人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:607d9).zip

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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 1.Learnhowtoaskforinformation politely 2.Talkaboutdirections 3.Learntowriteaguidetoaplace 4.Describeaplaceusingadjectives Whatarethesethings?Saythenames inEnglish. chopsticksbowl Whatarethesethings?Saythenames inEnglish. stamp window Whatarethesethings?Saythenames inEnglish. fork coin Whatarethesethings?Saythenames inEnglish. blouse ring Whatarethesethings?Saythenames inEnglish. gold glass goldbars Whatarethesethings?Saythenames inEnglish. steelsilver Whatarethesethings?Saythenames inEnglish. cotton wood Whatarethesethings?Saythenames inEnglish. silkpaper Whatarethesethingsusuallymade of? Itismadeof /Theyaremadeof Whatarethesethingsusuallymade of? Itismadeof /Theyaremadeof 1aWhatarethesethingsusuallymadeof? Matchthemwiththematerials.Morethan oneanswerispossible. 1.chopsticks 2.window 3.coin 4.stamp 5.fork 6.blouse a.wood b.gold c.silver e.paper f.silk g.glass ThingsMaterials 1bListenandmatchtheproductswithwhat theyaremadeofandwheretheywere made. Things Made of Made in shirtscottonKorea chopstickssilverThailand ringsteelAmerica cottonbag America cottondress Japan chair Korea scarf Thailand 1cPracticetheconversationin1a.Then makeconversationsusingtheinformation in1b. A:Thisringlooksnice.Isitmadeof silver? B:Yes,anditwasmadeinThailand. 2aListenandcheck()themaintopicof NickandMarcusconversation. _thesciencemuseum _theartandsciencefair _environmentalprotection _amodelplane _abeautifulpainting _grassandleaves 2bListenagain.Writeshortanswerstothe questions. 1.Whereistheartandsciencefair? Outsidethesciencemuseum. 2.DoNickandMarcushavetopaytogo? No,theydont. 3.Whatisthemodelplanemadeof? Woodandglass. 4.Whatisthepaintingmadefrom? Grass,leavesandflowers. 2cMakeconversationsusingtheinformation in2aand2b. A:Whatdidyouseeattheartand sciencefair? B:Isaw. A:Whatisitmadeof/from? B:. 2dRole-playtheconversation. Pam:Chinaisfamousfortea,right? LiuJun:Yes,bothinthepastandnow. Pam:WhereisteaproducedinChina? LiuJun:Well,inmanydifferentareas.For example,AnxiandHangzhouare widelyknownfortheirtea. Pam:Howisteaproduced? LiuJun:Well,asfarasIknow,teaplantsare grownonthesidesofmountains.When theleavesareready,theyarepickedby Whatisfamousinyourcity? Whatisitmadeof?Makea conversationusing2dasa model. Homework Masterthewordsandexpressionsinthis unitandpre-viewnextpart. 【课课 题题】 Unit5 What are the shirts made of? Section A (1a1c) 教师复备栏或 学生笔记栏 【学习目标学习目标】掌握本课单词和短语 be made of be made in; 了解一般现在时态被动语态的结构和用法; 归纳和掌握 make 构成的短语 【学习重点学习重点 难点难点】 熟练掌握 be made of be made in 的运用 【学法指导学法指导】预习-听-说-练 【教学过程教学过程】 一、 导入(启发探究 3 分钟) T: Please take out your things on your desk. We use them every day, do you really know them? Questions: Teacher: Can you tell me what these things are made of? And where are they made? Students: _. The books are made of paper The paper is made from tree. 二、自学(自主探究 6 分钟) 1、拼读、记忆单词 material n. 材料;原料 chopstick n.筷子 coin n. 硬币 fork n. 餐叉;叉子 blouse n.(女式)短上衣;衬衫 silver n. 银;银器 adj. 银色的 glass n. 玻璃 cotton n. 棉;棉花 steel /sti:l/ n. 钢;钢铁 2、用所给动词的正确形式填空,每空一词 1. The apples are sent (send) to the factory for processing. 2. We are all ready but Tom hasnt packed (pack) his clothes yet. 3. The windows of the room are cleaned (clean) every day. 4. The best cotton is produced (produce) in Xing Jiang in China. 5. The song isnt liked (not like) by most of us. 3. 快速阅读 1a 表格部分的内容。把物品和可能构成他们的材料匹配起 来。 (1 分钟) 4、核对检查答案,再次朗读、记忆单词。 【教学过程教学过程】 三、交流(合作探究 10 分钟) 1听录音一次,体会语音语调、句群停顿。(1 分钟) 2. 听第二遍录音,并完成课本上 1b 的听力任务。 (1 分钟) 3、再听录音一次,填空 Susan: Hi, Anita. I three shirts for 29 dollars yesterday! Anita: Oh, really? What are they of though? Sometimes the cheap ones are made of materials that dont feel very good. Susan: A hundred percent . Theyre nice and soft, and they were made in America. Anita: Oh, OK. By the way, where did you buy those ? Theyre really cool! Susan: O h, I them in Korea. Theyre nice, arent they? Anita: Yeah. Chopsticks are usually made of wood. Ive never seen steel ones before. Susan: Oh, steel chopsticks are popular in Korea. Hey, do you think this ring looks OK? Anita: Hmmyes, I think its quite pretty. Is it made of ? Susan: Yes, and it was made in Thailand. Ill give it to my best friend for her birthday. Anita: Oh, Im shell love it. 4. 听第三遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。 (2 分钟) 5、朗读录音材料,模仿语音语调、句群停顿。 (2 分钟) 6、两人一组先练习 1a 中的对话,再模仿 1c 的对话,用 1b 表格中的信 息进行对话练习。并邀请 2-3 对同学当堂进行演示。 (3 分钟) 7. 勾画短语并读背、翻译短语。 (1 分钟) Be made of What are they made of Materials that dont feel very good. A hundred percent cotton Be made in By the way Chopsticks are usually made of wood steel chopsticks are popular in Korea Is it made of silver? 四、总结(引深探究 15 分钟) 1、made of. 由由制(构)成。后接构成某物质的原料。制(构)成。后接构成某物质的原料。 【备课例句】 This skirt is made of silk.这件裙子是用丝绸制成的。 【横向辐射】be made of/from/up of 的区别 1. be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么 保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化。 【例句】:The kite is made of paper风筝是用纸做的。 2. be made from 表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征, 或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。 【例句】The paper is made from wood纸是木头做的。 Butter is made from milk黄油是从牛奶中提炼出来的。 3. be made up of 用构成或组成的。指人、物皆可,指结构成分 【例句】Our class is made up of six groups. 我们班是由六个小组组成 的。 4、be made in 地点 意为“在(地方)制成” ; 5、be made by 意为“被(某人)制成” 。 【课堂变式】 This dish isnt made _meat, its made _vegetables. A. of, of B. of, from C. from, of D. from, from 【解析】由句意可知,这首菜不是肉做的,是从外表形状上看,要 用 of; 这首菜是用蔬菜做的而外上却看不见,要用 from. 故先 C。 活学活用 (1) 这个飞机模型是用木头做的。 The model plane _ _ _wood. (2)葡萄酒是由葡萄酿成的。 Wine _ _ _ grapes. (3) 这些汽车是在上海制造的。 These cars _ _ _ Shanghai. (4)这些蛋糕是我姐姐昨晚制作的。 These cakes _ _ _ my sister last night. 2 2、初中英语、初中英语 make 短语归纳短语归纳 1.make a decision 作出决定 2.make a plan for 为订计划 3.make a record 录制唱片 4.make fun of 取笑某人 5.make sentences 造句 6.make a call 打电话 7.make a promise 答应;允诺 8.make faces 做鬼脸 9.make a mistake 犯错误 10、.make friends 交朋友 11.make up 编出;编造;组成 12.make a film 拍电影 13.make a journey 进行旅行 14.make a study of 对进行研究 15 make progress 取得进步 16.make use of 利用 17.make .into. 把制成18.make a trip 进行旅行 19.make no difference 对没有关系;对没有不同 make big difference 对起作用;对有影响 20.make a noise 吵闹;发噪音 21.make money 赚钱 22.make sure of 确保;确定 23.make up ones mind 下决心 24.make sure 务必;确信;务请 25、.make tea 泡茶 26、.make a success 取得成功 27.make way for 给让路 28. make no answer 不做回答 29. make the bed 铺床 30. make repairs 维修;修理 31. make preparations for 为做准备 32.make a joke about sb 开的玩笑 33. make a mark 作记号 34.make achievements 取得成就 35.make an agreement 达成协议 36.make up for 弥补 37.make a list of 将列表 38.make a copy of 将复制一份 39.make room for 为腾地方 40.make coffee 煮咖啡 41.make a living 谋生 42.make music 创作音乐 43.make trouble 闹事;捣乱 44.make a fire 生火 五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6 分钟) 半系动词半系动词 半系动词通常可以和形容词连用,有些半系动词可以和介词短语或 as if 等连词连用。现将半系动词分为四类进行讨论。 1、 “感官动词”类:look、 feel、 smell、 taste、 sound 等,例如: (1)The story sounds_. A. to be true B. as true C.being true D.true (2)Those oranges taste_.A.good B.well C. to be good D.to be well (3)Are you feeling_ -Yes Im fine now. A.any well B.any better C. quite good D. quite better (4)Do you like the material -Yes it _very well.( A.is feeling B.felt C.feels D.is felt (5)How are you today -Oh I_ as ill as Ido now for a very long time. A.didnt feel B.wasn t feeling C.dont feel D.haven t felt (6)You don t look very_. Are you ill -No Im just a bit tired. A.good B.well C.strong D.healthy 2、 “状态变化”类:get turn go come become grow fall make 等,例如: (1)How long_ each other before they _married? -For about a year. A.have they known get B.did they know were going to get C.do they know are going to get D.had they known got (2)Cleaning women in big cities usually get_by the hour. A.pay B.paying C.paid D.to pay (3) As we joined the big crowd I got _from my friends. A.separated B.spared C.lost D.missed (4)Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not you may _ run over by a car. A.have B.get C.become D.turn (5)How are the team playing -They are playing well but one of them _ hurt. A.got B.gets C.are D.were 3、 “保持不变”类:stay lie stand keep remain continue 等,例如: (1)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple but It remains _ whether they will enjoy it. A.to see B.to be seen C.seeing D.seen (2) -Mummy can I put the peaches in the cupboard -No dear. They dont _well. Put them in the fridge instead. A.keep B.fit C.get D.last (3) Why dont you put the meat in the fridge It will_ fresh for several days. A.be stayed B.stay C.be staying D. have stayed 被动语态练习 ( ) 1. _last week? A. What happened to her B.What was happened to her C. What was she happened ( ) 2. One third of the earths surface _ water. A. is covered by B. was covered by C. covers by ( ) 3. Tables were used _ desks when we were young. A. by B. as C. to ( ) 4. The boy_ Tom is made_ without food every day A. named, work B. called, sing C. named, to dance ( ) 5. Flight MH730 from Malaysia to Beijing disappeared _ March 8. A on B. in C. at ( ) 6. _ is used for making knives in most of China. A. Steel B. Bamboo C. wood ( )7. Silver _ a ring for money. A. is usually made into B. is usually made of C. is usually made from ( ) 8. This is a _ story that I will never forget. A. historical B. history C. historic ( ) 9. I like the dumplings made _ my mother best. A. in B. from C. by ( ) 10. _ are usually put on windows or doors during the Spring Festival. A. Clays B. Paper cuttings C. Sky lanterns 【教学反思教学反思】
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