牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 8 Happy New Year!-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:43131).zip

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Unit 8 Happy New Year FunFun timetime & CartoonCartoon timetime PeriodPeriod 2 2 Tip:快速大声说出物品名,当快速大声说出物品名,当 看到炸弹时大声说:看到炸弹时大声说:“bomb嘭嘭” 。 Magic eyes Game time ! 和你的朋友互相祝福,并送出和你的朋友互相祝福,并送出 礼物吧!你怎么说呢?礼物吧!你怎么说呢? HappyHappy NewNew YearYear! ThisThis isis forfor youyou! ThankThank youyou! New Years Day Story time Story time Dub(配音)看看Mike和Helen有多开心 The _ is for . The _ is for . The _ is for . Story time What do they get? 他们分别得到了什么礼物?他们分别得到了什么礼物? Whats this? The _ is for . The _ is for . The _ is for . Story time What do they get? 他们分别得到了什么礼物?他们分别得到了什么礼物? Whats that? The _ is for . The _ is for . The _ is for . Story time What do they get? 他们分别得到了什么礼物?他们分别得到了什么礼物? Its a . Its for . robo t Tim The _ is for . The _ is for . The _ is for . Story time What do they get? 他们分别得到了什么礼物?他们分别得到了什么礼物? This, this, whats this? Doll, doll, its a doll. That , that, whats that? Ball, ball, its a ball. This, this, whats this? Robot, robot, its a robot. Lets chant actact thethe storystory小组表演课文小组表演课文 Fun time 看看有哪些礼物。看看有哪些礼物。 Fun time 魔力眼 猜猜是什么? Fun time 魔力眼 猜猜是什么? Whats this? Its a/an Fun time 魔力眼 猜猜是什么? Fun time 魔力眼 猜猜是什么? Fun time 魔力眼 猜猜是什么? Whats that? Its a/an Fun time 魔力眼 猜猜是什么? Fun time 魔力眼 猜猜是什么? Fun time a car toy 魔力眼 猜猜是什么? 玩具玩具 Whats this? Its a/an Fun time 看看有哪些礼物。 Fun time 魔力眼 猜猜是什么? Fun time 猜一猜,礼物是什么呢? a VCD a CD Whats that? Its a/an Cartoon time Tips: 看完以后,你能为动画片取个名字吗? _s birthday(生日生日 ) bird鸟 Cartoon time _s birthday(生日) Tips: 你能为动画片取个名字吗 ? How to say Cartoon time 朋友过生日的时候,可以怎样祝朋友过生日的时候,可以怎样祝 福他呢?福他呢? 送礼物的时候可以说什么呢?送礼物的时候可以说什么呢? 收到礼物的时候可以说什么呢?收到礼物的时候可以说什么呢? Tips:Tips:再看一次,听听他们是怎么说的再看一次,听听他们是怎么说的 ? Watch again Cartoon time Tips:Tips:再看一次,听听他们是怎么说的再看一次,听听他们是怎么说的 ? Cartoon time 朋友过生日的时候,可以怎样祝 福他呢? 送礼物的时候可以说什么呢? 收到礼物的时候可以说什么呢? Tips:小组讨论! Happy birthday! This is for you! How nice!Thank you ! Cartoon time Is Bobby happy? Tips:Tips: 和你的和你的同桌有感情地同桌有感情地朗读,一起朗读,一起 寻找答案寻找答案。 读一读,想一想哦! Yes. He is but ! Is Sam happy? Yes. He is too! Cartoon time 观看卡通,注意观看卡通,注意Sam和和Bobby的的 心理感受心理感受 比一比,谁读得最像 ! Reading time Tips:Tips: 1 1. . 尽量模仿语音语调哦!尽量模仿语音语调哦! 2 2. . 比一比,谁模仿的更好!比一比,谁模仿的更好! Show time Tips: 1. 小组分角色演一演故事。 2. 注意模仿人物的神态和语气。 看谁模仿的最像! Song time 五五 9 Showing time Sams birthday Sam的生日,Bobby会送他什么呢? Tips: 小组合作,演一演。 1.点读点读Cartoon time十分钟十分钟,并熟练表并熟练表 演演Sams birthday。 2.和同学谈谈还有什么节日祝福语。和同学谈谈还有什么节日祝福语。 3.预习预习U8剩余部分。剩余部分。 1 3 上 Unit 8 Happy new year! 教学内容:教学内容:三年级上册 Unit 8 Happy New Year! (Fun time and Cartoon time) 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识技能目标:通过学习,让学生能更熟练的运用 Whats this/that? Its a Its/This is for you. Thank you. 学会生日祝福:Happy birthday!学会新词:toy。 2.语用功能目标:学生能再本节课后,知道如何表达节日问候、生日问候, 收到礼物后表达感谢。能就物体进行询问与回答。 3.情感目标:通过用英语送祝福,让学生感受到学习英语的乐趣和成就。 初步渗透有关祝福的西方文化意识。培养学生逻辑思维能力,激发合作学习的 意愿。 教学重点:教学重点:发挥节日问候、生日问候语的语言功能,能在一定的情境中正确表 达。 教学难点:教学难点:birthday 的发音 教学方法:教学方法:情境教学法,游戏法,合作学习法 教学准备:教学准备:多媒体,头饰,礼物盒,糖等小奖品 教学过程:教学过程: 一一.Sing a song. T: Boys and girls, this lesson we are still going to learn Unit 8 Ss:Happy New Year! T:Yeah new year is coming, lets sing a song Happy New Year. 二二. Game 1 T: In new year, children like playing games. So lets play a game, OK? 2 T: Whats that? Its a present. 3 T: In new year, people will give presents to their families and friends. So greet with your friends and give out your presents. 和你的朋友互相祝福,并送出礼物吧! What can we say? S:Happy New Year! This is for you. T:Dont forget to say Thank you. 提醒别忘记说谢谢哦 三三 Review 1 T: In the story of Unit 8,Uncle John gives the presents to his family. 2 T: Look, Helen and Mike are very happy on New Years Day. Lets dub for the story to see how happy they are. OK? 2T: Now I am Uncle John. Who can be Mike/Helen? Boys/girls 3. T:We know Mike and Helen have got some presents from Uncle John. What do they get? What is for Mike/Helen/Tim? (写板书 doll,ball,robot 根据单词发音 规律拼写单词,学生注意区分 doll 和 ball) 回顾课文图片,复习 Whats this/Whats that/This is/Its for you. T: Good job! This is for you! 4 T:Whats this? Whats that? They are very important,can you say something about them? T:I also have a chant about Whats this?and Whats that? . 前一部分听老师读,后一部分模仿老师读 T:This this whats this?doll doll Its a doll. T: that that Ss:whats that? T:ball ball Ss: Its a ball. Ss: 5 T:Now I think you have known the story very well,can you act the story?(因 为这是第二课时的故事表演,所以表演时要有所创编,高于第一课时的表 演) 表演后让学生说说哪组最好,为什么? 四四 Fun time 1.T: Good job. Look I have so many presents for you! What are they? Look carefully! T: Whats this? S: Its a doll. T: Yes, look! Its a doll. Its for you. 3 2 游戏 2 同上 T: Whats that? S: Its an egg. 3 游戏 3 T: Who can come and play? S1: Whats this?(学生操作) Ss: Its a car 引出 toy 教授 toy T: Do you have any other toys? S: 3.游戏 4 S2: Whats that? Ss: Its a CD. T: Yes,its a CD. We can listen to music from a CD. And this is a VCD. We can watch cartoons from a VCD. 五五 Cartoon time 1. T: Now lets watch a cartoon from the VCD! OK? And then give a name for it. _s birthday ()Whose birthday? 教 birthday, 引入 bird,难点 th 发音 T: Is it funny? Whats the name for it? 2 T: Yes. Its Bobbys birthday. What can you say to Bobby? What can you say when you want to give the presents? What can you say when you get a present? Watch again. And think about these questions. 3. Discuss in group and answer 写板书 Happy birthday! How nice! This is for you. Thank you. 4. T: Bobby gets and opens the presents. But is Booby happy or scared? Lets read and think about the question. 4 (Tips: 和你的同桌有感情地朗读课文,一起寻找答案) 5. T: Is Booby happy? S: T: Bobby is scared. But he is still happy. (出示 动态表情图) T:Is Sam happy? S: T: Sam is happy too. (出示动态表情图) 6 Watch the cartoon again and pay attention to the last part,lets feel it. 观看卡通, 注意 Sam 和 Bobby 的心理感受 Now who can read the last part best?读 Sam and Bobby 句子 7. T: Now, lets follow to read the whole story. Tips: 1. 尽量模仿语音语调哦。2。比一比,谁模仿的更好! 8. Open your books,lets read together! 9 T: Good reading. Now, lets act the story. 给时间练习 Act in groups.学生上台表演 学生表演后让学生说说哪组好,为什么?有没有错误的地方 六六 Consolidation 1T: Now lets have a relax,listen to a song.听生日歌 2T: Look, today is Sams birthday. Lets sing a birthday song to Sam. 3T:What will Bobby give Sam? What will happen in the birthday party? Act in groups. 4 Summary 根据板书复习 七七 Homework 1. 点读 Cartoon time10 分钟,并熟练地表演 Sams birthday。 2. 和同学谈谈还有什么节日祝福语。 3. 预习 U8 剩余部分。 八八 板书板书: Unit 8 Happy New Year toys Happy birthday! How nice! doll 5 This is for you. Thank you. ball robot
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