人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 2Ways to go to school-C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e0014).zip

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Pre-reading Brain stormBrain stormBrain stormBrain storm Ways to go to school Pre-reading Free talkFree talkFree talkFree talk A: How do you come to school today? B: I come. 1.How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? Please underline(划线) them. 2.Does everyone in the text go to school? While-reading 1.How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? Please underline them. 2.Does everyone in the text go to school? While-reading Four, on foot, by sled, by ferry, by plane. 1.How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? Please underline them. 2.Does everyone in the text go to school? While-reading Four, on foot, by sled, by ferry, by train. No, Robin doesnt go to school. Read, match and circle In Munich, Germany, some children go to school on foot. In Alaska, USA, some kids go to school by sled. In Jiangxi, China, some children go to school by ferry every day. In Papa Westray, Scotland, some children go to school by Plane. Its a city of Germany. Some children go to school on foot. Some children walk to school. It snows a lot. A.Itoften snows. B.Sometimesit snows. cold sledfled ledbed slepte,e Some kids (children) go to school by sled. There are many mountains, many rivers. Some children go to school by ferry every day. ferry e,elet egg merry Its an island(岛屿) of Scotland. Because the ferry didnt work. Q1: Why do they go to school by ferry, too? Q2: Why did they go to school by plane in 2009? Because of the sea. L L L Lets readets readets readets read Tip: Fluency(流利) Accuracy(音准 ) Intonation (语调) Liaisons(连读) Look, think and say Shanghai, China Zhejiang, ChinaEngland, UK Anhui, China In , , some children go to school . Look and say Choose some suggestions for the kids. Safety is more important!Safety is more important!Safety is more important!Safety is more important! Homework 1. Read the text on the book , try to retell. 2. Read the text on the worksheet, answer the questions. PEPPEP BookBook 7 7 UnitUnit 2 2 WaysWays toto gogo toto schoolschool B Read and write 单元教学目标单元教学目标 年级6 年级单元主题 Book 7 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 单元内容 本单元主要学习的主题是交通方式和交通规则。主情景图 通过展示教材主要任务上学路上交通出行的情景,呈现本 单元要学习的核心词汇和句型。 单元话题 Part 1: Traffic ways Part 2: Traffic rules Part 3: Different ways 语言知识与技能:语言知识与技能: 句型句型 1.能够听、说、读、写句型:How do you come to school? I usually/sometimes/often come on foot. Dont go at a red light. I must pay attention to 单元教学目标 the traffic lights. 2.能够在情境中运用句型:How do you come/go? I usually/sometimes/often come/go.谈论交通方式。 3.能够在情境中运用句型:Dont,I/You must.谈论 交通规则。 4.能够在图片的帮助下正确理解并按照正确的意群及语音、 语调朗读杂志里有关上学交通方式的报道,运用本单元所 学核心句型给同伴提出安全的建议,同时能仿照范例绘制 自己的交通规则海报。 词汇词汇 1.能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:by plane, by train, by ship, by taxi, on foot, by bus, by subway, wait, slow down, go, stop 2.能够正确使用上述单词和词组谈论或描述交通方式和交 通规则。 语音语音 知道英语句子中单词之间的连读现象。 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 1.了解不同国家学生上学的交通方式。 2.能够辨认一些常见的交通标志,了解并遵守交通规则。 3.知道英国和中国驾驶习惯的差异。 学习策略:学习策略: 1.能够看图捕捉主要信息,并根据提示做出听前预测。 2.能够通读文段,获取主旨大意和细节信息,并能进行推 理判断。 课时教学设计(课时教学设计(Read and write) 一、教学内容一、教学内容 本节课是 Unit 2 第五课时 Read and write 部分,包括读、写 和语音三部分内容。第一部分要求学生阅读图片和文段并回答两个 问题;第二部分为有意义的以读促写活动,分为两个步骤:第一步 为文中提到的交通方式选择合适的建议,第二步完成阅读练习;第 三部分为语音意识培养,要求通过示例掌握文段中的连读现象。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 知识与技能目标: 1.全体学生能够理解文本情境,理解并读懂文本; 2.全体学生能够通过阅读问题训练,在语篇中找出关键词。 3.全体学生能够完成本节课的拓展练习。 4.大部分学生能复述文本大意。 过程与方法目标: 1.学生通过头脑风暴活动激活已有的知识储备,为阅读打好基础。 2. 学生通过读图、寻找关键词、细节推理等进行阅读方法训练。 3. 通过语音示例理解英语中常见的连读现象,培养良好的语感。 4. 通过复述活动,培养学生的语言运用能力。 情感态度与价值观目标: 珍爱生命,注意交通安全。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 重点:1.读懂文本,了解不同地方的孩子必须因地制宜选择不同的 交通方式。 2.为不同的交通方式提供对应的安全建议。 难点:1.新单词 Munich, Germany, Alaska, Papa Westray, Scotland 等。 2.根据文本内容进行细节的推理。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 多媒体、教学词卡 五、教学过程五、教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计思路 preparatio n 1. Play a brain storm game. 2.How do you come t o school today? 1.Say the ways to go to schoo l as more as y ou can. 2.I come to school. 1.复习学过的上学方 式,激活已有的知识 储备,为文本阅读做 好铺垫。 2.以自由谈话的方式, 让学生们用已学知识 说出日常上学使用的 交通方式,自然过渡 到单元主题:Ways to go to school. Lead in There are many countries in the world. In different countries, students go to school by different ways. Watch the worl d map. 引出本课主题: Different ways to go to school.熟悉 文中涉及到的几个地 方的大体方位,形成 世界意识,为进一步 了解这些地点做准备。 presentapresenta tiontion 1. Watch the video, there are two tasks for you: 1.观看课文视频, 思考问题,找出 文中的句子作答。 1.呈现文本,以任务 驱动,让学生在视听 过程中掌握抓关键词 回答问题的技巧。 How many ways to go to school can you f ind in the text? P lease underline the m. Does everyone in the text go to scho ol? 2. Read and match. 3. Read and circle :How many places c an you find? Please circle them. 4. Lets go to these countries. We can go to Munich,Germany by plane. 5. Next, lets go to Alaska,USA, we can go by plane. 6.lets go to Jian gxi, China, we can 2. 根据图片提 示,选择句子进 行连线。 3.在句子中圈出 地点。 4. Watch the pictures. 5. Watch the video.学习:by sled。 6.Watch the video.学习新单 词:ferry。 7.Watch the vi deo,read the 2. 将图片和句 子相连线,帮助学生 迅速掌握文本的大意。 3再次读句子,找 出地点名词, 。 4.学习第一幅图,让 学生对 Munich Germany 有个大概的 了解,模仿句子的语 音语调。 5.学习第二幅图,让 学生对 Alaska USA 有个大概的了解,学 习新单词,为阅读扫 清障碍,知道 It snows a lot.的意思, 模仿句子的语音语调。 6 .读图,让学生对 Jiangxi,China 有 个大概的了解,学习 新单词,为阅读扫清 go by train. 7.lets go to Papa Westray, Scotland, we can go by plane. 8. Read the text af ter the recorder. text and answe r the two ques tions. 理解The ferry didnt work.的意思。 8.集体朗读。 障碍,模仿句子的语 音语调。 7. 听音,模仿正确 的停顿、语音和语调。 8.通过朗读,让学生 在语篇环境中,体验 升降调、重音、连读, 培养学生的朗读技能 与习惯。 PracticePractice Look, think and say 看图讨论各地的 上学方式。 图片辅助,帮助学生 开阔视野,练习本节 课的主句型。 consolidconsolid ationation 1. Look and say. 2. The world is so big, we can go and have a look. But li fe is precious. We must pay attention to the traffic rule s. 1. Choose some suggestions for the kids. 1.通过为交通方式选 择合理的建议,培养 学生的语言运用能力。 2.提醒学生:Safety is more important! 教学反思:首先我用 a brain storm game. 复习学过的上学方式,激活已 有的知识储备,为文本阅读做好铺垫,接下来我用自由谈话的方式复习 How do you come to school today? I come.的句型,让学生们用已学知识说出日常 上学使用的交通方式,自然过渡到今天的主题:Ways to go to school.在导入 环节里,我让学生观看世界地图,There are many countries in the world. In different countries, students go to school by different ways. 引出 本课主题: Different ways to go to school. 然后我创设带领学生周游世界 的情境,让学生们在旅游中了解这些地方以及该地学生上学的交通方方式。新 知呈现环节,我先让学生整体观看课文视频,思考两个问题:1.How many ways HomeworkHomework AfterAfter classclass 1. Read the text on the book , try to retell. 2. Read the text on the worksheet, answer the questions. BlackboarBlackboar d d designdesign PEP Book 7 Unit 2 Ways to go to school B Read and write Where How Why Munich,Germany on foot Alaska,USA by sled It snows a lot. fast Jiangxi, China by ferry rivers Papa Westray, Scotland by ferry sea by plane The ferry didnt work. Safety is more important! to go to school can you find in the text? Please underline them. 2.Does everyone in the text go to school?找出文中的句子作答。这里是整 体呈现文本,以任务驱动,让学生在视听过程中掌握抓关键词回答问题的技巧。 接下来以练习 Read, match and choose. 让学生先根据图片提示,选择句子 进行连线,帮助学生迅速掌握文本的大意,再让学生在句子中圈出地点名词。 接下来进行细读阶段,学习第一幅图时,让学生根据图片对 Munich Germany 有 个大概的了解,模仿句子的语音语调。学习第二幅图时,让学生根据视频对 Alaska USA 有个大概的了解,学习新单词 sled,为阅读扫清障碍,知道 It snows a lot.的意思,模仿句子的语音语调。用同样的方法学习第三、四幅图, 让学生通过听音仿读,并在语篇环境中,体验升降调、重音、连读,培养学生 的朗读技能与习惯。通过 Look, think and say 的练习环节,看图讨论各地的 上学方式,帮助学生开阔视野,练习本节课的主句型。在拓展环节,通过为交 通方式选择合理的建议,培养学生的语言运用能力。告诉学生:The world is so big, we can go and have a look. But life is precious. We must pay attention to the traffic rules. 并提醒学生:Safety is more important! 进阶练习(二) Homework
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