds to sleep. They really need your help. 2. Task presenting. T encourages Ss to help the children in the poor area. And then present todays task: -Donate and then take a video. T: We are living in the same world, We re just like a big family. So today, lets give our things to those children and do a donation. OK? 3. Evaluation. Ss PK between part A and B and see which part is more helpful. Lead in 1. Watch and find. T: Who is coming? Miao miao , wooh, wooh, S: Its the cat and the dog. T: Yes, they are coming for donation, too. Lets listen what things have they got. Ss watch a video and then find out what they have got. 2. T checks the answer. Ss can experience the sentence pattern-Ive got . What do they have got? The cat says, Ive got a . The dog says, Ive got a . But then, wha happened, oh, they fall into the river. 3. Act it out. One is the cat. The other one is the dog. And be funny, they jump into the river. New Language Input 1. Watch and find. Many good children want to help the poor children and do the donation, too. Look, who is it? Yes, Sam is annoucing this donation news in class. And many friends are joining us. But who is coming to donate? Listen the first time and find out who are the children? Lets T plays the video and then asks Ss to find out who are the children. 2. T checks the answer. T: This is. T shows the photos of the children and let Ss know the names. 3. Watch and match. T: What things have they got? What do they want to donate? Listen for the second time and match. T plays the video again and asks Ss to finish the exercise in XB. 4. T checks the answer. 5. Learning new sentence pattern. What has Zhang Jie got? T leads out the key sentence pattern-Hes got new trousers. T demonstrates herself to make Ss understand. And then T find a boy with trousers and describe with key sentence-Hes got.Then T teaches “Shes got.” in the same way. In the process, T may ask Ss to raise hand if they have got dress or trousers. And then Ss say the sentences together. T: How nice the four kids are. Lets read together. 6. Memory game. T moves away the four kids. Have kids recall and choose the children. T: This time, the four kids are moving to somewhere else. Just think and tell me who has got the thing? T: A new dress. S1: Qiqi has got a new dress. S2: A new shirt. S3: Xiaoxiao has got a new shirt. . 7. Listen and pat. Pk game between two groups. T: Shes got new trousers S1 pats on board. S2. 8. Listen and imitate then do the actions. 9. Guessing game -Sams secret bag. T brings Sams secret bag and encourages Ss to guess what has he got. In this way, Ss try to use sentence- Hes got. T: He wants to do the donation, too. He wants to donate some food and toys. Guess what food has he got? You may touch and guess. Hes got a . 10. Stick and say. T asks one student to stick the clothes to according children and then encourages Ss to retell with the help of the pictures on the Bb. Language Practice 1. Secret person. Theres another person wants to help the children. T asks Ss to guess the persons appearance-Shes got.Then Ss guess who she is. 2. Listen, tick and write. T plays the records and then asks Ss to finish the paragraph. 3. Pair check and reading. Language Application 1. Survey in group. Ss work in groups and report what they have got. 2. Take a video. T shows an example first and then asks Ss to practice in groups. This is _ (揭晓人物) Shes got / Hes got _- (外貌特征) Shes got / Hes got _ ( 捐赠物品) These are for the children. 3. T invites several groups to present in the front. Put things in the box. Summary 1. You are so kind and helpful. Thanks for your kindnesss and goodness. 2. Sing the song . We are the world. We are the children. Dear children ,with your help, i believe that all the children under the sun will have a happy life just like you and me. 3. Final evaluation. 作业布置作业布置 Assignments 1.为贫困儿童编写趣味动物谜语。 2.号召家人参与捐赠。 板书设计板书设计 Module 6 Unit 2 Hes got a new shirt. Donation This is. This is. This is. This is . Hes got Shes got Shes got. Hes got.
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