冀教版(三起)六上Unit 2 School in Canada-Lesson 10 How Many Are There -ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:b01f8).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 School in Canada_Lesson 10 How Many Are There _ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:b01f8)
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This is one pencil. These are many pencils. How many are there? This is a chair. These are many chairs. How many are there? These These words words have no have no s s. . These words have an s. This is a box. These are many boxes. How many are there? This is a bus. These are many buses. How many are there? Group work: 分成六个小组,老师会出示相关图片。 请根据以下例句进行对话练习: for example: (1)Q:Whats this?A:This is ., (2)Q:What arethese?A:Theseare., (3)Q:How many are there?A:There are. This is a tomato. These are many tomatoes. How many are there? This is a potato. These are many potatoes. How many are there? This is a photo. These are many phototos. How many are there? This man is old. These men are young. How many are there? This woman is dancing.These women are singing. How many are there? This child is walking.These children are playing. How many are there? Do you see an s or an es in these words? Find the different: 1.When was a word used an s or s? (名词变复数什么情况需要加是或是es.) 2.When was not a word used an s or es? (名词变复数不需要加s或者es.) practice:(练习) 请把下面的单词变成复数形式。 blackboard window door student box bus tomato photo woman man child s s es ren e e s s es es s women men 在本课中,学生学会使用问句How many are there? 进行表达,能够总结名词复数的四种变化规则即直接+s, 以s/x结尾+es,以o结尾+s/es,不规则变化。 并在真实的情境中正确使用名词复数形式。 教学总结 Write about your happy life with more than 60 words. Hello! Im _. There are _ people in my family. I have _ (books, teachers, friends ). I like _ (apples, bananas, tomatoes, peaches ) . Homework Thank you ! 冀教版冀教版 六年级上册六年级上册 LessonLesson 1010 HowHow ManyMany AreAre ThereThere? 教学分析教学分析 教材分析教材分析 本单元的主题为 School in Canada, 主要学习李明在 加拿大学习生活的所遇所感,本课重点是通过比较和归纳 学习,掌握名词的复数变化。 学情分析学情分析 六年级的学生经过三年的英语学习,已经知道了一定 数量的复数名词单词,具备了一定的语言表达技能,所以 教师可以通过唤醒学生旧知、丰富教材文本的方式,引导 学生进行复习和归纳,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和方法。 教学目标教学目标 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读、并书写词汇:word 2、学生能够认读、理解并运用问句:How many are there? 3、学生能够在具体语境中理解名词的单复数形式的意 义和用法,能够总结名词复数的四种变化规则即直接+s, 以 s/x 结尾+es,以 o 结尾+s/es,不规则变化。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 学生通过积极参与课堂学习活动,能体会到英语学习 的乐趣,乐于感知并积极使用英语进行表达。 学习策略目标学习策略目标 学生通过图表填写、匹配等活动,掌握名词复数的变 化规则,提升复习和归纳能力。 教学重难点教学重难点 重点:学生能够认读、理解并运用问句 How many are there?进行表达,能够总结名词复数的四种变化规则即直 接+s,以 s/x 结尾+es,以 o 结尾+s/es,不规则变化。 难点:名词复数的变化规则。 教学准备教学准备 PPT 课件,教学光盘,图片和学生练习纸。 教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup (3minutes)(3minutes) 1.Greetings : T: Hello! Boys and girls! S:Hello,teacher! T:How is weather today? S:Its sunny! T:How many students are there? S:Twenty-four. Step2:Warming-up:letsStep2:Warming-up:lets singsing a a song(song(让学生一起做 一做手指操,跟做多媒体唱歌) Step3Step3:版出课题:版出课题lesson1o: How many are there? Step4:NewStep4:New ConceptConcept 1.lets1.lets learnlearn (1)Ask and answerThis is a chair. How many are there? There are many chairs. ( 通过描述铅笔和椅子的图片, 让学生来发现总结规律) (2)look)look andand say.say. This is a box. How many are there? There are many boxes. ( ( 通过描述盒子和公交车的图 片,让学生来发现总结规律) (3 3)GroupGroup work(work(小组合作学习小组合作学习) )(15min15min) Lets play a game. I will give you some pictures,you can find it. Please use these sentences: ”Q:Whats this?A:This is Q:What are these?A:Thers are Q: How many are there? A:There are ( (设计意图设计意图)”)”(通过把学生分成六个小组,经行对话练 习,运用生生练习,小组合作的方式把 Potatoes, tomatoes, potatoes ,men. woman, children )的图片找到,并且通 过表演形式展现出来,让学生体会用英语交际的快乐。从 而发现规律,并让学生总结出来,记忆更加深刻。小结既 完整的呈现了教材文本,更给予学生学习策略的引导。 Step1:T:Look! This is a book. These are two books. Q:How many books are there? There are three books. Step2:ask and answer: A:one student says:”Whats this?/”What are these?” How many are there? B:The other student says”This is?These are There are. Step3:find the rulers: Can you find in different:”potatoes, tomatoes, photos” Can you find in different:” men,women,children” (The teacher will show the words above with the end letter o. The students read and sum: These words have an s or an es when more than one.) (设计意图:给予学生展示的机会,让学生体会学习的乐 趣,激发学生的学习动力。学生归纳总结做铺垫,同时丰 富学生的词汇量,提高学生的归纳总结能力.) Step4:.Step4:. Listen and follow. The students follow to read . (设计意图:跟读可以再次帮助学生形成正确语音语调,发 展学生的语感,提高语言运用能力。进行归纳,提升学生 的合作和自我学习能力。让学生在合作整理的过程中全面 理解名词单复数的分类和复数变化规则。 ) StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework (1minute)(1minute) 1.Write a story with“This/These” sentences to introduce and describe. 2.Write about your happy life with more than 60 words. Hello!I am _.There are_ people in my family.I Have _ (books,teachers,friends,) I like _(apples,banans,potatoes) (设计意图:分层设计课后学习活动,既面向全体学生,又 关注个体差异,无论都体现了语言知识和技能的再次巩固, 进一步提升学生的学习能力。 ) Step6:BlackboardStep6:Blackboard DesignDesign Lesson 10 How Many Are There? 名词的变化规则:(1)一般情况+s.(2)以 s,x 结尾的单 词+es .(3) 以 o 结尾有生命+es,无生命+s.(4)特殊变化。
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