人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-(编号:012f8).zip

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Welcome Welcome to Ms. Fus to Ms. Fus classclass Unit 12 Unit 12 Section A 3a-3cSection A 3a-3c Life is full of the unexpected.Life is full of the unexpected. Life is full of _ Unexpected Une xpected Unexpected Unexpected Life is full of the unexpected the unexpected things the + 形容词 - 类 指 Fast ReadingFast Reading Which two events does the writer mention? 911 and New Zealand earthquake. TimeEvent May 2001 September 11,2001 Careful Careful ReadingP1ReadingP1 Finding a job 911 attacks PlaceThe reason I was there My building Coffee house Outside the coffee house I was there to work. I went my favorite coffee place to get a coffee. I heard a loud sound when I was waiting in line and then I saw the burning building. Before I could join the others outside to see what was going on, the first plane had already hit my office building. I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first. We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building. Game: Snap ShotCareful Careful ReadingP2ReadingP2 EventFeeling Woke up and realized alarm didnt go off Jumped out of bed and went straight to the airport The plane had taken off Heard about the earthquake Unexpected, angry worried, nervous upset, sad, unlucky shocked, unexpected, lucky Is there anything in common between the two things? What do you learn from the writers experience? Whats your favorite sentence in this passage ?How do you feel when you read it? bad luck unexpectedly turned into a good thing. Can good luck turn into a bad thing? Life is full of the unexpected, so dont complain, dont explain, just maintain Write two or three sentences about how you feel after learning the passage. HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework 教学设计教学设计人教版英语九年级人教版英语九年级 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A 3a 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本堂课的内容为九年级 Unit 12 Section A 3a,话题为“Life is full of the unexpected”(生活充满了难以预料的事)。 通过作者经历的两件难以预料的事情(911 幸免于难与因错过飞机躲过新西兰地震)以及作者最后的感受(I felt very luck and my bad luck unexpected turned into good one). 二、教学目标二、教学目标 英语课程标准要求课堂教学要实现三维目标,即知识与能力目标,过程与方法目标,情感、态度与价值观目 标。 1.知识与技能目标 (1)学会如下单词和词组:unexpected, stare, disbelief, be about to。 (2)巩固过去完成时的用法:the Past Perfect Tense (3)阅读过程中了解叙述一件事情的四要素:4W(when, where, who ,what happened) 。 2.过程与方法目标: (1)通过创设情境和肢体语言让学生在语境当中理解目标词汇的意思。 (2)通过幻灯片中对文本一些关键句的重点呈现以及老师联系实际生活的解释,让学生掌握如何就文本话题进行 写作。 (3)通过小组合作的方式完成关于文本话题的写作。 3.情感态度目标 (1)激发学生对于文本话题想表达的欲望。 (2)培养学生小组协作以及思辨的能力。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 1.教学重点 (1)阅读策略的渗透从而帮助学生更好地理解文本。 (2)关于“Unexpected life”这个话题的写作框架的搭建。 2.教学难点 (1)过去完成时的巩固。 (2)启发学生思考自身与课本话题类似的事情,并对生活不可预料性的深层理解。 四、四、教学过程教学过程 1.Pre-reading (1) watch a video 播放视频时教师对视频开始,中间,结局分别进行提问:“”Where are they?”, “What are they doing?”, “How do you feel now?”, “Can you guess what will happen next?”。从而让学生表达出类似于”unexpected”的词。 【设计意图】 视频集趣味性与功能性于一体,它能够在感官上刺激学生从而吸引他们的注意。 (2)free talk 播放幻灯片里几个不同身份的人物图片并提问:What thing could happen then he/she feels unexpected? 【设计意图】 通过情景创设,让孩子们充分发挥想象力,他们的回答也是对本科标题“Life is full of the unexpected”的再次强化。 (3)Prediction 教师带领学生看文章中的图片,要求学生通过观察图片预测发生了什么事情。 【设计意图】 通过图片和标题对文章内容进行预测是很重要的阅读策略之一。这个环节能很好地锻炼学生的观察能力和逻辑思 维的缜密性。 2.While reading (1) Fast reading 快读环节中,要求学生找出文中提到的两个大事件,即 911 和新西兰地震。老师可以对事件的背景作简短的说 明。 【设计意图】 对文本的阅读应当从快读开始,因为它可以让学生在较短的时间里了解文章的大意和主题思想,并对文章的结构 有个总的概念 (2) Careful reading 细读时主要是对描述一个事件四要素的掌握,但对每一个段落的侧重点都不同。第一段要求学生找出特定时间主 人公的行为和主人公之所以出现在特定地点的原因;第二段侧重于对主人公在发生了一些难以预料的事情之后感 受的变化,并强调学生通过联系上下文对文本进行解读。 【设计意图】细读是阅读课最重要的环节。教师通过渗透相应的阅读技巧,对疑难点的答疑解惑,帮助并引导学生 对文本进行理解。 3.Post-reading 这个环节属于输出部分,把写作作为之前阅读部分的延续合情合理。通过总结阅读文本的结构框架,给出详实的 写作要求,从而指导学生进行相关话题的写作。 写作任务:题目:An unexpected thing 要求:a. 6 sentences at least b. begin with”Life is full of the unexpected.” C. use the past perfect tense d. 4w: when, where, who, what happened e. end with how you feel and what you learn 【设计意图】写作环节是对前面阅读环节的检测与巩固。前面所讲的阅读策略、写作手法全部都应当在学生的作 文当中得到很好的呈现。 4.Homework Write two or three sentences about how you feel after learning the passage. 【设计意图】这篇阅读的话题是生活的不可预测性,希望通过课堂上阅读作者的经历,写一件自己的经历,作业再 写出自己的感悟让学生充分明白这个道理。 Teaching Aims: (1) Students are able to use the past perfect tense to describe an event. (2) Students are able to understand life is full of the unexpected and then write an unexpected thing about their own. Teaching difficulties: (1) The thinking of why life is full of the unexpected (2) The teaching of the past perfect tense Teaching Procedures: I. Pre-task 1. The teacher asks the students about how they feel by presenting a small video clip. 2. The teacher asks the students to guess what would happen then different people feel unexpected. 3. The teacher shows the picture in the passage and asks the students to predict what happened II. While-task 1. Fast reading. Let the students find out the two events which the writer mentions in the passage. Then the teacher asks students to find more information about the two events. 2. Careful reading For Paragraph One, focus on where the writer were and why he was there while the 911 attack happens. Then explain 3 sentences which may difficult for students to understand, especially how to use the past perfect tense. For Paragraph Two, focus on how the writer felt when some things unexpected happened. 3. The teacher repeats the two unexpected things the writer experienced and asks students to find out how the writer ended up and how he felt. III. Post-task According to what they learn, students are told to write an unexpected thing in their own life with at least six sentences and some other specific requirements. IV. Homework: Think about what we feel about life after we read this passage. 附: 板书设计 Title Words: unexpected Sentence Patterns: be about towhen The Past Perfect Tense Group activity: G1 G2 G3 G4
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