人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-(编号:5315a).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands._Section A 1a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案)_省级优课_(编号:5315a)
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Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands. “应该” Section A Period 1(1a-1c) Our school rules T:When you are at school, what should you do? S:When we are at school , we should do S:When we are at school, we should not do supposed 与 think 的含义相同, “认为,以为” . be supposed 表示 “被期望或要求应该” . be supposed + to do sth. 动词不定式 eg. You are supposed to arrive on time. Brazil Korea Japan the United States Mexico What country is it ? Different countries have different customs. What do people do when they meet for the first time? shake handskissbow Match the countries with the customs. Countries Customs 1. Brazil 2. the United States 3. Japan 4. Mexico 5. Korea a. bow b. Shake hands c. kiss c b a b a Different countries have different customs. Listen and check your answers in 1a. countriescustoms 1._ Brazil 2._ the United States 3._ Japan 4._ Mexico 5._ Korea a. bow b. Shake hands c. kiss c b a b a 1b What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time? Listen again and fill in the blanks. A1: What are people_ to do when they meet _ the first time? B1: Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first time? A1: Yeah. B1: Well, in_, we_. A1: What about in_, Celia? A2: In Brazil people sometimes _. A1: How about in _, Yoshi? A3: We _. B2: And in _we also _. A1: Well, I guess in most _we shake hands. supposed for Brazil kiss Mexicoshake hands Japan bow Korea bow Western countries kiss They are supposed to In Brazil, what do people do when they meet for the first time? shake hands They are supposed to In Mexico, what do people do when they meet for the first time? In Korea, what do people do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to . bow In Japan, what do people do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to In the United States, what do people do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to Make conversations about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. Talk about the countries in 1a or other countries. 1c A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: Theyre supposed to bow. How about in the United States? A: In the United States, theyre expected to shake hands. “ 应该/被期望” = should/ are supposed to Choose the countries to talk about: A: What are people supposed to do in _ when they meet for the first time? B: Theyre supposed to _. 123 456 Choose the countries to talk about Korea Brazil Mexico In China, what are we supposed to do in these following situations? 1. at the bus stop say, “Good morning.” 2. at the meeting 3. phoning someone 4. visiting someones place call first, and knock at the door be silent say, “Hello, this is.” 一、主要短语和单词 1、握手_ 2、习俗_ 3、鞠躬_ 4、亲吻_ 5、第一次_ 二、国家的名称 1、巴西_ 2、美国_ 3、日本_4、韩国_5、墨西哥_ 三、主要句型 应该 _ 不应该_ Conclusion shake hands custom bow kissthe first time Brazil Americathe USA JapanKoreaMexico be supposed to be not supposed to Homework 1. Practice conversations about what people in different countries are supposed to do when they meet for the first time. 2. Collect four customs we talked just now. 1 教学和能力目标:教学和能力目标: 1. 掌握单词,短语 custom, bow, kiss,shake hands, for the first time。 2. be supposed to 句型的用法。 3. 认识中西方人们见面礼仪的差别,培养学生跨文化交际意识。 教学重点教学重点: 1.学习词汇:custom, bow, kiss,shake hands, for the first time 2.学习句型: What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to shake hands. They are expected to bow. 教学难点教学难点:能正确运用 be supposed to do sth. be not supposed to do sth. be expected to do sth. 教学过程教学过程: 一一. .Greeting(问候)(问候) 二二. . Lead-in(导入)(导入) 1. Talk about school rules. T: When you are in school, what should you do? S: When we are at school , we should do S: When we are at school, we should not do T: We can say in another way, we are supposed to do ,we are not supposed to do (以旧知识导入,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与度,自然导入目标语言。 ) 三三. .Presentation(呈现新知)(呈现新知) 1. Show pictures, ask and answer according to the pictures.(用图 片来学习和复习国家词汇。) Look at the pictures 1. T: What country is it? Ss: It is.(China, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Korea , the United 2 States) 2. T: Different countries have different customs.(在此学新单词 custom,并引出礼仪词汇 bow, shake hands, and kiss) T: What do people do when they meet for the first time? Ss: They are supposed to 四Go into textbook.(进入课本)(进入课本) 1a. What do people do when they meet for the first time? Match the countries with the customs. 1b. Listening 1. Listen and check your answers in 1a. 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks. A1: What are people_ to do when they meet _ the first time? B1: Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first time? A1: Yeah. B1: Well, in_, we_. A1: What about in_, Celia? A2: In Brazil people sometimes _. A1: How about in _, Yoshi? A3: We _. B2: And in _we also _. A1: Well, I guess in most _we shake hands. 1c. Make conversations about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. Talk about the countries in 1a or other countries. 1. Practice conversation, in groups. 2. Practice conversations in pairs. (Choose the countries to talk about ) 本环节以游戏形式进行,当音乐响起时大家互传玩偶, 音乐结束时,拿到玩偶的学生得找另一位同伴做对话。 五 Expansion(延伸拓展延伸拓展) 3 In China, what are we supposed to do in these following situations? 1. greeting teachers 2. at the meeting 3. phoning someone 4. visiting someones place 六Conclusion (总结)(总结) 一、主要短语和单词 1、握手_ 2、习俗_ 3、鞠躬_ 4、亲吻_ 5、第一次_ 二、国家的名称 1、巴西_ 2、美国_ 3、日本_4、韩国_5、墨西哥_ 三、主要句型 应该 _ 不应该_ T: Different countries have different customs. When in Rome, do as Romans do.(谚语) 七七Homework 1. Collect five customs we talked just now. 2. Practice conversations about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. 八八Blackboard design 板书:板书: Unit10Unit10 YouYou areare supposedsupposed toto shakeshake hands.hands. SectionSection A A (1a-1c)(1a-1c) Mexico Brazil Custom be supposed to do sth. Bow be not supposed to do sth. be expected to do sth. kiss shake hands for the first time 4 本课 1a-1c 为本单元的导入部分,内容主要围绕“文化礼仪”这 一话题展开,谈论不同国家在初次见面时的礼仪文化习俗,涉及的国 家有 the United States,Japan, Korea, Switzerland, Brazil, Mexico 等,表达行为举止的动词有 kiss, bow, shake hands.本部分的重点句 型:What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to kiss. 整堂课设计重难点突出,层次分明,活动多样化并有效,获得了各位同仁的 好评,对此我做如下反思: 优点:优点: (1)从课堂的整体反映来看,学生对于关键句型“be supposed to” “be expected to”掌握较好,能正确运用所学单词进行口头对话练习,知识与 能力目标完成较好。 (2) 教学环节完整,教学过程循序渐进,由词汇过度到句型再到口头表达, 环节之间联系紧密,也比较流畅。 (3)练习充分,课堂互动多,特别是(Choose the countries to talk about ) 本环节以游戏形式进行,当音乐响起时大家互传玩偶,音乐结束时, 拿到玩偶的学生得找另一位同伴做对话。此活动将整堂课推向高潮,学生能在快 乐的玩中学到知识。 存在的不足和改进措施存在的不足和改进措施 : (1)导入部分不够吸引学生,紧凑不够,有待改进。, (2)我的各别语音和语调有待改进。 5 通过本节课,我深有感触,教学永远是一门无止境的艺术,无论怎样构思教 学,总有需要我们进一步改进的地方,因此,备好课绝不是一句空话,它需要我 们充分了解教材,了解学生,需要我们踏踏实实地考虑好每一环节,这样每一节 课才会是高效率的。 最后感谢各位同仁特别是老教师对我工作的关心与支持,因为有你们才有我 今天的进步。
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