人教版九年级Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!-Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-公开课-(编号:c3687).zip

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    • unit 2 Section B Reading.pptx--点击预览
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Unit 2 Unit 2 I think thI think thatat mooncakes mooncakes are deliciousare delicious Section B (2a-2e) ReadingSection B (2a-2e) Reading The The S Spirit of Christmaspirit of Christmas Free talkFree talkFree talkFree talk What do you know about Christmas? Pre-reading What common things can you think of for Christmas? symbols activities date stocking Santa Claus card stories 24 24 24 24 Christmas Eve Christmas Day A Christmas Carol Prediction The Spirit of Christmas What does the passage talk about? It talks about the spirit of Christmas. true meaningghost While-reading paragraph1 paragraph2 paragraph3 paragraph4 c. The true meaning of Christmas d. A Christmas Carol is a famous novel. b.Three ghosts visit Scrooge. a.Scrooge changes his life. 快读 Skimming match the main idea with each paragraph What is the true meaning of Christmas ? The true meaning of Christmas is the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. Tips: pay attention to the key words and phrases Para. 1 Charles Dickens Novel Characters: Scrooge Jacob Marley three ghosts A Christmas Carol Kind : Writer: mean dead business partner Scrooge/ scrooge( 吝啬鬼) has been a common word in todays dictionary. Read para.2 and finish the card. Does Scrooge have many friends? Why (not)? No How do you know? Para 2Careful reading Reading Strategy 推断 Inferring This means you have to “read between the lines” to get the meanings that are not clearly stated in a text. 从文章的字里行间思考和推断作者所透露出的信息和意图。 推断 Inferring Why was Jacob Marley punished after he died? Jacob Marley Because he used to be like Scrooge. He didnt treat others nicely and he just cared about money Does Jacob Marley want to help Scrooge? How do you know? Yes Because he warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up like him. Careful reading 查读 Scanning Para 3 Reading Strategy What does Scrooge see when hes with the Ghost of Christmas Past the Ghost of Christmas Present the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come He sees He sees He sees his happier days as a child how others are spending Christmas this year. that he is dead , but nobody cares. Para 4 What does Scrooge do after seeing the three spirits? Why can the three spirits/ ghosts change Scrooge? Culture Background Careful reading Because Spirits/ ghosts have great strength in the western literature works(西方文学作品) . Christians(基督徒) believe people have future lives after death(人死后有来生). They all want to go to heaven(进天堂) after death, rather than drop into hell(下地狱) because of the crimes they commit before(前世所犯的罪). He decides to change his lifeand promises to be a better person. He happily celebrates Christmas with his relatives. He also gives gifts to people in need. He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, sharing and giving love and joy to people around him. And that is the true spirit of Christmas! And that is the true spirit of Christmas! the spirit of festivals reunion (团聚) sharing(分享) giving (赠予 ) Post-reading The spirit of life We should learn to help others , treat others with kindness ,give and spread love and joy everywhere we go. Mind Map Changing the information you read into a mind map may help you remember it more easily The spirit of Christmas A Christmas Carol Scrooge before Marley and three ghosts s visit Scrooge after RetellRetellRetellRetell Change the story of Scrooge into textbook drama by using your own words then perform it in front of the class. textbook drama My favorite festival Date Symbols Activities Spirit Stories Homework You must: Write an email to your pen pal to tell him/ her your favorite Chinese festival If you can: Watch the movie A Christmas Carol 2017-05-04 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Section B Reading( 2a- 2d) 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 教学内容教学内容英语 (人教版)九年级全一册 Unit 2 Section B Reading 教学对象教学对象 九年级学生具有一定英语基础,词汇相对丰富,语言表达能力较强,但是 对于长阅读语篇的理解和解决问题的方式与能力有待于进一步的加强与提 升。 语词语词 在阅读中初步感知和理解以下语词的词义 Christmas lie novel eve dead business punish warn end up present warmth spread A Christmas Carol Santa Claus Charles Dickens Scrooge Jacob Marley 结构结构本单元主要谈论圣诞精神,并能谈论其他节日 教学项目教学项目 语篇课文语篇课文 见教材英语 (人教版)九年级 Unit 2 Section B Reading 教学方法教学方法 1. 任务型阅读教学 2. 启发式教学 3. 情境教学 语言能力语言能力 所有学生能够听懂,会读,理解本课词汇、句子,及文章 大意;绝大部分学生能够理解本节课的重要阅读策略即推 断“字里行间”的含义。部分学生可以掌握阅读技能并用 于写作。 文化品格文化品格 大部分学生能了解文本的过程中感悟圣诞的真谛,向周围 的人分享、给予爱和快乐。 一半的学生能了解小说圣诞欢歌的文化背景;部分学生能 通过圣诞节的真正含义对比中国传统节日思考中西文化的 异同点,并且学会透过中西节日的现象理解节日内涵。 思维品质思维品质 绝大部分学生能自主思考老师的问题;一部分学生能积极 主动回答并表述自己的想法。 教学目标教学目标 学习能力学习能力 绝大部分学生能理解一些阅读策略及情感,一半学生可以 运用新的阅读技巧阅读其他文章并用于写作。 教学重点教学重点 1. 阅读策略推导“字里行间”的含义,学生对于语篇内涵的感悟,及学 习后的情感引导。 二、课堂教学过程二、课堂教学过程 教学流程教学流程 教学步骤教学步骤 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 教学目的教学目的 Lead-inLead-in Play a video Jingle bells Ask what we will learn today? Watch the video and think about the question 生动的视频能够激起学生 兴趣,也很容易猜出关键 词 Christmas Pre-readingPre-reading What do you know about Christmas? Ask Ss to brainstorm And tell Ss we will learn more than Christmas Free talk and brainstorm 通过活动学生能够熟悉圣 诞节的基本信息,为读中 阶段做充分准备同时进一 步激发学生兴趣,为引入 语篇及后来第一段的问题 埋下伏笔。 。 FastFast readingreading Ask the students to read aloud and quickly to match the main idea with each paragraph. Skim the passage and find out the main idea of the text and match the main idea with each paragraph. 快速阅读课文,利用之前 已经掌握的阅读技巧,快 速找出文章及段落大意, 对文章结构有初步认识和 了解。 WhileWhile readingreading Careful-Careful- readingreading Ask the students to read paragraph by paragraph, to get the details by asking some questions and finishing some tasks. By asking some questions, lead Ss to find the answers by reading between the lines . That is the reading skill- inferring. Play a video about Scroog s change What is the spirit of other festival, such as the Spring festival What is the spirit of life Read one paragraph by one paragraph to get the details by finishing the tasks Students use reading skill to find the answer and Practice inferring skill by answering More questions Watch the video about Schooges change and understand the spirit of Christmas Compare the spirit of festival. Learn to spread love in life 学生带着问题细读课文, 并能通过提示快速找到问 题答案;不同难度的问题 能够面向不同层次的学生, 而问题形式的多样性也能 使学生保持兴趣;同时在 问题中插入单词、词组的 讲解,学生更易接受。 学生通过回答问题自己总 结归纳本节课重点阅读技 巧并学会在阅读中运用。 引导学生对比中西方节日 的异同点,感悟节日真滴。 启迪学生在生活中应当学 会爱,传播爱。 RetellRetell Post-Post- readingreading TextbookTextbook dramadrama Use a mind map to help Ss retell the passage and guide the Ss to conclude the reading strategy. Ss are encouraged to change the passage into textbook drama and act it out next class. Ask one group who prepare before class to perform as an example. Retell the passage with the help of the mind map. conclude the reading strategy- inferring Students watch the performance and know what to do next class. 通过思维导图帮助学生复 述课文,完成知识的输出; 通过改写课本剧,学生能 够在透彻理解语篇的同时 提高综合素质,在运用中 学英语,在实践中感悟圣 诞真谛。 Summary &Homework&Homework You must: Write an email to your pen pal to tell him/ her your favorite Chinese festival If you can: Watch the movie A Christmas Carol Sum up and remember homework. 根据自身实际选择并完成 家庭作业。 通过电影的观 看学生更直观具象地体会 整个故事的发展,对圣诞 节的真谛有更深刻的感悟。 IIILayout of the blackboard 推断推断 InferringInferring
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