外研版(三起)四上Module 2-Unit 2 What are you doing -教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:2150d).docx

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1、ModuleModule 2 2 UnitUnit 2 2 whatwhat areare youyou doing?doing? 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标 (1)学会单词 happen, surprise, Mothers Day,hear; (2)学会运用核心句子 What are you doing? 和回答 Were doing.描述正在发生的事情。 2.能力目标 培养学生用英语会话和小组合作学习的能力。 3.情感目标 让学生了解母亲节, 学会关爱身边的人,学会感恩。 4.学习策略目标 由播放一些与课文提到的相关视频来引出本课的内容, 再通过一系列教辅手段来开

2、展教学,为他们创造轻松自然的 学习环境,充分调动学生学习的兴趣和积极性,使其牢固掌 握知识点,并能够很好地理解运用,形成一系列语言技能, 达到教学的目的。 二、教学重难点: 1.教学重点 (1)故事的认读。 (2)运用句型 What are you doing?We re having party. Whats happening now?等进行时态描述场景。 2.教学难点: (1)句子 Whats happening?的理解。 (2)运用句子 What you doing?Were having party. Whats happening now?等进行时态描述场景。 三、教学准备 四、教

3、学过程 Step 1: warm-up 1. Greeting 2.Do as I say.老师说动词的现在进行式,学生做动作。 动 词 如 下 : Swimming, walking, playing the piano, listening to music, singing, dancing, playing football, playing the violin, jumping, running 3. Say a chant and do the actions with the teacher. 歌谣如下: Walking, walking, walking, walking;

4、Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump; Running, running, running; Running, running, running; Now lets stop. Now lets stop. 【设计意图】 以歌谣导入,旨在激发学生的学习兴趣,复习与巩固本 课的重点单词,激活学生已有的知识储备。在创设和谐愉快 的课堂气氛前提下,TPR 的应用更加帮助学生直观理解。 Step 2 Presentation 1.播放一段关于母亲节的视频。从视频直接导入母亲 节这个主题。此环节师生对话如下: T: What did they do in the vide

5、o? S1: They. T: Why did they do these things? Ss: Because its Mothers Day. T: Do you know when the Mothers Day? S1:Its in May. T: Which day? S2:Its on the second Sunday in May. T: Do you love your mother? Ss:Yes. T:Sam, Amy and Tom arealso love their mother. Ask more students.So today, they are havi

6、ng a party for their mothers. 之后,教师引入课题:Now today lets learn “Module 5 Unit 1 Were having a party” 【设计意图】 本环节选用的视频图文并茂,可以激发学生的欣赏欲 望,直观的让孩子们理解并掌握“Mothers Day” 。也通过 视频对学生进行了情感教育,知道了母爱的伟大,教育他们 要关心母亲和身边人。 2.听录音,呈现本课的重点内容。 教师通过提出问题 “What is Amy/Sam/Tom doing?”, 让学生们带着问题听故事后回答,培养学生的听说能力,让 学生从总体上感知课文梗概.本环节

7、师生对话如下: T: Lets listen and find out: “What is Amy/Sam/Tom doing?” T: Did you find the answers? Ss: yes. T: What is Amy doing? S2: Amy is playing the piano. T: Good. What is Tom doing? S3: Tom is singing. T: Excellent! What is Sam doing? S4: Sam is playing the violin. T: Super! And what about the mot

8、hers? S5: Perfect! They are clapping. The teacher teaches the new word “clap”,具体如下: 老师拍着手说:clap,clap,clapping; They are clapping. 3.找规律 先让孩子们观察黑板上的动词有什么相似之处,引出都 在后面加了 ing,之后在 PPT 上总结动词 ing 形式,如下: 直接加 ing: Listenlisteningreadreadingplayplaying Drawdrawingtalk-talkingwalk-walking Sleepsleepingeateatin

9、gsing-singing 去 e 加 ing: Write-writingdrance-dancingcome-coming taketakeingrideriding 双写最后一个字母加 ing: Swim-swimmingrun-runningskip-skipping Clap-clappingshop-shopping 【设计意图】 通过总结动词 ing 形式的规律,着重让学生认识到现在 进行式的几种变化规则,帮助他们进行归类总结。 4. Listen and repeat. 在本环节,老师将对本课的新单词 hear,surprise 和 新句型 whats happening no

10、w?进行讲解和操练,从而达到 理解运用的目的。具体如下: (1) Teach “whats happening now?” 老师让全 班同学一起重复后说,播放声音让学生猜测在干什么。然后 通过 PPT 呈现给学生。 T: Do you understand “whats happening now?” Now lets listen, 播放声音 T:Whats happening now? S6: The baby is crying. 猜测三组不同的声音,让学生认知、理解 whats happening now? (2)Teach “hear” 老师小声说句子,然后问 Can you hea

11、r?,然后声音逐渐放大,直到学生听见。 (3)Teach “surprise”, Ask the students to show the feeling of the word. 5.Say the chant. 自编歌谣如下: What are you doing on Mothers Day? Were having a party on Mothers Day. Whats happening on Mothers Day? Amy is playing the piano on Mothers Day. Tom is singing on Mothers Day. Sam is pl

12、aying the violin on Mothers Day. 6.Retell the story according to the blackboard design. 【设计意图】 通过歌谣创编,让学生用他们喜欢的方式把本节课的 重点句子以歌谣的形式唱出来,能够更好的理解并掌 握。 Step 3: Consolidation and extension 1. Work in 6 to make a report. Hi,Im . from school TV. Today is Childrens Day, now lets ask the children: What are the

13、y doing ,OK? A:Hi.,What are you doing on Mothers Day? B: Im . A: Thank you! A:Hello.,What are you doing on Mothers Day? C: Im . A: Thanks. . 本部分师生对话如下: T: So today, Amy, Sam and Tom are making a surprise party on Mothers Day. Are their mothers happy? Ss: Yes. T: Do you want to give your mother a big

14、 surprise on Mothers Day? Ss: Yes. T: What do you want to do? S7: I want to make a cake. S8: I want to T: OK,Now Im a reporter.Listen,Im Xiao Zhang from school TV. Today is Childrens Day, now lets ask the children: Hi,Gao Tianle, What are they doing on Childres Day? S1:Im watching TV at home. T:Than

15、k you! T:Hello Huang Ruoxi,What are you doing on Mother s Day? S2: Im . T: Thanks. 【设计意图】 儿童节做采访的活动,让学生能够在真实的情景中来运 用现在进行时态表达。写小短文的环节,发展了学生写的技 能。 2. Make a poster in groups. 【设计意图】 通过前一个活动的采访铺垫,让学生们来设计海报,发 展了学生写的技能。 Step 5: Homework 1. Retell the story to your parents. 2. Take a photo of your favourite day and then describe it.


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