人教版九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:10333).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 8 It must belong to Carla._Section A 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_部级优课_(编号:10333)
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Section A 3a-3c Learning Goals Skimming A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C.Animals in Our Neighborhood Choose the best title. Scanning Read the passage again and write down the people who heard the noise. Who heard the noise? One woman Writer Helen Victors wife Victors parents Victor and his friends _ _ outside their window It could be _. Victors wife Victor and his friends It must be teenagers _. PeopleWhat they heard/saw What they think The police nothing _ It might be _. Helen noises outsideIt might be _. strange noises an animal having fun strange the wind a dog Strange things are happening. Complete the mind-map and Retell the story. One woman Writer someting _ It may be _.a bear or a wolf running away There must be something _ _ homes in our neighborhood visiting the Group work Find the noise-maker. Share what you saw, heard and thought with your group and then discuss who the noise-maker is. (use must, might, could and cant for making as many inferences as possible ) Sample: A: Recently, our town happened something unusual. I hear strange noises every night. I think the noise-maker might be an animal, because. B: I dont think so. I think it must be the woman, because I saw the woman. C: I have a different idea. I thought it might be. D: . . The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Homework 1) Write down the passage that your group discussed today. 2) Finish the exercise book P72 and P73. Unit8 It must belong to Carla. Section A(3a-3c) 本节课选自人教版教育部 2013 年审定义务教育教科书新目标九 年级上册 Unit8 It must belong to Carla. Section A 部分的第二课时, 是一节阅读课。本节课中,根据课程标准,教材内容和本班学情的 分析,我制定了三个具体的学习目标,并通过欣赏学生自编自导自 演的小节目来导入新课,随后通过 skimming 和 scanning 让学生阅 读文章并且收集信息。而后又通过 complete the mind-map 这一环 节整合文章内容,让学生充分掌握线索,为之后推断谁是 noise- maker 做铺垫。在学生拥有了大量的语言输入后,应及时进行语言 输出,这一活动在“retell the story”环节中得到充分体现,先 会复述文本内容才能进行大胆推测。同时这些线索的积累也给侦探 提供了破案思路。 随后开展小组合作,学生到这个环节后会非常感兴趣,在线索 已经收集齐全后不由自主会去想 noise-maker 到底是谁?原因呢? 这样会引发思考并跟小组成员探讨也听听别人的想法,更进一步推 断。最后,抽取四组较有代表性地分享,充分给予展示空间。而后 侦探做以总结起到了画龙点睛的作用, “真正的恐惧其实是恐惧本身 而已” ,依然有小孩愿意分享说我们其实是恐惧那些我们无法预见的 东西。也正好是我本节课的情感升华部分。 作业的布置是将课堂所学的延续运用,能很好地巩固本节课对 于知识和技能的掌握及目标的达成。 针对本节课的教学,我认为我对于教学步骤各个环节的衔接能 做到自然过渡,且整进整出,学生学习状态良好,积极性高。但同 时也发现有我在今后教学中有待积极改进的地方,如层次分明、条 理清晰和需要完善的板书,比如说黑板上有明显区分学生展示的部 分,再如说学生进行完输出后,如何检测哪一小部分同学还没有听 懂或者如何调动他们的积极性? 课题 Unit8 It must belong to Carla. 设置学习目设置学习目 标的依据标的依据 1.1. 课程标准相关内容及解读:课程标准五级要求课程标准相关内容及解读:课程标准五级要求 (1)读:能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。 能理解段落中个句子之间的逻辑关系。 能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和 可能的结局。 能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。 能利用词典等工具书进行阅读。 (2)写:能独立起草短文、短信等,并在老师的指导下进行修改。 能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。 能简单描述人物和事件。 能根据图示或表格写出简单的段落和操作说明。 2.2. 教材分析:教材分析: 本节课选自九年级英语课本新目标 2013 版 Unit8 Section A,是一节阅读, 主要围绕“制造噪音的人是谁”这一话题展开,深入探讨了如何使用情 态动词表达推测。该话题非常有意思,学生兴趣浓厚积极性高。在平时 的学习中,学生已经接触过情态动词表示推测的用法,学起来难度不大。 3.3. 学情分析学情分析: 通过前期七八年级的英语学习,九年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语读写 能力,词汇量较大;且学生已经接触过与本单元话题“做出推测”相关的 知识,平时的学习中也接触过情态动词,相信只要前面的输入和铺垫做的 扎实,在教师的指导下学起来难度不太大,更重要的是要有新的生成,因 此只要输入和铺垫做得扎实,学生处理各项任务的难度会一点点地解开。 Learning goals 本单元学习目标:本单元学习目标: After class, you are expected to: 1. Read and write the new words and expressions like happening, noise, uneasy and so on fluently and correctly by reading and writing. 2. Get the main and detailed information of the reading materials correctly through different reading tasks. 3. Tell the usage of modal verbs and use these words in our life correctly by practicing. 4. Write a short passage by using must, might, could and cant for making inferences. 本节课学习目标:本节课学习目标: After class, you are expected to: 1. Get the main idea through skimming and scanning. 2. Retell the story according to the mind map. 3. Write a short passage by using must, might, could and cant for making inferences. Important and difficult points 1. Students are able to get the key information by doing tasks. 2. Students are able to write a short passage about the noise-maker by using must, might, could and cant for making inferences through group work. 教学步骤 学习环节学习任务设计意图 Step1. Lead-in 1. Show the learning objectives of this class and ask students to read together. 2. Ask students to watch a show. 1. 让学生理解本节课学习目标, 便于更好抓住学习任务的重点。 2. 观看表演,自然导入本节课话 题并且贯穿侦探这一条主线。 Step2. Skimming Let students read the article and decide which might be the best title. 通过略读文段选出最好的标题。 Step3. Scanning Read the passage again and write down the people who heard the noise. 通过再次阅读文段说出谁听到了 奇怪的声音并且猜测会是什么。 Step4. Retell 1.Complete the mind-map. 2.Retell the story. 1. 通过对文章内容的整合完成思 维导图。 2. 对故事线索进行简化,便于学 生提取有效信息且复述文段。 3.这些线索的积累同时为了给侦 探破案提供思路。 Step5. Group work Find the noise-maker. Share what you saw, heard and thought with your group and then discuss who the noise-maker is. (use must, might, could and cant for making as many inferences as possible ) 1.学生到这个环节之后就会非常 感兴趣,在线索已经收集齐全后 不由自主会去想 noise-maker 到 底是谁?为什么? 2.跟小组成员讨论听听别人的想 法,更进一步分析案情。 3.侦探各个小组巡视收集信息。 Step6. Summary 1.A summary by the detective. 2.Express your own opinions after hearing what the detective said. 1.侦探总结并给出个人看法。 (我 们真正害怕的其实是恐惧本身) 2.学生分享个人观点,我们的恐 惧其实是来自于对未来未知的恐 惧。 Step7. Homework 1.Finish the exercise book P72 and P73. (For level A & B students) 2. Write down the passage that your group discussed today. (For level A students only ) 写作是相对综合性的作业,是另 一种输出的形式,通过书面表达 来检测学生表达能力和思维能力 的运用,能有效巩固本节课所学。
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