冀教版(三起)六上Unit 3 Winter in Canada-Lesson 15 Winter Fun-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:a6ea5).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Winter in Canada_Lesson 15 Winter Fun_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:a6ea5)
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冀教版小学英语六年级上册 Lesson 15 Winter Fun Hello, boys and girls! What do they need for making a snowman? Then, we make a small snowball for his head. Then, we have a carrot for his nose. First, we make a big snowball for his body. We have two stones for his eyes. We have a banana for his mouth. We have two potatoes for his ears. I think hes wonderful!We have two sticks for his arms. Listen, follow and role play the dialogue with your partner. Q1 How many snowballs do Jenny and Liming make? Q2 What do they use for the snowmans mouth? Q3 What do they use for his ears? Q4 Does the snowman have any legs or feet? They make two snowballs. They use a banana for the snowmans mouth. They use two potatoes for his ears. No, he doesnt. Task: Work in groups and talk about how to make a snowman, you can use your materials. 小组活动,讨论如何堆雪人。可以使用你想使用的材料 ,小组内一人画出过程,其他人轮流说出制作过程。 Homework: Try to make something at home and write down the process, then share with us tomorrow. 尝试制作一件物品,并写下 制作过程,明天和我们一起 分享。 GoodbyeGoodbye! 1 一、教材内容分析一、教材内容分析 本单元讲述 Li Ming 在加拿大度过冬天的事情。本课教学内容是让学生学习描述 如何制作雪人。通过这节课的学习,让学生能够流利地用英语介绍生活中的小场景。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 根据学生基础知识掌握情况,农村学生对英语重视不足,基础较差,所以先侧 重复习单词,简单单词带重点句子。在多媒体及各种教学手段的吸引下,学生容易 进入状态,从而喜学、乐学。学生学习本课时的重点是灵活运用所学的知识,并运 用到实际生活中。 三、三、教学目标(知识技能、过程方法、情感态度)教学目标(知识技能、过程方法、情感态度) 1.单词: nose, mouth, body, head, ear, arm, leg, eye, wonderful, snowman,foot 及复 数形式。 2.能够正确听、说、认读和使用句子:First, we make a.for his. Then, we have a.for his.等来表达如何制作一个雪人。 3.通过堆雪人的活动,使学生学习与人合作,养成互助合作的意识。 4.在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,养成良好的语音、语调和语感。 四、教学重点四、教学重点 First, we make a.for his. Then, we have a.for his.的使用。 五、教学难点五、教学难点 能够用英语准确表达堆雪人的过程。 2 课型课型会话课教法教法情景教学教具准备教具准备Ppt, 磁扣磁扣 六、教学过程六、教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 一、一、warm-up and revisionListen to an English song. Play a game “Simon says ” Sing the chant and clap hands. Play the game. 歌曲自然 地将学生带入 英语学习环境, 通过游戏复习 三年级学过的 关于身体部位 的单词,激发 学习兴趣,调 动学习积极性。 二、二、presentation1情境引入 T: What season is it? T:What do you like to do in winter? T:I like to make a snowman in winter. Today, lets make a snowman together. 2.T: (指做雪人图片) look! This is a snowman, S:Its winter. S1.S2. 情境教学, 直击教学重点。 多种方式操练 新单词。 3 say hello to the snowman. Ss:Hello!snowman . 3.(出示课文图片) T: Look at the picture, who can you see in the picture? T: What are they doing? 4.一听课文 What do they need for making a snowman? 5. Teach key sentences with pictures. T: First, we make a big snowball for his Then we make a small snowball for his. Then, we have a carrot for his. Ss: Jenny and LiMing. Ss: They are making a snowman. Ss: body. Ss 1by1 读。 Ss: head Ss2by2 读。 Ss: nose. Ss team by team 一听课文,任 务驱动,整体 感知。 多种方式操练 重点句型,突 破重难点。 4 We have two stones for his. We have a banana for his . We have two potatoes for his. We have two sticks for his 6. play a game I point you say T point to the pictures Ss say the sentences. 7.二听并跟读 8. answer the questions of page44. 读。 eyes Boys&girls PK 读 Ss: mouth. 1by1 读 Ss: ears Ss: 2by2 读 Ss:arms. Ss 齐读 Say the sentences loudly Ss pairwork Listen and follow,try to role play the dialogue with your partner. 巩固检测重点 句型,竞争机 制激发学习兴 趣。 回归课文,尝 试表演。 整体理解课文。 5 三、三、 practiceT: This is Li Ming and Jennys snowman. Do you want to make your own snowman? Groupwork, 1 draw, the others say how to make a snowman. 小组合作,锻 炼团队意识。 学以致用,情 境任务,攻克 难点。 四、四、summaryT: Today weve learnt how to make a snowman with the sentences. 总结本课重难 点,强化知识 记忆。 五、五、homeworkTry to make something and write down the process, then share with us tomorrow. 开放性作业, 有助于培养学 生的综合语言 运用能力。 六、课后反思六、课后反思本课我采用了多种教学手段,主句型贯穿始终,直击教学重 点,攻克教学难点,歌曲引入, 情境教学,小组合作,最后 达到用将英语运用到实际生活的目的。 6 板书设计板书设计 Lesson15 Winter Fun snowman First, we make a.for his. Then, we have a.for his. T1 T2 T3
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