外研版(三起)六上Module 9-Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:90020).doc

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1、英语备课卡英语备课卡 教师时间 课题 M9U2 I want to go to Shanghai 课型New 二、课标分析 英语课程标准中强调: “语言学习的实践性主张学生在语境中接触、 体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和应用语言。倡导教师尽可能多地为 学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。 ”在本课中,我创造了主题明确的真 实、丰富而又让学生感兴趣的情境,在情境中推进语言的学习。根据英语课 程标准的语言技能和语言知识的二级目标,确定本节课的教学目标如下: 1.知识技能目标:全体同学能理解运用词汇 should.全体学生能听懂、认 读、会说、会写“I want to go to Shangh

2、ai.” “Shanghai is very big and very famous.”此类句型。能正确朗读整篇短文。全体学生能运用句型“I want to go to Shanghai.” “Shanghai is very big and very famous.”来 表达自己的旅行意愿并谈论城市或景点的特征。 2.过程方法目标:通过 free talk 引出本节课课题,感知语句 I want to.。 通过借助图片听听力,整体感知文本,再通过细读文本的方式挖掘文本信息。 通过角色扮演,游戏,小组合作调查等方式操练目标语言。 3.情感态度价值观目标:通过本课的学习,使学生能够欣赏祖国的大好

3、河山, 增强祖国意识,乐于接受外国文化。 教学重难点: 学生能运用句型“I want to go to Shanghai.” “Shanghai is very big and very famous.”来表达自己的旅行意愿并谈论城市或景点的特征。 突破措施:主题语境教学。 三、教材分析 本单元的文本情境是 Smart 一家在谈论自己的旅行意愿, 并说明想去这些 地方的原因。文本中出现了“I want to go to.” “.is/has got.”以 及 there be 句型等。本单元主要学习使用“I want to go to Shanghai” “Shanghai is very b

4、ig and very famous.”这类语句来表达自己的意愿并 谈论城市或景点的特征。 四、学情分析 学生已经知道 want 的意义,并能灵活运用 want 表达自己的意愿。学生也 掌握了很多 beautiful,tall,big 等类似的形容词。There be 句型,has got 结构等学生也能熟练运用并表达。但在语言输出环节,教师还应提供更多的词 汇和句型帮助学生运用所学进行表达运用。 五、教学五、教学设计设计 步骤与时间教师活动学生活动设计意图 S Steptep I I Warm-upWarm-up 1.Greeting. 2.Free talk. T: Im your new

5、 teacher today. I want to learn English with you. Do you? I want to make friends with you. Do you want to make friends with me? I want to know your names. Ok?(认识学生) I want to know your age. I want to know your hobby. T: Do you want to know something about me? 3.(当学生说到 I want to know your hobby 时揭示主

6、题) T:I like travelling. I want to go to Harbin.(出示图片和 语句)。 I want to go to Tibet.(出示图片和语句)。I want to go to(学生看图说 Yes! Yes, I do. My name is. 用 I want to 句 型和学生交流, 在实际运用中感 知 I want to 句 型。 看三幅图,通过 老师的介绍, 学习本单元的 I want to.句 型表达意愿。 并借此使用上 海东方明珠作 为本节课的评 价方式。 S SteptepIIII LeadingLeading inin S SteptepII

7、IIII Presen-Presen- T Tationation 出)。I want to see the Oriental Pearl Tower. 4.Watch and answer. T: Listen! Whats that? The bird is flying. Where does the bird want to visit?lets watch! 1.Listen and match. T: look! The bird is flying to Smarts family. Look at Smarts family, what are they doing? T: y

8、es! Where do they want to go? Lets look at the pictures and listen carefully.(提醒同学用 I want to go to.句型回答) 2.Read and find. T: why do they want to go to these places? Please read by yourself and underline the sentences. Bird. He wants to visit 学生回答这个问题时, 老师借机追 问 how is the place? They are looking at

9、a map. I want to go to. Part one 通过小 鸟飞向中国的两 个地点,引导学 生回答“where does he want to visit?”和 “how is the place?”的问题, 引导学生用句型 he wants to visitits来回 答。 观察图片,了解 对话背景。 截取文本的三幅 图片,让学生观 察图片, 听听力, 得出答案。锻炼 学生从图片中获 得关键信息的能 力。 二次读文本,划 出关键性语句, 感知对城市或景 点的描述方法。 stepstepIVIV PracticePractice stepstepV V SummarySummar

10、y 3.Check the answer. 4. listen and imitate the whole dilague. 1. role play. A. try to be Sam, Amy, and Mr Smart, introduce where you want to go and why you want to go there according to the key words. B. Recommend some other places to Smarts family. 2.Read and guess. Read the introduction loudly an

11、d quickly and guess where lingling wants to go. 3.ask and answer. Ask in your groups and fill in the form. Then show. Love life and go to see the beauty. 通过简单的角色 扮演,检验学生 对文本的掌握情 况,同时,基于 文本操练语言, 提供关键词作为 语言支架,操练 课本上三个城市 的特点。然后在 此基础上进行拓 展, 给 Smart 一 家介绍其他可以 去的城市,进一 步操练介绍城市 或景点的语句。 通过游戏进一步 拓展到国外的景 点,并再次

12、感知 景点描述的方 法,同时训练动 词的一般现在时 用法。 将文本知识运用 到实际中,操练 动词的一般现在 时用法,同时操 练景点的描述方 法。 stepstepVIVI HomeworkHomework1.Write a short passage according to your survey. 2.Ask your parents where they want to go and write it down on your paper. You can go to these places with your parents. 六、板书设计 M9U2 I want to go to Shanghai I want to go to shanghai. Shanghai is very big and very famous. 七、教后反思


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