牛津译林版三年级上册Project 1 My family and friends-Part A B C & D-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:80b48).doc

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牛津译林版三年级上册Project 1 My family and friends-Part A B C & D-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:80b48).doc_第1页
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牛津译林版三年级上册Project 1 My family and friends-Part A B C & D-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:80b48).doc_第2页
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牛津译林版三年级上册Project 1 My family and friends-Part A B C & D-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:80b48).doc_第3页
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1、1 ProjectProject1 1 MyMy familyfamily andand friendsfriends 【教学内容】教学内容】 【教学目标】【教学目标】 1.复习打招呼用语和自我介绍用语:Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening./Hello./Hi./Im=I am/Are you? 2.能在不同的情景中选择正确的交际用语和别人交流 3.拓展 Whats your name?和 My name is来询问别人的姓名 【教学重点】【教学重点】 1.复习打招呼用语和自我介绍用语:Good morning./Good afternoon.

2、/Good evening./Hello./Hi./Im=I am/Are you? 2.能在不同的情景中选择正确的交际用语和别人交流 【教学难点】【教学难点】 1.拓展 Whats your name?和 My name is来询问别人的姓名 【教学准备】【教学准备】 挂图,卡片,PPT 【教学过程】【教学过程】 StepStep 1 1PreparationPreparation 1Greeting 课前准备,放一二年级学过的歌或者歌谣 板书:Hello, Im your friend. 自己给本课定个课题。 What is she?I love you. Hello.等 2. Greet

3、ing a. T: Good morning/afternoon, class. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Zhang. b. T: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon, XX. S2: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon, Miss Zhang c. T: Hello,.How are you? S1: Im fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. 提醒学生可以用 well ,good, fine 来回答。不要求转来的新学生会回答,

4、不过可以通过 叫他身边的同学来回答。 我想耳濡目染之下, 他一定会回答。 可以让他尝试一下, 注意鼓励。 StepStep 2.2. PresentationPresentation & & PracticePractice Revision 1.Review: Hello. Hi. Im a.PPT 出示 Liu Tao, “自我介绍”复习:Hello, Im PPT(播放录音) :Hello, class. Im Liu Tao. Im 10. 2 启东市小学英语教案用纸三年级起始点上册 Im a student. (1)让学生填写完整空格 (2)全班读 b.复习 Im= I am(出示头

5、饰) T: Hi, Im Wang Bing. I am Wang Bing. 出示 Im= I am 让学生用自己的名字说 Hi, ImI am 2.拓展 My name is a.教师出示 Yang Ling.和 PPT 中杨玲的自述 T: Look, Yang Ling is here, too. PPT(录音) :Hello. Hello.Im Yang Ling. I am Yang Ling.I have a doll. T:Please try to read it. b.杨玲的小诗 T:Yang Ling can say a rhyme. Lets listen it toge

6、ther. 出示: Hello. Hello.Im Yang Ling. I am Yang Ling.I have a doll. My name is Yang Ling. I love dolls. (配着节奏的音乐) 教师出示:My name is 板书:My name is 教读 My name is PPT:My name is = Im =I am T:My name isequalsIm. PPT:Try to read(教师拿出 Yang Ling 的头饰) 出示: Hello. Hello.Im Yang Ling. I am Yang Ling.I have a doll

7、. My name is Yang Ling. I love dolls. (配着节奏的音乐) 让学生读小诗,打拍子 4.Review:Good morning.Good afternoon. Good evening. a. Play a game-看图猜句子 出示一些图片,让学生猜用哪句句子。 b.出示句子,读句子 Good morning/afternoon/evening. c.Lets chant. Good morning.早上好。 早上六点起,上学别迟到。 3 启东市小学英语教案用纸三年级起始点上册 Good afternoon.下午好 过完中午 noon,操场真热闹。 Good

8、 evening.晚上好 过完晚上六点后,别忘功课复习好。 5.Review:Are you ?Yes, I am. No, I am.Im T:I have some friends.Do you know them? 教师出示一些卡通人物,让学生 work in pairs. Tutu,Mickey 等,可以把这些人物遮去部分,让学生猜 出示句型 A:Hello.Are you? B:Yes,I am./No,Im not.Im 6.拓展 Whats your name? a.T:We also can use Whats your name?to ask the names. 教师出示

9、Whats your name? 读句子。 (小组读,全班读,个别读) 板书:Whats your name? b.Work in pairs T:Please use the sentences to work in pairs. A: Whats your name? B:My name is 7.Review the song and the rhyme. PPT:Liu Tao,让学生对他唱 Good morning 或者 Good afternoon。(根据具体上课的时间) T:Lets have a fun.Now,lets sing a song-Good morning. PP

10、T:Mike,遮去部分,让学生问:Are you ? S1:Hello,Im .Are you ? PPT:No,Im not./Yes, Iam. T:Lets say a rhyme with Mike-Are you Mike? (1)齐读小诗 (2)分句分组读小诗,一组一句。 让学生配着动作来说小诗。可以进行小组之间竞赛,看哪一组整齐,哪一组表现最好。 (学 生好胜心很强) 8.PPT 出示改变的小诗 T:Look,our lovely friends are coming.Try to read it,please. Hi.Hi.Are you? Yes.Yes.Youre righ

11、t. Hi.Hi.Are you? No.No.Im. 4 启东市小学英语教案用纸三年级起始点上册 把第二单元的 Cartoon time 通过小诗来复习。 StepStep 3.3.ProductionProduction Finish some exercises. 一、 连词成句 (1)you, Wang Bing, are(?) (2)name, Miss Li, is, my(.) (3)your, whats, name(?) (4)am, Helen, I(.) 二、选择题 1. 当你早上遇见迈克,你会对他说: () AGood afternoonBGood morning 2.

12、 -,Yang Ling. - Good afternoon, Miss Li. AGood afternoon.B Good morningC Hello 3. -,Miss Li. - Hello, Mike. A Good morningB HiC Hello Step4. Progress 1.Finish the exercises 2.Review :Unit 1 and Unit 2 板书设计: Hello, Im your friend. Whats your name?Are you?Im=I am My name isYes,I am. No,Im not. 5 启东市小学

13、英语教案用纸三年级起始点上册 ProjectProject1 1 第 2 教时总 第 18 个教案执教者:郁舒婷 【教学内容】【教学内容】 Project1 (unit3&4) 【教学目标】【教学目标】 1.复习句型:This is 和 Hes/Shes 2.复习第三单元和第四单元的词汇 3.拓展复习 Whos he/she?和 Whats your father/mother? 4.拓展复习词汇 uncle,aunt,teacher,cook,doctor,nurse, worker 【教学重点】【教学重点】 1.复习句型:This is 和 Hes/Shes 2.复习第三单元和第四单元的词

14、汇 【教学难点】【教学难点】 1.拓展复习 Whos he/she?和 Whats your father/mother? 2.拓展复习词汇 uncle,aunt,teacher,cook,doctor,nurse, worker 【教学准备】【教学准备】 挂图,卡片,PPT 【教学过程】【教学过程】 StepStep 1 1PreparationPreparation 1 Greeting 课前准备 自己给本课定个课题: 板书:My friends and my family, I love you 放一二年级学过本学期新学的歌和小诗: FamilyFamily song.Whatsong.

15、What isis she?she? I I lovelove you.Numbersyou.Numbers等 2.Greeting a. T: Good morning/afternoon, class. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mandy. b. T: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon, XX. S2: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon, Miss Zhang. Say a rhyme-LetLets s learn.learn. T: Lets learn English no

16、w. StepStep 2.2. PresentationPresentation & & PracticePractice Revision 1.Introduce yourself Hello,class.My name is. Im.(年龄) Im a Chinese boy/girl.(第二单元补充内容) 6 启东市小学英语教案用纸三年级起始点上册 Im astudent. (为下个环节的拓展做准备) I like monkeys.(动物) I can sing and dance.(动作类) I love you ,my friends. 让学生挑几句说,不要求学生全说,注意鼓励学生

17、说得越多越好。通过这一个环节让学生 复习拓展内容。 2.Review:Whos he/she? T:Youre all my friends. Look, they are my friends, too. Can you tell meWhos he/she?? 教师出示书本上的人物:Please ask your partner. S1:Whohe/she? S2:Hes/Shes 最后一张是数学老师的照片。 T:Look,who is she? S3:Shes Miss Shi. T:What is she? S3:Shes a teacher. T:Yes,shes a teacher

18、.She teaches you Maths.Im a teacher,too.I teach you English. 1. Review:句型 Whats your father/mother? 和职业类的单词 教师出示二年级学过的职业类的单词:nurse,cook,worker,doctor,teacher a.Play a game-Guessing game T:Can you guessWhats he/she? 遮去图片猜职业 b.T:I know you are students.How about your father and your mother?Try to make

19、 a dialogue with your partner,please. S1:Whats your father/mother? S2:Hes /Shes a 3.Review:hes=he is 和 shes=she is T:We knowhes=he is,shes=she is. 出示 hes=he is 和 shes=she is Play a game:Brain storm 游戏规则:例如老师说 Hes,学生拍两下手并且回答 He is,然后让学生和学生做这 样的游戏。比比谁的反应快。不需要举手,会的直接站起来回答。 4.Say a rhyme-What is she? 改编

20、二年级学过的小诗,并且为下一环节学习做好铺垫。 Mike,Mike.Who is she? Shes my sister,nice and neat. Mike,Mike.What is she? Shes a student,like you and me. 7 启东市小学英语教案用纸三年级起始点上册 5.Review:This isHes/Shes my friend. T:Look,this is Mike.He is my friend.Can you introduce your friend to me. S1:This is Hes/Shes my friend. S2:Nice

21、 to meet you. S3:Nice to meet you ,too. 6.Review:Unit 4 Story time a. 光盘 Unit 4 Story time,让学生跟着读 T: We are friends, we all love one another. And we love our family. Mike wants to introduce his family members to you. 放光盘 Unit 4 Story time,让学生跟着读 出示单词:father mother brother sister b.Guessing game 猜家庭成

22、员 My fathers father is mygrandpa . My mothers mother is mygrandma . 出示单词:grandpagrandma My fathers sister is myaunt . My mothers brother is myuncle. 出示单词:aunt uncle 7.Sing a song-Family song StepStep 3.3.ProductionProduction Draw and say(书本 P30) 1.Draw your family on page 67.Then cut out the heart.

23、2.Try to talk to your partner about your family. S: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon. Im(My name is) This is my father. This is my mother. This is my brother/sister.This is me. 有的家庭不是独生子女的可以让他们把自己的兄弟姐妹画在自己的边上。 最主要的是注 意单亲家庭的孩子。 2. Write your friends name on your heart. Then glue it to your friend

24、s hearts. S:Hi, Im (My name is ) This isHes/Shes my friend. This isHes/Shes my friend,too. 让学生到黑板上去贴,如果课上时间不够可以让 他们贴在黑板报上。 4.Finish the exercises 5.Sing a song-Goodbye T:Its time to say goodbye.Lets sing Goodbye to end our class. Step4.Step4. ProgressProgress 1.Finish the exercises 2.Try to say something about your 8 启东市小学英语教案用纸三年级起始点上册 heart!Please find how many friends do you have in our class. 3.Review:Unit3 and Unit 4 板书设计:板书设计: My friends and my family, I love you This is hes = he is shes = she is


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