人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 5What does he do -C-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:30c2e).zip

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西湖区 小学英语学科 人教版小学英语六年级上册第五单元 Unit5 What does he do? C. Story time Theyre watching about . jobs. What jobs are they talking about? a bee farmer an engineer a tiger tamer a postman a shop assistant a lion tamer a workera coach a teachera farmer a computer game tester a magician a police officer a doctora nurse a magicians assistant usual jobs unusu aljobs Read and underline WhyWhy notnot? ? Title ? Unusual Jobs You are nuts! Zoom and Zip Great Jobs . WhatWhat aboutabout .?.? MaybeMaybe youyou cancan bebe .?.? HowHow aboutabout .?.? a lion tamer a bee farmer a computer game tester a magicians assistant a tamer a farmer a tester an assistant Unusual JobsUsual Jobs a nut cracker a cracker a dolphin tamer a snakesnake farmer a chocolate tester a CEOs assistant Top 5 Unusual Jobs a coconut cracker A:A: WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto bebe? ? HowHow aboutabout .?.? B:B: . a dolphin tamera snake farmer a chocolate tester a CEOs assistant a coconut cracker . Homework 1.1. ReadRead andand actact outout thethe story.story. 2.2. MakeMake youryour ownown storystory in in pairs.pairs. What does he do? 教案设计教案设计 (PEP7 Unit5 Part C Story time ) 一、教学分析一、教学分析 1.明晰课题明晰课题 话题:职业 适合级别:二级 3 课时说明:本课为本单元的第 6 课时 课题说明:本课是 PEP 六年级上册 Unit5 Part C Story time 部分。 2.内容分析内容分析 Story time 是教材知识结构的有机组成部分,与教材各部分内容相互补充,融为一体。本课 Story time 与单元结合点在于语言知识、语言技能,考察学生对 Unusual Jobs 的想法和理解能力, 学习 Zoom 和 Zip 对这些职业的看法。文本职业单词的难度不低,评价的语言难度适中,情节生 动活泼,富有幽默性、趣味性,思维空间大,兼融理想教育,具有丰富的教学意义。 3.学情分析学情分析 六年级学生对故事兴趣浓厚,多数学生有自主阅读、课外阅读的经历和经验,读图能力、理 解能力强。学生在 Story time 课堂上能充分表达,深入故事核心进行分析、评价、创造,高阶思 维能力得到充分锻炼,英语思维能力,表达能力较好。经过本单元的学习,学生能够按照正确的 意群及语音、语调朗读故事,能运用自己的语言表达故事。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1.能够在图片和老师的引导下理解故事内容,复习与巩固有关职业描述的词汇和句型。 2.能够在组内分角色朗读故事。 3.能够和同学、老师合作表演故事。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 1.能够正确朗读故事。 2.能够和同学合作表演故事。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动建议与说明建议与说明 Step1.Warm-up 1.Greet with the Ss. 2. Talk about Zoom and Zip. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Im your English teacher today. Nice to see you. I bring you two friends today. Zip and Zoom. (T paste the pics on the blackboard.) 1)Who is taller? 2)Who is smarter? 3)Who loves eating? 4)Who loves eating honey? 5)Who loves eating nuts? 6)Who likes watching TV? Zoom and Zip. 话题铺垫,通过 Free talk 的形式引 入本课主要人物, 简单谈论人物特点, 激发学生的学习兴 趣,为他们打开人 物特点的句型理解 之窗。 Step2. Lead-in & Presentation 1. To know the story. Watch and talk. T: Now Zoom and Zip are watching TV and talking. Lets watch with them, and pay attention, what are they talking about? Ss show the different ideas. a. They are talking about jobs. b. They are talking about clown shows. 故事学习,整体感 知,初步了解故事。 2. To know the main meaning of the story again. a. T: Please watch again. Circle out what jobs are they talking about. a. Ss watch the story again, and circle the jobs on the work sheet. 再次感知,抓取关 键信息。找到故事 中的职业;从文中 Watch, circle and learn the words. b. T leads the Ss read the words. *magicians assistant c. T show the pics of jobs, Ss match them with the phrases. T:Look at the pictures. Do you know what jobs they are? Look, what does she do? d. Try to feel the differences between usual jobs and unusual jobs. T: You see, these jobs are around us in our life, they are usual. But these jobs are unusual. They are unusual jobs. b. Ss circle the words on the work sheet. c. Ss talk about the jobs and match the pics with the phrases. She is a lion tamer. He is a bee farmer. Maybe he is a computer game tester./computer game player He is a magician. He is a magicians assistant. d. Ss judge the jobs are usual or unusual. 的职业和教师给的 职业中领悟 usual 和 unusual 的差别, 引导学生从体验感 受新知。 3. Skim the whole story. Does Zip want to do these jobs? a. To know about Zip. T: Does Zip want to do these jobs? Read the story by yourself.| b. Why not? Underline the reasons. c. Check the reasons and read the dialogue. T: Does Zip want to be a lion tamer? No, she doesnt. Why not? To train the animals like a lion, a tiger, an elephant are too dangerous! (分音节教学 dangerous,并将 Too dangerous句型卡贴黑板 lion tamer对应位置。) Ss read the story. Ss get the information about the story. What about a bee farmer? Why not? The bees fly everywhere. They maybe on your face or your brain. Maybe you will get stung. Its painful. How about a computer game tester? Does Zip like that? Why not? She can play games all day. Do you like that job? Someone says yes, its interesting. Someone says no, its boring. Zip saysI like to study. I dont like computer games. Does Zip want to be a magicians assistant? You know Liu Qian is a magician,Dong Qing is sometimes a magicians assistant. Why not? Zip saysI dont like that. 阅读故事,自主感 知文本。 学生通过再读文本, 更全面、细致地 学习文本细节, 找出喜欢与不喜 欢各种职业的理 由这种更深层次 的问题答案。学 生自主看故事, 获取信息。 Step3.Practice Act out the story. 1. Try to learn Para6. a. Zip doesnt want to do these jobs. What does she want to be indeed? A nut cracker. Why? b. What do you want to say to Zip? a. Because she likes eating nuts. The nuts are delicious and healthy. b. Ss: Hehe. Ss: Oh, no! 推进故事,激发学 习兴趣。 2. Read and act Para 6. a. T: Does Zoom want to be a nut cracker? No. Why not? You are nuts. b. Nuts have two meanings here. a.You eat so many nuts, you will be nuts. b.You want to be a nut cracker. Its boring, you will be silly then. c.You like nuts sooooo much hah. 再次学习 Zoom 对 Zip 的评价,从语 言为契合点感知 Zoom 的幽默和机 智。 3. To feel the whole story again. This time, lets listen and repeat the whole story. Ss try to imitate the story. Pay attention at the tone and feelings. 将故事分成读和演 两个梯度的要求, 降低输出难度,也 利于角色的分配。 4. Make a title for this story. a. Unusual jobs. b. You are nuts. c. What do you want to be? a.Zips jobs. b.Unusual jobs c.Great jobs d.Well, what do you want to be? 充分发散学生的思 维,尽情畅谈对故 事的理解和想法。 5. Act out the whole story. a. Pic 16. b. Pic 13. Now, lets act out the story. T and S1 act out the story. a. TS1 S1S2 b. Choose several pictures to act the story in pairs. 激发学生的表演欲 望。 Step4.Extension Make a new story. T and S1 make a new story. T: Jerry, what do you want to be? How about a lion tamer? S2 and S1 make a new story. A: What do you want to be? How about a cook? B: Oh, look!Im fat now. I dont like that. A: Maybe you can be a singer. B: No, thats not for me. A: Well, what do you want to be? B:I want to be a model. 联系自己,谈论职 业感受,给上课学 生以语言和角色的 引导。将职业类词 汇与本课所用表达 法综合运用,学生 在自主提问、思考、 选择的过程中内化 了语言结构,做到 了自然、真实、有 效的输出。 Step5. HomeworkKinds of jobs, usual or unusual are all valuable and required to us. Homework 1. Read and act out the story. 2. Make a new story. 五、板书设计五、板书设计
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