人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 5What does he do -A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:20b02).docx

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人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 5What does he do -A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:20b02).docx_第1页
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1、PEP 小学六年级英语上册 UnitUnit 5 5 WhatWhat doesdoes hehe dodo? PartPart A A LetLet s s learn.learn. 教材分析教材分析: 本课时是Zhang Peng和Oliver在讨论Oliver 的father及mother的职业 状况。本课时的语言结构学习内容是询问某人的职业What does she/he do? 及Is your father/mother a/an?以及有关职业的单词factory worker、 postman、businessman、police officer。有关职业的话题学生在四年级上就

2、已经接触过了,并学习了询问他人的职业的句子,本课时要在此基础上进一步复 习巩固和拓展。 本课时的语用目的是询问家庭成员的职业,以及与职业相关的一些问题,以 及引导学生树立自己的职业观和职业规划。 学学情分析:情分析: 小学六年级的学生已进入青少年初期阶段,开始有一定的独立思考能力,对 自身未来的发展有了初步的设想,且对社会上的职业有了一定的了解,我们在四 年级上已学习了有关工作的单词和句子,有一定的英语表达基础,但是由于大多 数孩子生活在农村,对很多高大上的职业认知是有限的,我们需要通过学习去引 导学生发现更多、更丰富的职业认知,因为有认识就会有去深入了解或发现或体 验的可能性,从而更准确的去

3、引导他们树立正确的生活观和价值观。 教学目标:教学目标: 知识与知识与技能技能目标:目标: 1. 能 通 过 学 习 活 动 熟 练 掌 握 单 词factory worker 、 postman 、 businessman、police officer的听、说、读、写及灵活运用。 2. 能通过学习活动能熟练掌握句型What does she/he do? He / She is a/an Is your father/ mother a / an ?及回答, 并在真实的生活情境中运用。 3. 能理解并熟练的运用第三人称单数进行表达。 过程过程与方法目标:与方法目标: 通过机械操练、情景操练、

4、游戏活动、小组活动等多种活动形式和方法引导 学生学习有关职业的四会单词和句型, 并通过学习和活动归纳出其他与职业相关 的单词和句型。 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 1. 能理解父母及亲人的职业,理解他们的辛勤劳动。以家人为榜样,努力 学习,承担相应的家庭责任。 2. 树立自己的梦想,写下梦想信条,让梦想信条化为平时学习的行动指南, 时刻鼓励自己。 重点重点与与难点难点: 1.重点能听说认读四会单词:factory worker、postman、businessman、 police officer。 2.难点是能拼写 factory worker、postman、businessm

5、an、police officer 及熟练运用。 3.难点是能通过学习活动能熟练掌握句型 What does she/he do? He / She is a/an Is your father/ mother a / an ? 及回答,并在真实的生活情境 中运用。 课前准备:课前准备: PPT、练习题、梦想之树。 教学过程教学过程: 1. Warm-up. (1). Greetings. (2). Free talk. T: When I was young, I had a dream. Do you want to know whats the dream? Ss: Yes. T: To

6、 be a teacher. Because , my father is a teacher and Id like to talk with the students all of you. Now, the dream comes true. Im a teacher. Yes or no? As well I want to know what do you want to be? Do you know other jobs? S1/S2/S3.(Show some jobs or career.) 2. Presentation. Today, I have a good news

7、 that our friend Oliver, he will invites his father to join the Parents Day. But he has a problem that his father is so busy. Why is he so busy? What does he do? (Show the title “Unit5 What does he do?Part A Lets learn.”) (1).Guess and listen. T: what does his father do? Ss: He is a businessman.(Gui

8、de students to answer.) (2).Teaching “businessman”. Guess and listen. Pronunciation: busi-nessman. lets chant.(Show the chant.) lets spell and lets write. Ask and answer 1. What does he do? He is a businessman. (Teacher and students; Students and students.) Ask and answer 2. T: Is your father a busi

9、nessman? S: Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. T: is your mother a businesswoman? S: Yes, she is./ No, she isnt. Students ask by themselves. (3).Teaching “postman”. (4).Teaching “factory worker”. (5).Teaching “police officer”. (6)Listen “lets learn.” 3. Summary. Three different ways to ask somebodys career.

10、 4. Practice. (1). Reading game. (2). Guessing game. (3). Make a survey. (4). Write your dream reminder. 5. Consolidation and extension. (1). Make a survey. (2). Write your dream reminder. 6. Homework. (1). Talk about your family members career.(What? Where? How?) (2). Read your dream reminder every day. (每天读一遍梦想信条。) 7. Blackboard design.


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