人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 5What does he do -B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:326b0).zip

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What is your hobby? I like She can type quickly. She can be a secretary(秘书)(秘书). She can use computers. She is a sports reporter. Can you guess these jobs? 3.He works on the sea and catches lots of fish. 2.He always teaches PE classes at school. 1.She helps sick people in the hospital. 4.He trains football players. 5.She sings nice songs. 6.He studies science in a university. 7.He cleans the streets and keeps them clean. (doctor) (PE teacher) (fisherman) (coach) (singer) (scientist) (cleaner) People and their jobs Hobbies and jobs If you like singing, you can be a singer. If you you can be Hobbies and jobs If you like sports, you can be a sports reporter. Im good at singing. be good at (擅长擅长) Im good at Im good at football. singing dancing writing swimming cooking drawing cartoons doing kung fu playing the pipa football basketball ping-pong baseball badminton tennis Chinese English Questions. ( T/ F ) 1.Hu Bin likes sports. ( ) 2.Hu Bin is good at basketball, ping-pong and baseball. ( ) 3.Hu Bin wants to be a coach.( ) 4.Hu Bin is going to work in an office. ( ) T F F T Questions. 1.What does Sarah like? 2.What does Sarah want to be? 3.Where is Sarah going to work? Using computers. A secretary. In an office. Fill in the blanks. Robin likes _. He wants to be a _ . He _ hard. He wants to work in a _. This is a university. Fill in the blanks. Robin likes _. He wants to be a _ . He _ hard. He wants to work in a _. scientist studiesuniversity science Hobbies and jobs Fill in the table. Hob bies Jo bs Pla ces Hu Bin Sar ah Ro bin Hobbies and jobs Which job do you want to do? _ What does your father/mother do? _ Where does he/she work? _ What is his/her phone number? _ “I allow my child to go to the camp.” Parents signature:_ Make a report. I want to be a _. My father/mother is a _. He/She works in _. His/Her phone number is _. People often ignore some jobs. 人们经常会忽视一些职业。人们经常会忽视一些职业。 They are ordinary but great! 他们是平凡的,但同样很伟大他们是平凡的,但同样很伟大。 cleaners farmers couriers construction workers coal workers firemen Every job is worthy of being respected. 每一种职业都值得尊重。每一种职业都值得尊重。 They are different levels for you to choose. 1. Retell this text. 2. Write a short passage about your dream job. HappyHappy ThanksgivingThanksgiving Day!Day! 0 Teaching Plan Teaching Plan 1 Teaching contentsHobbies and jobsGradeSix Teaching aims Knowledge aims 1)Review the sentence pattern: Whats your hobby? I like. 2)Understand and say the sentence pattern such as if you can 3)Enable students to understand and say the words and phrases:reporter, type, secretary, university, be good at, . Ability aims 1)Be able to talk about their hobbies freely. 2)Be able to describe their future jobs by using the words they have learned. Emotion aims 1)Understand the different jobs and their importance; 2)Enable students to understand the simple strategy in English reading. 3)To develop students consciousness of cooperation and communication. Key points 1)Get the information through reading. 2)Get to know the words and phrases in the text 3)Use the sentence pattern: If you can Teaching and learning methods 1) Task-based learning 2) Cooperative learning Teaching aids Vocabulary cards, CAI, Teaching procedures Teaching Steps ActivitiesNotes 2 Warm-up /Review 1)Greetings. 2)Lets enjoy a video. 3)Whats your hobby? 视频情境引入 话题,导入本 课。SwimmingPre-reading Holistic perception 1)Listen to the text. 2)Talk about hobbies. 整体感知文本 后再指导分段 阅读 Teaching of the first paragraph While-reading 1)Explain the difficult words and phrases . be good at reporter 2)Task Read the first paragraph before checking the following sentences on the screen true or false. 3)Read the first paragraph and complete the task in groups. 4)Check the answers. 5)Read this paragraph in groups. 通过同义词解 释、肢体语言、 意义演示等方 法突破难点词 汇。 之后布置阅读 任务,小组交 流,之后汇报 反馈,朗读文 本。 Teaching of the second paragraph While-reading 1)Explain the difficult words and phrases in the second paragraph. type secretary Explain it using with the picture on the screen. 2)Read this paragraph by themselves. 3)Task Answer the questions. 4)Read carefully and underline the key words. 5)Check the answers. 6)Talk about this paragraph. 7)Read this paragraph. 通过出示图片、 利用对比、反 义词、描述等 方式突破难点 词汇; 3 略读先导,任 务引导精读, 阅读策略渗透; 检查任务,交 流检测学生是 否获取相关信 息,之后朗读 文本,再次感 知。 Teaching of the last paragraph While-reading 1)Explain the difficult words and phrases in the first paragraph. university Explain it using the picture. 2)Task Fill in the blanks. 3)Read the last paragraph. 依据文本大意 谈话式过渡, 呈现并突破难 点词汇,个别 词汇要求学生 依据上下文理 解。 阅读以疑问和 任务为引导, 以小组形式进 行阅读,鼓励 合作交流,探 索发现。 1) Read the whole passage in different ways. 组织多种形 式朗读全篇, 回顾全文。 Post-reading 1)Retell the text. 2)Show time. Welcome to the real world Emotion education. 6)Homework 阅读后是转化 知识形成能力 的阶段,组织 4 学生通过小组 讨论合作交流 完成拓展任务, 鼓励学生运用 所学创新表达。 Blackboard design Teachers note 通过指导学生进行阅读,突破了难点,使学生从阅读中获取 了相关信息,完成了既定的三维教学目标。使学生学会了表达忠告、 建议,了解了简单的阅读策略,锻炼了多种能力,培养了合作交 流意识。 阅读前创境激趣,突破难点;阅读中任务引领,自主探究, 合作交流;阅读后,收获知识,培养能力。 进行小学高年级语篇教学,我时常困惑于如何让孩子顺利地 理解、朗读难点词汇句型。阅读教学学生阅与读的比重该如何把 握,值得思考,我会继续学习探索。 type reporter secretary be good at if coach university
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