人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 2Ways to go to school-A-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:00509).zip

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A Lets talk Lets learn Unit 2 Ways to go to school (课前三分钟) The Little Tadpoles Look For Mummy tdpl Springcomes! Thetadpolescantfindtheirmummy. Theywanttolookforher. Aduckiscoming. Sorry,Imnotyourmummy. Yourmummyhasawhitebelly! Mummy,mummy! Thankyou! Byebye! Afishiscoming. Mummy, mummy! Sorry,Imnotyourmummy. Yourmummyhastwobig eyes. Thankyou! Goodbye! Aturtleiscoming. Mummy, mummy! Sorry,Imnotyourmummy. Yourmummywearsagreen dress. Thanksalot! Seeyou! Justthen,thefrogiscoming. Mummy, mummy! Atlast,thetadpolesfindtheirmummy. Thankyou! Goodbye! 课前三分钟评价标准课前三分钟评价标准 1.1.站姿标准站姿标准 。 2.2.表情自然,动作合理。表情自然,动作合理。 3.3.声音响亮,发音标准。声音响亮,发音标准。 4.4.口齿清楚。口齿清楚。 Lets chant Whatsthechantabout? What does Mrs. Smith want to know? Watch and find out: What does Mrs. Smith want to know? Watch again and find out: How do Amy and Mike come to school? How does Amy come to school? She goes to school on foot. He goes to school by bus. The boys go to school _. They go home _.on footby bus My father goes to work_. My mother goes to the park_.by buson foot How does Mike come to school? How does Mrs. Smith come to school? Read and underline: on foot Read quietly and find out your problems. 默读课文,找出不明白的词句。 learnearly (早的) What are the differences of“ usually /often/sometimes”?(这三个单词有什么区别) The differences of“ usually/often/sometimes” 有时 经常 通常总是 How to read a dailogue well? Group work: Tips: 1. 小组长带领讨论这个对话中的每一 句话的升降调并做好标记。( ) 2. 并讨论除了升降调以外还要注意那 些问题,才能读好对话? Listen and check . Listen and imitate . Role-play: Read the dialogue in your groups.(分角色朗读,组长负责角色分工) Tips : 发音清晰,准确 ,流利。 语速适中,有升降调的变化。 按意群,自然有感情的朗读。 Discuss in pairs. Fill in the blanks: Amy ,Mike and Mrs. Smith meet at school . Amy usually comes to school _._ she comes_. Mike often comes_. Mrs. Smith _ walks, but sometimes she comes _. on footSometimes by bike by car by bus usually name how A:How do you come to school? B: I come to school by car / by bus / on foot A comes to school by car. B comes to school on foot What did you get in this class? (你有什么收获(你有什么收获?) Homework 1. Listen to the tape and imitate three times .(听录音,模仿听录音,模仿跟读三遍跟读三遍) 2. Make a survey, ask your classmates their ways to come to school.(做一(做一 个调查,问问你的同学来学校的方式个调查,问问你的同学来学校的方式) A big black bug bite a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. (大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了!) I wish you were a fish in my dish. (我希望你是我盘子里的一只鱼。) Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town. (两只小老虎坐两辆出租车去城镇。) Tongue Twisters (绕口令) How to read a dailogue well? Group work: Tips: 小组长带领讨论这个对话中的每一句 话的重读单词( )、升降调做好标记。 ( ) Listen and check . Listen and imitate . PEP 小学英语六上 Unit 2 Ways to go to school A Lets Talk & Lets Learn 教材分析:教材分析: 本节课是听说课,是本单元第一课时。本单元通过 Amy 和 Mike 早晨到校后谈 话的场景呈现了本单元的核心句型 How do you come to school?以及师生在教室谈论 去公园的场景呈现了重点短语,让学生在情境中感知句型的语义及语用情景。 教学目标:教学目标: 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标: 1.能充分理解文本,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。 2.能够听、说、认读 How do you come to school? I usually/sometimes/often,并能 在语境中运用。 过程与方法目标:过程与方法目标: 1.通过看视频、听音回答问题、读一读、划一划等方法帮助学生理解文本,并培养 初步的听力理解及阅读理解的能力。 2.通过朗读技巧的指导,模仿正确的语音、语调,帮助学生养成良好的朗读习惯。 3.通过 pair work 培养学生语言交际能力。 情感态度与价值观目标情感态度与价值观目标:提高学生多参加体育锻炼的意识 教学重难点:教学重难点: 重点:句型 How do you come to school? I usually/sometimes/often. 听、说、认读 及运用和词汇 by bus ,by train, by subway的听、说、认读。 难点:How do you come to school? I usually/sometimes/often.的朗读与运用。 小组合作探究点小组合作探究点: 在朗读课文环节,设计小组讨论怎样读好一个对话。How to read a dialogue well? 教学资源:PPT 教学过程 Step Warm up 1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we will learn Unit 2 Part A Lets talk. 2. Lets chant T: First lets have a chant. (设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,让学生初步感知本节课的主要句型及词汇。) StepStep IIII PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 1、呈现 Lets try. PPT 出示 Amy 和 Mike 的图片 T: Look,here comes our friends. Who are they? Ss: Amy and Mike. T: Yes. Amy meets Mike at school in the morning. What are they talking about? Maybe they are talking about a sports meet. And how can they get there? Maybe by bus. Open your books,kids. Now listen and tick or cross. (设计意图:听力策略指导,背景介绍,帮助了解 Lets try 中两个题目的大体内容, 带着问题听录音做判断.) 2.学习文本,练习对话 出示 P14 文本图 :When Amy and Mike are talking, Mrs Smith comes here. What does Mrs Smith want to know? How does she ask? Now watch the video and find the answer. (1).Watch and find out: What does Mrs Smith want to know? T:When Amy and Mike are talking, Mrs Smith comes here. What does Mrs want to know? How does she ask? Now watch the video and find the answer. T: How do you know? 教师出示文本,红线标出句型,板书并领读。 (2)Watch again and find out: How do Amy and Mike come to school? T:Mrs Smith wants to know how do Amy and Mike come to school.?Do you want to know? Now watch the video again and find out: How does Amy come to school? How does Mike come to school? T: How do you know ? 教师出示文本,红线标出句型,板书并领读。 (3)对 On foot 和 by bus 进行操练。 (预设:学生有可能只回答出 on foot 或 by bus.这时老师应给与肯定,并请其他同学 补充) T:How about Mike? 学生回答。教师出示文本,蓝线标出,领读板书。 (4)Read the dialogue and underline the key sentences: T: Now We know Amy usually comes to school on foot, sometimes by bus. Mike comes to school by bike. But How about Mrs Smith? How does she come to school. Now read the dialogue and underline the key sentences. 学生回答。 T: How do you know? (预设:学生有可能只回答 by car 或 walk,老师给与肯定并请其他同学补充) T: Here, walk means on foot. So we can also say “ I usually come to school on foot.” (5)质疑: Do you have any problems about the dialogue? T: Please read the dialogue carefully and find out your problems. (预设:学生一般能提出 early 和 exercise.) T:I have a question. What are the differences of “usually /often /sometimes”? PPT 出示对比图。 (6) Group work: How to read the dailogue well? Tips:小组长带领讨论要读好一个对话应该注意哪几方面的问题?小组长带领讨论要读好一个对话应该注意哪几方面的问题? (预设:学生有可能只回答语音语音或语调语调或重读重读,老师给与肯定并请其他同学补充) (7)Listen and mark. T: Now Listen and mark.(听并标记升降调和重读单词).Hold your pens and make marks on your book. (8) Listen and imitate. T:Listen and imitate according to the marks we made. (9) Read in roles. T: We have learned so much about how to read a dialogue well. This time read the dialogue in roles. T:Now PK time. Which group want to show?(PPT 出示评价标准)Make assessment. Anyone else? 对比两小组进行评价。 (10)Discuss in pairs and fill in the blanks: T: Look, some words are lost. Can you help fill in the blanks? Now discuss in pairs and find the answer. T: Lets check together. (11) Make a survey. A:How do you come to school? B: I come to school by car / by bus / on foot name how T: Okay, kids. From the dialogue we know Amy usually comes to school on foot, sometimes by bus. Mike comes to school by bike. What about you? How do you come to school? Discuss in your group, and make a survey about how do your group members come to school. And then the leader gives us a report. 组长汇报展示。 3. 情感体验:We have different ways to school. Think it over: On our way to school, what should we pay attention to ? T:Yes, we need to pay attention to the traffic rules.So remember: Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Stop at a yellow light. Step SummarySummary What have you got today? 引导学生总结句型、词汇,理解文本。 Step Homework 1. Listen and imitate three times. 2. ask your teachers the way they come to school. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit2 ways to go to school How do you go to school? Usually, I come on foot. by plane Sometimes by bus. by subway I often by bike. by train by ship by taxi 教学反思: 1本节课通过听录音、看视频、看图、读一读划一划等方法帮助学生理解文本, 环节设置上逐步深入,文本力求细致有效,符合学生的理解能力和接受能力,着重 培养学生的听说能力。在跟读模仿环节,着重让孩子听录音做重读单词和升降调的 标记,在小组合作读对话时根据这些标记读对话。 2.小组合作点设置让孩子在读对话之前讨论读好对话要注意什么。通过 group work,培养学生语言交际能力和小组合作能力。 3.在听对话原音做标记的环节中,有些地方重读单词不太明显,升降调根据不同语 境会有不同的侧重,这个需要稍微一提,不然孩子会有疑虑。
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