人教版九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.-Section B 1a—1d-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:105c0).zip

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Section B Period 1 (1a 1d) It must belong to Carla. Enjoy a video “Where is Jaki chick?” WhatWhat isis it?it? unidentified flying object airplane helicopter balloon kite 不明飞行物 Have you heard of UFO? Have you ever seen a UFO? I am an alien. What do you think of me? 1a1a Predict the story according to the pictures. land man UFO run alien run after 1b1b Listen and number the pictures1-3 in 1a. Then write two or three sentences to finish the story. 23 1 A woman is filming with a camera. They are making a movie. 1c1c Listen again. Complete the sentences. They seeThe man says The woman says 1. a man running he might be _ he could be _ 2. something in the sky it could be _ it must be _ 3. something strange it must be _ I must be _ 4. a woman with a camera she could be _ they must be _ a plane. a UFO. an alien. dreaming. from the TV news. making a movie. late for work.running for exercise. Act the conversation. -Hey, look at the man running down the street. whats happening? -He could be running for exercise. -No, he might be late for work. Because hes wearing a suit. He looks afraid. -Oh, no! Whats that? It could be a plane in the sky. -No, it must be a UFO. There is an alien getting out of it. Oh, my god! The alien is running after the man. -Lets call the police. -Hey, wait a minute. There is a woman with a camera. -She could be from the TV news. -Hahaha They are actors, they must be making a movie. Peppa pig Mum Dad George Direct the story in groups. What will happen? It is a lovely bright sunny day. Peppa and her family are going to have a picnic. Report your story. Homework Complete your story and retell it in groups. 完成句子完成句子 1. 这里过去曾是一个安静的地方。这里过去曾是一个安静的地方。 It _ _ _ a very quiet place. 2. 他说他常常听到窗外有奇怪的噪音。他说他常常听到窗外有奇怪的噪音。 He said he often _ _ _ outside the window. used to be heard strange noises 3. 有些人认为一定是孩子们在快乐玩耍。有些人认为一定是孩子们在快乐玩耍。 Some people think it _ _ children _ fun. 4. 一定有人在公园里唱歌。一定有人在公园里唱歌。 There _ _ someone _ in the park. 5. 这能是真的吗?这能是真的吗? _ this be true? must be having must be singing Can / Could 用用must, might, could或或cant 填空填空 1.The toy car _ be Jims. He is the only kid at the picnic. 2. This MP5 _ be Lindas. I know she has one. 3. The mobile phone _ belong to Lucy or Lily. They both have mobile phones. 4. The man _ be Mr Smith. He has gone to Shanghai and hell be back in three days. must could / might could / might cant 1. A UFO is landing. land v. 着陆;靠岸着陆;靠岸 They managed tolandthe helicopter safely. 他们想方设法使直升飞机安全着陆。他们想方设法使直升飞机安全着陆。 We landed at the airport in Beijing. 我们降落在位于北京的机场。我们降落在位于北京的机场。 The shiplandedsafely in the end. 船最后平安靠岸了。船最后平安靠岸了。 land n. 陆地;国土;土地陆地;国土;土地 The ship came safely toland. 船平安靠岸。船平安靠岸。 I love thelandwhere I was born. 我爱我出生的这块土地。我爱我出生的这块土地。 The farmer has just bought a new piece ofland. 这位农民刚刚又买了一块地。这位农民刚刚又买了一块地。 知识拓展知识拓展 2. Hes wearing a suit. suit n. 西服;套装西服;套装 Thatsuitcost me over 600 yuan. 那件西服花去我那件西服花去我600多元。多元。 My brother wore a new suit for the party. 我哥哥穿一身新西服去参加晚会。我哥哥穿一身新西服去参加晚会。 Youd better change into your newsuit. 你最好换上你的那套新衣服。你最好换上你的那套新衣服。 我想给我女儿买套衣服。我想给我女儿买套衣服。 I want to buy a suit for my daughter. 注意:注意: 1)suit作名词指作名词指“套装套装”时,可用词组时,可用词组 asuitof clothes表达表达“一套衣服一套衣服”,一般含,一般含 外套、背心和裤子。注意:不可说外套、背心和裤子。注意:不可说 asuitof cloth; 2)suit通常用作可数名词通常用作可数名词, 基本意思是基本意思是“一一 套衣服套衣服”, 通常指用同一料子做成的男子通常指用同一料子做成的男子 的短上衣和裤子或女子的短上衣和裙子。的短上衣和裤子或女子的短上衣和裙子。 suit v. 适合,适宜于适合,适宜于 suit sb. fine / well 很适合某人很适合某人 Blue suits her very well, I think. 我认为蓝色很适合她。我认为蓝色很适合她。 注意注意 fit 作动词作动词, 意为意为“合适合适”, 但常用于指大但常用于指大 小、尺寸合适小、尺寸合适; suit 指颜色或款式适合。指颜色或款式适合。 The coat doesnt fit me. 这件上衣我穿着不合身。这件上衣我穿着不合身。 This dress suits you beautiful. 这件衣服你穿非常合适。这件衣服你穿非常合适。 知识拓展知识拓展 看图完成句子看图完成句子 1. The _ is landing. 2. He wears a new _ today. 3. Do you want to make friends with the _ ? It looks friendly. UFO suit alien 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 1. I guess he must be _ for exercise. 2. He looked up and saw a kite flying in the _. 3. He might be running _ a bus. 4. In ten minutes the plane will_in Beijing. 5. Luckily, I had my_along. I can take some photos for you. camera, run, land, sky, catch running sky to catch land camera 完成句子完成句子 1. 他没赶上校车,可能上学要迟到了。他没赶上校车,可能上学要迟到了。 He didnt catch the school bus. He might _ _ for school. 2. 那些警察可能在追小偷。那些警察可能在追小偷。 The policemen might _ _ after the thief. be late be running 3. 他们一定是在举办聚会。他们一定是在举办聚会。 They _ _ _ a party. 4. 她说她梦见了外星人。她说她梦见了外星人。 She said she _ _ an alien. 5. 她看起来有点儿害怕,她发生了什么事?她看起来有点儿害怕,她发生了什么事? She looks kind of scared. Whats _ _ her? must be having dreamed of happening to 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1. 你认为那个人为什么在跑呢?你认为那个人为什么在跑呢? _ _ _ _ the man isrunning? 2. 他每天早上爬山的目的是为了得到锻炼。他每天早上爬山的目的是为了得到锻炼。 He climbs mountains every morning _ _. Why do you think for exercise G9Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B 1a-1d Class Type Listening and speaking. Objectives 1.To understand the story about aliens by looking at the pictures and listening. 2.To practice talking about what the man and the woman have seen. Key structure 1.They see a man running/ something strange 2.The man / woman says it could / might / must 3.Why do you think the man is running? He could be running for exercise. No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work. Difficulties How to practice retelling the story by making a conversation with your partner. land, alien, suit, express Vocabular y Run after, wear a suit, catch a bus Periods1 ProcedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesspurpose Lead-in1.Greeting. How are you today? 2.Lets enjoy a video “where is Jaki chick?” to relax. 3.Ask Ss to guess where the chick is according to the video. 1.Express the feeling. 2.Enjoy the video. 3.Guess where the chick is. It could be. It might be. It must be. 动画片小鸡在 哪儿由微观和 局部让人们猜 测小鸡有可能 在哪儿玩耍, 用作本课的导 入目的是吸引 学生们的注意, 激发学生猜测 兴趣,同时让 学生复习如何 使用情态动词 表达猜测。 Step 1 1.Brainstorm. What is it in the sky? 2.Talk about the UFO. a.Have you heard about UFO? 1.Guess the object. It could be a kite. It could be a balloon. It could be a bird. It could . 2.Talk about the UFO and 展示图片,提 问这是什么, 引导学生猜测 这是 UFO,简 单讨论 UFO, 通过对话挖掘 b.Have you ever seen the UFO? c.Do you know aliens? What do you think of them? aliens.学生对 UFO 的 了解,为下面 活动作铺垫。 Step 2Activity 1a Show Ss some pictures and then ask them to talk about : 1. What is happening in the picture? 2. What does the man look like? 3. How does he feel? Why? 4. Describe the pictures. Use the words in the box to describe each picture. The UFO is landing on the grass. The alien is running after a man. The man is very afraid. The man is looking around to check if the alien is still running after him. 通过大量的交 谈,让学生观 察图片,最大 限度的挖掘图 片信息,让学 生从各方面描 述图片信息, 或者猜测和联 想图片故事, 为下面听的活 动作铺垫。 Step 3 Activity 1b. Listen and number the pictures1-3in 1a. Then write two or three sentences to finish the story. Activity 1b. Listen and number the pictures1-3in 1a. Then write two or three sentences to finish the story. A woman is filming a movie with a camera. 通过听力练习, 让学生了解整 个事件,强调 故事结尾的不 可预知,为下 面 task 做铺垫。 Step 4 Activity 1c. Ask Ss to listen again and complete the chart. listen again and complete the chart. 通过听细节, 达到训练听力 的目的。 Step 5Role play the listening to practice the pronunciation. Role play the listening to practice the pronunciation. 训练语音语调 口语能力。 Step 6 Task: if you are a director, how will you direct the story? Show Ss the story of peppa pig and ask them to talk about the possible ending in groups. 1.Talk about the possible ending in groups. 2.Report each groups story. 通过听说的训 练,整合教材, 设计任务,通 过小组合作, 让学生讨论并 导演一个有趣 生动甚至是出 人意料的故事。 Step 9Homework Complete your story. Blackboard design Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Land Alien it could be. Unbelievable Run after it must be. ending Suit it might be. Express
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