人教版九年级Unit 6 When was it invented -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:70aa8).zip

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这节课来自新目标 九年级 unit 6 Section A Grammar Focus 的内容,这节课以科技发明为话题,重点让学生在 熟悉的、与他们生活密切相关的语境中学习和运用过去时的被动语态即was/were+done的结构。教学中注重结合学生 的认知特点和语言学习规律,让学生在感知、体验、发现、自我探究、提炼总结中对语言结构进行学习和综合运用。 二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析 学生学生 分析分析 通过平时课堂提问和检测,大部分学生已经有了一定的英语学习基础。但学生在情感态度,学习策略和文化 意识方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。例如:个别学生不明确学习英语的目的;有些同学对学好英语缺 乏自信,不敢用英语表达;缺乏小组合作意识;一些学生没养成良好的学习习惯,不能做好课前预习课后复习, 学习没有计划性和策略性;不善于发现和总结语言规律,不注意知识的巩固和积累。所以要求学生能课前认真 做好预习,借助网络和书籍,培养自学能力;教师在预设的任务中,注意引导学生在交际中动态生成,学生有话可 说,乐于合作分享。这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。 教材教材 及本及本 课重课重 难点难点 分析分析 1、 教学重点:能正确使用was/were+done的结构描述各类发明的时间、人物、地点和起因等。 2、 教学难点:能用was/were+done的结构描述校园身边小发明的的时间、人物、地点和起因等。 三、教学目标与策略分析三、教学目标与策略分析 教学教学 目标目标 (一)知识与能力目标 在本节课结束时,学生能够 1、 学会正确使用was/were+done描述各类发明的时间、人物、地点和起因等; 2、 能用使用过was/were+done的结构描述校园身边小发明的的时间、人物、地点和起因等。 (二)情感目标 1、 能认识和了解科技技术给人类带来的改变和影响; 2、 激发学生创新意识。 教学教学 策略策略 随着初中学生抽象思维能力的发展,他们已经具备了一定的自觉接收、储存、加工信息的能力。语法教学 不应过于强调死记硬背,教师要结合学生的年龄特点和实际,设计科学、合理、有趣的课堂活动,鼓励学生积 极、主动地在活动中加深对语法规则的认识,概括和归纳语言使用现象,主动发现语法规则以及意义的表达, 逐步获得综合运用语言知识和语言技能进行交际的能力。 六、教学步骤六、教学步骤 步骤一:导入步骤一:导入 1、 教师通过播放视频,激发学生兴趣,引出语言教师通过播放视频,激发学生兴趣,引出语言 was/were+done 的结构的结构。 【设计意图设计意图】:以视频素材为依托,让学生在视频的文字篇章中,发现语言现象: was/were+done 的结构可 用于描述各类发明的时间、人物、地点和起因等。 步骤二:自我探究,发现规律步骤二:自我探究,发现规律 1、 让学生阅读与视频中让学生阅读与视频中有关发明的句子有关发明的句子,并观察句子形式,并观察句子形式结构结构。 2、 让学生总结划线句子的语言规律,进一步认识让学生总结划线句子的语言规律,进一步认识 was/were+done 的结构及表达用途。的结构及表达用途。 【设计意图设计意图】围绕教学知识目标,出示问题,利用教材、教辅自主学习、自主研究并总结 was/were+done的语言规律。 步骤三:运用语言步骤三:运用语言 教师通过教师通过有趣的摘苹果回答问题的游戏方式有趣的摘苹果回答问题的游戏方式,让学生运用目标语,让学生运用目标语 was/were+done 进行各种操练。进行各种操练。 【设计意图设计意图】通过设置不同难度的语言活动,让学生在不同情境中利用目标语 was/were+done 操练语言。 步骤四:合作展示步骤四:合作展示 1、观看、观看视频,发现学校身边的小小发明家和他的发明作品的时间、地点视频,发现学校身边的小小发明家和他的发明作品的时间、地点及及起因。起因。 2、学生、学生根据根据视频视频内容完成思维导图。内容完成思维导图。 2、教师、教师要求学生利用目标要求学生利用目标语言语言结构结构 was/were+done,以小组口头汇报的形式描述,以小组口头汇报的形式描述校园校园小发明小发明的发明人、的发明人、 发明时间、地点及起因发明时间、地点及起因。 【设计意图设计意图】以小组合作的方式,让学生利用目标语 was/were+done 来描述校园小发明的发明人、发明 时间、地点及起因,并以小组口头汇报的形式进行语言的输出。 步骤五:小结提升步骤五:小结提升 1、 教师在小组活动后,对本课时所学内容进行总结。教师在小组活动后,对本课时所学内容进行总结。 2、 情感教育:让学生情感教育:让学生在在各类各类发明发明和和至理名言中至理名言中认识认识和了解科技技术给人类带来的改变和影响和了解科技技术给人类带来的改变和影响,以激发以激发 学生的创新意识。学生的创新意识。 3、 布置作业。布置作业。 【设计意图设计意图】小结本节课的知识要点,并通过在各类发明及对名言品读,对学生进行情感教育的渗透, 激发学生的创新意识,好好学习知识和本领。 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Unit 11 When was it invented? Section A Grammar Focus That makes me feel warm. The first laugh of my son made me jump for joy. 八、其他辅助学习资料(如学生导学案等)八、其他辅助学习资料(如学生导学案等) 九年级九年级 Unit 6 Section A Grammar Focus -Passive voice(Past tense) Task 1 Observe(观察观察) the sentences and find out the rules. 1.The light bulb was invented by Edison. 2. The 3D printer were invented in 1986. Inventions When WhoWhere why was/were+done 通过观察上面的两个句子,发现其主语都为动作(invent)的_(执行者/承受者) ,故谓语动 词的结构形式为_+_。 3.The3.The SelfieSelfie StickStick is is usedused forfor takingtaking photosphotos byby oneself.oneself. 句句 3 不同点在于:句不同点在于:句 1 和句和句 2 都用了都用了_ 的时态,而句的时态,而句 3 用了用了_的时态。的时态。 Task 2 Know the sentence patterns of the passive voice in past tense. 1.The bridge was built in 1998.(变成否定句变成否定句) The bridge _ in 1998. 否定句的构成:主语否定句的构成:主语+was/were+_+过去分词过去分词+. 2. Many trees were cut down last year. _many trees_ down last year? (变成一般疑问句变成一般疑问句) 一般疑问句的构成:一般疑问句的构成:_+主语主语+过去分词过去分词+.? 3.The windows were closed by Mary.(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问) _ _the windows closed by? 特殊疑问句的构成:特殊疑问句的构成:_+_+主语主语+过去分词过去分词+.? Task 3 According to the mind map,please make an oral report about this invention using the Passive Voice. Oral report: I would like to introduce an invention to you today. The invention is a_.It was invented by_. The invention is made of _. It is useful and it is used for _. It was invented by accident. One day, _ was asked to _. He found it _ to grip them. So he decided to _. At last , _ was invented. Mind map: Homework: Write a passage about the invention/your favorite small invention. 1 九年级九年级 Unit 6 Section A Grammar Focus -Passive voice(Past tense) Task 1 Observe(观察观察) the sentences and find out the rules. 1.The light bulb was invented by Edison. 2. The 3D printer were invented in 1986. 通过观察上面的两个句子,发现其主语都为动作(invent)的_(执行者/承受 者) ,故谓语动词的结构形式为_+_。 3.The3.The SelfieSelfie StickStick is is usedused forfor takingtaking photosphotos byby oneself.oneself. 句句 3 不同点在于:句不同点在于:句 1 和句和句 2 都用了都用了_ 的时态,而句的时态,而句 3 用了用了_的的 时态。时态。 Task 2 Know the sentence patterns of the passive voice in past tense. 1.The bridge was built in 1998.(变成否定句变成否定句) The bridge _ in 1998. 否定句的构成:主语否定句的构成:主语+was/were+_+过去分词过去分词+. 2. Many trees were cut down last year. _many trees_ down last year? (变成一般疑问句变成一般疑问句) 一般疑问句的构成:一般疑问句的构成:_+主语主语+过去分词过去分词+.? 3.The windows were closed by Mary.(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问) _ _the windows closed by? 特殊疑问句的构成:特殊疑问句的构成:_+_+主语主语+过去分词过去分词+.? Task 3 According to the mind map,please make an oral report about this invention using the Passive Voice. Oral report: I would like to introduce an invention to you today. The invention is a_.It was invented by_. The invention is made of _. It is useful and it is used for _. It was invented by accident. One day, _ was asked to _. He found it _ to grip them. So he decided to _. At last , _ was invented. 2 Mind map: Homework: Write a passage about the invention/your favorite small invention. Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A Grammar Focus- Passive Voice (past tense) Lead in who Where When What Watch a video about inventions and remember the information below. Play Kahoot and anwser questions. Q1:How many inventions are mentioned in the video? https:/create.kahoot.it/l/#/preview/08e0ebd6-bc45-4352-94a3-5ebd189364d8 https:/kahoot.it/学生i-pad登录录: 教师电脑师电脑 端问题问题 前置: Play Kahoot and anwser questions. Inventions Q2:Who was the light bulb invented by? Q3:When were the 3D Printers invented? Q4:where were the 3D Printers invented? Q5:What is the Selfie Stick used for? Q1:How many inventions are mentioned in the video? https:/create.kahoot.it/l/#/preview/08e0ebd6-bc45-4352-94a3-5ebd189364d8 不同点在于,句1和句2都用了_ 的时态,而 句3用了_的时态。 Presentation Observe the sentences and find out the rules. 1.The light bulb was invented by Edison. 2. The 3D printers were invented in 1986. 通过观察句子,发现其主语都为动作的_, 谓语动词的结构形式均为_+_。 Findings: 承受者 be 过去分词 一般现在时 一般过去时 3.The Selfie Stick is used for taking photos by oneself. 一般过去时的被动语态结构: 主语 + be done + by sb 例句1 Edison invented the light bulb in 1879. The light bulb _ was were _ _ by Edisonwasin 1879.invented 否定句: 1. The bridge was built in 1998. The bridge 主语+was/were+_+ 过去分词+. built in 1998.was not Were many trees cut down last year? 一般疑问句: 2. Many trees were cut down last year. Yes, it were. 特殊疑问句: 3. The windows were closed by Mary. were the windows closed by?Who not _+主语+过去分 词+.? Was/Were was/were特殊问词 No, they werent. _+_ +主语+过去分词+.? computer telephone TV zipper car Choose one invention thing and open it , Some are exercises, some are gifts .Who is lucky(幸运的)? Practice light Change into past simple passive tense. The cook made the soup. The soup by the cook. was made Look at the picture, and fill in the blank. The mail (carry) by the postman in the past. was carried His room was cleaned last weekend. Make a sentence using passive voice. room clean last weekend The computer _ in Japan in 2003 and I have had it for only one week. A. was made B. can be made C. is made D. made Multipl-choice. Correct the mistake. These old books were give to the children in the countryside. give改为given Translate the sentence into English. 这棵树昨晚Tom和Lily已浇过水了。 The tree The tree was watered was watered by Tom and Lily by Tom and Lily last night. last night. Watch the video and finish a mind map. Follow up activityAccording to the mind map,please make an oral report about this invention using the Passive Voice. In _ At_ _ the _ the second prizesecond prize A A_ _ from No. 2 from No. 2 Middle SchoolMiddle School A Special GripperA Special Gripper ProcessProcess _ _ to to take out the take out the hot disheshot dishes _to to grip(grip(抓抓) them) them. _ _ rubberrubber glueglue be made ofbe made of MaterialsMaterials Time/PlaceTime/Place InventorInventor won student asked hard steel 2015 home Oral report in four: 1.I would like to introduce an invention to you today. 2.The invention is a_.It was invented by_. 3.The invention is made of _. It is useful and it is used for _. 4.It was invented by accident. One day, _ was asked to _. He found it _ to grip them. So he decided to _. At last , _ was invented. Summary Our world was changed by great inventions; our life was changed by small inventions. Homework Write a passage about the invention
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