人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:c54c1).doc

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人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:c54c1).doc_第1页
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人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:c54c1).doc_第2页
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人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:c54c1).doc_第3页
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1、人教版九年级Unit7 3a-3c Mom knows the best 教学设计 Teaching objectives: 1. Be able to read and understand a little poem 2. Be able to find the application of modal verbs in this poem and the passive voice of the sentence. Teaching Focus: To understand the passive voice of the modal verbs and to express wheth

2、er or not allow to do Teaching aids: Multi-Media Blackboard Teaching procedures: Step1 lead in T: Good morning boys and girls! Today in our lesson, there are two key words: poem and mom. So do you love your mom? Ss: Yes.(show their opinions) T: So if you and your parents have different opinions , ho

3、w do you deal with that? Ss: keep silent/ talk back/ have a discussion. (show their opinions) Step2 Watch and learn (Part1) T: You are so great, now look at the screen and lets watch a video, (Play the video) T: This cartoons name is “Brave Legend”, long long ago, in an ancient kingdom, there lived

4、a king, a queen and their daughter “Merida”, the Queen love the little princess very much , what a happy family! (视频播放时,老师做旁白介绍,视频播放完毕,出标本课标题Mom knows the best, 展示诗文第一段 Part1,视频很好地结合了诗文的第一部分,因此,在开篇运用多媒体的意 图是引导学生很快进入情境,让学生们感受到诗人有一个美好的童年) T:Language Points : 1、by sb.s side(在某人身旁) 2、 and warm arms to s

5、leep in (动词不定式修饰前面的名词) 3、 give sb a hug(给某人拥抱) 4、lift 与 raise 的区别 Ss: Answer the questions and make sentences. (此处讲解都是用多媒体 PPT,直观高效地提炼重点及难点,让学生仿照例句造句,可以进 行多次操练) Setp3 Watch and say (Part2) T: Lets see what happened next, when the little princess grew up, she often quarreled with her mom, because the

6、 queen wanted Merida to be a good lady and made her marry someone she didnt love, but Merida wanted to be free and she didnt want to marry anyone, so they fought! (Play the video) (此处视频播放,正好配合诗文第二部分,随着诗人慢慢长大,青春期的叛逆和母亲之间的 争吵,学生能感受到那种想独立又叛逆的表现就像自己的真实写照,学生再一次进入情境, 此时出 PPT,诗文第二部分 Part2) T:Language Point

7、s: 1、talk back回嘴、顶嘴 2、awful dreams噩梦 T: I want to invite two students , one read the poem and the other translate it into Chinese, who want to try ? Ss: Read and translate . (师出示 PPT,呈现诗文短语释义,帮助学生完整、准确地理解诗文的含义) Step4 Watch and think(Part3) T: After that argument, Marida rushed out of the palace and

8、met a witch, she was so angry that she got a spell from the witch and did it on her mother, she hoped that the spell can change her mothers mind , but unexpectedly her mother was turned into a bear! After many hardships, Mdrida regretted doing it and she knew that she did the wrong things, she just

9、wanted her mom back! (Play the video) (此处视频播放,适配诗文的第三段内容,诗人长大成家后,渐渐理解了母亲的爱,他后悔 当初不听母亲的话,后悔作出种种伤害母亲也对自己不利的行为,正如电影中的 Merida 一 样,当发现母亲为了她可以牺牲自己的性命时,她才幡然醒悟!引导学生思考,自己和父母 的关系,应该走向何方?) T:Language points 1、Now Im an adult, thinking back to those times. times 指“时光,岁月,时代”,有时也会用 days 表达类似含义。 2、stay out不回家,避开 S

10、s: Read the poem and think back Step5 Group work T: Four students are a group, now please find out the passive voice of the modal verbs in the poem as quickly as you can, go! Ss: Answer the questions. T: ok , lets watch the end of the film (Play the video) Finally the spell was gone, the queen was b

11、ack , Merida and her mom lived happily ever after. Do you know why they can make up in the end? Ss: Yes, because of the love. (此处播放多媒体,剧情达到高潮,配合诗文的主题,母爱的伟大凸显而出,学生受到情感 共鸣,对诗歌加深了理解) Step6 homework T: So can you write a English poem about your mom? Here I wrote a poem about my mom and let me show you (

12、出示 PPT) PPT 内容:If There Is A Afterlife(如果有来生) If There Is A Afterlife,mom, (如果有来生,妈妈呀) I want you to be my daughter,( 我想让你来做我的女儿) Ill love you the way you love me ,(我会像你爱我一样地来爱你) Never leave you alone,(永远不会让你孤单) Never yell at you,(永远不会对你大喊) Never let you down,(永远不会对你失望) No matter what dreams you hav

13、e,(无论你有怎样的梦想) Ill be there with you to make it come true.(我都会和你一起将它实现) (此处应用多媒体意图,师示范写诗,引导学生完成作业) Ss: I can try. T:After school, I want you to say something to your mom, such as“Ilove you ,mom” . 本堂课中, 我运用了大量的视频和 PPT 穿插教学, 利用视频的几个片段很好地切合了诗文 的段落主题,给学生营造了出了浓浓的母爱的氛围,让学生陶冶在英文诗歌的美感中,并且 对情态动词的被动语态的用法有了更好的理解。


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