人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.-Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:902b4).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected._Section B 1a—1e_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:902b4)
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Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Whichfestivaldo youlikebest? Therearemanyfestivalsin Chinaorinothercountries. Do you know the history of April Fools Day? Saysomethingabout AprilFoolsDay. 愚人节也称也称万愚节 。一种说法认为这 一习俗源自印度的“诠俚节”。该节规定, 每年三月三十一日的节日这天,不分男女 老幼,可以互开玩笑、互相愚弄欺骗以换 得娱乐。另一种较普遍的说法是起源于法 国。1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年 法格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以一 月一日为一年的开端,改变了过去以四月 一日作为新年开端的历法。 新历法推行过程中,一些因循守旧的人 反对这种改革仍沿袭旧历,拒绝更新。 他们依旧在四月一日这天互赠礼物,组 织庆祝新年的活动。主张改革的人对这 些守旧者的做法大加嘲弄。聪明滑稽的 人在四月一日这天给顽固派赠送假礼物 ,邀请他们参加假庆祝会,并把这些受 愚弄的人称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩之鱼” 。所以每年四月一日,是西方的民间传 统节日愚人节 。 愚人节贺卡 参加鱼宴的帖,通常是用纸板 做成的彩色小鱼。餐桌用绿、 白两色装饰起来中间放上鱼 缸和小巧玲珑的钓鱼竿,每个 钓竿上系一条绿色飘带,挂着 送给客人的礼物或是鱼形 工艺品,或是一个装满糖果的 鱼篮子。 愚人节习俗 - 4月1日的鱼宴 不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜都是用鱼做成。宴会上, 主人端上以鱼为原料精心烹制的菜肴,煎炸烤烧, 应有尽有。根据传统风俗,主人往往在宴会上给客 人们做假菜,这种假菜宴更增添了轻松欢快的节日 气氛。宴会结束后,主人以糖果招待客人,不过, 糖果不是放在果盘中,而是放在药盒里。 愚人节的象征 黄水仙是愚人节的象征。愚人节时, 人们常常组织家庭聚会,用水仙花和雏菊把 房间装饰一新。典型的传统做法是布置假环境, 可以把房间布置得象过圣诞节一样。 也可以布置得像 过新年一样,待客人来时, 则祝贺他们“圣诞快乐” 或“新年快乐”,令人感 到别致有趣。 None is a fool always, every one sometimes. 没有终身的傻瓜, 也没有终身不当 傻瓜的人 If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. 聪明人做起糊涂事来,那才糊涂透顶。 愚人谚语 HowtocelebrateAprilFoolsDay? 愚人节怎 么过呢? 在愚人节基本 上不是整别人 就是被人整 ! 1a Put these words in the correct columns in the chart. Some words can go in more than one column. fool invite costume embarrassed go off call get dressed empty show up realize change clock tired stay up n.(特 定场合 穿的) 服装; 装束 adj.窘 迫的 ,害 羞的 Nouns (people,places, things) Verbs (actionwords) Adjectives (description words) foolfoolembarrassed invite, go off call, get dressed show up realize, change stay up costume call change clock empty tired Usethewordstomakesentences. 1.每天早上我很快穿好衣服。 Igetdressedquicklyeverymorning. 2.整个晚上我都感到很尴尬。 Ifeltembarrassedthewholeevening. 3.当我意识到了自己的错误时,觉得自己 像个傻瓜。 IfeltlikeafoolwhenIrealizedmymistake. JoeNickDave 1c Dave, Nick and Joe are talking about April Fools Day. Listen and write each persons name under the correct picture. 1._acostumeparty 2._myalarmwentoff 3._stayedupallnight 4._wastired 5._wasreallyembarrassed 6._theotherkidsshowedup D N J J D N 1d Listen again. Who says each of the phrases below? Write D for Dave, N for Nick and J for Joe. A:WhathappenedtoDaveonApril FoolsDay? B:Well,afriendinvitedhimtoa costumeparty Tell April Fools Day stories in your group. Use the information in 1c and 1d. 化装舞会 1e 根据汉语意思完成下面的句子。 1.人们相互开各种各样的玩笑。 People_allkindsof_each other. 2.她父亲抚养她直到她结婚。 Herfathersupportedheruntilshe_ _. 3.一架飞机将降落在机场。 Aplanewill_theairport. playjokeswith got married landon 4.生日晚会什么时候举行? Whenwillthebirthdayparty_? 5.这个小男孩想要尽可能多的礼物。 Thelittleboywants_ possible. 6.我下个月底会回来。 Iwillbeback_next month. takeplace asmanypresentsas bytheendof 7.这家商店的衬衫都卖光了。 Theshop_alltheirshirts. 8.我穿好衣服吃早餐。 I_andhadbreakfast. 9.你觉得这里的食物怎么样? _doyou_thefoodhere? 10.当他问到我这个问题时我恰好读过这篇文 章。 I_tohavereadthearticlewhenhe askedmeaboutit. soldout gotdressed Howfeelabout happened Writeadiaryaboutyourluckyor unluckyday. 【学习目标】 1)Review some phrase by showing the pictures on the screen. 2)Learn some new words and phrases by showing some pictures on the screen. 3)From words to sentences. 【重点】愚人节一种发生在世界上不同国家的庆祝活动。 【难点】能运用更丰富的语言描述遇到的问题;提出有针对性 的建议 【自学指导】 1、自己读 1a 短语并查出意思。 2、读 1b 短句并查出意思。21 世纪教育网 3、小组合作把重点短语短句展示在黑板上,重要单词下划 线。 Step1. Warm up April Fools Day is a celebration that takes place in different countries around the world. Step 2 Listening practice. 1c&1d 1) Talk about the instructions with the class. Point out the sample answer. 2) Play the recording the first time .Students only listen. 3) Play the recording a second time. Ask the students check off their answers. 4) Check the answers. 【自主合作】 1、听力练习 1c,小组检查核对。21 世纪教育网 2、听力练习 1d,小组核对答案. 【合作探究】 Step3 1e 1) Read the instructions to the class. 2) Point to the map and tell students they can talk about any of the places on the map. 3) Ask the students to work in pairs. 4) Ask a few pairs to present their conversations. 目标目标:使用目标语言指导口语练习使用目标语言指导口语练习 1)Read the instructions to the class. 2)Point to the sample dialogue. 3)Then have the students work in pairs. 4)Check the answers by calling on different pairs of students to present their conversations to the class. Step4.Aims: This activity provides reading practice using 导入愚人节 的来历,让 学生了解愚 人节。 听力练习 小组合作学 习 the target language. 1) Talk about the instructions with the class. 2) Skimming: Ask the students to skim the article and then answer some questions. 3) Scanning: Ask the students to read again and answer some detailed questions. 4) Talk about some target language in this article. Step 5 Aims: This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. 1) Read the instructions to the class. 2) Ask a pair of students to read the sample dialogue to the class. 3) Then ask the students to work in pairs. Ask 3 pairs of students to present their conversations to the class. 【达标检测】 Do some exercise. Aims: This activity provides oral practice using the target language. 1) Read the instructions to the class. 2) Ask two students to read the dialogue. 3) Ask another two students to talk about something else they have done. 4) Ask students to complete the work in pairs. 5) Ask a few students to share their lists. 6) Make up a passage according to the survey. 7) Share some passages. 【总结反思】 1.加强学生小组合作探究 2.培养学生自主学习 【课后作业】 完成练案 unit 1 B1a-1d。 做练习,查 缺补漏
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