人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-(配套课件编号:d0287).docx

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人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-(配套课件编号:d0287).docx_第1页
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人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-(配套课件编号:d0287).docx_第2页
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人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-(配套课件编号:d0287).docx_第3页
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人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-(配套课件编号:d0287).docx_第4页
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1、1 人教版九年级上册人教版九年级上册 Unit 10Youre supposed to shake hands. Section B (2a-2e) 一、一、教材分析:教材分析: 本单元重点学习一些常见国家的英文表达,以及该国在初次见面时的行为与语言, 该话题能 激起学生的好奇心, 调动学生学习英语的积极性。 重点帮助学生练习 “be supposed to do”的 用法,在不断的练习中达到掌握以及熟练运用的目的。 二二、教学目标:、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1) 能 掌 握 以 下 单 词 : be comfortable doing,exchange, go out

2、 of ones way, make feel at home, teenage, granddaughter, behave, except, elbow, gradually, get used to 2) 能掌握以下重难点句子: Youre supposed to Youre not supposed to Its impolite to You shouldnt 3)培养学生的阅读能力,理解关键词和短语的能力。 2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 1)通过对一些国家的风俗习惯和饮食文化。餐桌礼仪的了解,进一步提高学生 对文明生活的认识。 2)通过学习了解各国的基本礼仪。 3

3、)培养学生良好的合作能力和良好的行为习惯。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点教学重点: 1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。 2)阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。 2. 教学难点教学难点 运用所学内容谈论餐桌礼仪。 三、教学方法教学方法 1)讨论法 2)阅读法 四、四、教学过程教学过程 .复习回顾 1. Review some basic table manners in this unit. Check the homework. 2. 播放一个法国人就餐的图片,让学生观察法国人就餐的习惯,然后老师问, 他们可以用手拿水果吃吗?设置悬念,引导学生阅读。 .新课探究

4、新课探究 1.Lead in Let Ss watch a short video about Lin Yue in France and answer two questions: 1).Where is Lin Yue? 2 2).What is the place famous for? 2.Fast reading 1).Let Ss read the passage2a fast and match each paragraph with the main ideas . How do you know that? Para 1A.Table manners in France Pa

5、ra 2B.Lin Yues life in France 2).Read the letter quickly again and underline the answers to the questions. a.Why is Lin Yue in France? b.Does she enjoy staying with her host family? c.How does she feel about making mistakes when she speaks French? d.What is the biggest challenge she is facing? 3.Car

6、eful reading 1).Let Ss read Para. 1 and find out how these problems are solved. problemssolutions host familyThey _ _ _ _ _to _her _ _home. FrenchThe granddaughter always _ _ her _ _to help her practice. table mannersShe tries to _ Dos and Donts in France. 2).Let Ss read para.2 .Work on 2d and take

7、notes about French table manners in the chart. Dos: Youre supposed toDonts: You arent supposed to bread, tablebread, plate cut, eat, forkeat, hands, bread say, that was delicioussay, Im full elbows, over the tableelbows, on the table 3).Check the answers: Donts: Youre not supposed to put your bread

8、on the plate. You are not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread. Youre not supposed to say you are full. You are not supposed to put your elbows on the table. Dos: 3 Youre supposed to put your bread on the table. Youre supposed to cut up your fruit and eat it with a fork. Youre suppo

9、sed to say “That was delicious” if you dont want any more food. Youre supposed to put your elbows over the table. 4.Review the table manners . 1)Show two pictures on the screen .Let Ss find the differences between them and correct them. 2)Let Ss retell all the table manners to everyone. .Group work

10、One day Lin Yue is invited to introduce the table manners in China. Can we help her? Let Ss make a poster of Chinese table manners! 1).Discuss Chinese table manners. 2).Finish the poster together. 3).Show your poster and introduce Chinese table manners. 语言知识点语言知识点 1.Match the phrases with themeaning

11、s: a teenage granddaughterA.没有理由做 There was no reason to doB.我的房东 be comfortable doingC.格外努力做 my host familyD.使我宾至如归 make me feel at homeE.一个十几岁的孙女 go out of ones way to doF.自如地做某事 V.跟踪练习跟踪练习 Work on 2c. 1. Tell Ss that they have to learn to guess the meanings of the words they dont know when they r

12、ead the passage. Make sure Ss know what to do. 2. Ss read the passage again and replace the underline words with the phrases in the box. 1. Making mistakes in French used to make Lin Yue nervous. 2. It was quite hard for her to feel good about speaking French. 3. The host family tried very hard to h

13、elp Lin Yue. 4. Lin Yue has slowly learned how to be like her French friends. went out of their way be comfortable doing gradually gotten used to being 4 (something) worry (someone) VI.课堂小结课堂小结 1.复习本课生词 2.归纳语言要点 VII.Homework 根据 2e,写一篇短文关于中国和法国不同的餐桌礼仪。 五五.板书设计:板书设计: 1.Youre supposed to Youre not supp

14、osed to Its impolite to 2. 阅读技巧二步骤 1)粗读(fast reading):a.scanning(扫描式) b.skipping(跳跃式) 2)精读(careful reading) 六课后反思:六课后反思: 1. 通过本堂课的学习,帮助学生们了解了西方国家的餐桌礼仪知识,进一步提 高学生对文明生活的认识。 2. 不足之处:我没有利用多媒体创设情景,促使学生感悟和体验教学内容与生 活的内在联系,培养学生语言技能和语言运用能力。在接下来的教学中,我要努 力提升自己的教学技能,使学生根据所学的知识,能够流利地讲述所学的知识, 使他们能够在运用中感受自己的成就感,体会到学习的快乐,很好地激发了他们 学习的热情。


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