- 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7._Section B 1a—1e_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_省级优课_(编号:a023e)
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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. ( Section B 1a-1e ) The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang I would like to show people the beauty of the City Wall. I hope to become a photographer. I am a dreamer. Dreamer I planned to practice taking photos a lot and get some professional instructions in order to become a photographer. Now, I have taken thousands of photos of the City Wall in the past 6 years. I am a doer, also. Doer The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The happiest thing in the world is to strive for an ideal. Socrates 世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。苏格拉底 语言支架体系建构 I Brackets + Systems + Constructions Iknowyouhaveyourowndreams.Some of youhope topass the exams to get into seniorhighschool.Someofyousaythatthey wanttoplayinabandandtheyhopetogetinto a music school. If youwould liketo go into space,youcanbeanastronaut.Someofyou aregoingtoimprovetheirEnglishsothatthey canteachkidsEnglishinthefuturelikeme. So,goforit.Ibelieveinyou,allofyou. Listen & Feel 1 Whatdoyouhopetodointhefuture? PlantodoHopetodo 1 passtheexamgetintoaseniorhighschool 2 getabusinessdegreebecomeamanager 3 . 4 5 2 List & Evaluate Recall & Summarize Life is like a running river. 3 We walked from the past. We are living at present. And we will head to the future. 动词基本形式与时态对应表 形式 一现现一过过一将现进现进过过 进进 现现完被 动动 do does did done doing 3 Recall & Summarize “计划愿望”谓语构成形式归纳表 1 would like to dowill do 2 want to dobe (about) to do 3 hope to dobe going to do 4 wish to dobe looking forward to doing 5 plan to dobe doing 3 Recall & Summarize 支架应用模仿实践 II Application + Imitation + Practice Todayisthestudentslastclass.Bobfeels_ aboutitandthinksMrs.Chensclasseshave been_.Thestudentstalkaboutwhattheywantto dointhefuture.Bobhopesto_theexamtogetinto senior high school. Shirley wants to get into a _ school.Kenisgoodat_andhewona_for it. So he wants to be a(an)_. Mrs. Chen believesinallofthemandtellsthemto“_”.To celebrate the end of junior high, they are having a _.TheyaskMrs.Chentocome,andsheishappyto accepttheinvitation. Listen + Check + Complete 21 sad great pass musi c scienc e prize astronau t goforit party List & Check 3 HopetodoPlan to do 1. become a managera.passtheexam 2. get into a senior high school b.beanastronaut 3. play in a bandc.getabusinessdegree 4. go into spaced.improveEnglish 5. teach kids Englishe.getintoamusicschool 6. achieve dreamsf.goforitandholdontoit Whatdoyouhopetodointhefuture? Roles HopetodoPlantodo A B C D E 4 Read + Role Play 情境评价表达综合 III Evaluation + Expression + Comprehension Think + Write + Evaluate + Show 4 1. How have you changed since you started junior high school? 2. Who has helped you most? 3. What advice have your parents given you? 4. What will you do after you graduate? 5. What are you looking forward to? 321 Thepasthaspassed.Thefutureisontheway.Whatwecancatchisthe present. We are the present ! A You are my prides forever ! luck y The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang The City Wall in Datong City - By Gao Huifang Carve without stop, even metal and stone can be engraved. Hsun Tzu 锲而不舍,金石可镂。荀子劝学 luck y Be not only a dreamer but also a doer. lucky Try to become the change we want to see in the world ! lucky 1 二、二、教学设计教学设计 基于核心素养内涵、认知分类目标和课标五级标准的 听说课教学设计听说课教学设计 分类分类 目标目标 主题主题 意义意义 内容内容 策略策略 教学教学 步骤步骤 学习学习 活动活动 活动活动 方式方式 素养素养 标准标准 语言语言 支架支架 体系体系 建构建构 唤醒 理想 感悟 文化 知识输入 理想归纳 一将归纳 现完对照 热身热身 复习复习 建构建构 头脑风暴热身 对话熟悉知识 汇总构建支架 列表建构体系 小组列举 师生回顾 小组总结 教师引申 语法体系 语言文化 发展素养 技能技能 训练训练 变式变式 训练训练 听力选择 听力填空 听后列表 集体选择 集体填空 个人列表 五级标准 逻辑思维 学会学习 支架支架 应用应用 模仿模仿 实践实践 倾听 表达 校准 自我 技能输出 听力训练 口语模仿 策略强调 情思渗透 应用应用 实践实践 口语模仿训练 口语模仿展示 五人训练 五人展示 五级标准 学会学习 情境情境 评价评价 表达表达 综合综合 情感 立场 批判 创新 创新输出 时态对照 演讲回顾 判断评价 综合展示 拓展拓展 迁移迁移 书面简答问题 评价推举讲者 整合创新演讲 呈现整合演讲 个人简答 小组推举 集体完善 推举呈现 五级标准 理性思维 学会学习 三、学习设计三、学习设计 2 ILearning Aims(学习目标)(学习目标) 1. 语言能力目标语言能力目标 知识建构目标:知识建构目标:通过运用职业名词、表达职业理想实现必然条件的动词 1 1 短语、以及 hope to do,wish to do, want to do,would like to do,will do,be going to do,be doing,be to do,be about to do 句式,建构表达“未来计划和 安排、意愿和打算、希望和愿望”的语言支架;通过现在完成时句式的对照应 用,建构表达成长过程和结果的语言支架。 听力技能目标:听力技能目标:通过识别听力情境和回忆语言支架,预测“计划和安排、 2 2 意愿和打算、希望和愿望”话题下的对话及语篇,捕捉大意和主题,提炼解释 关键信息,理解说话人的意图和态度,评价听力内容。 口语技能目标:口语技能目标:通过带入相同语境,实施语言支架下的角色模仿训练, 3 3 在操作中熟练提供和交流信息,乐于表达个人观点和态度,掌握倾听和呼应的 技能,把握谈话线索和轮次,有效询问信息和澄清意见。 综合语用目标综合语用目标:通过创设毕业演讲的新情境,设计演讲提纲,调查他人 4 4 提纲要点,判断选择最佳演讲组员,评价分组演讲成果,整合各组演讲精华, 推举最终演讲提纲和呈现。 2. 文化意识目标文化意识目标 语言文化目标:语言文化目标:通过对实现职业理想必然条件以及表达未来计划和安排 1 1 句式的汇总,通过比较同一话题下现在完成时的应用句式,渗透英语课标语法 体系,形成同一话题和功能下语言表达多样性的意识。 交际策略目标:交际策略目标:通过听说训练中话题引出、对话维持、插话话轮等技能 2 2 的强调训练,掌握交际过程中表达情感态度的策略和方式。 情感价值目标:情感价值目标:通过毕业演讲活动的提纲设计,增加毕业生感恩与明志 3 3 的情感体验,明确学习和生活的价值取向,确立未来社会生活方式和行为方式 的正能量方向。 态度立场目标:态度立场目标:通过判断、选择、评价最佳演讲者的实施过程,明确自 4 4 我态度和立场,形成文化认同和鉴别能力。 3. 思维品质目标思维品质目标 逻辑性思维目标:逻辑性思维目标:通过观察、归纳表达职业的名词、实现理想必然条件 1 1 3 的动词短语、以及未来计划与安排的句式,通过比较同一话题下现在完成时的 词句,理解话题词句的内涵与外延,提炼话题词句的共性特征,建立正确合理 的语言支架。 批判性思维目标:批判性思维目标:通过解释说明自我职业计划设计的原因,通过分析评 2 2 估队友毕业计划优劣的证据和标准,进行自我职业计划和毕业计划的判断与校 准。 创新性思维目标:创新性思维目标:通过思考自我、联想经验、直觉他人等综合性、探索 3 3 性和求新性的思维活动,开拓话题下的新认知、新创造。 4. 学习能力目标学习能力目标 意识和兴趣目标:意识和兴趣目标:通过未来计划的情境预测和创设,唤醒设计未来的意 1 1 识和兴趣。 态度和动机目标态度和动机目标:通过对成长过程的回顾,通过判断、选择队友的演讲 2 2 作品,明确感恩和正向评价的态度,确立自我规划的合理动机。 习惯和策略目标:习惯和策略目标: 通过归纳职业理想词汇和未来计划句式,培养知识体 3 3 系建构的习惯;通过观察、倾听、判断和评价他人未来计划,培养理解应用旧 知识和创造新情境、新知识、新思维、新设计、新呈现的能力。 5. 发展素养目标发展素养目标 人文情怀目标:人文情怀目标:通过对成长经历的回顾和未来发展的理性设计,进行理 1 1 想人格的塑造,浸染价值尊严的追求。 社会责任目标:社会责任目标:通过对未来规划的自我设计和对他人规划的评价,强调 2 2 道德义务自觉和行为标准自觉。 国家认同目标:国家认同目标:通过未来设计中对国家情怀和国际视野的引申,树立民 3 3 族文化自信,升华国家民族情感。 理性思维目标:理性思维目标:通过对自我规划的校准和他人成长的评价与反思,提升 4 4 对知识信息和成长事件的敏感力、观察力和分析判断力,建构体验批判性思维 和创新性思维。 II. Learning Focus(学习重点)(学习重点) 1. 构建表达“未来计划和安排、意愿和打算、希望和意愿”的词句体系,比较对 照现在完成时的表达语境与句式。 4 2. 运用一般将来时和现在完成时进行听说训练和毕业演讲。 III. Learning challenges(学习难点)(学习难点) 1. 运用恰当时态进行毕业演讲设计、呈现、评价、整合、再呈现。 IV. Learning methods(学习方式)(学习方式) 1. 小组知识归纳 2. 集体听学对话 3. 小组模仿对话 4. 个人设计演讲 5. 小组合成演讲 6. 演讲展示评价 7. 集体创新演讲 VLearning procedures(学习过程)(学习过程) 第一部分第一部分 语言支架体系建构(语言支架体系建构(15m15m) 语法体系语法体系 + + 语言文化语言文化 + + 情感立场情感立场 + + 发展素养发展素养 I. Listen and feel: (教师自述,学生感知)(教师自述,学生感知) The happiest thing in the world is to strive for an ideal.-Socrates I have taught for 30 years and I have had different dreams for 30 years. One of them is to help my students to be better and more useful persons in their worlds. And I think I have achieved it. I would also like to become a writer, but it needs not only enough life experiences but also the rich thoughts and the strong pens. So I hope to get a literature degree and become a writer. My students, you are great. I know you have your own dreams. Some of you hope to pass the exams to get into senior high school. Some of you say that they want to play in a band and they hope to get into a music school. If you would like to go into space, you can be an astronaut. Some of you are going to improve their English so that they can teach kids English in the future like me. So, go for it. I believe in you, all of you. After all, carve without stop, even metal and stone can be engraved.(锲而不 舍,金石可镂) II. List and evaluate:(学生列举,教师评价):(学生列举,教师评价) 1. hope to get a business degree and become a manager 2. hope to pass the exam and get into a senior high school 3. want to get into a music school and play in a band 4. . III. Recall and summarize:(师生互动,回顾总结)(师生互动,回顾总结) 1. Recall the definitions and the uses of the tenses(师生) future presentpast A EBDC 5 2. Summarize the main structures for the future plans(小组) Would like to do, want to do, wish to do, hope to do, will do, be going to do, be doing, be to do, be about to do, be looking forward to doing IV. Conclude and compare:(教师归纳,总结比较)(教师归纳,总结比较) 动词基本形式与时态对应表动词基本形式与时态对应表 形式形式一现一现一过一过一将一将现进现进过进过进现完现完被动被动 do does did done doing “计划愿望计划愿望” 谓语构成形式谓语构成形式 归纳表归纳表 1would like to dobe doing 2want to dobe (about) to do 3wish to dowill do 4pope to dobe going to do 5plan to dobe looking forward to doing 第二部分第二部分 支架应用模仿实践(支架应用模仿实践(15m15m) 五级标准五级标准 + + 理性思维理性思维 + + 态度策略态度策略 + + 学会学习学会学习 I Listen and check: (集体听力,集体选择)(集体听力,集体选择) II. Listen and complete:(集体听力,两人核查):(集体听力,两人核查) Today is the students last class. Bob feels _ about it and thinks Mrs. Chens classes have been_. The students talk about what they want to do in the future. Bob hopes to _ the exam to get into senior high school. Shirley wants to get into a _ school. Ken is good at _ and he won a _ for it. So he wants to be a(an)_. Mrs. Chen believes in all of them and tells them to “_”. To celebrate the end of junior high, they are having a _. They ask Mrs. Chen to come, and she is happy to accept the invitation. III. List and check:(教材改编,列表匹配):(教材改编,列表匹配) Hope to doHave to do 1. become a managera.pass the exam 2. get into a senior high schoolb. be an astronaut 3. play in a bandc.get a business degree 6 4. go into spaced. improve English 5. teach kids Englishe.get into a music school 6. achieve dreamsf.go for it and hold on to it IV Role play: (模仿实践,角色对话)(模仿实践,角色对话) 第三部分第三部分 情境评价表达综合情境评价表达综合 (15m)(15m) 五级标准五级标准 + + 理性思维理性思维 + + 态度策略态度策略 + + 学会学习学会学习 I.Think and write:(自主构思,同伴展演)(自主构思,同伴展演) 1. How have you changed since you started junior high school? 2. Who has helped you most? 3. What advice have your parents given you? 4. What will you do after you graduate? 5. What are you looking forward to? II. Show and choose:(小组选举,组内展示):(小组选举,组内展示) IIIShow and evaluate:(全班展示,评价推选):(全班展示,评价推选) IVOptimize and show:(集体优化,汇总展示):(集体优化,汇总展示) 结语:结语: The past has passed. The future is on the way. What we can catch is the present. You are my prides forever! Carve without stop, even metal and stone can be engraved. Try to become the change we want to see in the world!