人教版九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.-Section B 3a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:50265).zip

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Unit 4.I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B (3a-Self Check) 1、Add more words that you know to describe people .(paying attention to use the sentences patterns correctly) Appearance (外貌) short and thin short straight hair I am tall/short/of medium height/of medium duild . I have short hair She is , She has She likes . personality (性格) Shy,outgoing, I am shy . She is shy . She is brave . hobbies (喜好) Music, I like singing the best . Because it is (interesting /exciting/fantastic/wonderful) I dont likebecause it is (boring/) My favorite (subject /color/food /sports/) is She likes.Her favorite (subject /color/food /sports/) is 2. Using these sentence patterns to talk about your changes in the past and now . I used to be_ I used to have_ I used to wear_I used to play_ But now I am _ I like .My favorite (subject /color/food /sports/) is 3.Write about how you have changed . What did you use to be like ? How Ive Changed _ _ _ _ _ 4.Fill in blanks with words proper forms . My life has changed a lot in the last few years. When I was a little child, I used to play with my friends all day long. We _(find)that almost anything could bring fun to _(we). But now, I am growing up, things seem to change _(gradual) that I dont realize. I had a lot of time to play before, but now nearly all my time is spent on study and homework. I used to watch cartoons, ( ) now I prefer news and English programs. Generally speaking, things turn better . Now, I am _(interest) in reading and writing. I think that the more good books I read, the _(much) knowledge I get. The _(big) change in my life was that I began to love sports at the age of ten. This is ( ) most important change. Because I didnt use to play sports after school. When I was ten years old, I often fell ill. ( ) my parents encouraged me to play sports after school. Now Im really interested in sports and Im much_( healthy). 5.Homework : (1)Writing : How Your best friend Has Changed . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2)掌控中考(课外提升作业 P220 第三、四大题) Mr Bai used to be thin , but now he is fat . Do you know him? How has he changed? Write notes about how you have changed in your appearance, perso-nality and hobbies. Then talk with a partner about your changes. 3a3a In the pastNow appearance personality hobbies short and thintall long curly hairshort straight hair shyoutgoing quiet active music dance Try to write two paragraphs. Paragraph 1: General introduction about the changes in your life Paragraph 2: The most important change and how it happened Write about how you have changed. What did you use to be like? Which change is the most important one and why? Writing 3b3b silent, require, absent, fail, interview, take pride in, be proud of, in person, influence, humorous, seldom 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. 1. The mother traveled for many hours to return home to talk to her child _. in person Self Check 2. He used to be a very quiet teenager. He remained _ most of the time and _ talked to other people. 3. If you are always _ from class, you will _the examinations. 4. The teacher _ helping his students win the English competition. silent absen t seldo m fail take pride in 5. Kates grandparents have had a great _ on her. 6. The British teacher is very _. He always tells us interesting jokes. influenc e humorou s 7. People are usually _ to give a general self-introduction in a job _. 8. Tina played very well in the basketball game and her parents _ her. required intervie w were proud of 1. I used to wear _ _. 2. My hair used to be _. 3. I used to watch _. 4. I used to play _. 5. I used to be _ _. black and short cartoons on weekends 2. What did you use to be like when you were in primary school? Complete these statements. afraid of speaking before strangers ping-pong after school jackets, jeans and sports shoes 1、(1)Writing : How Your English Teacher Has Changed . 2、(2)掌控中考(课外提升作业掌控中考(课外提升作业P220第三、四大题)第三、四大题) Homewor k Thank you! Unit 4.I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B (3a-Self Check) 1、Add more words that you know to describe people .(paying attention to use the sentences patterns correctly) Appearance (外貌) short and thin short straight hair I am tall/short/of medium height/of medium duild . I have short hair She is , She has She likes . personality (性格) Shy,outgoing, I am shy . She is shy . She is brave . hobbies (喜好) Music, I like singing the best . Because it is (interesting /exciting/fantastic/wonderful) I dont likebecause it is (boring/) My favorite (subject /color/food /sports/) is She likes.Her favorite (subject /color/food /sports/) is 2. Using these sentence patterns to talk about your changes in the past and now . I used to be_ I used to have_ I used to wear_I used to play_ But now I am _ I like .My favorite (subject /color/food /sports/) is 3.Write about how you have changed . What did you use to be like ? How Ive Changed _ _ _ _ _ 4.Fill in blanks with words proper forms . My life has changed a lot in the last few years. When I was a little child, I used to play with my friends all day long. We _(find)that almost anything could bring fun to _(we). But now, I am growing up, things seem to change _(gradual) that I dont realize. I had a lot of time to play before, but now nearly all my time is spent on study and homework. I used to watch cartoons, ( ) now I prefer news and English programs. Generally speaking, things turn better . Now, I am _(interest) in reading and writing. I think that the more good books I read, the _(much) knowledge I get. The _(big) change in my life was that I began to love sports at the age of ten. This is ( ) most important change. Because I didnt use to play sports after school. When I was ten years old, I often fell ill. ( ) my parents encouraged me to play sports after school. Now Im really interested in sports and Im much_( healthy). 5.Homework : (1)Writing : How Your best friend Has Changed . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2)掌控中考(课外提升作业 P220 第三、四大题) 章章 节节 Unit 4.I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B (3a- Self Check) 第 6 课时 课课 题题 Unit 4.I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B (3a- Self Check) 课型:写作课 教学目标教学目标 1.1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1) 能通过人物外貌、性格、喜好谈论熟悉的人。 2) 能通过人物外貌、性格、喜好谈论熟悉的人的过去与现在,以及发生的 变化。 3) 学生通过训练明白文章的结构包含开头,正文以及结尾。 4)结合宁夏中考作文赋分标准评价学生作文,让学生学会审题,列提纲、 动笔写、完善美化文章。 2.2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 1)了解自己及他人在外貌、性格、喜好等方面的变化。 2)生活中充满了变化,变化是成长的印记,让我们做最好的自己,青春无 悔。 重、难点重、难点 使用 is,has 谈论人的身高、外貌、体型等,使用 used to 谈论熟悉人的 过去,结合他的过去和现在写一篇短文。 教学方法教学方法合作探究、速记信息、合作对话、互相评价 应用 1应用 2应用 3应用 4应用 5 多媒体应多媒体应 用用 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图二次备课二次备课 自学检自学检 测测 在导学稿中设计在导学稿中设计 环节一环节一 1. Warming- up and revision 1). Daily greeting. 环节二环节二 2. Lead in (Show a picture ,let Students answer two questions. What does she look like ? Can you guess who she is ?引出新课 1)play games(She is.谈论人的身高、体 学生将作业单 自主预习部分 分享,说出课 前同学们搜集 到的描写外貌、 性格、喜好的 词汇。 刘子婷同学在 班里人缘很好, 是个典型代表。 相信能够引起 学生的浓厚兴 趣。 (设悬 孩子们想探 态,She has 谈论人 的五官、头发等)PK 赛 两组学生。 2)Add more words that you know to describe people .(paying attention to use the sentences patterns correctly)I am tall/short/of medium height/of medium build . I have short hair (1)外貌描写句式结 构:She is , She has She likes .(2)性格描写句式 结构:I am shy . She is shy .(3)喜好描 写句式结构:I like singing the best . Because it is (interesting /exciting/fantastic/wond erful) I dont likebecause it is (boring/) My favorite (subject /color/food /sports/) is She likes.Her favorite (subject /color/food /sports/) is (3)通过刘子婷现在和过 去图片的对比引出 used to,让学生说 关于同学过去的一 些情况。 分享词汇,分 类整理,扩大 学生词汇量 究竟是谁小时 候照片)通过 词汇分享,再 到句子表达, 让学生学会使 用 is,has。 从词到句,循 序渐进。 复习旧知、引 出新知。通过 学生的分享, 扩大学生的词 汇量。将学生 分享词汇分类 汇总。 环节三环节三 3、1)Write something about yourself now and in the past . 使用训练句 式结构。时间五分钟 2)play games (火眼 金睛)选出正确的句子 点击,错误的忽略。PK 赛三组学生。 叫学生分享自 己文章 学生通过写对 目标句型很好 的掌握,同时 通过同伴评价 修改,能够更 好地完善习作。 通过游戏活动 让学生更好地 掌握目标语言, 从而达到熟练 应用。 环节四环节四 4、 How Your Best Friend Has Changed . 1)出示写作提示,八 分钟时间。 2)出示中考作文赋分 标准,学生互评互改。 3)出示参考范文。 4)语法填空训练 交流分享环节 学生写作、交 流分享、互相 评价 学生小结本课 所学:描写人 物外貌、性格、 喜好的单词及 句子。文章的 框架结构(好 开头、好结尾、 美正文) 引出文章包括 开头、正文、 结尾。结合中 考写作赋分标 准,学生互相 评价赋分。做 到有的放矢, 以写促考,练 考结合。今年 宁夏新题型课 堂链接。 当堂作业当堂作业在快乐基础作业单中设计在快乐基础作业单中设计(学生讲解核对答案) 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 4.I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B (3a-Self Check) Appearance(外貌)short straight hair .I am tall/short/of medium height/of medium build . personality(性格)I am shy .She is shy . hobbies(喜好)I like singing the best . Because it is (interesting /exciting/fantastic/wonderful).My favorite (subject /color/food /sports/) is .used to do sth . 信息技术有效应用信息技术有效应用 反思反思 本节课用到了白板的游戏活动功能,很好的攻克了教学 难点,使学生对知识的掌握更直观。基本上上做到了应 用尽用,尽善尽美。以后要深入挖掘电子白板的使用, 使其更好服务于教学。 课堂教学活动组织课堂教学活动组织 有效性反思有效性反思 课堂教学活动组织有序,训练全面,能够做到教学民主, 让不同的学生参与到教学活动中来。同时给予学习困难 学生以鼓励,让他们成为课堂教学的主体,积极参与配 合老师的教学。 整堂课教学效果反整堂课教学效果反 思思 通过写作分享情况看,学生对本节课的知识掌握的不错。 学生都能从人物外貌、性格、喜好等方面描述熟悉的人, 并能通过过去和现在对比发现人物变化,谈论人物变化。 教学反思教学反思 改进措施改进措施 研读大纲,深挖教材。通过大量阅读写作课教学方法类 的书籍和观看优秀写作课视频学习,提高写作课教学技 能,增强课堂教学效果。
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