人教版九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.-Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:f003b).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark._Section B 1a—1e_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:f003b)
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Task 1 Write down other things you used to like when you were are a child? Then discuss them with your partner. Did you use to _? Yes, I did. I used to like _./ No, I didnt. I didnt use to like _. Task 2 Listen once more and try to answer the questions. 1. Did the girl use to like test when she was six? 2. What does the boy think of the tests in primary school? 3. Did they use to wear school uniform when they were in primary? 4. What did the boy think of the school uniform in primary school? 5. What did the boy use to hate in primary school? Task 3 Try to say them in English 翻翻译译 1、我以前不喜欢考试,但现在我不担心考试。 2、我们过去穿校服去学校,但现在我们想穿什么穿什么。 3、我们以前每天放学后玩,但现在我们只能一直学习。 4、我过去讨厌体育课,但我现在喜欢体育。 Homework: Think about some changes in your life and write them down at least five sentences. Try to use the phrases used to . but now. Tape scripts: Girl: My six-year-old bother started school this week. Boy: Oh, thats good. Life was great when I was six. Girl: Really? Why? Boy: Oh, school was really easy. Girl: Not for me. I didnt use to like tests. Now I dont worry about tests, but I really used to be very nervous about them. Boy: But the tests in primary school were easy! Girl: Well, yes, they werent too difficult. But I guess I wasnt used to them yet. I think I still like high school more than primary. Boy: But we used to play every day after school. Now we just study all the time. Girl: Yeah, but we used to have to wear the school uniform. Now we can wear whatever we like. Boy: I dont mind wearing a school uniform. I dont like thinking about what to wear every day. I do remember one bad thin about primary school though. I used to hate P.E. class. Now I love it. Girl: Oh, me, too! Section B Period One Go For It-Grade 9 To learn to use the phrase used to + verb to write and speak about what you used to like. To learn the new words: ant、 insect. Zhan Zijian used to like skating. Luo Wenye used to like swimming. Xiang Bangzu used to like playing the violin. Gong Yuhan used to like playing with guns. Luo Jiayi used to like dancing. Hu Jiahui used to like smiling. Happy ChildhoodHappy ChildhoodHappy ChildhoodHappy Childhood My mother / My father / My parents used to . I used to when I was a child. PPT模板: PPT 素材: PPT背景: PPT 图表: PPT下载: PPT 教程: 资料下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: PPT课件: 语文课件: 数学课件: 英语课件: 美术课件: 科学课件: 物理课件: 化学课件: 生物课件: 地理课件: 历史课件: Check () the things you used to like when you were a child. _music class _P.E. class _painting pictures _ants and other insects 1a What other things did you use to like to do when you were a child? A: Do you have a colorful childhood? B: Yes, / No, A: What did you use to like to do? B: I used to like . Write & DiscussWrite & DiscussWrite & DiscussWrite & Discuss A: Did you use to like .? B: Yes, I did, but now I . / No, I didnt. I used to play alone play with toy cars / chat with my parents / read comics watch cartoons 1b 1. _ I didnt use to like tests. 2. _ We used to walk to school. 3. _ I used to hate P.E. class. 4. _ I used to be on the soccer team. Listen and check () the sentences you hear. 1c In the pastNow Girl I didnt use to like _. I dont worry about _. We used to wear _ to school. We can wear _ to school. BoyWe used to _ every day after school. We _ all the time. I used to hate _. I _ P.E. class. Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say about things in the past an now? Fill in the chart. 1d teststests playjust study P.E. class love the school uniformwhatever we like She didnt use to like tests, but now she doesnt worry about tests. VSVS Past Past Now Now VSVS Past Past Now Now He used to play every day after school , but now he just studies all the time. VSVS Past Past Now Now He used to hate P.E. class, but now he loves it. VSVS Past Past Now Now We used to wear the school uniform , but now we can wear whatever we like. A: I used to be nervous about tests all the time. What about you? B: Yes, me too. And I used to Lets see which group Lets see which group does the best.does the best. 1e Compare yourself with your partner. P P P Pairairairair workworkworkwork u used to + verb didnt use to +verb u I used to , but now I . u-Did you use to. ? -Yes, I did. I used to like . /No. I didnt use to like . u What did you use to like when you were a child? I used to like. Everything is changing and we should change towards the good / positive / / bright side. Think about some changes in your life and write them down at least five sentences. Try to use the phrases used to . but now. 1 1. 教材分析 本单元围绕“我们发生了怎样的变化”为话题,谈论“过去经常有的习惯”。话题涉及 谈论过去的性格、外貌、特点及爱好等, 借此学习 used to这一特有的用来表述过去 经历和习惯的语言结构。Section B 部分在 Section A 的话题基础上进行延伸和拓展,由 描述人物性格、外貌变化转向讨论人物行为习惯、爱好的改变,主要围绕“过去的爱好” 而进行,从听、说“过去的学校生活”到对“过去行为”的读、写进行了语言综合性的训练。 1a-1b 进一步拓展丰富了本单元的话题内容,同时为后面听力活动进行预热;1c-1d 第 三次听力输入,在 Section A 的基础上语言难度加大,语言更丰富;1e 要求学生在就所 听内容与同伴交流。 通过本单元的学习,学生需掌握以下综合技能: 1.需理解、掌握和运用描写外貌、性格和爱好的生词和短语;需理解、掌握和运 用 used to 结构。 2.能在听力练习中能够捕捉有关人物生活变化方面的细节信息。 3.运用 used to 描述过去的形象,性格,爱好及童年经历。 4.能够通过新旧对比,学会关注他人的变化和关心他人,领悟人生的转折和把握 命 运的方法。 2. 学情分析 我班学生的英语整体基础较整齐,思维活跃,初三学生,学习积极性和新鲜感不 如初一时候,但对于本单元围绕“我们发生了怎样的变化”为话题,谈论“过去经常有的 习惯”以及过去的性格、外貌、特点及爱好的变化,令他们感兴趣,尤其是利用身边同 学的小时候活动照片与现在爱好作对比,为学生创造了真实的英语学习的环境。通过 我对教材内容进行整合,制作适合教学实际的 PPT 演示给同学,给他们视觉和听觉上 的直观感受,也都能非常积极地参与课堂,便于理解,增加直观性,激发学生学习兴 趣。降低学习难度,突破重难点且提高课堂密度。让学生在“自主、合作、探究”的 氛围中进行讨论与运用,通过“情景教学、看图说话、小组对话以及听力训练”的方 法、经过反复练习的方法,让其达到掌握并运用的目的,促进语言表达能力的提高。 3.教学目标(含重点、难点) 2 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 通过教师自身的情景式导入和与学生互动的问答形式,学习和巩固该话题下的词汇句 型,激发调动学生的求知欲,熟练使用以下词汇、短语和句型: 1)单词: ant, insect 2)短语: hate P.E class , worry about, on the soccer team, be nervous about 3)句型:掌握描述或询问人物过去的行为习惯、爱好的表达方式。 例如:I used to be nervous about tests all the time. I didnt use to have P.E. class. 4)语法:正确使用 used to 结构。 2. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 1)有听前对听力材料内容的预测能力。 2)听中能够扑捉有关描述人物过去的行为习惯、爱好的表达方式的关键词。 3)运用 used to 结构描述或询问人物行为习惯、爱好的变化。 3. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 1)运用得体语言谈论人行为习惯、爱好, 并进行今昔对比。 2)让学生明白事物是在不断变化发展的,学生要用发展的眼光经常进行自我检查,改 进不足,不断完善自我,培养其积极向上的心态,向更好的方面发展。 二、教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能正确使用 used to 结构描述或询问人物过去的行为习惯、爱好特点,并进行今昔对 比。 2.通过听力训练,提高学生综合听说能力。 教学难点:教学难点: used to 的运用。正确使用 used to 结构描述或询问人物过去的行为习惯、爱好特点,并 进行今昔对比。 4.教学过程 Step 1. Greeting and Leading in Greet the class as usual and free talk to lead in the phrase “used to” 3 T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: T: We used to have the English class in our classroom, but now, you see, we are here in the brand-new recording room, are you excited about it? Ss: Step2. Leading in 1. Show six photos and get students to identify who they are and talk about how they have changed using “used to” and “ but now”. (6 幅图片都是班上学生自己小时候的照片,快速 辨认抢答) 2. Teacher talks about the childhood and the activities she used to like or dislike very much like this: E.g. T: From these photos, we know everyone changes. When we grow up, we always miss the happy time in our childhood, right? I had a sweet and memorable childhood, my parents used to play with me after work. I used to play lots of games with my friends after school. Look, these are the games I used to play when I was a child. Did you use to play them? Ss: . 3. Students talk about their childhood and the activities they used to like or dislike. (展示小 时候玩耍活动的图片) 设计意图:通过对学生小时候照片的逐一辨认,可以更加直观快速进行今昔对比,设计意图:通过对学生小时候照片的逐一辨认,可以更加直观快速进行今昔对比, 真实情景式导入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣真实情景式导入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣,复习复习 used to 句型,句型, 让学生在熟悉轻松的环境中接受新知识让学生在熟悉轻松的环境中接受新知识used to like doing / didnt used to like doing 。 Step3. Pre-listening (1a-1b) Work on 1a 1. Show some pictures and learn the new words like this: T: Did you use to like this when you were a child? S: I used to like (catching) ants/(watching) insects. Teach the new words, Ss read and understand them. 2.Call Ss attention to the pictures in 1a. Try to understand the activities in the pictures. 4 E. g T: what are they doing in Picture 1? S: They are having a music class. 3.Ask Ss to check the things they like to do when they were children. Ss finish 1a. 4.Check the answers by asking different Ss to report his work .Work like this. T: What did you use to like to do when you were a child? S: I used to like painting pictures when I was a child. (两个同学回答) Work on 1b Teacher asks “what other things did you use to like to do when you were a child?”. Ss try to write some sentences in the box above. Write, discuss and share. (分组讨论,两组起立回答) T: You must lead a happy life when you were a child. Could you write more and discuss with your partner? Then share your good childhood. Maybe you need the following example: A: Do you have a colorful childhood? B: Yes, / No, A: What did you use to like to do? B: I used to like . A: Did you use to like .? B: Yes, I did, but now I . / No, I didnt. I used to A: What else did you use to like? B: I used to like 设计意图:通过对学生过去学校活动或童年活动的拓展表达,循序渐进,将重点设计意图:通过对学生过去学校活动或童年活动的拓展表达,循序渐进,将重点 句型巧妙结合在语言任务训练中,听前强化了语言目标的学习。通过小组对话询问再句型巧妙结合在语言任务训练中,听前强化了语言目标的学习。通过小组对话询问再 讨论,加深了对这些句子的学习,引导学生归纳比较,为下一步的听力打好基础,同讨论,加深了对这些句子的学习,引导学生归纳比较,为下一步的听力打好基础,同 时为听前扫清词汇障碍,为后续听力活动中谈论过去的学校生活做准备。时为听前扫清词汇障碍,为后续听力活动中谈论过去的学校生活做准备。 Step4. While-listening (1c-1d) Work on 1c 1.Tell Ss to read the sentences in 1c and try to understand the meaning of them. 2. Play the recording for the Ss. They just listen for the first time, Then check the answers in 1c. 3. Ask two questions about it: What does the girl think of the tests now? Did the boy 5 love P.E. class when he was in primary school? Work on 1d 1. Play the recording again for more details, Listen carefully and fill in the chart. (4 个同 学朗读句子核对答案) 2. Ask two questions about it: What does the boy think of the school uniform in primary school? Did they use to wear school uniforms when they were in primary school? 设计意图:设计意图: 能逐步掌握利用听中聚焦关键信息和关注细节的策略,给予学生有效能逐步掌握利用听中聚焦关键信息和关注细节的策略,给予学生有效 的听力学法指导,训练学生的听选信息的能力,再让学生跟读,培养语流和语调,完的听力学法指导,训练学生的听选信息的能力,再让学生跟读,培养语流和语调,完 成听力任务,达到语言输入的目的。成听力任务,达到语言输入的目的。 Step 5. Game time (Review & Extension) Teacher: There are four doors you can choose, the contents behind each door are related to the listening script and what we learned today. Try to speak them out once you open the door. 设计意图:设计意图:“开门大吉开门大吉”游戏复习听力内容及关键句型,同时训练学生即兴表达游戏复习听力内容及关键句型,同时训练学生即兴表达 能力和语言运用能力。通过句子、图片,让学生比较、归纳、复习能力和语言运用能力。通过句子、图片,让学生比较、归纳、复习 used to,也为下一,也为下一 步的写作打好基础。步的写作打好基础。 Step 7. Role-play 1. Read the conversation and try to say these sentences in English. 1). 我以前不喜欢考试,但现在我不担心考试。 2). 我们过去穿校服去学校,但现在我们想穿什么就穿什么。 3). 我们以前每天放学后玩耍,但现在我们只能一直学习。 4)我过去讨厌体育课,但我现在喜欢体育。 2. Compare yourself with your partner. Talk about the changes happened in your life. A: I used to be nervous about tests all the time. What about you? B: Yes, me too. And I used to 设计意图:分组进行对话操练和翻译比赛,锻炼学生的口语表达能力,通过增强设计意图:分组进行对话操练和翻译比赛,锻炼学生的口语表达能力,通过增强 学生观察能力,来谈论彼此更多的今昔对比。学生观察能力,来谈论彼此更多的今昔对比。 Step 8. Summary 1.The new words and expressions : ant, insect 6 2. Target language: What did you use to like ? I used to like ,but now I / I didnt use to like Did you use to like ? WE LEARN: Everything is changing and we should change towards the good / positive / / bright side. Step 9. Homework Think about some changes in your life and write them down at least five sentences. Try to use the phrases used to . but now. (以轻松愉快的歌曲英文版童年结束本节课) 5.板书设计 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. SectionB(1a-1e) used to + verb didnt use to +verb I used to , but now I . -Did you use to. ? -Yes, I did. I used to like . /No. I didnt use to like . What did you use to like when you were a child? I used to like. New Words & phrases: ant, insect, be on a soccer team, have P.E.class 6.教学活动设计(含师生对话设计) 师生对话,引出本单元的内容学习,为完成 1a 做铺垫。 A: Do you have a colorful childhood? B: Yes, / No, A: What did you use to like to do? 7 B: I used to like . A: Did you use to like .? B: Yes, I did, but now I . / No, I didnt. I used to A: What else did you use to like? 生生对话,互相讨论 A: I used to be nervous about tests all the time. What about you? B: Yes, me too. And I used to 7.教学反思 本单元的设计充分发挥了照片、图片和游戏的作用, 大大提高了学生学习英语的兴趣, 让枯燥单调的听录音完成任务变得更加有趣简单。本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活 动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。在语言运用中大量的师生对话,生生互动 讨论交流,让学生轻轻松松地掌握了语言知识、发展了能力,同时也渗透了对学生思 维品格的训练与培养。由于学生提前进行预习,课程进行的比较顺利。学生积极参加 了各环节训练。听中的活动设计遵循语言规律,由易到难逐层递进,充分体现语言输 入到语言输出的完整过程。不足之处是听后的活动设计还不能完全体现对文本内容的 深度挖掘和文本再构, 还可以再加深拓宽些。
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