外研版(一起)四上Module 3-Unit 2 I didn’t play football.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:80263).doc

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1、新标准英语(一年级起点)第七册 Module 3 Unit 2 I didnt play football. 教学设计 一、一、教学目标:教学目标: 1、知识技能目标:、知识技能目标: 学生能够听、说、读、写单词 stay,what,boring,day。能够认读、 表达和运用重点句 I usually But I didntI didnt play football.能够 运用 I/she didnt.等谈论自己或他人在过去某一时刻没有做的事 情;能够正确朗读课文、获取课文的信息,在阅读的基础上进行仿 写。 2、知识与能力目标: 能够运用所学的过去时态及其否定形式, 描述生活中发生过的 事情

2、,联系新旧知识,会用英语做事情。 3、情感态度目标: 以 National Day 为契机,培养学生热爱祖 国、热爱家乡,团结同学,互相帮助的美好情感。 二、教学重点及难点: 1.教材重点:掌握句型“I didnt do something.”能通过练习、 运用等活动使学生能够掌握一般过去式及did一般过去式否定形式的 用法。 2.教材难点: 能正确的运用一般现在时及其第三人称单数、一般 过去式及 did 的否定式进行语言交际。 教学内容分析: 本模块主要讲授的是 did 的一般过去式的否定形 式“didn t”的用法。在第一单元中通过运用一般现在时对 Lingling 生活习惯的描述以及 d

3、id 的一般过去时的否定形式,对于过去某一天 没有发生的活动的描述来进行对比, 帮助学生理解否定式的含义及用 法。在第二单元中通过阅读、歌曲及游戏等活动来进一步复习和巩固 第一单元中所呈现的重点语言知识。 学情分析:四年级的学生想象力丰富,并且有一定的语言基础和 语法基础, 掌握了动词的一般过去式的形式以及一般过去时时态的基 本用法。要培养学生掌握有效的学习方法和学习策略,养成良好的学 习习惯。通过对话、朗读,游戏、课堂竞赛等活动激发他们学习英语 的兴趣。 三、教学过程: Step1 Warm- up: 1.Look and say . Show the pictures(courseware

4、):play footballride my bikego to the park.Have the students read and make sentenses. (设计意图:利用与新课话题相关的图片,说词组与句子,为新课学习 做好铺垫。) 2.Ask and answer. (1)Did you clean your room yesterday? (2)Did you read English yesterday? (3)Did you play football last Sunday? (设计意图:运用与新课相关的问题,通过教师问,学生答来导入新 课。 ) T:Today wel

5、l learn Module3 Unit2 I didnt play football. Step2 Presentation and practice: 1.Activity1. (1)Look at the pictures. T:Whats this? Ss:Its a pig. T:Yes,its a funny pig. What did the pig do yesterday? Now, lets watch the flash. Have the students watch the flash,listen and repeat,then read the text. (2)

6、Have the students answer the questions: a.What did the pig do yesterday? b.Did the pig eat it? c.Who ate it? (设计意图:通过图片启发学生引入对话,再让学生观看课文动画, 让学生自然感知和理解即将学习的新语言现象所发生的情景与语境。 通过回答问题,加深对课文的理解,进一步巩固对一般过去时的运 用。 ) 2. Activity2 Teach the new words :Show the pictures(Courseware): (1)stay. T:Whos he?Ss:Hes Sam

7、. T:Wheres Sam?S1:Sam待 在 家 里 。 T:Yes,Sam stayed at home.Show:stay at home.The students read and spell the word “stay”. T:Can you make a sentence with stay? S1:Yesterday,I stayed at home with my mother. (2)What a boring day. T:What was the weather like? S1:It was raining. T:Wheres the boy?S2:He staye

8、d at home. T:Yes .He cant go out to play.He feel boring.Read and spell the word “boring.” T:What a boring day!多么无聊的一天啊!Teach the new word:what. T:Whats the weather like? S1:Its sunny. T:What a nice day!Can you make a sentence with “what”? S1:What a cute dog! S2:What a beautiful picture! S3:What a be

9、autiful flower! (设计意图:词不离句,呈现新词,让学生练习用新词说句子,达到 拓展运用的目的。) T:On Sundays ,Daming usually rides his bike to the park and plays football in the park. But yesterday he didnt ride his bike and he didnt play football.Why?Lets watch the flash. Have the students watch the flash,listen and repeat the text. Sho

10、w the questions(Courseware),have the students read them。 (设计意图:让学生带着问题进行课文阅读,让学生对课文进行整体 的理解,培养学生抓主要信息的能力及有目的的进行阅读的习惯) 。 Then ,read the text and think about these questions.Have the students ask and answer in pairs. (1).What does Daming usually do on Sundays? He usually rides his bike to the park and

11、 plays football in the park. (2).Where was Daming? He stayed at home. (3)What did he do on Sunday? He cleaned all the rooms. (4).Why didnt he play football? Because it was raining. The students answer the questions , the teacher write them on the blackboard: usually : ride my bikeplay football yeste

12、rday:stayed at homecleaned all the rooms. Look at the blackboard and retell the text. 3.Activity3 T:Look at the picture,who is he? Ss:Hes Da ming. T;What does Daming usually do? S1:He usually plays football and he usually rides his bike. T:What didnt Daming do yesterday?Why? S2:He didnt play footbal

13、l and he didnt ride his bike. T:Why? S3:Because it was raining. Read the text by themselves. 4.Activity4. (1)Show a National day picture.T:What day is today? S1:今天是国庆节。 T:Yes ,today is National Day.Teach “Natioual Day”国庆节。 T:Do you love National Day? S1:Yes,I do. T:And you?S2:Yes ,I do. T:We all lov

14、e National Day.Its our countys birthday.We should study hard for our country now. (设计意图:利用国庆节引导学生谈论热爱我们伟大的祖国,增强爱 国意识,培养爱国主义情感,进而教育学生从小要努力学习,长大为 祖国建设做贡献。 ) (2)T:Lets learn an English song ,OK? Have the students listen the song.Then,Listen and sing. 5.Activity5. Everyone likes play a game.Now,lets pla

15、y a game. T:You can throw your eraser .Talk about somebody did something or didnt do something with your parner. Have the students play the games . 6. (Courseware) Work in pairs and talk about an unusual day. 两人一组合作,讨论,说一说,写一写你不寻常的一天。 I usually watch TV. But yesterday I didn t watch TV. I usually re

16、ad books. But I didnt read books yesterday. I helped my mum yesterday. She was very happy. The students talk and write.Then read it. (设计意图:先由学生谈论自己不寻常的一天,再组织成短文, 让学生写下来,这样通过让学生眼、口、耳、手多种器官并用,达到 训练思维,提高技能的目的。在这个活动中,学生的写作能力得到了 提高。 ) Step4. Summary. T:Can you read them? National Daystaywhatboringday coo

17、kedcleanedstayedtalkedwalked I usually ride my bike and I usually play football in the park. I didnt ride my bike and I didnt play football Have the students read these words and sentenses. T:Today,we have learned these words and sentenses,We can use them describe something happened in the past. Step5:Homework. 1.Can read and retell the text. 2.Can write an unusual(不寻常)day 板书: Module3 Unit2 I didnt play football. usually :ride my bikeplay football yesterday:stayed at homecleaned all the rooms.


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