人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.-Section B 3a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:34b4b).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to._Section B 3a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:34b4b)
    • 专题复习定语从句.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案34b4b.docx--点击预览
    • 背景音乐.wav


Play a game 1. Which girl is your sister? The girl _is wearing dark glasses. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom 2. The girl _you talked with at the school gate is our new math teacher. A. whose B. which C. who D. what 3.The volunteers are doing a great job in Japan. -Yes. They are helping the people _are suffering from the earthquake. A. which B. what C./ D. who 4. His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _ family was poor. A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. whose 6 6 pointspoints 1.The TV play is about a true story_ happened in Beijing in 1998. A. it B. what C. that D. when 2.There are lots of things _I need to prepare before the trip. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose 3. -Have you found the information about the famous people _ you can use for the report? -Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. A. who B. what C. whom D. which 4.The computer _ last week has gone wrong. A. which I bought it B. I bought C. what I bought D. I bought it 7 points7 points 1.Im a football fan. Im interested in everything_ is about the 2014 World Cup. A.who B. that C. where D. which 2.This is the best TV play_ I have seen this year. A. who B. which C. that D. when 3. My watch is not the only thing_ is missing. A. that B. which C. it D. who 4.My grandparents like to tell me about the old things and persons_ they remember. A.who B. which C. that D. where 8 8 pointspoints 1.Friends are those_ make you smile,always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed. A. which B. that C. whom D. who 2. Jim is a young cook _wants to improve school dinners. A. who B. whoseC. whom D. which 3. We visited a factory_ makes toys for children. A. where B. which C. who D. In which 4. This is the third park in the city_I have visited. A. that B. which C. where D. what 9 9 pointspoints Share your memories Share your memories library library 图书馆图书馆 dining hall dining hall 食堂食堂 Chinese Chinese 语文语文 English English 英语英语 P. E. P. E. 体育体育 progress progress 进步进步 speech speech 演讲演讲 competition competition 比赛比赛 math teacher math teacher 数学老师数学老师 headmasterheadmaster校长校长 playground playground 操场操场 head teacher head teacher 班主任班主任 (至少写两句并用定语从句)(至少写两句并用定语从句) OneOne point for each student point for each student Write Write a letter a letter to a person who you want to tell her or him your thoughts to a person who you want to tell her or him your thoughts 、 thanks or feelingsthanks or feelings. . 在作文中适当运用在作文中适当运用“几个几个 复合句复合句”,如,如“一两个定一两个定 语从句语从句”,可以使文章更,可以使文章更 生动,吸引人。生动,吸引人。 Dear :Dear : Yours Yours FiveFive points for each points for each studentstudent Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事世上无难事,只要人肯试。,只要人肯试。 Opportunity ,sooner or later, comes to all who workOpportunity ,sooner or later, comes to all who work andand wi wi sh.sh. 机会迟早会光顾那些 努力工作又怀有志向的人。 名言名谚名言名谚 Homework:Homework: Exercise book on page 148(定语从句专题 复习) 教学设计 一一. 教材分析教材分析 本节课是九年级下专题复习定语从句,定语从句历来都是初中英 语学习的重难点,更是每年中考的必考内容之一。学生能够熟练掌握 定语从句对于领会句子含义、提高英语阅读能力、提高英语写作水平 均具有重要意义。因此,定语从句的掌握对于每位初中生来说是至关 重要的。 二二. 学情分析学情分析 九年级学生即将面临中考了,所以学习的态度大部分都是很端正 的,但是他们缺少学习的激情,他们的激情更多的已经变成了一种成 熟,而我传授的又是一节语法复习课,听起来就是非常枯燥无聊的, 但是我从学生们马上就要毕业分离这个感情点出发,将定语从句运用 到实际生活中,同时也激发了他们想要运用的兴趣。 三三.教学目教学目标标 1.能够正确解答出定语从句题目; 2.能够熟练运用定语从句表述自己的情感; 3.增强学生们的竞争意识,培养他们之间互尊互爱的学生情并让 他们懂得世上的事情都要通过自己的尝试与努力才能成功的道理。 四四.教学重教学重难难点点 1.教学的重点 复习定语从句,达到熟练运用的目标。 2.教学的难点 1)由于农村学校的原因,并不具备课外观看微课的条件, 所以学生只能利用上课时间观看并理解。 2)能够熟练的将定语从句运用到生活中。 五五. 教学方法教学方法 情景教学法、任务型教学法、合作学习法、自主学习法。 六六. 教学用具教学用具 多媒体、黑板 七七. 教学教学过过程程 1. Watch a short video. 设计意图:教师利用微课的形式讲解定语从句,为了让课堂更加 具有趣味性,培养学生们的自主学习能力。 2.Play a game There are six eggs. Each group can choose one of eggs. Each egg has different points. But if you lose it , other groups will get the chance. 设计意图:为了检测学生们自主学习的效果。 3. Memory The teacher chose some pictures of them that can bring lots of memories. The teacher says them with attributive clauses. Then let students choose some memories to share with each other. 设计意图:通过这个环节的设置,创设真实的场景,教师先做个 引入,然后让学生们说,为后面的写作教学作铺垫。 4. Writing Write a letter about students thoughts、thanks or feelings to a person as they like. At the same time,the group leader will give help. 设计意图:这个环节的设计就是为了让刚才的交流通过写作方式 展示出来 。 5. Saying Tell students two sayings that are attributive clauses. 设计意图:此环节的目的就是对学生们进行情感教育,敢于去尝 试,不怕困苦,才能成功。 6. Homework Do some exercises. 设计意图:让学生对这堂课所学的知识进行巩固。 八、八、教学反思:教学反思: 本节我尝试了一种新的教学模式“翻转课堂”,也就是颠倒课堂 先学后教,学生从被动学习转向主动学习,比传统的课堂多了趣味性 和主动性。但是由于是农村学校的局限性,所以只能把自主观看微课 视频变成在课堂上集体组织观看,时间比较紧凑,后面的活动开展的 有点唐突;再者学生们对这种教学还是比较陌生的,所以整体教学效 果没有预期的好。
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