外研版(一起)六上Module 1-Unit 1 How long is the Great Wall -ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:a017e).zip

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How long is the Great Wall? Module1 Unit1 新标准英语(一起)六年级上册新标准英语(一起)六年级上册 Its very tall. Its very old. Its in London. Lets guess. You can know the time from it. Big Ben Its very long. It looks like a big dragon. Its in our country. It was built in Qin Dynasty(朝代). the Great Wall Lets guess. What do you know about the Great Wall? Its. What does Simon want to know about the Great Wall? Lets find. The Great Wall How long is the Great Wall? How old is the Great Wall? . How long is the Great Wall? Its more than forty thousand li long. Its more than twenty thousand kilometres. Beijing Xian Xian-Beijing 1083.4km How long is .? Changjiang River ( (10.210.2 km) )( (63976397 km) ) Its Changle Road ( ( ? ? ) ) Classroom 1 kilometre (km) = metres (m) 1 metre = centimetres (cm) 1 centimetre = millimetres (mm) 1000 100 10 How old is the Great Wall? Its more than two thousand years old. hundred thousand one/two/three/. . hundreds thousands of How old is ? Its ( (1212 years) )( (more than 600600 years) )( (7575 years) ) Bell Towermuseumschool Use key words(关键词) to complete. Lets think. The Great Wall location (位置) length (长度) history (年代) Simon wants to know more about the Great Wall. If you were Daming, what will you say? The Great Wall was built in Qin Dynasty. In order to resist the invasion of Xiongnu, Qin Shihuang asked people to build it. So many poeple built it for a long time. (为了抵御外侵,秦始皇下令修建长城。 ) Lets learn. Meng Jiangnvs husband was taken to build the Great Wall. He died of exhaustion and was buried into the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnv could not help crying. A 400- kilometre-long section of the Great Wall collapsed over her bitter wail. (孟姜女的丈夫在修建长城时不幸去世,她悲痛大哭不止 ,400公里的长城顷刻倒塌.) 清平乐清平乐六盘山六盘山 【作者】毛泽东 天高云淡, 望断南飞雁。 屈指行程二万。 六盘山上高峰, 红旗漫卷西风。 今日长缨在手, 何时缚住苍龙? Youre not a ture man if you have never been to the Great Wall. 不到长城非好汉 , Lets share. a famous place How tall.? How long.? How old.? Where is.? Lets talk. height length history location . . Simon will visit Beijing soon. He wants to come to Xian ,too. Can you introduce the famous places in Xian ? Lets say. history: more than 600 years old height: 36m a big bell (大钟) location: in the middle of Xian history: more than 1300 years old height: more than 64m music fountain (音乐喷泉) location: in the south of Xian Chinese has brilliant history! Just enjoy it! 1._ students are there in your class? 2._ are you? Im 1.65m tall. 3._ is the hat? Its 50 yuan. 4._ is it from your home to school? 5._ do you play football? Everyday. How many How tall How much How far How often Do you know more about “ How. ”? Homework 1. Know more about “How.?” 2. Write a passage about a famous place in Xian.(写一篇短文介绍西安的一处 名胜古迹。) 外研社新标准(一起)六年级上册 Module1 Unit1 How long is the Great Wall? Teaching Aims: 1. 全体学生能理解并运用: how long, near, along, more than, kilometre. 2. 全体学生能听懂并理解运用: How long is the Great Wall? Its more than forty thousand li long. How old is it? Its more than two thousand years old. 3. 学生能运用所学知识描述某个地方; 4. 帮助学生了解中华文化,增强民族自豪感,养成合理的跨文化心 态及与各国人民友好相处的意识。 Focus: 能懂得如何询问事物的高度、长度等讯息并能描述某个地 方。 Difficulties: 学生能比较顺畅的介绍一处名胜古迹的基本特征。 Process: 一、1. Greeting. Hello, children. Today there are some teachers here. So please turn round and say “hello” to the teachers. Thank you, children. Sit down, please! 2. Lead-in. Lets begin our class. First, lets play a guessing game. Read the sentences and guess what it is. Its very old. Think about it. Its very tall. You can know the time from it. Its in London. Wow, its Big Ben. You are clever. Next one, its very long. What is it? Can you guess? It was built in Qin Dynasty. It looks like a very big dragon. And its in our country. Yes, youre right. Its the Great Wall. 二、Presentation. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? What do you know about the Great Wall? 1. Listen and find. Now Daming is visiting the US. His cousin Simon is interested in the Great Wall, too. So Daming talks about the Great Wall to him. Now lets listen to their dialogue and find“What are they talking about the Great Wall?” 2. Read and answer. Please read the dialogue by yourself and answer the questions. Now tell me “How long is the Great Wall?” Its more than forty thousand li long. And also its more than twenty thousand kilometers. Why does Daming say that in different ways? Because “li” is Chinese and “km” is international. Simon lives in the US, so he doesnt know the Chinese “li”. But how long is twenty thousand km? Look at the map, this is Beijing and this is Xian. Its more than 1000 km from Beijing to Xian. That is to say the Great Wall is 20 times longer. Can we walk along all of it? No, its really long. Amazing! We have known how long the Great Wall is. But do you know how long the Changjiang River is? How long is the Changle Road? And how long is your desk? For measurement, we have km, m, cm, mm, Can you do it? And how old is the Great Wall? Its more than two thousand years old. Pay attention to “thousand”. We can see “two”, but no “s” here. Its a little special. We always say “hundreds of” and “thousands of” to express “成百上千” and“成千上万”. Now look at this, how old is the Bell Tower? How old is the History museum of Shaanxi? And how old is our school? By the way, how old are you? You are much younger than the Great Wall. You are only 12 years old, but the Great Wall is more than 2000 years old. Its very very old. Thats amazing! 3. Think and complete. Now what do you know about the Great Wall from the dialogue? Just give me some key words. We know the location, length and history. Can you help me finish the mind map? At the end of the dialogue, Simon wants to know more about the Great Wall. If you were Daming, what will you say? What story do you know? Let me tell you. In Qin Dynasty, Qin Shihuang asked people to build it in order to resist the invasion of Xiongnu. So many people built it for a long time. the story “The tears of Meng Jiangnv” is about it. And also there is a famous saying from Mao Zedong “You are not a true man if you dont go to the Great Wall.” 4. Think and say. We have got many things about the Great Wall. Can you introduce it to others? The mind map can help you. After your introduction, I really want to visit the Great Wall, but before that, lets enjoy a short video. Now how do you think of the Great Wall? Use one word. Wow, its amazing! And the most incredible, the taikonauts can only see the Great Wall from the moon. Its amazing indeed! As Chinese, we are all proud of it. Would you please read the dialogue again with your proud emotion? 三、Practice. As we all know, the Great Wall is a famous place, how to talk about a famous place? We can talk about its history, height, length and so on. Simon will visit Beijing soon. He wants to come to Xian, too. Can you introduce the famous places in Xian? There are many famous places in Xian, such as Huaqing Pool, Terra- Cotta Warriors, Bell Tower. I have two choices for you. Bell Tower and Wild Goose Pagoda. Please talk about one of them with your partner and write a short introduction with the tips. 四、Sum up. Chinese has brilliant history. Just enjoy it. And learn from it. 五、Supplements. Today we learnt questions with “how?” Do you know more about it? Can you complete the sentences? 六、Homework. 1. Know more about “how?” 2. Write a short passage about a famous place in Xian.
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