(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第三册Unit 1 Knowing meknowing you ppt课件(含讲义).zip

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    • Part Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas.doc--点击预览
    • Part Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas.ppt--点击预览
    • Part Ⅱ Using language——动词­ed形式作状语.ppt--点击预览
    • Part Ⅱ Using language——动词-ed形式作状语.doc--点击预览
    • Part Ⅲ Developing ideas.doc--点击预览
    • Part Ⅲ Developing ideas.ppt--点击预览
    • Part Ⅳ Listening——如何做主旨大意题.doc--点击预览
    • Part Ⅳ Listening——如何做主旨大意题.ppt--点击预览
    • Part Ⅴ Writing——议论文.doc--点击预览
    • Part Ⅴ Writing——议论文.ppt--点击预览


Unit 1Knowing me,knowing you 导读:理查德马克斯(Richard Marx)是一个集作曲、填词、演唱和音乐制作于一 身的摇滚才子,1988 年和 1989 年曾两度夺得格莱美“最佳摇滚男声演唱”大 奖。这首家喻户晓的轻柔摇滚情歌就是其创作的名曲。这首歌不仅是他本人爱 情的见证,也在全球受到欢迎,许多歌星或翻唱或演绎过不同版本。 Right Here Waiting Oceans apart,day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesnt stop the pain If I see you next to never How can we say forever Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you I took for granted all the times That I thought would last somehow I hear the laughter I taste the tears But I cant get near you now Oh,cant you see it,baby Youve got me going crazy. 此情可待 远隔重洋,日复一日 我一步步开始变得疯狂 电话里我听到你的声音 但这也抑制不了思念你的痛苦 倘若此生永不相见 那又何谈长相厮守 不管你去哪 不管你做什么 我将会一直在这等你 不管命运怎样变迁 不管我多么心碎 我将会一直在这等你 我一直坚信 我们会坚持到最后 我听到嘲笑声 也尝到泪水 可我此时不能接近你 噢,宝贝,你看不到吗 你让我陷入痴狂 素 养 导 航 Part Starting out & Understanding ideas Absolute agony! Dear Agony Aunt, Im in a total mess herehope you can help me out! Im 17,and a member of our school basketball team.Im crazy about basketball,and pretty good at it too,(1)which is probably why I was so mad when we lost our last match.We played well,but I felt the team were let down by one member,our point guard.The point guard is a key player,but it was like he wasnt even on the court! (2)Disappointed by his behaviour,I said all this to my best friend.I was just letting off steam really,because I was so angry,(3)but then my friend went and told everyone else what Id said. This is so totally awkward.Im really angry with my friendwhat should I say to him? And should I say anything at all to my teammate? (4)Embarrassed and ashamed,I cant concentrate on anything.Please help! Ben Dear Ben, There is an old American saying,(5)“Loose lips sink ships.” This means (6)that if you speak too much about something,especially to people who you dont know so well,itll cause all kinds of trouble. The situation here is so much worse because the “loose lips” were your best friends.Treated this way,youre sure to feel hurtwe should always be able to trust those closest to us,and it hurts even more when we find we cant. But I have to say that its partly your fault,isnt it? You admit that you were “letting off steam”It is understandable in that situation,but we should always think before we speak. Heres what you need to do.First,apologise to your teammate.If you ever want to win any more basketball games (and Im sure you do!),you need to work together,and that means communicating with each other clearly and resolving conflicts.So have a chat with your teammate.Tell him directly and honestly that you were talking without thinking. Then,talk to your friend.Friendship should be one of the greatest things in the world,but sometimes it can be difficult.Again,your strategy is clear communication.(7) Tell your friend youre angry with him for repeating what you said and making the situation worse,but that you want to move on.Approached in this way,your friendship will soon be repaired. Thirdly,and perhaps most importantly,think about your own behaviour.Dont say too much when youre angry! (8)Filled with anger,you tend to say whatever comes to your mind.This gives people the wrong signal.(9)Take a deep breath,calm down,and always remember:think first,speak later.(10)If you feel one of your teammates isnt pulling their weight,then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach. If you think about other peoples feelings as well as your own,youll soon find (11) everything works out. Good luck! Agony Aunt (1)which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面一整句话的内容;定语从句中 why 引 导表语从句,when 引导时间状语从句。 (2)Disappointed by 过去分词短语作原因状语。 (3)but 连接两个并列句,前一分句中 because 引导原因状语从句;后一分句中 what 引导的名词性从句作 told 的宾语。 (4)Embarrassed and ashamed 形容词短语作状语,修饰主语 I。 (5)本句为谚语,意为 :“祸从口出” 。 (6)that 引导宾语从句,从句中包含主从复合句,if 引导条件状语从句,条件状语 从句中包含 who 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 people。 (7)本句为祈使句,but 连接 Tell 后的两个并列宾语从句:youre.和 that you want.,repeating.and making.是 for 的并列宾语,what 引导名词性从句作 repeating 的宾语从句,从句中 what 作 said 的宾语。 (8)Filled with anger 形容词短语作原因状语,whatever 引导的名词性从句作 say 的宾语从句,whatever 在从句中作主语。 (9)本句中 and 连接三个并列动词。 (10)本句为主从复合句,If 引导条件状语从句,从句中 feel 后的部分为省略了 that 的宾语从句,主句为祈使句。 (11)find 后的部分是省略了 that 的宾语从句。 total adj.全部的;完全的;整个的 mess n混乱;困境 be crazy about 对着迷 pretty adv.相当地,颇;非常 point guard 控球后卫 court n球场 disappointed adj.失望的 behaviour n行为,举止 totally adv.完全地 awkward adj.尴尬的 be angry with 对发怒 embarrassed adj.尴尬的 ashamed adj.惭愧的,感到难为情的 concentrate on 专心于,把思想集中于;将集中于 too much 太多 especially adv.尤其,特别 cause v造成,引起 situation n(人的)情况;局面,形势,处境;位置 close to 靠近,接近,与关系密切 admit vt.& vi.许可进入;承认 understandable adj.能懂的,可理解的 21 apologise v道歉 22 communicate with 与交流 23 have a chat with 与聊天 24 directly adv.直接地, 坦率地 25 honestly adv.诚实地 26 repeat v重复 27 move on 继续前进 28 approach vt.着手处理 29 importantly adv.重要地 30 be filled with 充满, 满是 31 whatever conj.无论什么 32 calm down(使)平静,(使)镇定;(使)镇静 33 concern v忧虑,担心 34 professional adj.专业的 35 coach n教练 36 work out 产生预期的结果 37 Step General reading Match each paragraph with its main idea. Part Para.1 ABeing embarrassed and ashamed makes me not concentrate on anything. Para.23 BWhy was the author angry and awkward? Para.4 CIm in a difficult situation and turn to Agony Aunt for help. 答案Para.1BPara.23CPara.4A Part Para.1AYou were partly responsible for it due to your letting steam off.You should think before speak. Para.2 BLoose lips sink ships. Para.3 CIf thinking about your and others feelings,youll find everything going well. Para.46 DIt is a terrible thing that the person you trust hurt you by telling others what you said. Para.7 EYou should do three things:apologize to your teammate,talk to your friend and think about your behavior. 答案Para.1B Para.2D Para.3A Para.46E Para.7C Step Factual reading Read the text carefully and choose the best answer. 1Why was the author so mad when they lost their last match? ABecause he is crazy about basketball and very good at it but their team lost the game. BBecause the point guard wasnt on the court,which made him disappointed. CBecause his best friend told what hed said to everyone else. DBecause his team let him down not having played well. 2How did he let off steam when the author was very angry? AHe told his best friend about the performance of the point guard. BHe told everyone else his team lost the last match. CHe cant concentrate on anything. DApologise to his teammate and have a chat with him. 3According to Part ,when you are angry,you should _ Acommunicate with someone else Bsay anything that comes to your mind Cthink first before speaking Dspeak out what you think directly and honestly 4Which is true according to the passage? AIf you speak about something,it must bring some trouble. BThe Agony Aunt thinks the author should take full responsibility for it. CThe author admitted that he had made the mistake. DIt hurts when you find you cant trust your closest friend any longer. 5What does “that” in paragraph 4 in the second letter refer to? AWinning any basketball game. BApologising to your teammates. CWorking together. DWinning more basketball games. 6What does the Agony Aunt advise the author to do? Say sorry to your teammate. Have a talk to your friend. Think about what you did. Think about your own feelings. AB CD 7Whats the main idea of the passage? AI told my best friend about my teammates not pulling his weight,which caused much trouble.The Agony Aunt gave me advice:think before speaking. BMy teammate didnt perform well and I turn to the Agony Aunt. CIm in total mess herehope you can help me out! DLoose lips sink ships. 答案1.A2.A3.C4.D5.C6.C7.A Step Cloze test Fill in the blanks according to the text. Im totally in a mess and hope that Agony Aunt can help me 1.outI,a member of our school basketball team,am crazy about basketball.And when we lost our last match,I got very angry,because we played well but our team was let 2.down by our point guardit was like he wasnt on the court.3.Disappointed(disappoint) at what he did,I was so angry that I let 4.off steam by telling it to my best friend,but he told everyone else what Id said.Embarrassed and ashamed,I cant concentrate on anything. There is an old American saying, “Loose lips sink ships.” If you speak too much about something,itll cause trouble.It is a terrible thing that the person you trust hurt you by telling others 5.what you said.But I think that its partly your faultyou was letting 6.off steam.We should always think before we speak.Now you need to do three things: Apologize to your teammate.And tell him directly and honestly that you were talking without thinking. Then,talk to your friend.And tell your friend youre angry with him but that you want to move on.7.Approached(approach) in this way,your friendship will soon be repaired. Thirdly,most importantly,think about your own behavior.Dont say too much when youre angry! At that time,you tend to say 8.whatever comes to your mind.You should take a deep 9.breath(breathe),calm down,and always remember:think first,speak later.If you feel there is a teammate who isnt pulling their weight,then raise your 10.concerns(concern) in a professional way with your team coach. If thinking about other peoples feelings as well as your own,youll soon find everything works out. .词汇语境认知写出语境中加黑单词或短语的意义 1I am fond of basketball.I want to enjoy my time here and enjoy myself on the court. 球场 2Every time I have shared time with them,it is like I am with my family. 好像 3In my opinion,you should be ashamed of your bad manners. 羞愧的,惭愧的 4I realized I had made a foolish mistake so I felt very awkward. 尴尬的 5If you concentrate on the project,you can finish it on time. 集中于 6All of these problems are caused because of carelessness. 造成,引起 7Do you often have a party with your friends who are close to you? 与关系 亲密 8In front of so many people he was a little nervous,which was understandable. 可以理解的 9In daily life,we might have some conflicts with our friends and family. 摩擦 10We want to know how you will approach the difficult problems. 处理 11Whatever happens,you have to move on and look forward. 成长,长进 12We can learn and exchange with different professional people about it. 职业的, 专业的 13We tend to realize the value of what we have had until there is no more of it in our life. 往往会 14Moved by what she said,he could hardly calm down. 平静下来 15We all know about itLearn from success as well as from failure. 以及,和, 也 16If you acted upon my advice,everything would work out well. (问题)逐渐解 决/化解 .单词语境记忆根据汉语提示写出单词的适当形式 1We need to take a moment to draw breath(呼吸) and try to decide on our next move. 2The whole society should show concern(关心) for handicapped children. 3Im extremely annoyed(恼怒的) at the way he always stares at me in the office. 4He cant adjust(使适应) himself to the whirl of modern life in this big city. 5I do hope youll forgive(原谅) me but Ive got to leave. 6He completed the work independently(独立地) of anybodys help. 7Towns in this region are small,and a long way apart(分离) 8I encourage everyone to do your duty(职责) tomorrow and continue to work. .短语语境填空根据汉语提示写出适当的短语 1I knew that you were struggling,and I just wanted to help_out(帮忙) 2If he promised you,he never let you down(使失望) 3A swimmer cant swim under water very long,because he must take_a_breath(喘口气) 4The best things are often out of our expectation,gotten by_accident(偶然) 5Occasionally we should be given a chance to let_off_steam(发泄怒火) 6We each need to pull_our_weight(做好分内的事) by cleaning the dishes,taking out the garbage and paying the bills. 1breath n呼吸,气息 Take a deep breath,calm down,and always remember:think first,speak later.(教材 P3)深呼吸,冷静下来,永远记住:先想后说。 I opened the window and took a breath of fresh air. 我打开窗子,吸了一口新鲜空气。 Im out of breath after climbing up all the stairs. 我爬完了这些楼梯后,上气不接下气。 The room was so stuffy that one could hardly breathe. 屋里太闷,憋得人透不过气来。 单句语法填空/补全句子 Here they stood,staring,breathless(breath) with surprise. Without the nose,we could not breathe(breath) or smell. It is most harmful to breathe in such polluted air. The doctor told him to breathe in deeply and then breathe out Breathe smoothly and continuously throughout the practice.Do not hold_your_breath整个练习过程中请保持呼吸流畅连贯,不要屏住呼吸。 Lets take_breath before we go on.喘口气再干。 单词一族 breathe vi.呼吸 breathless adj. 喘不过气来的 用法总结 take a(deep) breath (深)吸一口气 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气;气喘吁吁;呼吸困难 breathe in 吸入 breathe out 呼出 2concern n担心;关注;(利害)关系 If you feel one of your teammates isnt pulling their weight,then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach.(教材 P3) 如果你觉得你的队友没有尽到自己的责任,那么用专业的方式向你的团队教练 提出你的担忧。 The decision concerns everyone who is working here. 这个决定关系到在此工作的每一个人。 We all know that more and more people are concerned about their health nowadays.我们都知道现在越来越多的人关注健康了。 As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn,the more equipped for life you are.在我看来,教育就是关于学习的,而且你学到的知 识越多,你就越是为生活做好了准备。 单句语法填空 President Xi Jinping made an important speech concerning(concern) Chinas future at the meeting. The book is mainly concerned with the situation in that country. We should talk with our parents and tell them our concerns(concern) The new regulations will be very important to everyone concerned(concern) However,Im concerned about/for the safety of online payment. 一句多译 有越来越多的人关注到心理健康问题。 There is a growing number of people who show_concern_about/for the problem of the psychological health. There is a growing number of people who are_concerned_about/for the problem of the psychological health. 单词一族 concern vt. (使)担忧;涉及;与有关 concerned adj. 关心的;担心的;有关的 concerning prep. 关于;就而言 用法总结 show/express ones concern about/for 对表示关心/担心 be concerned with. 与有关,涉及 be concerned about/for. 关心/担心 be concerned that. 担心 as far as.be concerned 就而言/来说 名师提醒 形容词 concerned 作前置定语时,意为“关心的,挂念的,担心的” ;作后置定语时, 意为“相关的,有关的” 。例如:a concerned look“关切的神情” ;the authorities concerned“有关当局” 。 3annoyed adj.恼怒的,烦恼的 Prevented from playing her role in Rileys emotional development,Sadness feels annoyed.(教材 P5) 受莱莉情感发展中所起的作用的阻碍,悲伤感到很烦恼。 It annoyed me to be kept waiting so long.让我等了这么久,真使我生气。 Nothing could have been more annoying.没有什么能比这更恼人的。 We were annoyed at missing the beginning of the exciting film. 我们因错过了那部激动人心的电影的开头而生气。 单句语法填空 I bet he was annoyed at/about having to write it out again. The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance(annoy) His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors. 一句多译 让我烦恼的是,我没有时间阅读更多的东西。 It_annoyed_me that I didnt have time to do more reading. I_am_annoyed that I dont have time to do more reading. I am annoyed not to_have_time to do more reading. 单词一族 annoy vt.骚扰;惹恼;打搅 vi. 惹恼;令人讨厌;打搅 n. 烦恼 annoying adj. 令人讨厌的;恼人的 annoyance n. 恼怒,生气,烦恼 用法总结 be annoyed at/about 因而烦恼,对某事感到恼怒 be annoyed with sb 被惹恼;生的气 be annoyed that 因生气 be annoyed to do sth 做感到生气 4adjust v适应,使适应;调整;调节 When Riley moves to a new city,she has a hard time adjusting to her new surroundings.(教材 P5)当莱莉搬到一个新的城市时,她很难适应新的环境。 We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to society. 我们一直在让我们的战士们自我调整以适应社会。 We can adjust the desks and chairs to the height of any child.
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